Strategies and Tactics Flashcards
Hazards in stripmalls:
Occupancies are often _____
Each occupancy presents _____
Almost every roof is _____ or ______
In the attic fire can run unchecked ______
Metal roof decks will allow fire spread by ___
Tar is used on metal + wood roof decks it is ___
Different hazards + fire behavior
Lightweight wood or metal roof - 1 truss fails multiple will fail
Combustible and can ignite
Strip malls or strip center construction
Long narrow one story buildings
Typically masonry walls
May or may not have fire walls
Front of building often have large _____ + ____, that may be secured at night by ______ or _______
Rear door are usually
Windows + glass doors
Roll gates and shutters
Standard single 32 to 36 swinging door
Overhaul in commercial building:
It may be necessary to request:
Because they undergo visual change to try to keep buildings looking new, ______ are created by renovations.
Materials not exposed to fire should be:
Outside contractors Ex. Forklifts, cranes
Voids + hidden spaces
Covered or removed
Ventilation in Commercial building
____ may be required
____ may be necessary
Fans can be used w/ horizontal vent but remember:
If you open skylights or vents, make sure:
Verticle Ventilation
a trench cut
May intensify or spread fire
It is as close to the body of fire as possible
Extinguishment in Commercial if fire already so large handlines are ineffective:
FF should use:
Make use of any:
Hand lines of _______ inches or more are needed
Do not attack the fire with:
Larger hose=
Heavy elevated streams, ground monitors, large handlines, deck guns
Built in fire protection systems
2 1/2
Less than the volume required
Less friction loss, more water at point of attack
When fire spreads from floor to floor as a result of fire coming out of a window and into the one above. Also may be called _____
Auto extension or autoexposure
Commercial Buildings
_____ and _____ is common in people today
They may not leave when alarm sounds.
Exposure protection should be ____ and ____
Exposure method on closely exposed buildings:
Hoseliness should be placed to support:
Large open areas make confinement tough heat and smoke and fire can spread by _____
Complacency and disregard
Internal and external (large structures)
Flow water using large hose lines or master streams on the exposed buildings
* Autoextension is possible by extension of fire through windows
Search and rescue in Commercial buildings: People tend to leave: Check rear exits because: Evacuation should begin: \_\_\_\_\_\_ may be a option depending on:
The way they came in
They can be blocked by storage (look for victims)
Firebuilding , 2 adjacent buildings, work outward
Shelter in place
Depending on severity of the incident and number of evacuees
Commercial Buildings
High ceilings make it hard to assess true heat intensity ______ can occur with very little warning
Many occupants also build ______ for storage
a second floor
- collapse hazard
- Life hazard is typically reduced in the overnight hrs. however some stay running 24/7, also ,some apps on the floor above
Comm BLDG Accountability must be established: Preferably a RIC should be assigned: Storage often blocks: It is essential to have a : FF's working without hoselines should use:
At every entrance and exit point at every entrance Means of egress in the rear of the strucuture well thought out evac plan a guide rope
Comm Building
It is best to begin preplanning when:
The building is under construction
Commercial occupancies can be broken down into 3 catgories
Mercantile - Retail business, supermarkets, dept store, drug store
Business - Courthouses, barbershops, doc office, they provide a service to the public
Industrial properties - Factory or a manufacturing location
ONCE ______ is accomplished in a MFD _____ operations can begin
Both ______ and _____ are indicated for garden apt’s
Horizontal and vertical ventilation
Garden Apt
typically have balconies with large glass openings. Fire can ____
Balconies can store:
Usually TL’s can’t be used because
Extend rapidly through these opening to the upper floors and the cockloft
Hazardous materials
They can’t reach the building
Generally constructed of wood built during baby boomer generation can be covered by siding or brick veneer 2 to 4 stories high up to several hundred ft in length present large fire loads placement of entrances causes access problems
Garden apartments
because they are surrounded by landscaping instead of concrete
Brownstone MFD’s
Brickwalls separate each building including:
When a pocket door is closed
if the fire is located on the first floor
the first line should be pulled to:
the cockloft area
it creates void for vertical extension
the second floor to protect the stairs from fire spread or a second line can be stretched to the first floor entrance to extinguish the fire. The latter method is preferred.
Pg 264
Brownstone MFD’s
Built with a high stoop that leads:
Under the high stoop is the ______ entrance
Below that is the ________
Second floor parlor * main floor
first floor or basement
Built using non fire resistive materials
exterior is made of stone masonry, which is how it got its name
3 to 5 stories high
used to be occupied by a rich family
now every invidual room is rented out and tenants share kitchen and bathrooms
Can take up entire block
Brown stone
Multiple family dwellings
Row Frame MFD's In a rapidly spreading cockloft fire: Top floor fires are very dangerous \_\_\_\_\_\_ is critical \_\_\_\_\_ is often necessary
Crews may have to operate a few buildings down to get ahead of the fire
Roof ventialtion
Trench cut
Row Frame MFD
Because of maneuverability _____ or ____ inch hoselines are recommended
Should also stretch lines to :
Any line stretched must be:
1 1/2 or 1 3/4
Top floor of fire building and top floors of adjoining structures
Long enough to cover the entire structure, front to rear
One of the greatest threats to FF safety in row frame MFD is :
It is prudent to begin roof ops ______
Preferred access to roof in a row frame is ____
FF operating on fire escapes should be aware that
- common cockloft*
underestimating the amount of manpower needed
Tower ladder (common attic space)
It can pull away from the building and collapse
General concern with row frame MFD’s:
Timing is _______
Rapid fire spread / potential for collapse
- could very well dictate whether you lose one building or an entire block
- common cockloft
Constructed soley of wood . Built side by side arranged in a row as many as 20 in a row can be 5 stories high 1 or 2 apps per floor
Row frame multiple family dwelling
Fire resistive material are not used
- common cockloft
Fire resistive MFD’s
Backup line should be stretched:
They could have _____ or _____ running vertcally through them
If there is a fire in there ______
_____ is not usually a consideration, but open the _____ just in case
At least 2 floor below fire floor in the same stairway as the first line
Incinerators or compactors
Put a line in the shaft first floor above burning material
Verticle ventilation
open the bulkhead
Exposure protection in fire restive MFD’s should focus on ______
If flames are impinging on upper floors:
As engine Companies are hooking up attack lines, the ladder company should be ______
Adjoining apartments
* because of fire resistive construction
Get homeliness up there ASAP
Locating the fire apartment
Fire Resistive MFD
Before engine companies advance their lines the IC need to ensure:
All occupants have evacuated all floors above the fire and the attack stairway
Fire Resistive MFD
The floor above the fire floor generally does not become _______ in this type of construction, But it still must be searched.
One stairway should be ______
When using an elevator to get to the fire floor stop ________ **
an exposure problem
Designated only for evacuation no FF ops
- stop at least 2 floors below
Fire resistive MFD
Water supply for standpipes can be ____ or __
There is NO justification to ______
A FF with a radio should stay ______
In all situations the standpipe system should be _____
It will take several FF to _____
City water main , gravity tank on roof
Hook up to a standpipe on the fire floor
At the valve wheel to control water pressure
Augmented by the FD
Advance a 2 1/2 down a hallway
Fire resistive MFD
ON an upper floor fire ______ can make extinguishment extremely difficult
Wind conditions
Where the windows have self vented fire will be funneled by the wind
Well constructed buildings fire usually contained to the apt on fire.
Fires in these buildings produce _____
An _____ interior attack is critical
At least one _____ should go to the hallway where the apt door has been left open
Fire resistive MFD
Great heat
2 1/2 hoseline
New Apt building
Overhauling must be done on all _____ with emphasis on _______
All floors above the original fire floor
the floor directly above the fire floor
New Apt Building
If the entire building needs to be vented, use ______
If contained to a bedroom in an apt. with light smoke in the hallway use
roof ventilation
New Apt Building
Preferred method for getting on a roof:
FF should go to the top floor and ____, If a fire in the cockloft is located _______. In an extensive cockloft fire _____ should take place. This is a ______. It should start _____ to ______ from the main vent hole.
Adjacent building
- Pull ceilings, roof, cutting op should begin immediately
A trench cut
- last resort
20 to 30 ft
When long hose lays are required to reach the fire look for a _______ in the stairway. One 50ft length of hose at the base of the stairs can usually reach ______ floors.
Apt should be _____ after a search has been completed
Well pg 255
5 floors
*any mark will work look at the dept SOG
Paths for fire to travel in newer apt buildings:
The use of _____ allows a path for fire to travel because ______ conducts heat.
Elevators, trash chutes, dumbwaiters
Steel I beams
can help it travel vertically or horizontally
New Apt buildings
3 types of stair layouts
Isolated - singles that serves a certain part of the building
Wing - Located on each wing, you cannot go from 1 wing to the other unless you’re in the lobby
Transverse-located on each wing, you can cross to opposite wings on each floor
*best kind for FF
Newer apt building
An advantage from a FF standpoint:
Access to the basement is through:
Basement ceilings may have ______
Interior stairways are constructed with:
Interior apt walls are _____ at each ____
Apt doors are _______
No interior stairs leading to the basement
Exterior courtyards and alleys
fire resistive construction
Fire resistive materials and surrounded by the fire resistive walls
Firestopped, each floor
Fire resistive
Newer Apt building construction:
______,______,_____ than older buildings
Biggest structural difference:
Most buildings have 2 wing sections and a _____ that separates them
Higher, wider, deeper
- unprotected steel I beam
Vertical and horizontal support structures
Throat - Stairwells , elevators
wings - apartments
After a hose line is in position to attack, ______ can begin. For max ventilation from windows open them :
* premature ventilation could cause:
____ can be used in conjunction with horizontal ventilation in old apt buildings
Horizontal ventilation
Maximize the opening
Double hung : 2/3 from the top 1/3 from bottom the bottom allows fresh air to enter
Backdraft and expose FF to fire, heat and smoke
In older apt buildings:
______ can be used to ventilate stairwells.
Use ____ or ____ to get on the roof, don’t use _____
After lifting a door to the roof bulkhead:
Adjacent buildings or TL’s not interior stairwells
Check floor below for victims and then continue ventilation by removing skylights and vent covers
Older Apt Buildings:
Stretch hoseline via the _____ to the fire apt. to ensure protection of this vital stairway
For a basement fire: Its crucial to stretch the first hose line through the front door to the _____ to protect the interior hall for evacuees
interior stairway
Cellar stairs
* After occupants are out you can attempt to descend and extinguish
Getting the initial hose line between the buildings occupants and the fire may _____
Visible hazards like people hanging out windows or coming down fire escapes might indicate:
_____ of an older building is imparative
Save more lives than trying to perform multiple rescues
An even greater life hazard inside the building not visible from the street
* Because of construction fire and smoke can spread anywhere, cannot shelter in place
In older apt buildings FF should be particularly careful about ascending or descending the _____. They are usually old and the _____ are open without any fire resistant quality.
Susceptible to collapse under ____
Stairs to the basement
A FF weight
In older apt buildings
______ are used as a secondary means of egress, but may not be well maintained.
Interior stairways and landings are typically made of ____ and are very narrow
A _____ may be present and will contribute to fire spread
Fire escapes
Ex Light shaft
Older apt building construction
Fire resistive brick exterior with sold wood material for the interior
Betweej 4 to 6 stories high
Generally 2 to 4 apartments per floor
Multi family dwellings typically have unprotected vertical opening between floor and horizontal openings between apartments. So ____ is always indicated
Bedding and furnishing should still be removed from the building even in a multi story structure
PPV works very well in
Formula to determine correct water flow and correct sizehose
Fire ground fire flow
Pg 246
In multi fam dwell
The IC must consider the resources needed for total eva as compared to ______
Hose lines should confine the fire to a room, apartment or floor and also _____
to slow fire spread
Shelter in place
Protect stairwells and other means of egress
Close the door on fire room
Multiple Fam Dwellings
Searches should be performed ______ with _____ taken care of first
Priorities for a multiple floor search
Systematically - those in the worst danger
Fire floor, floor above fire, top floor, rest of building
FF working on upper floors require:
In a large building accountability officers should be placed _______
A RIC in a position to respond quickly
* maybe in the fire building but away from the fire area
At entrance points
Categories of Multiple family dwellings
Old apartment building New """ Fire resistive Row frame Brown stone Garden apartments
______ are occupancies that have 3 or more families
These buildings have ____ that present a safety hazard for FF
Multiple family dwelling
Complex layouts
Uses standard 2x4 studs exterior framing members (wall studs) extend vertically from the basement to the roof
Balloon frame construction
A good first tactic at a mobile home fire might be :
If a propane cylinder is outside the motor home:
Never attempt ____ at a MH fire.
Be aware of grow houses, they often tap into the high voltage electrical system to bypass the meter. Electrical system is always live up to ____
Quick fire knockdown from the exterior
Turn off and protect from heat
, Vertical ventilation
240 volts
____ times as many people die in mobile home fires proportionally than in 1 and 2 dwelling
For every 1000 fires that break out ___ victims
Will die in mobile homes, whereas fewer than ____ will die in 1 and 2 am dwelling
The main causes of this:
3 times
21 , 7
Rapid fire spread through mobile home contents and fewer safe exits
Manufactured homes are :
Transportable structures that are fixed to a chassis and designed to be towed
- used to be called “mobile homes”
Garages are like basements regarding _____
Garage _____ can be hazardous
They are usually made of _____, ______, or _____
2 kinds:
It is imperative that
overhead doors
wood, aluminum, light steel
Rolls on tracks, slides back against ceiling
They are braced open
3 types of garages in homes
One story - Truss connect with house w/ no fire spottiest an extension of the structure - kitchen or utility room
2 story - garage roof is separate and ties into the side of the house providing a fire stop
Under living quarters - ceiling is the floor for living quarters. Interior entry door goes into the basement
If there is no life safety concern with victims, the IC should:
Not create one with FF
Most IC’s choose _____ to vent an attic fire.
Many officers don’t consider _______ ventilation, but it can be useful.
If you can’t go on a roof remove ______ to create an opening from the safety of a _____
Vertical ventilation
Attic vent from a ground ladder
In an attic fire if the fire has broken through the roof don’t:
You can use a ______
Another method would be to use a _____
Lob water on it with a hand line from outside
Ladder pipe or TL
Piercing nozzle
As second means of egress in an attic fire:
A finished attic should be searched like:
Confining fire to an attic will ______
If you can’t find the fire in a reasonable amount of time the IC should:
Attic fires must be fought from _______
Pull ceiling and insert attic ladders
A bedroom would
Not be difficult
Evacuate the building collapse is inevitable
The _______ element is the most hazardous condition encountered in an attic fire.
