Projective Personality Assessment Flashcards
Projective Tests
Ambiguous stimuli are presented and respondents project their inner needs and feelings onto the stimulus.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Can make your own version, but there are typically 10 blots (5 black and grey, 2 black, grey and red and 3 pastel colours). Assess the features used in interpretation, precision, content and commonality of responses. No standard scoring.
Exner’s Comprehensive System
A single scoring system for the Rorschach Inkblots. Frequency of responses are tallied and used to calculate percentages and indices.
Psychometrics of Rorschach
Good test-retest reliability but only because of familiarity. Very poor validity and not good at predicting future behaviour.
Holtzman Inkblot Technique
45 cards (2 parallel versions) with clear rules for administration and scoring. Good reliability but not sure what it measures.
Thematic Apperception Test
30 black and white pictures and 1 blank card. Examinee must describe what happened prior to the picture, in the picture and what will happen in the future. Raw data is the actual story and body language.
Psychometrics of TAT
Good inter-rater reliability with trained clinicians. Poor test-retest and split-half reliability. Not a good test but good for initiating discussion.
Word Association Test
Standardised free association. Stimulus word is presented twice and examinee must respond using the same word both times. Neutral or traumatic words. No reliability or validity evidence.
Sentence Completion Task
Individual must fill in the sentence. Response indicates their needs, desires and thoughts. Most valid and reliable projective test when objective scoring is used but highly transparent.
Figure Drawing Test
Draw a person on and A4 sheet of paper, then draw another picture of the opposite sex to the original drawing. Scoring involves placement, size, posture, colour and faces. Terrible test, but very useful technique to engage children or others who are unwilling or unable to disclose.