Sheriff Policy Manual Chapter 2 Flashcards
Reporting violations of regulations
Employees with knowledge of an employee in violation of the BSO rules and regulations will report the violation to their immediate supervisor or IA as soon as___.
Ethics training will be provided to all employees at least___.
Biannually every two years
Conduct unbecoming an employee
Since conduct of employees on or off duty may reflect directly on BSO they should conduct themselves at all times and a manner which does not_____.
Discredit themselves ,BSO, or the county
Failure to meet BSO standards includes but is not limited to.
– Lack of knowledge of laws and procedures relevant to the performance of duty
– Unwillingness or inability to perform assigned duties or satisfy standards of performance establish for the position.
All employees must report any criminal history occurring prior to or after their date of employment. Disclosure must be made within___hours of the incident or as soon as practical.
Employees about to constitute a civil action arising of their employment will notify the sheriff When…
Before filing suit.
Employees sued as a result on incident arising out of their employment will immediately notify their___,___, and the___.
Supervisor, risk management, and the office of General Counsel.
Stolen / loss of BSO property
What must you do.
- Employees will immediately make verbal notification to their supervisor.
- If the property may become a security risk, employee will notify communications.
3 . employees will prepare an event report BSO RP#1 and submit to their supervisor.
- Supervisor sends copy of report to department director or IA for filing.
- employee sends copy of event report to specific unit issuing the property.
- Lost or stolen property entered in the teletype system.
- BSO county and domestic security advised.
Damage to BSO property
What do you do.
Employee employees notify supervisor via memo as soon as practical after incident occurs
Conflicting orders.
Employee will respectfully inform the supervisor___the order of the__.
If the supervisor does not___or___conflicting order it will stand.
The responsibility at this point is with the___.
Employees of a conflicting orders will submit a report of the incident to a___via the___.
Supervisor issuing the order of the conflict
Alter or retract.
Higher authority via the chain of command
Employees standards of conduct
These standards of conduct are intended to govern employee conduct while facilitating ________ and ______
BSO goals and objectives
Employees should not undertake any ________ they know or should know they are unable to meet any pay all just ______. when due. Prolonged or severe instances of financial irresponsibility may be cause for disciplinary action.
financial obligation
Filing a voluntary _______ petition will not, be cause for discipline, provided a _________ effort to settle all accounts is being undertaken
good faith
Employees will not engage in gossip, public criticism, or ridicule of agency employees, policies or procedures by talking, writing to expressing in any manner, where such actions are:
with reckless disregard for the truth
an impairment to the operation or interferes with the efficiency of the Sheriff’s Office
Employees will make every effort to resolve conflicts ________ and notify their supervisor of their concerns
A gift taken by a employee is __________, if the understanding or expectation that the employee’s official conduct will be influenced by the receipt of the gift or the receipt of the gift causes the appearance of __________. The policy stated there is no legitimate reason for an employee to receive a gratuity or “tip” for properly performing their duties as a BSO employee.
Conflict of interest
A situation in which regard for private interest tends to lead to disregard of a public duty to interest
Done with a wrongful intent and for the purpose of obtaining or compensating or receiving compensation for any benefit resulting from some act or omission of an employee which is inconsistent with the proper performance of their duties
Sexual Misconduct
Any behavior that takes advantage of the employee’s authority and power (including force) in order to commit a sexual act, initiate sexual contact with another person. It also includes any communication or behavior that would likely be construed as lewd, lascivious, inappropriate, or conduct unbecoming.
Sexual misconduct includes
Sexual context by force ( assault & rape)
Sexual shakedown – Extorting sexual favors in exchange for not ticketing or arresting
Gratuitous physical contact with suspects – inappropriate or unnecessary searches
Sexual behavior while on duty (viewing or distributing pornographic images, sexting, demonstrating sexual behavior with oneself, another employee or citizen)
Sexually motivated voyeuristic actions
Inappropriate and unauthorized use of agency resources or information systems for sexual activities other than for legitimate law enforcement purposes.