Finished attics usually have the same fire load as:
Hazards in an attic:
Roofs with fiberglass or asphalt shingle have:
Most unfinished attics don’t have _______
unknown pg 230
The typical bedroom
Low sloping roofs, unstable floors, wires, lack of ingress and egress, extreme weight, potential for rapid collapse
Nails protruding into the attic
Flooring throughout
Windows will not vent a lot of smoke if :
A more useful method is :
If a fan is turned on premature in second story fire ______
Drapes and blinds are not removed
Open window first then start PPV
Heat and fire can be blown back down on crews
On second story fires the officer needs to consider the ______
The _____ may not be enough
length of the hose lay
150 ft
If a FF is going to make entry from a second story window, he should check _______. If it is determined that he needs to enter he should VES and immediately _______
Access may be possible from ______ to second floor areas
Directly under the sill
Shut the door to seal it from the hall
Porch roofs
FF biggest safety concern in upper floor fires is
The way into a building ______
If FF enter a second story via stairs then:
If FF enter second story via a ladder then:
Lack of egress
Is not always the best way out
A ladder should be placed to a window
A second ladder should be raised and the interior stairway should be protected
4 story houses could look like 2 story houses because of :
Its important for an IC to :
Sloping terrain (built on a hill)
Conduct a full exterior survey
______, _______ and ________ produce significant smoke and heat.
Smoke on a second story floor has no way to escape unless:
Mattress, box springs, furniture
A window fails
Excellent tool during overhaul:
Officer in charge of salvage should meet with _______
There has been an increase in suspicious _____
If above is suspected you should ______
The occupant
Kitchen fires
Bring engine companies back to the fire scene to explain damages
In most small structures _______ is not needed
If it is . Place the hole ______ on a multistory structure, if egress is a concern, it should be placed ______
Vertical ventilation
Over the fire
Over the stairs
On first floor fire the hose line should be used to :
A backup line provides protection for :
Contain the fire and allow search and rescue to begin *** There is always a potential for failure of the first hose line
First hose line crew and search and rescue crew
Critical element for FF safety on a first floor fire _____
On a first floor fire the ______ floor should be first for Search and rescue
a good size up
first floor pg 227
Second hazard on a first floor fire:
Key element for tactics in a first floor fire.
Complacency of FF’s , FF feel “comfortable fighting this”, Complacency can kill
Determining exact location of fire. IC should do a 360 and look for venting fire or concentration of smoke from windows eaves.
Biggest hazard encountered on a first floor fire ______
Potential speed of fire spread
Fam room, living room and kitchen are usually open to the entire house
Basement fires are very dangerous, however, the _______ floor should be searched first.
Basements may also be used as :
first floor
in law quarters, recreation rooms, studio apartments
_____ should be for rapid use if a mayday is sounded
Crews must maintain control of the _____ to present fire spread
Ground ladders
Confinement of a basement fire comes from:
Primary clue of a basement fire:
Locating the fire and making a quick attack
Smoke is not lifted when you open the front door for ventilation
After making sure there is enough hose to make it to the bottom of the basement stairs, the hose should be advanced ______ but _____. If poor ventilation , use a _____ nozzle.
Quickly but controlled
Smooth bore
* If it doesn’t jeopardize interior crews, vent the exterior windows
In a basement fire, outside ______ could make conditions inside worse.
first vent hole
second vent hole
Over the top of the stairwell
2nd - 1st floor under a window about 1 foot away. Then remove window
In a basement fire where balloon frame is suspected
Overhaul should be started in ______
The attic
IC’s first safety consideration at a basement fire should be:
Most basement windows:
The FF entering the basement
Are not large enough or low enough for a FF to escape without assistance
* some basements have no windows
Basement Fire Hazards:
Final destination for many unwanted items in a house go to the _____
Second hazard encountered in a basement fires _____
Most basements have only 1 entrance
Salvage in residential structures presents ______ and the _____ for FF
the greatest challenge
the greatest opportunity
It is best to move materials involved in the fire _____.
However the area of the origin should ______
Outside the structure
Remain undistributed
* For fire investigation
Ventilation is directed by ______
Overhaul is necessary especially in _______ construction
Location of the fire within the structure
Balloon frame construction
Use a ______ attack when fire has not reached the free burning stage
Once in free burning or flashover stage a ______ attack may be indicated
If an offensive attack hose lines should be placed _______
Hoselines must also be in a position to protect :
FF are often playing catch up when it comes to ______
On the unburned side. However, water can be applied from either side
Interior paths of egress and stairwells
Defensive attacks
The leading specific location where residential civilian fire fatalities are found:
_____% were trying to escape
_____% were sleeping
Bedrroms 55%
Certain areas in a house present a higher likelihood of finding a victim. Ex:
Paths of travel, Below windows, behind doors, hallways, bedrooms
______ are a component of the life safety concern
Commonly referred to as “routine” fires.
Unless the occupants of a home are accounted for a ____ must be started if in offensive mode
1 and 2 family dwellings
Primary search
Hoarding task forces may be staffed with _____, _____, _____.
____ and ____ also need to be considered a concern for 1 and 2 family dwellings
Building inspectors, animal control officers, and first responders
Grow houses and Meth labs
1 and 2 family dwelling are not subject to inspections so ____, _____, ____ and ____ may be stored there.
There is almost always _____ and ____ in the structure
Flammable liquids, gas, explosives and poisonous chemicals
Electric and water
In a home with modern furnishings flashover can occur in ______.
______ is another danger to FF in a 1 and 2 family dwelling
1/2 the time as in one with legacy materials ( not sure about this)
Normal contents of a house add to the ____
This may be increased during the _______
Fire load
New stone coated steel roofing is made from ____ gauge structural grade steel. These roofs have the highest strength rating.
Nearly _____ and Fire crew may not be able to _____
Ventilate the roof
____ shingles add to fire old and fire spread
_____ ventilation is the method of choice in residential structures
Wood shake
Positive pressure
* not vertical because of roof construction
_____ add weight and make it difficult to ventilate a roof
Tile roofs
_____ and ____ both create individual components that contain the fire to room and contents
Platform frame
IC at a fire involving a balloon frame structure should:
Extend a line to the fire floor and the attic.
The fire can also drop down these channels (burning embers)
The paths for least resistance in 1 and 2 family dwellings are:
Exteriors of houses made of _____, _____, and ______ will assist in spreading fire
Hallways and stairwells
* Close doors to confine*
Wood, vinyl, tar coverings
Brick concrete stucco and asbestos will not assist with fire spread
The strategic goal is to place hose streams in a position to prevent fire spread _____
If it appears the fire will not be contained to the structure of origin, work toward saving the ____
beyond the structure of origin
Block of origin
Difference between masonry (ordinary) home and wood frame homes lie in the ______
In masonry home walls are ____
Interior walls, floors and ceiling are ______
Very prevalent in southern states where hurricanes are prevalent
The construction methods used are _____ and ______
Load bearing walls
Cement, concrete block and masonry
Platform or post beam
2x4 inch wood member placed in the joist channel.
Fire stops
3 framing methods for wood frame construction
Post and Frame ( Plank and beam) - uses a few large wood members, rather than a lot of small wood frame members Ex. log cabins, great rooms
Balloon Frame - Uses 2x4 studs, framing members run from the foundation to the eave line. Prior to 1940 they did not include fire stops
Platform frame - Each floor is built as a box. Creates inherent fire stopping. * found in most contemporary construction standards
Ex. Split level, bi level and tri level homes
Most common construction types for 1 and 2 family dwellings:
Type V - Wood frame
Type 3 - masonry
Must have a working knowledge of building construction:
Understanding building construction is equivalent to _____
IC’s, company officers and FF
Understanding Fire dynamics
Underwriter released a study identify gaps in current fire service knowledge
The gaps included:
Impact of : Door control, vent hole size, vent hole location, impact of flow paths between the hole and the fire, impact of modern fuel loads, exterior suppression with various flow paths configurations
50% of civilian fire fatalities occur in residential buildings between the hours of _____ and ___
This time period accounts for 49% of all fatal fires * Not just residential
Peak night hours are from ____ to _____
10 pm to 6 am
1a to 5a
Smoking was the leading cause of fatal residential building fires pg 213
In 2010 residential homes accounted for ___% of all structure fires and more than ____% in civilian fire deaths.
In the US, FD’s respond to a residential structure fire every _____
Of their residential structure fires 1 and 2 family homes account for ____% of the fires and ____% of civilian fire deaths.
65 sec pg 213
In 2010 there were ____ fires
___ civilian fatalities
____ civilian injuries
$___ in property damage
There was a civilian death every ____ mins
and a civilian fire injury every _____
169 mins
30 mins
The most common structure fire response in the US
Most common construction style:
1 and 2 family dwellings
Wood frame and masonry
The act of keeping the fire in the area, room, or building of origin:
All FF’s should understand:
Engines on board water tank is called:
A team of FF with apparatus assigned to perform a specific function in a designated response area:
Pumping principles
Booster tank
You can stretch a hose but ( don’t know what goes here maybe up) ______
In well involved buildings keep the apparatus out of the ______
A ladder
Collapse zone
Engine location ______
Ladder location ______
Aerial location _______
Should allow room for aerial trucks to access the front of a structure
Allow ladder max versatility
Allow access to the best scrub area - area that can be reached with an aerial ladder once the apparatus is set up
The function that the company is to perform determines:
Where the apparatus should be placed
Salvage is usually a function of the :
Salvage begins _____ and ends ______
Treat valuables as if ________
_____ ______ _______ should be covered to protect the building and its contents
Ladder Co
Arrival on scene , when FD ops have ended
They were ur own
Door, windows, roof openings
Indiscriminate overhaul can cause unnecessary damage. But when its necessary no one should hesitate to overhaul.
If possible when overhauling ______
Overhaul must be performed by opening up walls and ceiling until _______
Pile all contents in the center of the room and put a tarp over them
Areas that have not been burned are found
Overhaul is broken down in 2 stages :
* Its performed to expose hidden pockets of fire and prevent reignition
Pre control - Unfavorable conditions - Intent is toward charmed areas back toward charred area to determine fire extent * Pulling ceiling, examining baseboards and shafts
Post control - More favorable conditions
Extremely meticulous. By a fresh company
* Overhaul is performed during the entire operation
Proper placement of ladders, lies with the :
Portable ladders should be placed or as many sides of the fire building and at as many windows as possible. At a minimum ______
Ladder Co.
1 ladder must be extended to each floor on which FF’s are operating
- Tower ladders provide an excellent platform for ventilation, Search and rescue, and apply elevated streams
In double pane or thermal insulated windows:
By removing entire window your in essence:
Both panes must be removed
Creating another door
Depending on the amount of ventilation needed windows can either _______
Double hung windows should be :
Windows can be forced by:
Removed or opened
opened 2/3 from the top and 1/3 from the bottom
Fork end of the halogen under the bottom of the window and exerting downward pressure, popping the window lock.
* New window have depressible clips so you don’t have to break the window
To force a padlock:
Saws, torches and hand tools
Duck bill with an axe
a pipe wrench across both shackles then twist to snap shackles Pg 203
Outward opening door are indicative of :
Commercial occupancies, elevators, and closets
* Adz end of the tool above or below the lock, force the tool down and out to pop the door
Inward opening door with a halligan:
If you attack hinges attack the ____ first
____ to ____ pumps of a rabbit tool will pop the door
Fork side 6 inches above or below lock, bevel side against the door angled slightly up or down. Strike with axe, push towards the door
Top hinge
4 to 6 pumps can also use hydraulic ram
____ and ____ make good area to conduct mock search drills
Fire house bunk rooms and offices
During search
Check \_\_\_\_\_\_ If 1 victim is found on a bed \_\_\_\_\_ If disoriented \_\_\_\_\_\_ Primary exit is \_\_\_\_\_\_ Plan your \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Check for additional victims
Look out a window
The way you came in
Escape route
If door opens easily then stops _____
Don’t let a door lock behind you _____ or ____
Confine fire by ______
Do not assume locked rooms are _____
Treat furniture as an _____
Search through piles of ______
Good chance a victim is behind it
Chock it or leave a FF there
Closing the door
Empty rooms
Extension of the wall, don’t move it
Victims are commonly found:
Follow the walls as you search vent _______ unless ______
behind entrance doors or below windows
As you go
It will extend the fire
When forcing a door:
When entering a window:
tie a rope to it so you can shut it if fire blows out
Probe the floor to make sure its there and to feel for victims
When possible searchers should determines and work towards an ______
When searching for the seat of the fire, find it, use it as your start point and then work
alternate means of egress
back toward the door they entered
Searched are broke down into 2 stages
Primary - quick and thorough
Secondary - meticulous through search
- A different crew should perform the secondary
- Should include buildings exterior, shafts, basements, cellars
Several functions of a ladder co:
Along with proper placement of hoselines, there is no greater tool than a well developed ______
Search for life, fire and fire extension
Search plan
Potential drawback to PPV:
good possibility of pushing smoke and fire into uninvolved areas
Procedure for fog nozzle ventilations:
Stand 6 to 8 ft from a window direct a fog stream roughly the size of the opening, out the window
Natural ventilation: open existing openings a building
Mechanical ventilation: Using machines such as _______ to remove smoke from a building
- Using a fog nozzle is considered mechanical
Smoke ejectors, PPV fans, exhaust fans, HVAC, Fog streams
- fans are not the most efficient method
- time consuming, trip hazards
A ventilation opening has 2 purposes:
Exhaust for products of combustion ( from the top)
Inlet for fresh air ( from the bottom)
In multi story wind impacted fires the initial tactic may be to :
Deploy a thermal blanket from the floor above
or deploying a high rise nozzle from the floor below
The movement of heat and smoke from an area of high pressure to low pressure
Flow path
path of least resistance ( low pressure area)
- in a high rise the fire apartment and public hallway will be a path for fire , heat and smoke
Vent for fire:
Vent for life:
Facilitating engne co. advance in the area
To enter an IDLH atmosphere where there is a known or suspected victim
- pop window instead of breaking it, feel for heat before entering
- windows must be completely removed before entry
Horizontal ventilation is usually performed after:
If done prematurely it can cause:
Engine Co line is stretched charged and ready to begin fire attack
Rapid extension or auto extension
When roof condition is in doubt, such as _____ or ______ don’t put FF’s up there.
