Valuation Lv 1 Flashcards
Tell me what the 5 methods of valuation are
“1) Comparable method
2) Investment method
3) Profits method
4) Residual method
5) Depreciated replacement cost (contractors method)”
“Tell me about how you would value a building using the
profits/contractors/investment/comparable/residual method of
1.Where the value of the property depends on the profitability of its business and trading potential rather than physical attributes of the building e.g. pubs, hotels, children’s nurseries, leisure properties.
- Must have accurate and audited accounts if possible for 3 years or a business plan for a new business.
1. Annual turnover – costs = gross profit
- Gross profit – reasonable working expenses = unadjusted net profit
- Unadjusted net profit – operator’s remuneration (salary) = adjusted net profit (known as Fair Maintaining Operating Profit)
- Often expressed as EBITDA: earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortization
- Capitalised at appropriate yield (Years Purchase Multiplier) to achieve market value
- Cross check with comparable sales evidence if available”
“1. Used when there is an income stream to value
- The rental income is capitalised to produce a capital value
- Growth is implicit
- An implied growth rate is derived from the market capitalisation rate (yield)
Three methods:
- Conventional - Market rent multiplied by years purchase = MV
- Term and Reversion – When property is under-rented, term capitalized until next lease event, reversion to market rent valued in perpetuity.
- Layer/hardcore – over-rented property, income flow divided horizontally, higher yield applied to top slice for risk, lower slice is market rent”
“6 Steps of Methodology:
- Search and select comparables
- Confirm details and analyse headline rent to give NER
- Assemble comparables in schedule
- Adjust comparables using hierarchy of evidence
- Analyse comparables to form opinion of value
- Report value and prepare to file”
A tool to financially assess the viability of a development scheme. Can ne used to establish residual site value. Can be used to assess profitability or proposed scheme and sensitivity to changing imputs.
Gross development value: capital value of completed scheme using comparable method to establish rents and all risks yield.
You then minus costs such as; planning costs, building costs, professional fee, market fees, developers profit.
Cross check with valuation of a comparable site if possible. “
What is the Red Book?
“The Red Book (Gobal Standards) is issued by RICS and contains mandatory rules, best practice guidance and related commentary for all members undertaking asset valuations.
It combines professional, technical and performance standards. “
Why does the Red Book exist?
To deliver high quality valuation advice that meets the expectations and requirements of clients
Tell me about a factor which may impact value.
Restrictive user clauses: limits assignment or sub-letting potential (up to 10% discount appropriate)
What is your duty of care as a surveyor when undertaking a valuation?
“Valuers owe a duty of care towards their clients, both in contract and in tort (for negligence).
In a claim (for breach of contract or negligence), the Court will ask whether the ‘valuation given was one that no reasonable valuer in the actual valuer’s position could have given’ “
Why is independence and objectivity important when valuing?
“PS 2 - Ethics, competency, objectivity and disclosures:
Independence and objectivity are both linked in order to ensure conficentiality of information and also the identification and management of conflicts of interest.
A threat to the member’s objectivity can arise where the outcome of a valuation is
discussed before its completion with either the client or another party with an interest in the
Is there a separate UK Red Book?
Yes - UK Supplement last updated in 2017 - It is being reviewed with release Autumn 2022
When was the Red Book last updated?
Effective 31st January 2022
Does this differ from when IVS were last updated?
Yes - IVS 2020 was incorporated in to Red Book Global and is effective 31st January 2022
What changes were made?
“1. A list of core principles added into the introduction
- Glossary has been extended
- IVS 105 Valuation Approaches and Methods – Wording has been reinstated to clarify that
market, income and cost approaches are not exclusive and may be used in any combination”
Which do you follow - the latest IVS or the Red Book Global?
TheRed Book Global
Which sections of the Red Book are mandatory and which are advisory?
Part 3: Professional Standards - PS1, PS2
Part 4: Valuation and performance standards - VPS1, VPS2, VPS3, VPS4, VPS5
Part 5: Valuation Applications - VPGA 1 - 10”
What does PS1-2/VPS1-5/VPGAs relate to?