Employees receiving a complaint of sexual misconduct of another employee will follow procedures as outlines in —-
“Employee Complaint and Disciplinary process” section of the Sheriffs policy manual
Employees having knowledge of sexual misconduct by another employee have an obligation to report the violation to a ______ or ____ and are protected from retaliation for a good faith report of sexual misconduct
supervisor or IA
Any employee who has knowledge of and fails to report sexual misconduct by another employee will be subject to disciplinary action, except
When the employee is the victim
2 - 25
Employees will promptly obey a supervisors lawful orders. This includes orders relayed from a supervisor by any employee of the ____ or _____ rank and an __________ when conducting an official internal investigation.
IA investigator
A lawful order is an order …….
which employees should reasonably believe to be in keeping with the performance of their duties.
Insubordination will include …..
disobeying a lawful order and conduct directed at a supervisor which is disrespectful, mutinous, insolent, or abusive
2- 27
Employees changing their address and/ or telephone number will be required to do so electronically through _______ within ____hrs of the change.
24 hrs
Employees must supply BSO with a physical home address. ___________ will not be accepted as home address, however _______ may be used as a employees mailing address
PO Boxes
PO Boxes
2- 28
Employees receiving official communications directed to another employee will ……
send it without delay to the intended recipient
Supervisors receiving written communications from their employees, directed to a higher authority will …….
indicate acknowledgement of the content and send it through the C.O.C.
2- 29
BSO recognizes alcoholism as a
treatable illness
Incidents where the employees injury cannot be classified as first aid under Florida Workers Compensation or property damage is estimated to be at least $100.
Reasonable Suspicion Drug Test
Drug test based on the possibility an employee is using or has used drugs in violation of policy and determined by reasonable facts based on:
Direct observation of drug use or physical symptoms or indications of being under a drugs influence.
Abnormal conduct or behavior at work or job performance deterioration
Drug use reports given by reliable or credible sources, independently corroborated
Evidence employee tampered with drug tests during their BSO employment
Information that an employee has caused , contributed to or been involved in an accident while on duty
Evidence employees used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred drugs while on duty, on BSO premises, or operating BSO vehicles, machinery or equipment.
Employees will not consume alcohol when wearing ………
any part of the BSO uniform
Employees will not consume alcohol off duty to the extent ;
It results in inappropriate or offensive behavior tending to discredit themselves or BSO
It renders them unable or unfit to report for their next regular tour of duty
Reasonable Suspicion of Impairment
If the supervisor believes an employees ability is impaired, a supervisor may remove an employee from his or her duties and direct the employee submit to reasonable ___________. It is recommended that the reporting supervisor seek another independent observation by a ___________ to confirm the findings of reasonable suspicion of impairment.
reasonable suspicion drug testing
supervisor of equal or higher rank
Observations leading to the reasonable suspicion the employee may be impaired and actions taken must be documented on a …….
memorandom and submitted to the appropriate C.O.C.
The supervisor will ensure ________ for the employee as soon as practical to BSOs contracted test laboratory
The supervisor will ensure than an employee who may be impaired will not be permitted to operate a vehicle ( to drive home etc)
The supervisor will make an expeditious notification to the _________ regarding the reasonable suspicions and the actions taken
respective commander
2- 30
” No Smoking” area signs will be posted in the following places:
Entrance to BSO facilities
Visitors lobbies
Employee lounges
2- 32
Intentional discrimination in which employment decision are determined based on an individuals race, color, creed, sex, age, religion, etc….
Disparate Treatment
Different treatment of a person or group based on a protected class
Engaging in a course or pattern of unwanted verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct directed at a particular person or group , serving no legitimate purpose and includes gestures, touches, innuendos, epithets, proportions, threats, or any other actions which annoy, alarm, frighten, abuse, or insult another person in any manner.
The Equal Employment Oppurtunity Division is BSO’s reviewing authority involving unlawful _________ and as such, has the vested authority to investigate complaints of __________
employment practices
discrimatory practices
Communicating directly or indirectly , with the Sheriff or other employee of BSO for the purpose of influencing the award of a purchasing contract or bid award
Any person employed, retained or otherwise compensated by a principal or client who engages in lobbying
Cone of Silence
A prohibition of any communication regarding any competitive solicitation between any person who seeks an award from BSO, including a potential vendor.
Employees entering EAP for drug / alcohol issues must submit to random drug test on a ………
quarterly, semi annually or annual basis for up to 2 years