SOG I Flashcards
The on-coming ranking station Officer will inspect the condition of the
station with the ___ __ __.
The on-coming Officer will either accept or reject the condition of the fire station and make of the condition in the__ __ __.
The entry will include any
variation from the station’s proper condition / circumstance
off-going Officer.
formal written entry
FireRMS log
(i.e. quarters
appear unclean, leaking faucet, defective HVAC system, and/or notation
of station repairs pending / completed since prior shift).
Rejection of a station by an on-coming shift Officer will immediately be reported to the appropriate ___ ___.
Battalion Chief
On-duty staff will arise no later than __ ___prior to scheduled shift
change and perform necessary duties prior to the end of that shift.
one hour
Rescue Company Apparatus
Complete and maintain the
required inspection form located on the BSO Informant, Form __ __ __.
BSO FR 36.
Rescue Company Apparatus
The Company Officer shall assign a _________ to complete the ALS Rescue Daily Inventory Form, Narcotic Inventory Forms and Knox Box Form.
Fire Fighter/Paramedic or
Rescue Company Apparatus
It shall be the responsibility of to assist in checking all apparatus and equipment as needed.
all Company Fire Fighters or Paramedics
Engine / Ladder Company Apparatus
Perform daily ALS equipment inspection. Complete and maintain the
required ALS Engine Daily Inventory Form located on the BSO Informant, Form ___ ____
BSO FR 37.
Engine / Ladder Company Apparatus
Perform the daily/weekly fire suppression apparatus inspection as directed
on Form __ ____ located on the BSO Informant.
Engine / Ladder Company Apparatus
Inspections of reserve apparatus shall be assigned at the discretion of the ___ ___ _____.
Shift Captain or ranking Company Officer
Inventory check lists shall be periodically reviewed by ____ _____ ____ ____ but should remain in the fire station files.
Battalion Chiefs and
District Chiefs
All compartments and storage areas shall be checked for equipment according to
apparatus inventory lists for specific apparatus. These guidelines are located in the _________ folder.
H DRIVE\FRSHARE\Apparatus Equipment and Inventory
Any missing or damaged equipment shall be noted on the appropriate form(s) and
reported through the___ ___ ___.
appropriate chain of command.
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
Rescue & Fire Suppression Apparatus
- State EMS inspection
- Company officers perform bunker gear inspection
- SCBA masks inspected and cleaned
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
Rescue Apparatus
Fire Suppression Apparatus
Fire Station
-Clean & inventory interior of apparatus, including patient stretcher.
- Clean & inventory interior of the apparatus
- Clean & inventory all exterior compartments and tools
-Apparatus washed & waxed on 1st Tuesday of the month
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
Rescue Apparatus
Fire Station
- Clean exterior compartments including equipment (backboards, immobilizers, etc..)
- Thorough fire station cleaning to include all interior areas & appliances
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
Rescue & Fire Suppression Apparatus
Fire Station
- Clean and inventory all “action equipment” (airway bag, med box, broselow bag, etc..)
- Exterior fire station cleaning (windows, walkways, garbage removal, etc..)
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
Fire Station
- Clean bay floors
- Clean all alcoves in appartus bay
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
Fire Station
-Inventory day. Orders must be received by Logistics no later than Monday morning at 0800 hours.
Weekly Fire Station / Apparatus / Equipment Duties
the Company
- No specific pre-assigned weekly duties.
2. Additional duties may be assigned at the discretion of
Fire Station Repairs
All non-emergency fire station repair requests shall be made to the appropriate District Chief through the C.O.C
Fire Station Repairs
The Company Officer requesting the fire station repair shall follow the Support Services Issues Email guidelines:
The Support Services email mailbox should not be used to handle:
Non life-threatening and non-emergent repair requests shall be sent to the “FR Support Svcs-Issues email mailbox.
a. Life safety issues and emergency needs.
b. Uniform requests.
c. Special order requests.
These issues should follow the regular notification process.
