Health and Safety LV 1 + 2 Flashcards
What health & safety legislation are you aware of?
“1. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Duty to every employer to ensure the health and safety and welfare at work of all employees.
Policed by Health and Safety Executices (HSE) as a criminal offence - fines and/or imprisonment.
Must report injuries and dangerous occurences
Must undertake, record and regularly review a risk assessment
A hazard refer to anything that can cause harm. The probability of the hazard to cause harm is risk”
How do you ensure that you comply with this legislation?
“As an employees I have a common-law duty of care to exercise reasonable skill and care in my relationship with colleagues and employer. As an employee I:
- Take steps to adequately protect the health and safety of themselves and colleagues at work.
- Must not disrupt or interfere with anything put in place to aid in health and safety at work”
What are the penalties under current health & safety legislation?
Fine and/or imprisonment (Policed by the Health and Safety Executive
Is it a criminal offence to breach the H&S at Work Act 1974?
What are your health & safety duties as an individual surveyor?
“As an individual surveyor I follow the RICS Surveying Safely Guidance and adopt the ‘safe person’ concept where each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibilty for their own, their colleagues and others health and safety while at work.
I therefore:
1. Report actual or perceived health and safety breaches in good time
2. Carry out a personel risk assessment and report perceived, potential or actial risks to my employer.
3. Wear PPE where necessary
4. Undertake staff training”
What guidance does the RICS produce about H&S?
“RICS Guidance Note, Surveying Safely, 2nd Edition 2018 (effective 1st February 2019)
The document sets out principles for management of health and safety for members and firms
Structure is as follows:
1. Personel responsibilities for RICS members and firms
2. Assessing risks and hazards
3. Workplace health and safety
4. Occupational hygeine and health
5. Visiting premises on site
6. Fire safety
7. Residential proeprty surveying
8. Procurement and management contractors
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely.
“Key areas of advice for firms include:
1. Safe working environment
2. Safe working equipment
3. Safe systems of work
4. competant staff”
When was Surveying Safely last updated?
2018 and effective from 1st February 2019
What are the key changes?
Introduction of the ‘safe person concept’ and a greater emphasis on ensuring the competance of individuals, including their responsibility to ensure the use of safe work equipment and safe systems of work for themselves and others.
What is the safe person concept?
Introduction of the ‘safe person concept’ which is where each employee takes responsbility for the own, colleagues and other’s health and safety while at work.
What must Regulated Firms provide?
“RICS Regulated Firms must provide: (CSSS)
1. Competant staff
2. Safe working environment
3. Safe work equipment
4. Safe systems of work “
What happened in the case of Suzy Lamplugh?
Suzy Lamplugh was an estate agent who went misisng and was presumed murdered. Body was never found
Why is this important for surveyors?
Surveyors must tell colleagues where they are going if going somehwere on their own. Must also carry a mobile phone.
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
“Personal Protective Equipment:
Hard hats; protective gloves; steel toe capped boots; non slip shoes; high vis jacket; goggles to protect eyes”
What is a risk assessment?
Process of identifying hazards which currently exist or may appear
What is a risk?
A risk is the likelhood of a hazard injuring or harming someone.
What is a hazard?
A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm
How would you undertake a risk assessment before attending site?
“I would follow a five step approach to a risk assessment before attending site:
- Identify the hazard
- Identify people at risk from hazard (employers, contractors)
- Evaluate risk considering likelyhood and severity
- Record findings
- Review assessment regularly”
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is an insulation material
What legislation are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
What do you understand by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
“There is a statutory duty to manage existing asbestos in commercial buildings.
Requires the dutyholder to manage the risk of asbestos by determining if there is asbestos containing materials present. If any found the amount, locaiton and condition needs to be recorded.
Non-compliance is a criminal offence. “
Who is the duty holder?
The duty holder is the owner of the premises if vacant or a tenant if holding a repairing lease