Epithelial and Connective Tissue - Lab/Workshop Flashcards
Which tissue location in the body is this slide image taken from?

Liver - note the hexagonal shape of the cells (characteristic of hepatocytes), and the presence of the bile duct, hepatic artery (RBCs in center), and portal vein.
Where is the tissue in this image found in the body?

Mammary tissue
The tissue featured in the image is found in what location of the body?

Intestinal brush border membrane - contains highly ordered microvilli, junctional complexes
The image below is a tissue section taken from what location in the body?

Which type of epithelial cell is featured in the box labeled “B”

Simple cuboidal
Which type of epithelial cells are featured in this image?

Columnar cells - from the brush border membrane
Is the slide image shown here mucosal or keratinized?

Mucosal - this image features stratified squamous epithelium that serves as a protective layer.
Where are the goblet cells located in this image?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

D - recall that the goblet cells are located close to the surface where they can be secreted into the lumen.
What type of epithelial cells are shown in this image?

Pseudostratified columnar
Which type of epithelial cell is featured in the box labeled “A”?

Pseudostratified columnar
The darker middle layer featured in the box in this image is known as a(n) __________, which is a feature of epithelial cells.

Junctional complex
Does the image feature loose or dense connective tissue?

Loose connective tissue
Is the tissue in the image loose or dense connective tissue?

Loose connective tissue from the mammary tissue.
Is the tissue in this image loose or dense connective tissue?

Dense (irregular) connective tissue - image also feastures fibroblasts and lactiferous ducts
The arrow in this image is pointing to what component of the cell?

What type of cells are featured in this image?
Hint: immune cells