_____ roofs or ______ are determined, immediately evacuate the roof
Vacant building
Heavy fire conditions
Membrane roofs
Gypsum poured over gypsum slab
( White paste on a saw blade indicates wet gypsum)
After roof section is pulled out ______ must happen for the operation to be succesful
Top floor ceiling must be taken out
6 ft pike pole
A roof cut should be at least _____ x ______ and easy to pulls. Directly _______
over the fire
Don’t make it too big you can’t open it easily
When breaking skylights, the roof division should notify:
The FF operating below by radio
Only use power tails to cut roofs after opening up all existing openings
Once on the roof the first considerations should be ______
A way of getting off
Must always have a secondary means of egress
3 basic ways to get to a roof
Adjoining building (preffered) Aerial or TL Rear fire escape (least preferred, they don't always go to the roof)
- Interior stairs are to be avoided
Possible vertical roof openings:
Bulkheads , scuttles, skylights
In many situations _______ determines the outcome of a fire
* Must be done in conjunction with fire attack so that the steam produced has an exit path
Roles of the ladder Co. at a fire:
Forcible entry, S and R, Ventilation
Also includes: laddering the building , Overhaul and salvage ops, shutting of utilities
In the smoldering stage, after the fire has burned itself out, _____ needs to happen before entry by FD
Vertical ventilation
Take position at the _____ of the fire room
Fire burning in walls and ceilings can only be extinguished after being _____
Opened up
Never advance into fire apartment without ______
To get the layout , go into the apartment _____
Don’t use the hose line on smoke unless ____
Operate hoseline in a ____ or ____ pattern
Charged hose line
Directly below fire apt
To cool a super heated ceiling to prevent flashover
Clockwise or Z
FF should regard every opening as a _____ opening
Opening doors and windows indiscriminately is ______
Irresponsible and dangerous
Prior to entering a building FF should:
Identify : construction type, occupancy, ned for rescue, type of fire ( vent or fuel controlled), need for ventilation
2 basic functions of Engine Co
Put a line into operation
Obtain adequate water supply
To confine fire
close a door
use and extinguisher
3 basic steps of fire suppression:
A vent controlled fire displays:
A fuel controlled fire is one that is :
Fully involved fires are examples of :
Locating, confining and extinguishing
High smoke volume and pressure
Growth is limited by supply of combustibles
Fuel controlled fires
1 3/4 line at 50 psi produces ____ gym
2 1/2 line at 50 psi produces _____ gym
Both using a smooth bore nozzle
180 gpm
320 gpm
In areas where hydrants are not available you will have to use _____ or ______
Drafting - static water location: lake, river , dry hydrant
Tender (tanker) shuttles - may carry 1000 to 8000 gallons can connect directly to the operating engine or dump water into a portable tank
TDR - Tender delivery Rate
3 types of lays for water supply:
Standard for automotive fire Apparatus NFPA 1901 requires _____ of an engine company
Min water tank of 300 gallons
Hose compartment of at least 30 cubic ft for 2 1/2 supply hose or greater and 2 compartments of at least 3.5 cft for 1 1/2 or larger attack hose
Min pump size of 750 gym
The basic building block of every FD
Engine company
Initial fire attack tactics are impacted by various factors:
Requirement for immediate rescue
Human and physical resources required
Water supply
Access to the subject or structure
Specialized extinguishing systems include:
Carbon dioxide
Halogenated agent
Dry chem
Wet Chem
Vertical piping in a sprinkler or standpipe system:
Standpipe connection should always be made on ______
Flake the hose to the floor ______
Floor below the fire
Floor above the fire
High rise kit should be capable of flowing _____ GPM
Kit should contain:
250 psi
Min of 100 ft of 1 3/4 or 2 inch gated y or water thief spanners, pipe wrench * hand wheel for standpipe outlet nozzle (smooth bore prefferrable) Door wedges Typical hand tools
Initial pressure to pump an FDC at :
A minimum of _____ should supply the sprinkler or standpipe system
1 FF must locate the main water control valve and make sure it is open
150 psi *could be increased to 175 to 200
Two 2 1/2 inch hose lines
The FF should not leave the main control walve
Each type of built in fire protection system, when activated, requires ______
Support from the FD
FDC’s must be _____ connections
Standards mandate that there can be NO WAY of shutting off the supply between the FDC and where it enters the system
Standpipe systems are limited to ______ ft. per zone
No 2 zones are allowed to exceed _____ ft
Standpipes can be ____ or ____ and are broken down into _____ types
Wet or dry
4 types
wet - outlet opens, water flows
dry- no air pressure, must open a valve to get water into system
dry- filled w/ air under pressure
dry- no water supply, must be supplied by FD
FF should be aware of ____ when dealing with standpipes
They are commonly found on class 3 systems
Any systems above 150 psi should be marked
pressure reducing devices
Same flow requirements of a class 1 standpipe system
FF should always change out the systems _____
Class 3 standpipe system
Hoses and use their own
Must flow 100 gpm for 30 min. Min residential pressure of 65 psi at highest furthest outlet while flowing 100 gpm
class 2 standpipe system
Must be able to flow 500 gpm for 30 min must provide a minimal residual pressure of ___ psi to the highest furthest outlet while flowing 500 gpm
Class 1 standpipe
65 psi
Sprinkler systems and standpipe systems must have a water supply that is _____, _____. _____
Adequate volume
adequate pressure
Standpipe connections are basically an extension of a fire engines _____
3 classes:
Discharge outlet
1 Use by FD
2 Use by building occupants
3 used for both
Residential Sprinkler systems are becoming more popular.
They are not required to have a _____
It is imperative that the system be pumped at ____
Standard domestic pressure
* pipes can’t handle higher pressure
Preaction and deluge are similar to:
Dry pipe Sprinkler system
All heads are open
No water stored in pipes
Alarm is activated when water begins to flow
All hands flow at once
Deluge Sprinkler System
Only fills with water once the separate additional alarm detection equipment is activated. Once filled with water, a head needs to be exposed to heat before it will flow water
* Use in locations where water damage must be prevented
Pre action Sprinkler system
* An alarm sounds prior to the activation of a sprinkler head
System that has no water past the check valve. The pipes are filled with air under pressure, When a head is activated the pressure escapes and water is able to pass the check valve. Used in building that has possibility of water freeing
Dry Pipe SS
* Takes longer to get water to the fire
Uses accelerators or exhausters to speed up the process
Constantly has water under pressure throughout the system
Wet Pipe SS
The _____ and ____ of a sprinkler system should be of upmost importance
utilization and support
When connecting to the FDC, ensure that you are getting a water supply from a source other than ______
The one supplying the buildings fire protection system
Three common types of main water control valves
Outside screw and yoke - Threaded stem is visible when valve is open
Post indicator valve - No visible stem. It has a window where you can read open or shut
Wall post indicator valve - the same as the PIV except it protrude horizontally from the structures wall
Valve that controls the flow of water from the domestic water supply system and / or on site fire pumps
It is an _____ valve
The valve is always operated manually and should always be chain locked in the _____ position
Main water control valve
Indicating valve
____% of fires in all sprinklered buildings ar either extinguished or held in check
4 types of sprinkler systems
Wet pipe
dry pipe
Banned from production after the clean air act of 1994
Carbon Dioxide (Co2) used on class ____ and ____ fires
extinguished by ______
B and C
Used to protect kitchens from grease fires
Water Chemical
Class K
Dry powders are applied by ____ and are used for _____
Shoveling the product on the burning material
Class D combustible metals
Common Dry Chemicals
Sodium Bicarbonate Potassium Bicarb Potassium Chloride Monoammonium Phosphate Barium sulfate Ammonioum phospahte
Dry Chemical extinguishes class B and C fire by:
Class A fires by:
Interrupting the chemical chain reaction
Coating and smothering
Dry chemicals are generally used on ____ fires
- Very common in fire extinguishers and hood systems
ABC or BC extinguishers
Flammable Liquid fires
Ex Gasoline and grease
Produces high quality foam bubbles that are small and consistant
Compressed air foam system
Class A foam is primarily used on _____
Class A foam works by _____
Class A foam makes water ______
Low proportion rate ______%
*can be added to the booster tank
Breaking down the surface design of water allowing product to soak in
AFFF is a class _____ foam
Most departments use AFFF ATC or AR because:
Gold foam acts as an AFF ATC but can be used on polar solvents and hydrocarbons both at ____%
It is applicable to polar solvents and hydrocarbons at 3 , 6%
Foam applicator depends on:
Type of foam
Type of incident
Equip used for application
Foam should be proportioned at ____ % for polar solvents
and ____% for hydrocarbons
In line foam educators utilize the ____ system
Foam is created by using _____ to mix the ingredients ____ , ____ , and ____.
90% of foam is ______
Mechanical agitation (nozzles and foam makers)
Air , water and foam concentrate
Foam is commonly used for 2 types of hazardous material _____ and _____
Hydrocarbons and polar solvents
Foam can be applied to the base of a tank and allowed to float to the top to extinguish the fire
This is called _______
Subsurface injection
A simple friction loss formula:
FL = Q (Q+Q+1)
Fog nozzle _____psi
Master stream smooth bore ___ psi
Handline smooth bore _____ psi
For elevation calculate ____ psi per _____ of elevation.
_____psi per 10 ft floor
1/2 psi per foor
5 psi pg 155
Friction loss that cannot be overcome on the foreground must be overcome by _____
3 steps to determine pump discharge pressure
Pump dischage pressure
calculate the constants
Friction loss in the hose
Steps to reduce friction:
Reduce hose length use larger hose Reduce # of couplings and appliances reduce kinks change nozzle type and size
_____ , _____, and ______ all affect friction loss
size of hose
length of hose
type of nozzle
_____ shape fire streams
Fog - most widely used. Better cooling capabilities than any other nozzle . * They can be affected by wind. they may require 100 psi to be effective. New ones are 75 psi .They can disturb thermal layering if applied incorrectly
Smooth bore - creates solid stream of water. Does not disturb thermal layering. Better reach and penetration. Not as affected by wind
Broken stream nozzles - water is applied blindly
_____ typically does not require a large amount of water or pressure
The amount of water needed to extinguish a fire is known as :
3 formulas for this:
NFA formula
Iowa State university formula
Insurance services office formula
Flow requirement
None of these 3 formulas address the material in the building
Water extinguished fire in 3 ways:
Cools burning material
Smothers it
Sports the fuel from the heat
Engine use a _____ pump
3 states of water _____ _____ _____
states most important when talking about extinguishment?
At ____ degrees water begins to freeze
At _____ degrees it is converted into _____
solid, liquid, gas
at 212 it expands 1700 times its origanol volume
When a faucet is turn on, water flows because of the ______
Normal operating pressure
_____ is the most prevalent extinguishing agent for 3 reasons
It cannot be _______
Cheap, commonly available, efficient
Compressed * it takes the shape of its container
Common extinguishing agent for FF’s
Dry chem
Dry powder
are identified by various codes standards, laws, and ordinances
Occupancy classifications
Occupancy classifications
Assembly, business, daycare, educational, factory/ industrial, hazardous, institutional, mercantile, residential, storage
Mixed - 2 occupancy classifications in the same building
The final phase for pre incident planning is to :
There is no set time for updating pre plan but _____ can be used as a guideline
Update the plan regularly
Once a year
Pre incident Plan
Sketch does not have to be to ______
Standard for pre incident plans NFPA _____
Building heating systems are often located in the :
Pre Fire Plan
______ are invaluable in determining construction features.
Basic info including :name of business, _______, ________.
The tour should begin in the ______
Blue prints
Owner / occupant contact info, Key holder information
****Parking lot ***
Phases of pre incident planning:
- begins with a tour of building
- Any life safety hazards should be mitigated while on scene. Schedule a follow up fire inspection.
1 tour the bldg 2 create sketch 3 incorporate photos 4 complete drawing and docs 5 Put docs on truck 6 sharing and training 7 tour regularly 8 update plans
Pre incident planning should be completed by ______
- It is a systemic approach to learning the major components of a building
FF should be in a different building ______ they report to the fire house
Fire companies
Fire grows _______ and ________
Fire is a combustion process that can be _____
Upward and outward
Self sustaining reaction
At the very least the IC should obtain a view of _____ sides
Dark black smoke
Dirty brown smoke
Light smoke
Smoke looks different at night***
Oxygen starved fire
Class A fire
Smoke is produced by the incomplete combustion of _____. It contains _____ ______ and multiple _______.
Until smoke is controlled in a fire the fire will be difficult to ______ and _____
tar, water and gases
Locate and extinguish
An oxygen starved fire builds up ___- and ____
Fire does not have to smolder long to backdraft
______ must occur prior to FF entering the structure to prevent backdraft
Air must be drawn in for ______ for ignition to occur
Heat and pressure
Vertical ventilation
a few seconds
US navy simulates backdrafts
Premature horizontal ventilation can cause ?
Yellowish brown smoke
stained black windows
thick smoke “under pressure”
High ceiling can mask the amount of heat.
Indicators of impending flashover:
Room size
Unbearable heat
Rollover of finger like flames
In flashover temps can exceed ____ and _____ ft into the room is the _____
Mean death or critical thermal burns
- cool ceiling
- smoked banked and floor with escalating heat
1000 degrees F
5 ft point of no return
The point when all combustible in a room ignite ______
An early indicator of flashover ______
The heating process is caused by _____
Key to recognizing flashover is _______
Thermal radiation feedback
Smoke movement and fire growth
Direct flame impingement is sometimes considered a form of :
Heat transfer in a stationary medium: solid, liquid and gas
Most important physical properties for conduction: thermal conductivity, density, specific heat
- there is no heat conduction in a perfect vacuum
____ are of little use stopping radiant energy
Water Curtains
* you must apply water directly on the exposure
"Heat Waves" can penetrate windows Moves equally in all directions from fire It is an \_\_\_\_\_\_ energy It can move through water
On a high rise the greatest danger floors are the :
Fire floor
Floor above
Top floor
Method by which air currents transfer heat _______
In the _____ phase the fire produces significant heat and smoke.
The fire spreads ____ until it meet resistance and then spreads _____
As things in the room absorb heat they reach their ______
Then the room will _____
The room temp can be over ______ degrees F
Free burning
Vertically , Horizontally
Ignition temperature
1000 degrees F
Not all fires go through:
Distinct phases Pg 116
Growth of a fire depends on :
Type of fuel physical property of fuel Surface to mass ratio arrangement of fuel Adequate ventilation
4 stages of fire
Incipient - (ignition)
Free burning
Smoldering / Decay
Fire progress depends on
Fuel load
Combustibility of fuel
Intensity of heat produced
Aspects to consider when determining the stage of a fire growth:
Shape and color of the flames
Density and color of the smoke
Pressure behind the smoke movement
In a smoldering fire. A lot of gas is produced because of :
low oxygen levels
Smoke can ignite because of the buildup of ____
_____ is the most abundant gas produced at a fire
It is the cause of death in over ___% of the fatalities
When synthetic materials that contain nitrogen burn, they release _______
Carbon monoxide Pg114
Carbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Cyanide
Class A fires produces ____, ____, and _____
Class B fire produces _____
Plastic also produce ______ and _____
____ and ____ are the greatest cause of death fires
Carbon dioxide , Monoxide and water
Heavy black sooty smoke because of the carbon that remains unburned
Hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen chloride
Gases and toxic
Its important to know the _____ of fuels so that you can clean the right extinguishing agent
Process where an extinguishing agent converts the burning substance to a non combustible soap:
This process in a _____ reaction
* it absorbs thermal energy from its surroundings
Five classes of fire:
A - ordinary combustibles B- Flammable petroleum products liquid, solid or gas C- Electrically energized equipment D- Combustible Metals K- Combustible cooking fuels
When the _____ agent and the _____ agent combine and transfer their ______, they emit heat and light as an energy source. This source presents itself as ______.