Support Services Personnel
The email in the FR Support Svcs-Issues inbox shall be checked each morning and shall be assigned to the appropriate Support Services staff member. The request shall be:
i. Emailed (with a 24 hour follow up flag).
ii. Printed out and placed in the appropriate staff member’s
iii. A copy will be filed with the Assistant Chief of Support
Support Services Personnel
Issues or complaints assigned to Support Services personnel are to be updated within __ __of receiving the notification.
Any issue/complaint not able to be addressed within this time frame necessitates contacting the ____ ____ of Support Services for assistance.
24 hours
Assistant Chief
Support Services Personnel
The Support Services member investigating the issue and/or
complaint is required to forward an email response to FR Support Svcs-Issues in the following manner:
TO: FR Support Svcs-Issues
CC: Fire Rescue Deputy Chief of Administration, Assistant
Chief of Support Services, District Chief and Battalion Chiefs assigned to the affected location, any personnel copied on the previous email notification.
SUBJECT: Keep original name of complaint/issue for tracking.
Support Services Personnel
All emergency fire station repair requests shall be made to the appropriate ____ _____ _____ _____ through the ___ ______.
District Chief and/or on-call Assistant Chief
chain of command
Support Services Personnel
Any Support Services issue that is determined to be a life safety issue necessitates contacting the Assistant Chief of Support Services or designee through
____ __ ____ __.
FireCom at any time, day or night.
Vehicle Repair Procedures
Vehicle Repairs Needed Form
i. This form allows for a detailed explanation of the problem or suspected problem.
ii. Each repair issue should be listed separately
Vehicle Repair Procedures
Emergency repairs during regular business hours (Monday through Friday from 0700 to 1700 hours):
a. Notify the appropriate Battalion Chief.
b. Contact the Fleet Services Coordinator.
c. Email the Fleet Coordinator with the nature of the repair request and follow the documentation procedures listed above.
d. If unable to contact the Fleet Coordinator, the Battalion Chief shall contact the Assistant Chief of Support Services
Emergency repairs after regular business hours (Saturday, Sunday and
Monday through Friday from 1700 to 0700 hours):
Notified to BC
Email fleet coordinator with the nature of repair
Battalion chief will contact Dispatch request a tow truck
BC will notify on call assistant chief
Emergency lighting will be repaired at the earliest opportunity during the service normal operating hours
Personal Property on Station Premises
Personnel will be permitted to keep exercise equipment at stations with the permission of the ___ ___ _____ or designee.
Deputy Chief of Operations
Company Officers will not permit photographs to be taken or video taping conducted within fire stations or relevant structures under their jurisdiction without approval of the ___ _____ ___ ____or designee.
Deputy Chief of Operations
Visitors will leave the premises by ____ hours.
_____ with the exception of authorized person and volunteer fire fighters
vacate the quarters when apparatus and personnel leave the fire station.
_____, with the exception of ___ ___ for the visually impaired, will not be allowed inside the fire station
guide dogs
The only products authorized for usage in the ByoPlanet system at this time are
ESTAT 02 (also known as Vital Oxide). This product is available through the Logistics E-store & can be added to weekly station orders as needed
Any unused, properly mixed solution can be left in the delivery system reservoir for
no more than 7 days.
Byo plant
Location of Units
- Each Battalion has been provided with a ByoPlanet Decontamination Unit, the units reside with the Battalion Chief, with the exception of the unit assigned to the Hazardous Materials Team.
Fire Rescue Regional Logistics maintain contracts, service agreements and extended warranties for the repair, maintenance and service of the following durable equipment:
A. Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillators (Physio Control and Zoll)
B. Stretchers (Stryker and Ferno)
C. Stair Chairs (Stryker)
D. Mechanical CPR devices (Zoll)
E. Oxygen
- Regulators
- Cylinders
- Cascade Systems
F. Suction Units
Compressor Maintenance
- Each compressor will receive preventative maintenance through an authorized vendor 2 times per year. Typically, this maintenance is done in December and June.
- Air sampling will be done after each maintenance is performed.
- Should additional maintenance or repair be needed, the department’s SCBA technician should be contacted to facilitate the maintenance or repair with the vendor.