Validity Flashcards
How well a test measures what it is supposed to measure. More important than reliability.
Face Validity
What the test appears to measure. If too obvious it can allow test takers to falsify responses.
Content Validity
How well the test items relate to the skills/knowledge/behaviour/etc of interest. Gained through observation of groups who display the desired traits and expert opinion.
Criterion-related Validity
A way of establishing where a person sits on a measure of interest. Can be concurrent (test score is related to objective rating made at the time of testing) or predictive (test predicts future performance on the criterion).
Construct Validity
A judgement about whether the test actually measures the construct (internal consistency, pre/post test and age related changes, special population testing, convergent evidence and discriminant evidence).
Factor Analysis
Method of determining construct validity. Mathematical procedures designed to group similar items into factors, however need a large sample size.