Oxidizing and reducing
Developed in the 1950’s by ______
Wanted to find out why _____ was such a effective extinguishing agent
The triangle was joined by a fourth component called ______
In the fire process, known as ______
Walter Haessler
ammonium phosphate
Uninhibited chain reaction
Flamin combustion
Heat and light released in an energy form is called :
1 part of the triangle is removed?
Water ______
Fire or flame
Fire goes out
Absorbs heat
For fire to occur the fuel must be:
Fuel is most likely comprised of carbon and hydrogen atoms that can be _____
Breathing air in the atmosphere is __-% the rest is most _____ which is _____
Combustible or flammable material
Nitrogen , Inert
Fuel for fire can come in 3 forms
Fire is a chemical process in which heat, fuel, and oxygen come together in an _____
Fire produces an _____ reaction
Uninhibited chain reaction
releasing heat, light , smoke, and products of incomplete combustion
Knowing what a fire is, how it grows and spreads and what it takes to stop its progress.
Is critical for any IC
Thats all the info
IC’s should know their enemy whether it be a ____, ____ or _____
Hazardous chemical release
Building collapse
Because of their physical and chemical properties fires usually:
Behave in the same manner. So certain behaviors can be expected IE: Fire spread
The meaning of words in communications is based on :
Prior understanding and knowledge
The NFA came up with a 6 step communication model:
1 - sender formulates an idea he wants to convey
2- the sender sends the message
3- the message is transferred through a medium Ex: orally, visually
4 - the receiver receives the message
5- the receiver interprets the message
6 receiver confirms receipt by providing feedback
Through the size up process, the incident priorities are applied to :
a specific situation
Size up triangle
Enviroment - includes construction features of the fire building or the terrain where the fire occurs ex. weather, fire load, height, area, building occupancy
Resources - The number of personnel, type of equipment, and need for specialized equipment
Conditions / situation
what is on fire?
Where is it going?
What harm has it/ could it cause?
A red placard with a R indicates
lightweight truss roof
First priority of any incidents
Maximizing life safety
In some cases a ____ attack can precede a ____ attack
Defensive, Offensive
Ex: Extinguish high rise fire with elevated streams and then a offensive attack to check upper floors for extension
The operational mode can and often will change.
Safety is relative to :
Risk vs. gain
Property conservation is also called:
Salvage and Overhaul
Loss control
***Broad general statements of what we are expected to accomplish
Strategic goals
The generally accepted fire fighting goals include:
Three commonly known systems for these objectives are : REVAS, REEVAS, RECEOVS
Rescue Attack Exposure protection Evacuation Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul Salvage Ventilation
Eight goals for the HazMat Op’s
Isolation Notification identification protection spill control leak control fire control recovery and termination
6 strategic goals of EMS:
Gaining access Triage stabilization extrication packaging transporting
For the purpose of this text 9 goals must be considered at every fire incident to ensure incident priorities are satisfied:
FF safety Search and rescue Evacuation Exposure protection Confinement extinguishment ventilation overhaul salvage
____ help to determine the strategic goals that need to be implemented or that can be implented
Size up factors
Strategic goals are desired to meet the incident priorities ______ are more specific functions designed to meet strategic goals
Tactical objectives
Strategic goal is ventilation
Tactical objective is vertical ventilation
Tactical method is a trench cut
Tactical methods are the processes employed at the task level
The objective is the measurable result whereas the methods are _______
The task employed to meet the objective
- There is often more than one tactical objective for each goal, and there is often more than 1 tactical method for each objection
Strategic goal : Search and rescue
Tactical Objective: Primary search of first floor
Tactical method : Assign ladder 1 to search first floor
thats the info
The incident determines the complexity of the ______
Action Plan
- It is developed after the size up should be done on every incident
When developing the action plan the IC must consider not only goals and objectives but also:
Department SOG
Action plan must be communicated to all personnel. The can be accomplished by:
Face to face
Aides or runners
Written plan
THe ____ model implies that a fireground commander in almost 9 of 10 cases, does not make a decision based on a selection of choices, but rather based on previous experience.
Recognition Primed Decision Making (RPD)
- implies FF should have a mix of experience and education
- A model of how people make quick, effective, decisions when faced with complex decisions
RPD process is being phased out by the NFA
The ____ theory is concerned with identifying the best alternative to take and assumes the decision maker is full rational, informed, and able to compute the info at hand. It embodies a descriptive decision theory framework.
Naturalistic Decision making
* People make decision based on experience
The _____ theory is that the IC will use info based on sight, sound and odor to assist in identifying what is occurring:
Naturalistic decision making
The _____ model is used when the IC is confronted with a situation they have not experienced in the past.
There id s 4 step process for this model.
Classical decision making model
Aim - what the IC wants to accomplish
Factors - Anything that affects decision making
Courses- courses of action to take
Plan - Action plan
NFPA ____ standard on types of building construction:
5 types:
NFPA 220
Type 1 - Fire resistive Type 2 - Non combustible Type 3 - Ordinary Type4 - Heavy Timber Type 5- Wood frame
In newer cities most buildings fall within type ____ to ____ construction
3 to 1
- All mains structural components are wooden
- Surface to mass ration is the main point to remember in the performance of wood as a structural member
- Mass is the key component in the Fire performance of wood larger the beam, heavier the load, the longer it can burn
- 2nd important thing is how the wood frame is connected together
- Nearly all structural supports will burn
type 5
Wood frame
Common from the 1800’s the end of WW 2
_wood stud framing system where studs run continuously the full height of the building
* All walls door openings and windows are stacked vertically
Balloon frame
_____ Frame
The wood stud framing system is set on a foundation or slab and built to story height
- Wall studs are connected to a single board called a _____ plate
* referred to as a Western Framing
Platform frame
Sill plate
* still being used
* offset window and doors
The most common type of new frame construction is use today ______
Platform frame
Framing system using post (vertical members) and beams ( horizontal members) to create a load bearing frame
Best example ______
Post and beam
Uses much larger beams than post and beams framing. Uses boards laminated together to make large beams. The floors are thick tongue and groove planks
Plank and beam
* Large residential structures
commercial buildings
- Very controversial type of construction
- Entire structure is tied together in a unified frame
- Can be used for building up to 3 stories
- each part of the system is dependent upon the rest
- Constructed of ______
- Creates the potential for a large are of ___
- A number of triangles put together at the desired span and height
Truss Frame
Held together by .05 inch gusset plate
Add fire conditions to a truss construction system and ______
Catastrophic failure is likely
Collapse of 1 bowstring truss could ____
Don’t put anyone ____,____,____. The roof under heavy fire involvement
Bowstring trusses can span an area of ____ to _____ and be spaced ____ ft on center
Bring down multiple trusses
On top, underneath, at the sidewalls
50 to 100 ft
20 ft
The biggest concern for the performance of wood is the condition of the _____
connection methods
- The weak link in any construction method is how structural members are connected
Gang nailers, staple plates, metals tooth plates connectors
All names for ______
gusset plates
Wood can be treated to resist _____ , ____ , and _____.
Treat wood with phosphates can _______
moisture, insects, fire
Causes it to become brittle can collapse under the weight of 1 person walking on the roof
Size does matter when talking about wood
The more mass the larger the load
- Referred to as Mill Construction
- Large wood columns are greater than ___ x ___ inches and this construction can be used in buildings up to ____ stories tall.
- Sections of wood more than ____ inches thick can have more fire resistance than exposed steel
- Exterior wall are made of _____
- Walls and ceiling are typically _____ and lack any real fire protection
- Difficult for FF’s because of the ____ and ___ of the structures interior
Type 4 Heavy Timber
8x8 in 8 stories 6 in masonry unfinished size and openess
Construction type found in older factory towns, old barns, and storage building
Wood loses its strength by losing its _____
Type 4 Heavy timber
Masonry load bearing walls and wood joist floors and a wood roof
Type 3
_ Walls brick or concrete 6 to 30in thick
- in multi story the walls are thicker at the bottom
- Typically 1 to 3 stories tall, have been built to 10 stories
- Floor and roof joist have a 30 degree cut on them call a fire cut joist. This save exterior walls from collapsing
- Load bearing walls run a long the longest part of the building
In older buildings you may see a star, letter S, a channel, a circle, or a decorative device on the exterior.
This device is called a _____
Used to spread the load between 2 or more structural members
Type 3 buildings are structurally sound and will generally stand up to the effects of a :
Type 3 wall will ____ before collapse another warning sign is ______
Room and contents fire
Fire pushing through cracks in the walls
Constructed of building materials that will not add to fire development
However the materials can suffer from the affects of fire
When walking on a flat roof walk _____
type 2 non combustible
along the side next to the wall
Built with structural components that will not burn and that will resist the effects of fire for a long period of time.
Began with the invention of steel
Have the most inherent fire safety factors
Type 1 fire resistive
feel used as structural material will elongate and can fail during fires.
Rule of thumb for the expansion of steel is :
____ inch for every _____ feet at approx _____ degrees F
1 inch
10 ft
800 degrees F
Triangle is inherently ____
- Any load applied to a truss ______ the system, as long as each member maintains structural stability.
- Top and bottom of the truss are called _____
- Inside members are called ______
- Bowstring is easy to identify because of its ______
- In bowling alleys, skating rinks, other large buildings
curved to chord
Most common truss for roof construction:
Trusses are placed close together ____ to ___ inches on center
Hurricane clips or ties are nailed to both _____ and ______
Peaked roof truss
16 to 24 inches
truss and load bearing walls
The ____ is used for both roofs and floors
Area where electrical wiring, HVAC and other utilities are placed
Parallel truss chords
Interstitial space
The truss is designed to comply the min amount of building material to ______
Engineered to be less _____
Sounding a truss roof with a tool is ____
Wood carries its load by ______
Carry designed load
Not safe - the truss will fail before the decking so sounding is useless
Mass - When a truss burns it loses its mass and its structural stability
Unprotected steel trusses lose strength at _____ degrees F and fail around _____ degrees F
Types of wood frame buildings
Balloon Platform Post and beam Plank and beam Truss frame
_____ and ______ have helped the industry span larger open distances with load bearing ability at a lower cost
Laminated beam and engineered I beam
Gusset plate is considered a ____
In the 1980’s federal officials transition IMS into a national program called
5 subdivisions
National Interagency Incident Management System
1 - ICS 2- Training 3 - Qualifications ad certification system 4 - Publications management 5- Support technologies
The management structure that all agencies should be utilizing _____
It has replaced NIIMS
It is required in order to receive ______
NFPA ____ mandate the use of NIMS
GW Bush called on the ____ to develop a National IMS
DHS released NIMS in ______
Grant money 1561
Secretary of Homeland Security
* It integrates effective practices in emergency response into a comprehensive National Framework for incident management
ICS 100
NIMS was designed for, and mandates a ____
Unified command
*It encourages the predesignation of command post locations, staging locations, heli spots, task forces ect.
The 5 major functional areas of the NIMS model are designed to :
The IC is responsible for all 5 functions until he delegates them out. From this point the area are broken down into ____ and each is headed by a ____ _____
Ensure a manageable span of control
Sections chief
* They repot directly to the IC
Operaions is responsible for :
Planning is responsible for :
Management of all tactical objectives and activities Ex. Medical Branch
Development of the IAP
Disseminating the plan
Collects and evaluate tactical informantion
Logistics responsibilities :
Finance / Admin responsibilites:
Non operational Medical services for incident responders
Support needs facilities, transportation, supplies fuel, food, sleeping quarters
Analyzing cost, tracking the time and equipment of personnel. Procuring food
Established when the manageable span of control of the number of divisions / groups is exceeded
* run by a branch manager
Established by geographical area. Ex. third floor of a structure may be termed _____ 3
Established and named by a specific function Ex. Search ________
A combo of 5 unlike resources:
Task force
Combo of 5 like resources
strike team
Through unified command all members must agree on :
Incident priorities
Overall strategy
_____ Spellout the standard course of action that should be taken and expected on every incident
Units shall clear the station within _____ seconds from 0700 to 2000 and _____ seconds from 2300 to 0700
Incoming unit should not contact command to _______
request assignment
Second alarm or greater units will go to _____ and notify ______
Level 2 staging
Staging officer
1st arriving engine placement:
1st arriving truck placement:
3rd engine _______
Front of the fire structure ( Slightly to the side)
Front of structure
RIT team
Pg 63
Staging should be set up at least _____ ft of the function area
600 ft
All units on the same side of the street if possible
SOG’s should cover :
all aspects that may be encountered in an incident response
Rep’s from all levels of an organization should assist in the development of :
Fire command utilized 3 basic levels:
- was great for day to day incidents, but difficult to expand for large, unusual, multi agency responses
Strategic - role of IC
Tactical - role of sector officer
Task - company level
Ex. roof or rehab sector
Fire Ground command system became popular in the ____
Developed by ____ and the book _____ authored by _____
Phoenix FD
Fire command
Alan Brunacini
Every incident requires an ______ for small incidents the plan need not be written
Situations for which written action plans are required:
Incident action plan
_ Resources from multiple agencies in use
- Several jurisdictions involved
- Incident will require changes in shifts of personal / equipment
IMS’s organizational structure develops in a ____ fashion.
The staff will build from the _______
Top down
IMS’s components must include:
IC Command staff Planning Logistics Operations staging finance /admin
The IMS’s structure should describe:
Implementation Comm Interagency coordination command structure framing and qualification accountability rehab
Purpose of command staff:
Provide structure, coordination and the integration or risk management, which increases health and safety.
The IC should:
Announce who is taking command and the location of the command post.
- Remain fairly stationary away from background noise. Use a vest or specific colored light to identify himself.
- IC has to rely on info being transmitted to him
Since 2001 there has been a National effort for agencies to adopt the ______
Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System:
NFPA 1561
Designed to provide the framework to manage incidents with a strong command presence.
Command procedures
Span of Control:
_____ to ____ people
____ is the rule of thumb
Span of control is _____ varaible
3 to 7
All IMS have 1 thing in common _____.
Command or incident management is :
1 person in command
The art of directing and controlling the personnel and equipment assigned to the incident
Most important reason for using IMS:
Provides flexibility and give responsibility to select individuals, creating accountability and improving safety
IMS must be used on all incidents involving _______
More than a single unit
PAR reports can be :
Visual or Verbal
The relationship between FF safety and strategy tactics can be treated to _____
Incident Priorities
Purpose of the National Fire Fighter Life safety Summit:
Work toward accomplishing the FF life safety inactivities
HR should be monitored for ____ secs.
