Vagus Flashcards
Name the related cranial nerves to the nucleus of the tractus solitarius.
Facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus.
Name the four nuclei which are connected to the vagus nerve.
Dorsal nucleus of vagus, Nucleus ambiguus, Tractus solitarius and Spinal nucleus of trigeminal.
The superior ganglion of the vagus is also known as ___.
Jugular gangion.
The nodose ganglion is known as ___.
Inferior ganglion of vagus.
Name the nerves which arise from the jugular ganglion.
Meningeal branch and auricular branch.
Name the nerves which arise from the nodose ganglion.
Pharyngeal n, branches to carotid body and superior laryngeal.
Name the nerve which is distributed to the posterior wall of the external tympanic meatus.
Auricular branch.
Name the branch of vagus which joins the posterior auricular nerve of the facial nerve.
Auricular branch.
Name the nerve which crosses the 1st part of the right subclavian artery.
Vagus nerve.
Name the nerves which supply the carotid body.
Carotid nerve of glossopharyngeal nerve and branches to carotid body of vagus.
The superior laryngeal nerve arises from the ___.
Middle of the nodose ganglion.
Name the nerve which supplies the sensory fibers to above the vocal fold of the larynx.
Internal laryngeal of superior laryngeal nerve.
Name the nerve which supplies the aryepiglotic fold.
Lower branch of internal laryngeal nerve.
Name the nerve which innervates the cricothyroid muscle.
External laryngeal of superior laryngeal nerve.
Name the nerve which winds the aortic arch just behind the ligamentum arteriosum.
Left recurrent laryngeal.
Name the nerve which innervates all the laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid muscle.
Left recurrent laryngeal.
Name the nerve which supplies sensory fibers to the mucous membrane below the vocal folds of the larynx.
Left recurrent laryngeal.
The 2nd, to 5th or 6th thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic trunk join the ___.
Right posterior pulmonary branches.
The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th thoracic ganglia join the ___.
Left posterior pulmonary branches.
The anterior vagal trunk is formed mainly by ___.
Anterior esophageal plexus.
Name the four branches from the vagus nerve in the thorax.
Cardiac (inferior), recurrent laryngeal (left), pulmonary and esopheageal.
Name the nerve which is distributed to the dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa.
Meningeal branch of vagus.
Name the principal motor nerve of the pharynx.
Pharyngeal nerve of vagus.
The cranial root of the accessory nerve is mainly carried by the ___ of ___ and ___ of ___.
Pharyngeal nerve of vagus and…