ENT Surgery Flashcards
Why should nitrous oxide be restricted during reconstructive ear surgery?
Why should nitrous oxide be restricted during reconstructive ear surgery?
Causes expansion of the middle ear and can cause dislocation of a tympanic membrane graft
What are the four paranasal sinuses?
Frontal sinuses
Ethmoid sinuses
Sphenoid sinuses
Maxillary sinuses
Commonly performed for drainage of abscess in the maxillary sinus and surgical removal of granulation tissue that has accumulated as a result of chronic sinus infection
What is removed during a total laryngectomy?
removal of the larynx (voice box), strap muscles, hyoid bone, and pre-epiglottic space
The “ear drum”; it is a membrane that divides the outer and middle ear, it vibrates to transfer sound to the inner ear via the ossicles
tympanic membrane
Cranial nerve VIII that carries impulses from the inner ear to the brain
auditory nerve
connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx. normally closed but opens periodically, providing a passageway for air to ventilate the middle ear space and equalize air pressure on each side of the tympanic membrane
eustachian tube
A benign tumor of the middle ear caused by shedding of keratin in chronic otitis media
What are two types of dressings used in ear procedures?
Mastoid and glasscock
What is the most common cause of ossicle immobility?
the larynx is separated into three spaces, what are they?
supraglottis, glottis, subglottis.
Which procedure is performed for treatment of sleep apnea?
b. SMR
d. BMT
Which cranial nerve may be damaged by growth of a cholesteatoma?
a. third (III)
b. seventh (VII)
c. fifth (V)
d. tenth (X)
Seventh (VII)
Which of the paranasal sinuses are MOST superior and can be singular or divided?
a. sphenoid
b. maxillary
c. ethmoid
d. frontal
Which cranial nerve carries information related to equilibrium to the cerebral cortex?
a. fifth (V)
b. tenth (X)
c. third (III)
d. eighth (VIII)
Eighth (VIII)
Which structure is often blocked with stones in the parotid gland, possibly necessitating surgical removal of the gland?
a. canal of Schlemm
b. Steno’s duct
c. paranasal ostia
d. nasolacrimal duct
Steno’s duct
Which laryngeal cartilage is commonly known as the “Adam’s apple”?
a. arytenoid
b. thyroid
c. cricoid
d. cuneiform
Which diagnostic study is best at delineating between soft tissue and bony structures for diagnosing sinus conditions?
a. audiogram
b. MRI scan
c. CT scan
d. angiogram
CT scan
Which type of laser is useful for procedures involving the stapes and middle ear?
a. argon
b. carbon dioxide
c. Nd:YAG
d. holmium: YAG
Which of the following is the MOST commonly used autograft in otologic procedures?
a. temporalis fascia
b. hyaline cartilage
c. transversalis fascia
d. flexible cartilage
Temporalis fascia
Why should nitrous oxide be restricted during reconstructive ear surgery?
Causes expansion of the middle ear and can cause dislocation of a tympanic membrane graft
Which of the following is frequently used as an autograft to replace the mandible in a radical neck dissection?
a. clavicle
b. fibula
c. radius
d. humerus
Which of the paranasal sinuses are numerous, small, and located on either side of the bridge of the nose, between the eyes?
a. sphenoid
b. ethmoid
c. maxillary
d. frontal
What is an alternate name for the bony nasal projections known as turbinates?
a. ossicles
b. cochlea
c. conchae
d. ostia