If rate above _____ temp should be taken
If temp above ____ all PPE is removed
Temp below ____ and HR above _____ rehab time should be increased
30 seconds
100.6 degrees F
100 degrees , 110
Mandatory Rehab Intails:
Rehab should be less than ____ mins
Rehab should not be in the _____
____ and ____ may inhibit boys ability to sweat and cool
2 air bottles or 45 mins of work
10 mins
Air condition
Antihistamines and Diuretics
Critical factor in heat injury prevention ______
During heat stress you should consume ____
50/50 mix of water and activity beverage and should be secured at _____
Avoid _____ and ____ beverages
Maintenance of water and electrolytes
at least 1 quart per hr
40 degrees F
Caffienated and carbonated
- Food should not be used in lieu of hydration
Upon entering rehab crews should :
Remove Coats
Wash Hands
Begin hydration
- Cannot leave without authorization of Rehab officer
Fluids Food Medica Tracking Other
Water, ice, activity beverage
High energy bars, crackers, granola
Thermometers, transport units
Status board, passports
Awnings, fans, barricade tape
- identify single Ingress / egress point
Rehab should be located close or adjacent to _____
Initial rehab where the incident will be concluded within a ___ to ___ hr period
Long term rehab - ( requires the assistance of eternal resources) incident expected to take longer than ___ to ___ hrs to complete
SCBA air refill station
6 to 8 hr
More than 6 to 8 hr
pg 41
Rehab Scope
Applied to emergency op’s of extended duration. Strenuous physical activity or exposure to extreme heat or cold
- IC can determine that a informal rehab will suffice
Rehabs purpose
Ensure physical and mental condition does not deteriorate to the point it affects the safety of the individual, crew, or integrity of the Op.
The sector / group provides rest, nourishment, comfort and medical assessment
Basic plan for rehab should include:
Establishment of Rehab with the IMS Hydration Nourishment Rest and recovery Medical evaluation Accountability while in rehab
It takes ____ FF to rescue one downed FF
1 in _____ RIC members will get into some type of trouble
A 3000 psi bottle contains ____ of air ( plus or minus ____ %)
Phoenix RIC study showed
Rapid intervention is _____
Took RIC ____ to get to a ready state
_____ until time of entry
____ to make contact with down FF
___ average time inside building
Total rescue time of _____
Not Rapid
- 5 mins
- 03 mins
- 82 mins
- 33 mins
21 mins
Pg 38
It’s a good idea to auto dispatch ___ to all ___
All working fires
RIC’s defines _____
- Must be on standby in full PPE
Must not be assigned any task that would render them unavailable
What do they respond to?
Rapid Intervention crews
Lost FF, trapped FF, injured FF
Helps meet the requirements of OSHA’s 2 in 2 out rule
- Should have direct comms with IC or operations
Accountability system requires
PAR’s definition _____
PAR benchmarks :
- E81 Par 4
Personnel Accountability Reports
- a fix time (defined by SOG’s)
- After primary search
- After fire under control
- Switch in strategies modes
- Significant event Ex. collapse, flashover, backdraft
- Any report of a missing FF
At a large incident _____ may determine points of entry, ensures comm’s with accountability officers, provide overall coordination of accountability
division / group
_____ responsible for accountability of an area of the incident from a specific entry point.
______ responsible for putting the accountability function into the IMS
Accountability officer
____ responsible for ensuring name tags are in the proper location on apparatus
_____ responsible for knowing the location of each person assigned to them and for staying within their assigned work areas.
____ responsible for accountability within the work area
Individual responders
Group Officers
____ are a strict requirement, necessitating participation by everyone at all levels at all incidents
Locally adopted accountability procedures
Accountability systems must:
Account for exact location provide for expansion to exact scene needs.
Be adaptable to the IMS in use
Assure all individuals are checked in and out of the system
Provide for visual recognition of participation
Provide for points of entry into the hazard zone
New wireless accountability systems can:
Monitor air usage and track personnel
____ will occur by using several layers of supervisions in various geographical or functional areas.
Each ___ or ___ leader is responsible for his/her operating crews.
Group or division
An accountability officer should be assigned on large scale incidents. On smaller ones the IC or SO can handle it
____ inspections of PPE are recommended
This can performed by a ____ or ____
PPE should be inspected by the user _____ and ________
Monthly, station officer or shift commander
The begging of each shift and other every use
- same with PASS device
The expected components of FF PPE include:
SOG’s should be in place defining the use of PPE
Approved helmet w/ eye protection Flame resistant hood Turnout / bunker coat \_\_\_\_\_ pants FF Gloves FF boots PASS device SCBA
A discussion on PPE for response to fires can be broken down into 3 subject areas:
Design and purchasing
Care and maintenance
Varied responsibilities of the SO include:
- Form a strategy
- Analyze fire and smoke conditions
- Ensure crew intactness
- Ensure IMS is in place
- Maintain accountability system
- Ensure proper levels of PPE
- Assess building or vehicle structure status
- Establish collapse zone
- Oversee rehab setup
- Assess physical condition of personnel
- Ensure proper scene lighting
- communicate unsafe location
- Ensure means of egress
- Develop risk assessment
- Ensure RIT crews are ready
- Secure utilities
- Ensure traffic is controlled
A SO’s evaluation of a scene should include:
- A prediction of what could or will happen
- 360 of structure
- Pre incident plan review
- Talk to occupants / Owner about hazards
- SO’s should assess the op from a safety point of view and relay finding to the IC
In some cases the SO serves in name only. This is a BAD idea.
The SO must have additional knowledge an be experienced with the type of fire incident at hand.
The SO must have ____ other duties.
*depending on the size and type of the organization, the SO may be a dedicated position within the safety division, or a first line supervisor
Common incident scene concepts are :
Assigning a safety officer FF have proper PPE Accountability system RIT team Rehab
To avoid liability one must perform to the same level that another reasonable person with the same training and experience would perform.
Standard of Care
- SOC is a very dynamic concept
- Concept is : Everyone has certain expectations when it comes to performance
NFPA 1500 - Occupant safety and health 1561 - IMS 1584 - Rehab 1521 - Safety Officer Quals 1021 - FO Quals 1403 - Live fire training 1404- Respirators
All info
Air cascade systems must meet _____
Air quality requirements
Hazardous waste operations and Emergency response is OSHA # _____
Who is responsible to maintain SCBA?
Life safety Code is NFPA ____
NFPA has no _____
enforcement authority or power
____ Do not have the weight of law unless they are adopted as law by an authority having jurisdiction
Promulgated at some level of government by a government agency and have the force of law
In 1998 Congress funded ____ to conduct investigation on LODD’s
The 3 goals are :
1 - Better define the magnitude and characteristic of LODD’s among FF’s
2- Develop recommendations for prevention
3- Disseminate prevention strategies
There are approx ____ FF in the US _____ paid and _____ volunteer.
On average _____ die each year
pg 29
1.2 million
1 million
Organizations that publish an annual report on FF injuries and death:
IC can run a safe fire ground op if they understand:
- Fire behaviors
- Implementation of IMS
- Understand historical causes of fire ground death and injuries
Risk assessment philosophy at the emergency scene
3 points
- Take great risk to save a lot
- Little risk to save a little
_ No risk to save what is already lost
A major development in FF safety was the development of the _____
200 people met to discuss prevention of FF _______
The goal was to reduce fatality rates by ____% in ____ yrs , and ____ % by 2014
16 FF life safety initiatives
line of duty deaths
25% in 5 yrs
50 % by 2014
OSHA requires 2 FF available outside the structure for rescue for every 2 FF inside performing fire attack
2 in 2 out rule
Just less than half of FF injuries occur on the fire ground.
About ___ of FF deaths occur on the fire ground
The major impact on fire ground safety came from NFPA ____
Occupational health and safety program
NFPA 1404 -
NFPA 1561 -
Standard of live fire training
Standard of emergency services Incident management system
Agency under FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security that directs and produces fire programs, research, and education
United states Fire administration
Kevlar -
Inner clothing
Outer clothing
Personal Alert Devices sound after ____ to ____ of losing stationary
20 to 30 seconds
It is unheard of today to fight a fire in :
Latest fire resistance materials like ___ and ___
New thermal protection ____ reducing overheating
FF Safety strap ____ into gear
Helmets are ____ ____ materials
Mandated ___ ____ are worn in IDLH atmosphere
Helmet and rubber coar
Nomex and kevlar
Lightweight and composite
Breathing apparatus
Changes in building materials and building construction have ____ fire hazards
Such as the flammable materials now found in homes.
Terrorism has created changed in response and op’s policies
_____ will impact the ability to meet the strategies. The Fire department must consider this when deploying tactics.
Staffing levels
Ultimate decision makers on what type of fire dept a community will support :
Regardless of resources available, start goals and objectives on the fire ground
Do not change
- However tactics and tactical methods will change drastically
Most efficient way to move water in early history ___
Large extensive fires are called ____
Bucket Brigade
General statement on what needs to be accomplished. Designed to meet incident priorities
More specific functions designed to meet the strategic goals __
The method used to meet the tactic __
Strategy - ventilation
Tactic - Vertical ventilation
Tactical method - PPV at front door
Organized the first fire fire company in philadelphia in 1736 to save lives and reduce property loss
Ben Franklin
* Tech advances, increased research, increased education, and focused on safety and improved standards have had a major impact on the fire service
- Especially in the last 30 yrs
The ____ has been a catalyst for higher education in the fire service.
It is funded by the _____
Was the result of _____
2001 GW Bush established the _____
NFA was created in ____ and was the outcome of the document _____
National Fire Academy
Fed Gov
Sept 11 2001
Office of Homeland Security
America Burning - a report made to the president of the US
____ will probably be in every structure that a FF responds to
Every FF must understand strategied and tactics _____
Regardless of rank
When a forest fire is moving towards occupied homes:
Wild land Urban Interface
Proper strategies and tactics can be better deployed if the FF knows the :
Of the structure in his zone
Construction types
Building material used
Architectural designs
General engineering principles
Construction type where no fire stop were located between the floors or attic spaces.
They now require fire stops but many older models are still inhabited
Ballon Frame
New residential roofs have had a bad impact because of the ____ of the roof
Light Wood trusses have drastically changed FF tactics
___ must be located and put out quickly or there is a real threat of roof collapse
Attic fires
In trusses the 2 x4’s are held together by ___
Trusses are lined up ____ to ____ inched apart to create the skeleton of the roof
Under heat, gusset plates ____
gusset plates
16 to 24 inches
Pull out from the wood and fail
* lightweight joodtrusses fail faster than older traditional techniques
____ lose their integrity quickly under fire conditions
____ ____ roofs are now most common.
Made up by 2x4 lumber in a triangle formation. This is called ____ and _____
Wooden bowstrings truss roofs
Lightweight wood truss roofs
Chord and web (very strong)
FF’s should not fight fires for longer than the time it takes to use ____
____ min bottles without rehab
Average work time for a 30 min bottle ____
Dont rely on FF to tell you they need rehab
2 30 mins
12 min and 50 seconds
Home in the 20’s and 30’s were furnished with:
The structures were built with mostly ____
Now homes are furnished with ____ causing____
Wood , leather,cotton, and wool
Plastic foams and synthetics
Burns much hotter, reaches flashover faster, creates toxic fumes and dense smoke
Furniture now is made of many materials causing ____ and causing the fire to ____
Toxic fumes
Fire burns much hotter
492 people died in the ____ fire of ____.
Flammable decorations, inadequate exits and overcrowding was to blame.
It influenced the ___ edition of ____
Boston , Mass 1942
1942 Building exit code
- These changes effect strategy
__% of FF deaths are due to ___
There is still no mandatory fitness program
Standard for FF fitness NFPA __
____ Investigates every FF death in the US
Must secure the FF’s ___ after death
Before hackensack the term ___ _____ was not nationally known
National Institute of Occupational Safety and health
Bowstring truss
After high rise fire that killed 3 FF code was changed to require ____
Approx ___ FF still die each year
The NFA is located in ____
Sprinklers in all high rise office buildings in philadelphia
Emmitsburg Maryland
FF must assume that not all ____ will be available as written in the code.
____ can be deadly
___ allow for only detection and notification of fires
Alarm systems
____ to augment or provide water to sprinkler and standpipe systems must be considered early in the incident
In some buildings both systems are supplied by the same ____
Apparatus Placement
High rise pack consist of:
150 ft hose
reducer or gated wye
Spanner wrench
____ and ___ have had a major impact on tactics
Sprinkler systems, standpipes , alarm systems, exit requirements are all examples
___ are important allies of FD’s
___ allow FF to carry less hose, less fatigue
Codes and standards
Sprinkler systems
NFA is providing higher education such as the ____ program.
FF have education opportunities from basic skills to ___ and ___ degree programs
Executive Fire Officer Program
Masters and doctorate
Works to enhance the ability of FR and Emergency services and allied professionals to deal more efficiently with fire related emergencies
National Fire Academy
At building with multiple entry points the ____ at each entry point will serve as the initial accountability point for that entrance.
First arriving company at each potential entry point
- However an accountability officer should be assigned ASAP
For the single family house fire the ____ will serve as the initial accountability officer
The ____ will establish command, but that officer will transfer command to ____
The first arriving engine driver
First arriving Engine officer will assume command, The BC upon his arrival
Contradiction ******
Peer defusing : a trained person from the same discipline talks to emergency responders AFTER a critical incident
Pg 434
Peer Defusing:
Occurs at the scene. An informal discussion between the peers who experienced the event together
Pg 431
A process for managing the short term and long term effects of critical incident stress reactions:
A critical review of the incident after it occurs:
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Post incident analysis
4 types of CISM:
- Should take into account other agencies that were involved in the incident
Peer defusing : occurs at the scene
On site defusing : responder is pulled from ops and sent to rehab to be mentally evaluated
After demobilization : In a neutral area session last from 30 to 60 min
Formal debriefing: After the incident , sometimes several days led by a CISM team of specially trained staff.
2 rules : All members involved should try to attend, peer counselor needs to have had proper training
Informal PIA can also occur:
Delaying company level PIA can:
If its late at night hold the PIA for :
at the scene
Give members tim to develop defensive behaviors or mount attacks , compromising constructiveness
10 to 15 min
Address it the next morning or the start of the next shift
Post incident analysis (PIA) are sometimes called:
They should focus on:
The purpose should be to:
They are relevant to :
The fire service has seen an overall reduction in the :
Critical review- * because the word critique carries a negative connotation, PIA is preferred
- ROPE* Resource, Operational effectiveness, Personnel, Equipments
Reinforcing appropriate strategies, discovering innapropriate strategies
All FD personnel, not just chiefs and crews that were on the incident
Number of serious fires
* So a PIA is a good way to discuss strategies and fill the gap
Once released , crews should return to quarters and ____.