“Professional Standards (PS):
PS 1 - Compliance with standards and practice statements
PS 2 - Ethic, competency, objectivity and disclosures
Valauiton technical and performance Standards (VPS):
VPS 1 - Terms of engagement
VPS 2 - Inspections, Investigations and records
VPS 3 - Valuation reports
VPS 4 - Bases of value, assumptions and special assumptions
VPS 5 - Valuation Approaches and Methods
Valuation Applications (VPGA):
10 VPGAs - Sets out key issues that need to be taken in to account in specific contexts “
What type of advice does the Red Book cover?
Provides mandatory practice guidance to members undertaking valuations
“If you provide preliminary advice / draft valuation report, what should
you state in writing to your client?”
“In the report you must state:
1.The opinion is provisional and subject to completion of the final report
- The advice is provided for the client’s internal purposes only and
- Any draft is on no account to be published or disclosed.
- If any matters of fundamental importance are not reflected, their omission must be
What type of valuations might be relied upon by a third party?
“1. A published financial statement
- A stock exchange, or similar body
- Publication, prospectus or circular
- Investment schemes
- Takeovers or mergers.”
Tell me what the definition of investment value?
Investment value is a concept that describes the value that an investor is willing to pay for the property based on his or her own objectives and parameters.
Tell me what the definition of fair value?
“As per VPS 4:
Fair Value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (generally consistent with MV). “
Tell me what the definition of MV ?
” As per VPS 4:
The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between:
- A willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction,
- After proper marketing,
- Where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion”
Tell me what the definition of MR ?
“As per VPS 4:
Market Rent is the estimated amount an interest in real proeprty should be leases on a valuation date between:
- Willing lessee and lessor in an arms length transaction
- On appropriate lease terms
- After proper marketing
- Where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion”
What is the difference between an assumption and a special assumption?
“Assumptions are made where it is reasonable for the valuer to accept that something is true without the need for specific investigation.
A special assumption is a supposition that is taken to be true and accepted as fact, even though it is not true.
*Must be agreed in writing with the client at commencement of instruction. “
“What sources of information would you consider when preparing a
valuation report?”
“Official sources of informaiton such as government or council databases
Primary information from the agents
In house information
Online data bases such as EGI or Costar - I would look to verify this information”
“If you have previously valued an asset, do you need to make any
additional disclosures and what might they be?”
“Where the valuation is of an asset that has previously been valued by the valuer, or the valuer’s
firm for any purpose, the following disclosures must be made in the terms of engagement:
- The relationship with the client and previous involvment
- Rotation policy
- Time as signatory
- Proportion of fees”
“If your firm is too small to have a rotation policy or valuation panel, what
else can you do to ensure objectivity?”
“Where the same valuation instruction is undertaken on a regular basis, an arrangement for
the valuation to be periodically reviewed at intervals not greater than seven years by another
member would assist in demonstrating that the member is taking steps to ensure that objectivity
is maintained”
“When might a conflict of interest exist in relation to a valuation
Where the valuer has previosly valued the asset for the same purpose or was involved with the purchase of the same asset within 12 months preceding the valuation date
What must be included in your terms of engagement / valuation report?
“a. Status of valuer
b. Identification of valuer, client, other intended users and of the asset or liability
c. Currency
d. Purpose of valuation
e. Basis of value adopted
f. Valuation date
g. Nature and extent of valuers work
h. Nature and sources of information
i. Assumptions and Special assumptions
j. Format of the report
k. Restrictions of use and publication
l. In accordance with IVS
m. Fee basis calculation
n. Complaints handling procedure
o. Compliance with RICS
p. Statement of liability agreed”
What is a restricted valuation service and can you provide one?
Restricted information is a desktop valuation with no inspection undertaken. However, must be agreed in writing along implications written in report.
How do you deal with limitations on inspection or analysis?
Consider the implications of restrictions and decide whether to accept instruction
Can you revalue a property without inspecting?
