Muscle and Peripheral Nervous Tissue - Workshop Flashcards
Which type of cell is featured in the cell circle?
Neuron (parasympathetic) - found in smooth muscle
Which type of tissue is featured here?
What is featured in the box in this image?
Intercalated discs - common in cardiac muscle
Which type of muscle is featured here?
Skeletal muscle - shown by the “triad” - sarcoplasmic reticulum is “dark area”/transverse tubules are “white areas”
The arrow in this image is pointing to what part of this particular tissue?
What is contained in the component of of the tissue outlined in the box?
Myosin - the tissue in the box is the “A-line” of muscle tissue
Which type of muscle is featured here?
Cardiac muscle - featured intercalated discs (dark small lines) and striated tissue; dense/dark single nuclei (dark blue portions); highly vascularized (dark pink portions)
Which type of muscle is featured here?
Smooth muscle - features dense bodies and caveoli
Which type of muscle is featured here, and what type of connective tissue is found in the image?
BOTH skeletal and smooth muscle - dense irregular connective tissue - image taken from the esophagus.
What type of tissue is featured here?
Cardiac muscle
Which type of neuron is featured here?
Sympathetic neuron - surrounded by many cells, incompletely surrounded by satellite cells
Which type of neuron is featured here?
Sensory neuron -
Collagen is present - in peripheral neurons only
Where are the neurons from this image located?
Enteric nervous system
What is featured in this image?
Myelinated (dark outlined) and unmyelinated (center) neurons
What is featured in this image?