Showering allows them to :
____ should be on the lookout for signs of stress within crews. Report it to ____
When the apparatus and crew are clean and ready for the next alarm , the officer should sit them down and have an informal discussion with them about the incident.
Replenish supplies
Devon from the elements of incomplete combustion
Fire officers and FF’s, notify their supervisors
This is the first step in the post incident analysis
The mindset of _____ the fire must be forsaken to make way for logical thinking about personnel care and conservation.
When exposed to bodily fluids crews must decon _____
As much as possible before entering the apparatus
* or any other typeof containment
Many organizations operate using _____ approach. * Not logical
_____must be considered in the demobilization plan
When FD’s use ____ crews can leave their trucks and equipment on scene and return to the station on the relief crews apparatus
First in, last out approach
FF fatigue
Standardized apparatus
The process of returning personnel, apparatus and equipment after an emergency has been terminated .
Agencies should require personnel to ____ before leaving the scene.
Incident termination requires an :
Demobilization - * whether the incident is large or small termination must be planned sequence of actions.
Pass through rehab for a Medical check out
Organized plan for demobilization * the importance of demobilization is ignored in many incident action plans
Historical Structures
IC’s should work closely with _____ and ____ during salvage and overhaul
As with any fire, the best means of protection is _____ ***
_____ can prevent the need for forcible entry
Curators and staff
Addition of key box
Electrical substations
Fire can occur because of :
____ and ____ are the only activities that can be performed until power is shut down
Once power is off , crews will be confronted with a ____ fire
Mechanical failure, Lightning, Over heating from energy demands
EVAC and exposure protection
Flammable liquid fire
(Mineral Oil)
Bulk storage facilities
Don’t enter diked area unless to :
On pressurized tanks, crews should NOT be placed:
___ is paramount at bulk storage facilities
On pressurized tanks, water should be applied to:
On non pressurized tanks, water should be applied to:
Save a life
In line with the ends of the tanks
Protection of exposed tanks
The vapor space
To the sides, below the liquid line
Bulk storage facilities
Hazards associated with bulk storage:
Pressurized tanks hold:
Bulk tanks are required to have:
When water sinks to the bottom of a tank it does little to extinguish the fire, but it adds to the volume in the tank and product spills out :
product , tank type, construction and physical layout of the tank
Gases that are liquefied or stored in bulk under pressure
Built in safety features
Ex. deluge gun water or foam systems
Tanks must also be diked for Runoff
Evacuation of the planes passengers will occur:
Once life safety and extinguishment are over, the aircraft should be left _____
Little if any ____ should be done
Before FD arrives
Intact for fed investigators.
For overhaul- only as much is needed should be performed
3 types of lines that FF must be protected from in aircraft fires:
Search and rescue:
Access may be gained by cutting through the ____ or ____, but the easiest access is through the planes ____.
Be cautious opening a planes door because doing so may cause:
hydraulic lines, oxygen lines, fuel lines
with the area around the crash site
fuselage or windows
The emergency chute to deploy
Color code for aircraft tubing: Red Yellow Blue and yellow Orange Green Brown
Compressed gas
breathing air
fire protection
____ on an aircraft may still operate after a crash and continue to emit radiation
Rotary wing aircraft can carry ____ to ____ people. Fuel carried on board can range from ____ to ____ gallons
Main rotor blades can span as much as ____ ft. And dip as low as ____ ft during start up and shut down
The ____ may not be seen when its spinning
Radar units
* won’t emit if they are shut down
1 to 50
20 to 700 gallons
60 ft, 4 ft
tail rotor
Larger aircraft have a ____ system for the controls
Aircrafts use an _____ to supply power when the aircraft engines are down
Military aircraft use ____ to dislodge ejection seats
Hydraulic * may carry pressures of up to 5,000 psi
APU ( auxiliary power unit) it runs off the planes fuel supply
Explosive devices
* there is also the possibility of ammunition on board
Fuel for reciprocating engine:
Fuel for jet engines and turbo prop engines:
Fuel for military aircraft with jet engines:
High octane aviation gasoline or avgas, it is very flammable
Bot use a commercial high grade kerosene fuel. Known as Jet A. It has a higher flash point than avgas, but a lower ignition temperature.
Several common hazards for fixed wing aircraft:
Aircraft engines can be 1 of 3 different types:
Large amount of fuel , hydraulic fluid, and in some cases oxygen equipment
Reciprocating, jet propulsion, turbo prop
One extinguishment method for train fires is to remove the ____ side of the fire triangle .
The fire is allowed to:
___ should be inspected for signs of horizontal fire spread when dealing with train fires.
fuel side
Interior partitions
Non passenger trains usually travel with a minimum crew of ____ to ___ people
The crew should be in the _____
Priority areas should be developed depending on ____ and ____
Some of the largest evacuations in history have been as a result of :
2 to 4
Lead locomotive
Time of the incident
Proximity to the fire
Rail incidents
If the tank care shell cannot be cooled at the ___ , FD should withdraw and EVAC everyone.
If the rail locomotive is powered by electricity ____ or ____ will be present
the point of flame impingement
Overhead wires or a third rail
If flames are impinging on a pressurized railcar containing LPG and sufficient water supply cannot be established, _____
It is essential that all other rail traffic:
Evacuation may be the only valid strategy
Be stopped
* FD dispatchers will have the phone # for train dispatchers
Several 1 ton containers of chlorine are commonly transported on a flat car, called a _____
Multi unit tankcar
- Car with a capacity from a few hundred gallons to 30,000 gallons of product
- May have 1 or more compartments
Tank cars
8 classifications of railcars:
- passenger trains may carry several hundred people Pg 405
boxcars - a box with wheels, may have refirdgerator systems
Flat cars - no wall enclosures or tops
intermodal equipment
Gondola cars - Flat bottom and walls
Hopper cars
Passenger cars
tank cars
- Work horse of the train
- can be diesel electric or electric
- Diesel elcetric is basically a generator on wheels
- The diesel electrics biggest hazard is the electricity created by the diesel engine
- Full electric carry a current between 25,000 to 50,000 volts
- Basically flat cars with containers placed on them
- Allow cargo to be transferred rapidly between different modes of transportation without having to off load the product
inter modal equipment
- Cars that have fixed sides and ends
- floor is sloped to a hinged door
- transport dry bulk materials Ex fertilizer and grains
Hopper cars
- Cars designed to carry people or perform functions for passengers
Ex luggage storage or dining
Passenger cars
If at sea, the only option for evacuation is :
If in part, an evac option may be to:
Exposed boats may be:
To confine the fire ____, ____, and ____
Ventilation tactical objectives involve:
Overhaul will be necessary where:
Life boats
Evacuate the port, or area around the ship
Moved away from the danger area
Close bulkhead doors, place homeliness to protect avenues of vert and horizontal fire spread, control the ventilation system
Removing or opening hatch covers and turning ventilators away from the wind
In the fire area and the adjacent areas
Comparison of building Vs. Ship terms:
Structure term Wall = Floors = Ceiling= windows = doors=
plartforms or decks
Shipboard strategic goals and objectives
FF safety should start with asking the question:
___ should be used to provide exit paths at ship fires
Tactical objectives for search and rescue on a ship should focus on :
Are the crews trained and equipped to handle the situation
** Life lines**
Dividing the ship into sections and having crews search assigned areas
Hazards encountered on shipboard fires:
When water is applied to a ship fire, the water:
Passenger ships can carry _____ of fuel
The ships pre fire plan is called **
Included in the plan is the :
It is required to be stowed:
Stays on the ship, creating stability problems
hundreds of thousands of gallons pg 402
* Fire command plan*
Layout, location of FF equipment, plans for each deck dimensions, locations of comm systems
In a marked location outside the deck house. Signs directing FF to the FLP are required.
Cargo ships may carry up to ____ passengers as well as Hazmats
In shipboard fires FF may endure intense heat and smoke, because they:
____ creates a maze that would be difficult for a unfamiliar person to navigate in a shipboard fire.
often must enter from the top of the fire and descend down
Never extinguish a gas fire unless:
Overhaul should be handled by :
the gas supply can be immediately shut off when the fire is out Pg 401
Hazmat team * salvage as well
Exposure protection may be implemented where there is no fire. Example ____
Responders trained to the ____ level can deploy defensive actions at a has mat response
Tactical objectives for confinement at a hazmat include : ____ , _____ and ____ pg 400
Haz mat operation level technician requires ___ hrs of training
an originated leak of flammable gas, like LPG, its heavier than air and may be directed away from exposures using hose streams
Defensive actions
Damming, diking and retention
* can be done by ops level responders
8 hrs
pg 395
Sheltering in place is an acceptable option at a hazmat incident.
Shut down vent systems that could bring in outside air
Any openings to the outside should be closed
whats the duration of the release?
How many evacuees
Where will they go?
Number of available resources
- studies have shown that sheltering in place is generally safer than evacuation
Haz Mats
FF safety can be accomplished at Haz Mat incidents often by doing _____ or by ____
Hazmat incidents are ____, ___ should be an early consideration
Nothing or by taking defensive actions only
Long lasting
3 risks levels for Rescue at a Hazmat incident :
- Those who have the best chance for survival should be rescued first
Low - Hazards are known and not expected to increase
Calculated - Same as low, except that hazards may increase
Unacceptable - No chance for success
Non flammable gasses: Lower Flammable limit of no higher than ___% and a Flammable range of greater than ___%
The weight of air is equal to ____
Equal to 1
FF should understand the eight of different gases compared to air
Detonate :
to explode with sudden violence
To burn rapidly
can be considered “low explosive”
An area where under developed land with vegetative fuels mixes with human made structures
A wildland engine:
Wildland urban interface
Brush truck
The key in fighting interface fires is to :
When prioritizing exposures you are essentially performing?
There are no ____ and ___ rules as to which structure should be protected
The ___ and ___ of a structure can be considered safety zones
A structure may not be defensible if it is less than ____ the ____ from the edge of the clear space
Use your resources to accomplish the most good
Structural triage
hard and fast
Leeward side And interior
Twice the flame length
- The decision to protect an exposure will depend on the fuel load and intensity of the fire
WFF tactics
2 main concerns:
___ it , ____ it, and ____ it
Start extinguishment at :
Conditions that would make you reassess your decision to protect or withdraw from a structure
1 FF safety , 2 providing for the greatest good
Find , contain, extinguish
Most active flank, move towards head
Building construction , spot fire spreading, roof is well involved, large unprotected windows, above ground fuel tanks, house is on a slope
In WF ___ is a big concern
You should lower ___ on adjustable nozzles and lower ____ on a automatic nozzle
Overhaul in WFF is called ____ and is just as important as in structural FF.
The ____ should be overhauled. Crews should saturate a an area that extends ___ ft beyond the burned area.
water supply
Mop up
Entire perimeter
50 ft
* Salvage is usually not much of a concern in WFF
___ is a difficult component to remove during WFF
Removing ___ is likely impossible
You can dig a line to remove:
Safest method of extinguishment:
You should begin by working up the ___
From within the burned area, then work towards the _____
Fuel and the preheating of surrounding vegetation
Attack from the burned area and work outward
Flanks and head
* The head of a WF is the fastest growing and fastest moving
3 main ways to contain a WFF:
Other ways to confine WFF:
Surround it with personnel who have constructed fire lines or
Create a perimeter and have FF there ready to extinguish or
Combo of both
Dozers, aircraft, natural boundaries, artificial boundaries, extinguishment, backfiring ahead of a moving fire
The most important issue regarding evacuation is :
Regarding exposure protection, ____ is the key
Class A foam is used 2 ways in WFF:
CASF’s have proven to be more effective than water alone (Define CASF)
Confining a wild land fire means:
When to order it
Knowing which exposures to protect and how to protect them
In conjunction with water to penetrate ordinary combustible and make extinguishment more effective or, it is applied to unburned materials
Compressed air foam systems
Keeping it contained to a designated area
* typically requires spreading resources throughout the area
Strategic goals of Wildland fires:
- Many of the goals in wild land fires:
- FF safety begins with:
- FF should be outfitted with wild land FF gear including:
- ___ is not a major component of WFF
- ___ is an instance where it may be required
- EVAC effort are:
- Who gives the order to EVAC?
are also applicable to structural FF
Each individual
Long sleeve shirt (tucked in) pants ( both having fire retardant material) work boots, helmet and eye protection
Search and rescue
Homeowners who refused to evacuate
A huge undertaking. Time consuming and personnel intensive
FD and other agencies as well
EVAC is conducted as a joint effort among public safety agencies
10 firefighting orders for Wildland FF
1 keep informed on weather conditions
2 know what the fire is doing at all times
3 base all actions on current and expect fire bahavior
4 plan escape routes for everyone
5 place a lookout in danger areas
6 be alert, calm, think clearly, act decisively
7 Maintain communication with everyone involved
8 Give c;ear instructions
9 maintain control of your crew at all times
10 Fight fire aggressively, but provide for safety first
- Containment could be containing the fire to an area of several hundred feet or a few thousand acres
Ground cover fires
- Primarily involve fuels at the lowest level
- involves light types of fuel, such as grasses
- fastest growing type, but produces the lead heat
- Typically can be reached with regular wild land apparatus, and usually only span a few hundred feet to several acres
Most often occur in farmlands and urban suburban areas
Strip center
If FF observe a truss section failing:
Covered walkways are:
They are either ____ or supported by ____
Cantilever walkways are attached :
With walkways roof may fall ______
Evacuate immediately
Purely decorative, no structural support
Cantilevered, supported by posts and pillars
to the main building structure, its basically an extension of the main roof
or tip outward , much like a seesaw
Strip mall
Typically there are no void spaces between ____ and _____
Fire in the covered walkways typically:
They are typically bolted_______
Covered walkways and main structure
Can burn with out necessarily affecting the main structure
to the wall of the main structure
* collapse is likely at the connection points
Strip mall tactics
IC should not wait for a event to happen:
If crews are not making significant progress:
and then react (be proactive not reactive)
Consider pulling crews out of the building
Once fire floor determined the ___ and ___
Should be closed, while ____ should be opened to prevent air from transferring the supply and return shafts
Next step is to the fire area, so fresh air is supplied to building occupants while pressurizing these zones at the same time
outside air supply dampers and mixing dampers
Exhaust dampers
Supply fans
* All FF’s must have a genera; understanding of HVAC systems
Devices that prevent or allow air to enter the HVAC system
Rule of thumb upon arrival to a HR is to verify the ____ while determining the mode of ____
Fire floor and location
The mode of all the HVAC zones
One of the most critical aspects of fighting modern HR fires is :
Old building don’t have HVAC systems:
HVAC system has 3 components:
gaining handle on air movement throughout the building (HVAC system)
They have AC systems that only serve 1 floor HVAC systems serve multiple floors
Processing equipment
supply equipment
return equipment
Building fire pumps should be able to deliver ____ psi at _____ with a relief valve limiting the pressure to ____ psi above that which is required
highest floor outlet
With fire pumps it is essential that the ____ and ____ gauges be checked.
