Vasculature - Workshop Flashcards
Which is part of the media of the vascular wall?
A. Endothelium
B. Smooth muscle cells
C. Vasa vasorum
D. Subendothelial C.T.
What is a dissecting aortic aneurysm?
A split in the middle of the tunica media
Which type of artery is shown here?

Muscular artery
When LDL is oxidized during ateriosclerosis, it is then taken up by __________.
What is the definition of resistance?
The force against which the heart pumps
What is featured in this image?

What two factors are required for vasoconstriction?
A. Calmodulin/MLCK
B. Calmodulin/MLCP
C. Myosin/MLCP
Which is correct?
A. Calmodulin stimulates MLCK; cAMP inhibits MLCK
B. Calmodulin stimulates MLCK; cAMP stimulates MLCK
C. Calmodulin inhibits MLCK; cAMP inhibits MLCK
D. Calmodulin inhibits MLCK; cAMP stimulates MLCK
Cytosolic Ca2+ is increased via:
A. Norepinephrine
B. G alpha i receptor
C. decreases in cAMP
D. IP3 pathway
Which of the following is a local mechanism of vasoconstriction?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Myogenic stretch response
C. Angiotensin II
D. Vasopressin
E. None of these
Myosin light chain phosphatase is activated by:
A. increasing cGMP
B. increasing cAMP
C. increasing Rho-kinase
D. decreasing cGMP
Which is NOT an inhibitor of MLCK?
A. Epinephrine
B. Adenosine
C. Nitric oxide
D. Prostacyclins
C (NO activates MLCP)
Which is true regarding capillary blood flow regulation?
A. Precapillary sphincters are usually open
B. Metarterioles act as a dilating arteriole
C. Thoroughfare channels contain no smooth muscle
D. A-V anastomoses prevent bypass of arteries into capillary beds
Which type of tissue is featured here?

Cardiac muscle
Which type of capillary is featured here?

Continuous capillary - within cardiac muscle
The top “4” label refers to:
A. Schwann cell
B. Nerve
C. Mitochondria
D. T-tubule

The top “2” label refers to:
A. Schwann cell
B. Nerve
C. Mitochondria
D. T-tubule

Which type of capillary is featured here?

Fenestrated capillary
Fenestrated capillaries are found:
A. In the endocrine gland
B. In the thymus gland
C. In the bones
D. In the skeletal muscle
Which type of capillary is featured here?

The arrow in this image indicates what component in the liver?

LDL particle
Which is true regarding venules?
A. Lesser diameter lumen than companion arteriole
B. 1 incomplete layer of smooth muscle in media
C. Small lumen diameter compared to wall thickness
D. More than one of the above
The following image features:

Which is involved in the “adhesion” of WBC extravasation?
A. L-selectin
B. PECAM-1(d6)
C. Integrins: LFA-1 and Mac-1
D. PECAM-1(d1/2)
The biggest capacitance vessel type, shown here, is known as a:

Muscular vein
What is featured in this image?

Cross-section of vena cava
The darker, wavy lines in this image are what component of the vein that is shown?

What component of the lymphatic vessel is displayed by the star in this image?

Which cells are cut circumferentially?
A. Intima
B. Media
C. Adventitia
D. None of these
In an artery:
A. Adventia is widest tunic
B. Media is widest tunic
C. Width of adventia and media vary

Which type of vessel is featured in #1?

Arteriole. 3-4 layers of smooth muscle
What is featured as #2 in this image?

Venule - RBCs in lumen, and incomplete basal lamina.
What is featured by #3 in this image?

Duct - features 2 rows of nuclei, stratified cuboidal epithelium, goblet cell.