state 5 values of change
external enviro constntly changing failure to adapt leads to loss of cop adv
adaptable businesses may eb better to work for
succesful bs growth is about maanging change well
changing customer demadn and levels of competition require an org to evolve
org that anticiapte change develop better strategies
external enviro is constantly…
therefore not adapting would lead to …
- External enviro is constanly chan ging , failure ot adapt would lead to loss of competitive advantage
chanign custoemr demands and levels of comp require am org to
if org not aware and cant repsonnd to changes org wont x x
even f it does not
chanigng custoemr demands and levels of comp require an org ot evolve
if org not aware o and respnd to chng eorg wont last long and if ift dose not hughely succesful
org that anticipate change can develop….
therfore more liekly to ….
org tht anticipate hange can develop better strategies therofre more likely to icnrease proitability
adapatble bs are x to work for
as they encourage x and x - keeps emps rx and up to x
adaptable bs may be ebtter to work for as they encourgae skills development - and keep emp relevant and up to date
to sum up org that dont adapt to change get x behind
therfore consumers not likely to x with bs if they not x to changing needs and wants of enviro
org that don’t respond to change get left behind - means consumers not likely to stick with them if not adapting to changing needs and that of the enviro