And that the ____ is closed. As much as ___% of pump capacity could be lost if it is open.
Of one pump is substantially lower pressure than the other :
Should be a phone in the pump room directly connecting to:
inlet and discharge
bypass valve
50 %
the lever should be moved to a higher setting
The buildings command post
All HR’s should be required to have:
Many times the fire pumps start _____, in some cases either the _____ or a ____ will start them.
Pump room is usually located in :
If a FF starts the pump he should:
Auxiliary Fire pumps * they increase the pressure in the standpipe system
building engineer of a FF
Basement, subbasement or utility room
Remain there to ensure proper pressures and make sure they don’t get shut off
If the building has a adequate fire pump supplying the sprinklers, the IC should have the first supply line supply the ____ siamese.
Always supply the standpipe system before:
Where did the fire stop at Meridian 1 Philly:
FF’s work off of it, even with a wet , pressurized system
the first floor that was equipped with sprinklers
In many cases areas ____ are mandated in HR’s.
Only absolute method of determining if a standpipe is present:
Good rule of thumb for responding pumper to HR:
Must supply the system with ____ and ____
May have to move engines away from the building to :
The siamese connection should be ____ or ____
preincident plan
position at a working hydrant located near a siamese
adequate pressure and several lines
protect his from falling debris
Color coded or have a sign indicating its use
Standpipe, sprinkler or combo
* consider having a min of 2 pumpers simultaneously supplying 2 siamese connections fire ops
The key tactical consideration in HR fires is that FD’s are completely reliant on the buildings systems to assist in extinguishment. These systems include:
The systems are varied and complex, the FD must master their use in order to be succesful
Standpipes , sprinklers, HVAC, Elevators, Fire command station
Communications systems
Fire pumps
Common construction type of many HR’s elevators stairs and support systems are located in the center of the building
In new buildings windows are:
Only way to vent them is to:
FD needs to control and utilize _____
Central (or center) core construction
Fixed and inoperable
Break them whiteness glass into the street
* If used improperly can cause death or injury of civilians and FF’s
*** _____ are the most challenging fires in the fire service
Old HR construction:
New HR construction:
High Rise fires
Much heavier, concrete or masonry walls, concrete floor, windows that could be opened from the inside ,lack of central AC or plenums. Compartmentation
Sleek steel and glass. HVAC systems , large open office spaces, lacking compartmentation, plenums are also used for building electrical and communication equipment
A ductwork component of an HVAC system that provides an avenue for air flow and returns air to the system
High Rises ( HR)
Defined as :
First HR fires occurred over 100 yrs ago (1882)
The battles are fought from _____
with very little help from _____
Any building in which the highest floor is beyond reach of the available ladders
Heavy emphasis is placed on using the buildings systems Ex: elevators, speakers, standpipes, fire pumps
Within the structures, ground ladders and outside streams
An occupancy used for the gathering of 50 or more people for deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, awaiting transportation , or used as a special amusement building. Regardless of occupant load.
Place of assembly
At stadium and arenas
Control of the fire alarm panel allows fire personnel to provide messages and directions over in house intercom systems and allows them to manage:
Elevators, lights and other systems
Night clubs Pg 319
Windows, doors, stairways and shafts should all be opened. ____ is the primary cause of death in these structures. Occupants chances of survival depend on _____
Vertical ventilation will likely be _____
PPV will work once ____
The crews ability to reduce smoke conditions
Once fire is located and hose lines are in place
Night Clubs Pg 319
All initial resources may be assigned to :
____ dictate the actions of the first responding units
Even if fire is knocked down quickly:
_____ must follow any rescue efforts
Search and rescue
Pre incident plans
Loss of life is usually significant
Larger hand lines
Nightclubs pg 318
Todays nightclubs can be completely:
Hazard associated with nightclubs:
Popular venues can be ______
Some of the occupancies have _____ shows
In many cases, devastation to human life will happen _____. Rescue is focused on:
Non combustible
Alcohol consumption, Loud music, low lights, smoky environment
Before arrival
Those in greatest peril
Vent strategies _____ depending on the design of the structure.
It is very difficult to vent an arena without the aid of an ___ system because arenas have _____
very drastically
Very high ceiling
Another hazard presented during arena event is :
The biggest concern with an area is :
____numbers of rescuers are needed even for small fires
As occupants are evacuating, search efforts should include:
The best possible way to confine a fire is to :
Alcohol consumption
Size and configuration of the building
A large number
Locating and confining the fire
- activate an adequate sprinkler system and augment it with efforts from the FD*
People have a tendency to perceive large stadiums as ____ and not as structures
Pro sports arenas are similar to ____, with attached fields and stadium seating
____ may prove to be taxing and difficult
Outdoor arenas
High rise buildings
Incident stabilization
Most modern arenas can be considered:
There is no set standard on :
Te only constant when designing arenas is ____ can seat ____ to ____ ( Neyland stadium in Knoxville Tennessee)
Architectural and engineering marvels
How an arena can be designed
A few hundred to 96,000
Exhibit Halls
Cutting holes in exhibit hall roofs has ____, and may not be :
Much of what will burn in an exhibit hall are:
For overhaul, utilize the building :
For salvage, depending on the damage have the :
Many Limitations
May not be the most effective use of personnel
The exhibits themselves
Equipment Ex. Forklifts , motorized carts
The owners and vendors come in to salvage what they can may be the option
Exhibit halls
Initial Search and rescue op’s focus on:
Realistically, there is no way to :
Search team should use a rope as a _____
In some cases, exhibit hall employees have as much training in fire response as:
They can use interior standpipes to confine fire in its early stages but FD should _____
Removal of victims found in and around exit doors
Determine a head count of evacuees
An industrial fire brigade does
stretch FD hose not theirs
Exhibit halls
Most occupants will only be familiar with one way in and one way out so ____ is the key
FF’s must assume that not everyone ____
IC must divide the fire into _____
Fire preventions
Will evacuate
* start primary search ASAP
Manageable areas and establish appropriate collapse zones
Exhibit Hallas
After massive fires destroyed McCormick place in _____ in Jan 1967. Fire and building codes for exhibit halls were changed most new have ____ or ____ or both.
The fire was fought with ____ FF and _________ apparatus
Fire alarm and fire suppression
500 FF’s
94 apparatus
Typically have ____ that are difficult to _____.
Steep roofs
The fewer items handled the better
Elevated streams have the versatility to attack through ____ or reach ____
If elevated streams are in use from above and below ____ is no longer a consideration
Windows or reaching the highest points of the structure
Salvaging stained glass windows
Crew may position the apparatus for an ____-
While remaining capable of employing _____
in case the operation becomes defensive
It is not wrong for the first alarm companies to set up for offensive and the _____ prepare for defensive operations
offensive attack
master streams
2nd alarm companies
* Preferable to use large lines
Early total collapse of _____ is a concern
Obtain info from ____ regarding areas of potential victims
At the first sign of instability:
Collapse zones should be set with considerations for ______
Evacuating occupants
IC should evacuate all FF’s and establish collapse zones
Its important to preplan these facilities and add them to the :
People can be found in POW’s:
_____ line may not be enough GPM to over come the BTU’s generated
Departments target hazard list
as they may require more than the average first alarm response
Any hour of the day
1 3/4
British Thermal Units
Places of worship (POW)
Construction features are numerous and vary greatly among structures
Old POW’s that have undergone renovations result in :
Mixed building construction styles and materials
Quick and effective ____ must be established early in the fire.
_____ plays a critical role in ventilation operations
Pre incident planning
POA Fires
Most practical way to get a line to the fire:
May be divided into :
FF may be able to control the movement of air using the :
What happened at the MGM fire?
Have the ____ meet with command at designated locations
Different zones
HVAC system
HVAC system removed the smoke from the fire area and vented it away from the involved portion of the building causing confusion
Facilities maintenance personnel
____ and ____ the fire quickly greatly reduces life safety hazards
_____ or ____ may know the location of the fire
Dont ____ until the fire is located
Using the ___ is key to extinguishing POA fires
Once the fire is located the goal is to :
Locating and confining
Building managers and evacuating occupants
Commit hoselines * use TIC to find
Built in fire protection system
Confine it to the room or area of origin
* initially close the door
Assembly structure occupants will likely have been :
Rescue operations may include:
Overcome by smoke and fire before the first due companies arrive
Opening as many doors as possible and removing people
Most modern POA are designed to
During Search and rescue assignment should be broken down
May choose to evacuate or :
FF’s should take control of :
Above – does two things:
____ can be used for occupants and FF forces
Enhance occupant evacuation
Move people to a safe area within the fire building
Elevators: allow us to move freely prevent occupants from using them as an escape route ( could lead them to the fire floor)
Public address system
POA Fires
FD could direct the response of apparatus:
FD must pre establish tac objectives such as :
____ is a big FF safety issue in POA
A RIC at ______ should be established
Along service roads to avoid traffic
Staging areas, mandatory meeting points, water supplies, sprinkler and standpipe assignments, triage areas, LZ, clear route in and out for medical units
Personnel accountability
Large complex floor plans can cause FF’s to become lost
Every entry point ** FOR FF**
IC must quickly realize the resources need to protect working companies already committed
Strategy goals for responding to POA (places of assembly)
Fire may depend on _____ and _____
It is very important for companies to know the _____ of the facility
** Major concern for fires involving POA’s is the ______
Time of day and activity involved
Schedule of activities
The apparatus’s ability to access the fire buildings driveways and parking areas
3 well known public assembly fires:
Bradford City Stadium England May 11, 1985
Killed 56 injured 265
Coconut Grove Bost Mass 1942
Happy Land Social Club Bronx NY March 25 1990
killed 87
- Also Beverly Hills supper club and station night club
Assembly occupancies are designed to hold:
___ found in places of assembly
is a significant life safety concern, as well as the patrons lack of experience and familiarity with the building
Some of the worst fires in ____ have occurred in places of assembly
Large numbers of people, often in large, open areas
Population density
US history
(mass casualties)
To constitute a structure as an assembly occupancy ______ must be set.
NFPA 101:
Above uses a min occupancy load of ____ with the understanding that population densities may be as little as _____. If the occupancy has the same designated use, but has a load of fewer than _____ people it falls under a different category, such as a _____.
A minimum number of occupants
Life safety code
50 , 5 sq ft or less per person
50 , business
NFPA defines Assembly occupancies as :
They can be broken down into several categories:
any place where a large number of people congregate for entertainment , worship, meetings, or for awaiting transportation
Places of worship , exhibit halls, arenas, night club
Types of commercial building structures:
4 types
strip malls
Large commercial buildings - Supermarkets , dept stores
2 or 3 story commercial occupancies
Stand alone commercial occupancies
____ are essentially a combo of strip malls and large commercial structures
____ is a horizontal extension that is supported only on 1 side
2 or 3 story commercial structures
Stand Alone Commercial structure
Rarely have any _____
Use quick aggressive attack with hoselines capable of at least _____ gpm’s
Drop ceiling can hide fire _____ can happen when a portion of the ceiling is opened
You can vent the entire structure in just a few minutes using ______
Built in fire protection
125 gpm
Stand Alone commercial
Often have ____ on roof
An overhang or covered walkway that is _____
____ that may conceal fire or other hazards
Evacuation of building is necessary but ____
Drop ceilings
Not difficult
Stand Alone Comm
____ construction using _____
New building may use ____, _____, or _____ although wood is still common
Commonly the attic is _____
Many will use ____ for the roofs structural support
Most roofs are ____
The buildings are small so the exterior walls serve as _______
Simple, Wood
Concrete , brick , steel
Open throughout the structure
Load bearing walls
Stand Alone Comm
- relatively uncomplicated
- Convenience stores, bars, pubs
- Additionally ____ are becoming popular stand alones
Manufactured occupancies ( Single or double wide trailer)
Ex : Typically used for offices like on a construction site
2 or 3 story commercial buildings
Vertical ventilation should be used :
Horizontal can be used on :
Over the stairwells
On the fire floor
PPV may be beneficial
Evacuation of a 2 or 3 story commercial structure is generally ____ than it is for large commercial buildings because:
The best way to prevent Autoexposure?
Easier, most occupants work there or frequent it often and know the exits
Train hose streams on the exterior of the structure above where the fire fire is venting and attempting to spread vertically
2 and 3 story Commercial structure Hazards
Many older buildings utilize:
A steel roof is generally covered with a :
They are also being covered with:
For the most part, these buildings don’t have :
Bowstring Truss
Metal Skin
Top with rigid insulation, tar and gravel
A stretched rubber membrane (Like a bike tire)
- makes roof feel spongy like its failing
- gums up blades when cutting
Attached covered walkways
2 or 3 story commercial buildings
Roofs are typically _____
Floor is made of _____
Old buildings used ____ or ____ for support columns
New buildings use ____, ____, or _____
Wood or cast iron
Steel , wood, and concrete
Large Comm buiding Salvage
In large commercial buildings salvage operations run _____ with incident stabilization and may begin as soon as ______
Life safety is addressed
Large commercial building Ventilation
_____ should be used most of the time.
Positive and negative pressure are :
If you use PPV:
Vertical ventilation
Often ineffective
*high ceilings, too many openings
Multiple fans in the opening
Fans within the structure
Exit should be high and remote
Large Commercial Buildings
Initial engine company maybe faced with :
The first line should be placed:
Great care must be used to avoid:
Blocked roads and entrances by fleeing customers
Between the fire and means of egress
Avoid opposing streams
Large Commercial Structures
The size of these structures often require:
Large spans were impossible to create using:
A chemical change in wood resulting from the action of heat:
First step in search and rescue:
Pillars or posts to support the roof
* often I beams enclosed in concrete
Heavy timber construction
* typically 8x8 in could be bigger or smaller
Pyrolizing or charring
* actually acts as an insulator
Meet with the owner or manager
Large Commercial Building
____ can expose metal rebar in a concrete wall, weakening it.
These building have few, if any _____ and typically have _____ that allow fire spread.