“A revaluation without re-inspection must not take place unless the valuer is satisfied there have been no material changes to the property or nature of its location since its last inspection.
This must be confirmed in the terms of engagement and in the valuation report.”
What RICS guidance relates to the use of comparable evidence?
Comparable Evidence in Real Estate Valuation, 2019 (1st Edition):
What is an internal valuer?
Employed by company to value assets of the company, for internal use only (no third-party reliance)
Can an external valuer provide an internal purposes valuation?
Yes - An external valuer must have no material links with the asset to be valued, or the client
“What happens if market conditions change between the valuation date
and report date?”
The valuer should draw attention to this and also the fact that the values change over time.
Is special value from a special purchaser reflected in MV?
Yes, Market Value ignores any price distortions casued by a special purchase
Where does the definition of fair value come from?
“A particular buyer for whom a particular asset has special value because of advantages arising from its ownership not available to other buyers
Physical, functional or economic association . E.G Tenant purchasing freehold interest “
Does this differ from MV?
The RICS view is that this definition as being generally consistent with Market Value
When is fair value used?
If the International Financial Reporting Standards have been adopted by the client.
What are the 3 approaches under VPS5?
“As oulined in VPS 5:
Income approach – converting current and future cashflows into capital value (Investment, Residual and Profits method)
Cost Approach – reference to cost of asset and whether by purchase or construction (DRC approach)
Market Approach – using comparable evidence (Comparable Method)”
What is the Valuer Registration Scheme?
“Scheme for regulatory monitoring
Three aims of the scheme:
- Improve quality of valuation and ensure highest possible professional standards
- Meet RICS requirement to self-regulate effectively
- Protect and raise status of valuation profession as leading expertise”
“Are there any instances where certain sections of the Red Book may not
“The Red Book does not apply when;
Its for an estimated replacement cost figures for insurance purposes.
VPS 1-5 maybe unsuitable when:
1. Acting as an expert witness
2. Providing Agency advice
3. For internal purposes only “
What is a Net Initial Yield?
“A yield is a measure of investment return, expressed as a percentage of capital invested.
A yield is calculated by ; Income divided by price x 100”
What is a reversionary yield?
Market Rent (MR) divided by current price on an investment let at a rent below the MR – The yield that should be achieved if the passing rent adjusts to the level of the estimated rental value.
What is an equivalent yield?
Average weighted yield when a reversionary property is valued using an initial and reversionary yield
How would a yield reported from auction differ from a Net Initial Yield?
A yield from an auction would be a gross yield as there would be no purchaser costs.
What purchaser’s costs do you deduct from a valuation?
Agents fees at 1%, Legal Fees at 0.5% Stamp Duty at 4%
Where can you find yield evidence from?
Similar Property Sales
What is the hierarchy of evidence?
“RICS Guidance Note ‘Comparable Evidence in Real Estate’, 1st Ed. 2019
Hierarchy of evidence:
Category A – direct comps such as completed transactions
Category B – general market data such as historic evidence or indices
Category C – other sources such as transactional evidence form other real estate types.”
What would you do if comparable evidence was limited?
“May be necessary to consider more indirect evidence: for example,
local or national economic data that can indicate trends to give guidance towards, rather
than direct evidence of, value.”
What is NPV?
“Sum of discounted cashflows
Used to determine if positive return against target rate of return”
What is IRR?
“1. Rate of return which future cashflows must be discounted to provide NPV of zero
- IRR assesses total return from investment making assumptions regarding rental growth, re-letting and exit assumptions.
- Linear interpolation can be used to estimate
- Current market value as negative cashflow
- Projected rents over holding period as positive
- Projected exit value at end of term assumed as positive
- Discount rate chosen which provides NPV of zero. If NPV is more than zero then target rate of return met”
What is a term and reversion?
“Method to value building that is under-rented
Use different yields for the term income (contracted) and higher yield to incorporate risk of reversionary income (ERV)”
What is a hardcore and topslice?
When there is an over-rented property, higher yield applied to top slice for risk.