Vascular Surgery Flashcards
what are the 3 layers of an artery
what is a true aneurysm
dilation (2xnL diameter) of all three layers of a vessel
what is a false aneurysm (aka pseudoaneurysm)
dilation of an artery not involving all 3 layers (eg hematoma with fibrous covering)
often connects with vessel lumen and blood swirls inside the false aneurysm
what is endovascular repair
placement of a catheter in an artery and then deployment of a graft intraluminally
what is peripheral vascular disease
occlusive athlerosclerotic disease in the lower extremities
what is the most common site of arterial atherosclerotic occlusion in the lower extremities
occlusion of superficial femoral artery in hunters canal
what is intermittent claudication
pain cramping of one or both lower extremity usually calf muscle after walking a specific distance, then the pain/cramping is relieved after stopping for a specific amount of time while standing this pattern is reproducible
what is a FEM-POP bypass.
bypass SFA with a graft from the Femoral artery to the popliteal artery
What is FEM-Distal bypass
bypass from femoral artery to a distal artery (peroneal artery, anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery)
What graft material has the longest patency rate
Autologous vein graft
What is an in situ vein graft
saphenous vein is more or less left in place, all branches are ligated and the vein valves are broken with a small hook or cut out, a vein can also be used if reversed so that the valves do not create a problem
what is a Ray amputation
removal of toe and head of metatarsal
What is the most common cause of embolus from the heart
A Fib
what is compartment syndrome
leg calf is separated into compartments by very unyielding fascia, tissue swelling from reperfusion can increase the intercompartmental pressure, resulting in decreased capillary flow, ischemia and myonecrosis. myonecrosis may occur after the intercompartment pressure reaches only 30mmHg
where does the aorta bifurcate
t the level of the umbilicus, therefore when palpating for AAA palpate above the umbilicus and below the xiphoid process
what is the leading cause of postoperative death in a patient undergoing elective AAA treatment