Spalling ***
Falling chunks could injure FF’s
Fire stopping walls
Poke - throughs
Large commercial Building
____ add to the weight of the roof.
When venting a roof, do not cut ______
HVAC units
Steel cables in roof
* under a lot of tension
will rip through the concrete
destroying everything in it path
Large Commercial Buildings
In older structures the roof assembly was usually:
Which is constructed from:
Another roof hazard are ____ especially if made from ______
A bowstring truss
Parapets, styrofoam ( = toxic smoke)
Large Commercial Buildings
Main materials used to make load bearing walls:
Older structures used ____ or ____ for exterior walls
New structures are using ______
Steel is the _____ of these buildings
Wood is rarely used to :
Concrete, steel or a combo
Concrete block or brick
Large concrete slabs
* also used in floors walls and roofs
Construct roofs in these structures
Large commercial structures
Most obvious construction feature:
____ over the past few decades, has enabled builders to create large open spaces with little to no _____ needed between the bearing walls
Steel can be extruded to jus about:
Large open spaces
Steel, roof supports
Any length and thickness desired and multiple steel member can be joined together to span a large space
The layout and construction of a strip mall creates:
Salvage should begin:
a seemingly endless number of void spaces
In the early stages of the incident
Ex. not breaking windows that don’t need to be broken
In a strip malls fire usually a _____ will need to be performed to quell the fire.
Fire attack should be made from the :
For PPV openings…..
- Only other way to apply PPV is to pressurize the adjoining occupancies to help slow smoke spread
Trench cut
Unburned side
The opening for the cit point should be at least 1 1/2 times bigger than the opening used to pressurize the structure
Which way is the wind blowing?
Will the exit point affect any exposures?
When an exposure is threatened in a strip mall fire, the first efforts in controlling the fire must be :
If the fire is already overhauled and extinguishment attempts are having no effect:
Protect the adjacent exposures first
Back out and move to the next adjacent exposure
Brush Fires
- Mid level vegetation
- Occur in somewhat remote areas but it us often possible to access them with brush trucks
- Not as hot as forest fires
- Tend to occur more closely to wild land interface areas
- Primary hazard in forest and brush fires is the WEATHER wind speed/direction, temp, humidity,expected weather changes
- The next hazard is fire spread
- no such thin as a “routine” wild land fire
- Falling tress can be a hazard
- Aircraft is not used as regularly as first fires
- Crown fires don’t usually happen , but they can
- Utilizing an accountability system is crucial
- FF fatigue
- Typically do not last as long as forest fires but can last from several days or weeks
Forest Fires
- Often in remote areas, heavily wooded
- High level of vegetation fires
- Rarely pose significant threat to civilians or structures
- Burn slowly, much hotter than the other two types
- FF’s must be made aware of weather changes ex. lightning / wind speed/ direction
- Crown fire: when fire rapidly spreads across tree tops
- a crown fire may reverse direction
- the fire will defy gravity, move up slopes
- can spread from flying brands like embers ( could fall behind FF starting a fire that block escape route)
- Timber may fall
- Snags, broke branches caught up in tree that haven’t fallen yet
- Water from aircraft, could cause trees to fall
- can span several thousand acres
- Fatigue is a major factor
3 types of wild land fires:
Forest fires
Brush fire
Ground cover fire
FD’s must convince residents in wild land area to:
Clear away dead twigs leaving limbs for a radius of 30 to 50 ft
Keep roof gutters clean
Remove tree limbs within 15 ft of the ground
Remove dead limbs over roofs and vegetation within 15 ft of a chimney or stovepipe
Remove vegetation off of walls
Mow grass regularly , clear a 10 ft area around LP tanks
Store flammable liquids away from the base of the structure
Stack fire wood 100 ft away, create a defensible area
Wildland fires are affected by _____ and _____
Rate of fire spread
* its dynamic and complex
it affected by the types of fuel burning
the slope at which its burning and weather
Fire intensity
*describes how hot a fire is burning
The number of Wildland fires are continously :
People living in the areas want to maintain a ____ looking house. They often use ____ and _____ which ignite easily.
Wildland fires are most often started by :
Fires in these area often go:
On the rise
Wood siding and shingle roofs
Unnoticed for some time
Any large truck such as a box truck , usually used for commercial application.
Any large commercial truck that pulls a trailer. Sometimes call a ____
Smart airbags might not deploy if :
Heavy duty truck
Semitrailer or tractor trailer
18 wheeler
a small passenger is seated pg 369
Public transportation buses:
School buses:
All windows in modern buses are :
Engine located in the rear of the bus, doors in the front ( in most cases)
Engine and main door entrance in the front emergency exists in the rear
Designed to be an emergency exit
Biggest difference between fires in large commercial trucks and buses is :
Hazards on a bus:
If a fire starts in a bus, most capable people:
The potential for an MCI
- Storage of human waste in commercial buses
- Emergency escape windows that close with violent force
- Multiple large battery banks
- Potential alternative fuel sources
- Large fires
Self rescue and exit the bus
Heavy construction equipment hazards:
-Large fires ( may explode)
-Large amounts of hydraulic fluid ( some times over 100 gallons)
-Higher positioning of occupants
- May fall over under heavy fire conditions
Ex. cranes
Heavy construction equipment:
Front end loaders back hoes cranes tractors graders pavers rollers
Tables convert to
Sleep quarters can be
If a crew enters an RV fire they should have a
If you arrive to an occupied RV fire and it is contained to the engine compartment
What is the best tactic?
Above the drivers compartment
A RIC standing by even though its just an RV
Extinguishment prior to search
RV fires
Hazard unique to an RV
They can be located
If the relief valve opens
Another unique hazard to RV’s
RV gray water is
Black water is
LPG tanks
Anywhere and can vary in size
Tank is in need of immediate cooling
Anhydrous ammonia (refrigeration system)
Water that is held after use Ex washing dishes ,laundry
Human waste from bathroom
RVs are basically
Class A motor home
Class C motor home
Passenger bus conversions are typically used by
Van campers are also known as:
Buildings on wheels
Large RV’s with a modular body frame
Much like class A’s except they have a truck or van chassis and a cab with a modular camping unit attached to the frame
Class B motor homes
Large commercial vehicle
Hot metal will steam _____, FF often mistake steam for ____
In many cases a truck is a persons _____
long after extinguishment, Smoke
The minimum response for a large truck fire should be :
After consulting the driver, you have the option to ____ or a tractor trailer fire
In large truck fires a back up line should always be stretched for ____ and ___ reasons
When venting a trailer, you do have the option to
a min of 2 engines and an IC
Separate the cab and trailer
Safety and extinguishment
Cut vent holes in the top and sides
___ should be familiar with placards and container shapes
Strategic goals for a large commercial truck fire will depend on
In large commercial trucks, engine compartments can be located _____ or _____
Company officers and IC
Vehicle size and type
threatened exposures
Front of the truck or under the cab
A typical hard found in large commercial trucks and semi trucks
When working under these trucks be aware of
Saddle tanks are usually carry diesel, some gasoline. Some sizes range from____ and ____
inaccessibility of the cab
Suspension systems
* cribbing must be in place first Pg 357
25 to 100 gallons each
Any large commercial truck that either pulls a trailer or has a cargo box on the same frame can be _____
These fires are different than passenger vehicle fires and must be treated accordingly
Semi trailer or heavy duty truck
* cargo is too large for personal use
Vehicle Fires
Under fire conditions the front windshield will usually ___ and the side windows will ____.
Usually a ____ on side windows will break them.
If possible, salvage the ____ and ____ from the car
Strategical stream
cold water on hot glass
Vehicle registration and proof if insurance
Vehicle Fires
For small engine compartment fires ___
may be effective. But ____ usually the use of an _____ handling or greater is sufficient. Avoid using ____.
Dry Chemical extinguisher
It has no cooling properties
1.5 inch
booster lines
Vehicle Fires
The safest approach to search and rescue is to
Be prepared to ____ during search and rescue
If you have a pt you may have to _____
When human trafficking, people have been found:
In parking lots FF’s can:
Perform it simultaneously with extinguishment
Cut seat belts
Suspend FF operations until resources arrive
Sewn into seats
Move endangered cars aways from the fire
General tactic are applied to all vehicle fire.
First order of business:
Dont hesitate to:
Hose line should be parked:
Engine should be parked:
Initially operate lines from ____ until vehicle is cooled. Then approach at a ____ degree angle. To the front or rear, not straight on.
Once conditions permit ______
Protect FF by blocking traffic
Block 2 lanes
Off the curb side of the engine
Uphill upwind when possible
A safe distance
45 degree angle
Chock the wheels
E 85 fuel is highly flammable and :
There are over ____ E85 vehicle on the road.
Before approaching a vehicle fire
Heavier than air **
Must use alcohol resistant foam
6 million
It is critical to ascertain whether it has any hazmats inside
Hybrid vehicle dont “start”, they turn on when:
____ vehicles emissions are essentially water, expect this type to be common place in the future
Tribrid vehicle are in development they use:
when the driver moves the key fob within range. Range varies drastically depending on the manufacture
Hydrogen fuel cell
a 3rd component solar panel
Development of fully solar powered vehicle is also underway
CNG and LPG vehicle are used mostly for:
The only way to know if vehicle operates CNG or LPG is:
To get acquainted with hybrid vehicles:
Orange wires should be considered:
In a hybrid the battery starting system is a ____ system, and the energy storage system (battery power system) may be a:
Fleet service
* noting the slightly different type of fuel door
Contact dealership, they have manufactures guidelines for emergency responders
High voltage, don’t cut
12 volt , lithium ion battery pack under the floorboard. Lithium ion batteries require large volumes of water to extinguish
Vehicle Fires
Airbag components and actuators can be found:
Typically airbags deploy regardless of whether:
Unless there is a need to rescue a victim:
Don’t cut _____ wires. They are for airbags systems. May cause them to deploy.
In a convertible, the roll bar activates:
Virtually anywhere in a vehicle
Anyone is in the seat, * Unless its a smart air bag
Keep body parts outside the deployment
Bright yellow
With explosive force, can activate during a fire even if the vehicle did not Flip
Vehicle fire Hazards
Any compressed component of the engine:
Hood or latch pistons
can explode
Explode under pressure
may fail violently
may deploy under fire conditions
Vehicle fire hazards
Drive shafts:
Ac units:
Wheel, motors and airbags made with :
Catalytic converters
Car batterries
May explode and expel shrapnel
Emit deadly phosgene gas when burning
May decompose and eject violently
Magnesium (violent water reaction)
Temps over 1500 degrees F when functioning properly
May explode and eject acid
____ including cars, vans and light pickups make up the majority of vehicle fires
3 categories of vehicle hazards:
Vehicles are not designed to work properly under _____
Passenger vehicle
* Don’t become complacent, can’t be taken lightly
Vehicle components, alternate fuels, hazardous cargo
Fire conditions
* can’t rely on brakes working or any other part to maintain its integrity
Vehicle fire can be considered :
A typical car fire can be handled by :
A company officer at a vehicle fire becomes the :
If media arrives, he also becomes the :
Mobile hazmat fires
One engine, one hose line, one set of tools
IC, accountability officer, liaison, investigator, safety officer, and operations. They also usually involved in extinguishment
A phenomenon found in HR fires where in heated smoke rises until it establishes equilibrium with the surrounding area and then moves horizontally
A phenomenon found in HR fires where in as heated air rises and then cools, it forms a layer, or ceiling, from which more rising smoke banks
Pg 343
Stack effect
Initial evacuation should only take place on :
the fire floor and floor above
High Rises pose several challenges that can effect FF safety:
height of building
Effective comms
FF fatigue
Personnel accountability
Overhaul of a high-rise is :
Most HR buildings are:
labor intensive
Commercial office buildings
If extra resources are not available focus on:
In defensive mode, pick a position that is not:
confining the fire
Over exposed
HR fires
3rd or 4th engine company should:
All engine companies should bring:
** All handlines operating should be at least:**
FD hose is usually tested:
get the second handling in operation
Extra lengths of hose and extra SCBA cylinders
** 2 1/2**
Annually or semi annually
Confinement in HR’s usually is performed by:
The task of first attack crews is to :
second attack crew:
Pairing of crews at a HR fire should be:
effective and timely extinguishment
Stretch sufficient hose to reach the fire and supplying the sprinkler and standpipe systems
Help get 1 st hotline in operation and then stand by, reserve air supply and be ready to relieve the first engine crew on the line
A standard practice
Exposure to adjacent buildings can be prevented by:
advancing hoselines into the exposed buildings and operating them on the the fire building
One of the first companies task is to ____
A FF of that Co should ____
Elevators should never be ____
Taking control of building evacuation is done concurrently with _____
Control elevators, determining fire location , and search and rescue ops on the fire floor
Remain with the elevator
Left unattended
Search and rescue ops
HR search and rescue
The command officer in charge of the S and R group is responsible for:
Units should bring ____ to increase work time
Rapid deployment of ____ to assist with S and R is crucial at the HR fire
the search and safe evacuation of civilians from 2 floors above the fire to the rest of the height of the building
extra SCBA bottles
Ladder Co
Rehab can be set up on the same floor as:
Have an accountability location _____
* one may be necessary on each floor
In the lobby
allows accountability officer to know what crews are operating on upper floors
All types of communication systems should be sought out and controlled. Interior comm systems in HR’s include
It is imperative that units be designated specific channels to operate on, such as ____ or _____ and _____
Standpipe telephones In house telephones special sound powered telephones building public address systems radios used by security elevator telephones
Command channel
Primary or secondary tactical channels
HR Elevators
2 components of FF elevator service
Once a FF boarded an elevator he should:
When using an elevator always take not :
Swinging car doors open out while office doors open in. When searching if you come to an outward swinging door ____
gaining controlling recalling elevators, and using the elevators safely
Clear the floor selector panel by hitting the call cancel button. This ensures the elevator won’t make unwanted stops
The nearest stairway
Beware, it could be an elevator door with no car present
Most HR buildings elevators are equipped with FF service features like:
Use of elevators in HR fires is ____
Never take elevators ____
Anyone using an elevator should be in :
FF can look at the ____ sign
recall, hold buttons, FF service
Absolutely necessary
- above the fire floor*
Full gear, SCBA turned on, tools and radio
You are here
For a floor diagram
We can’t let 9/11
Make us shy away from HR SOG
A command officer should be designated to the :
A ____ should be set up 2 floors below the fire floor
When FF’s are relieved , ____ is a factor
From the time the alarm is received until water is on the fire could be ___ or more
fire floor
Forward staging area
20 mins
Engine companies at a HR fire must hold :
Ladder personnel should:
Separate handlines MAY be operated from separate stairways provided:
their positions on handline until properly relieved
Ladder personnel in many cases should be ordered off the fire floor before additional personnel are sent in
They don’t oppose one another
At a HR fire the IC must ____, ____, and ____
HR fires require a tremendous commitment of both ____ and ____
IC should immediately locate the ____, ____ or ___, and establish the ____, this will serve as the _____
* No 2 HR fires are the same
gather info, form strategies, deploy FF’s
Personnel and supervision
Fire safety director, maintenance person, or building manager
Lobby command post
Center of operations
Describe the high-rise standpipe operation
Depending on the size of the building, consider having a minimum of two pumpers simultaneously supply 2 Siamese connections during fire operations