Trimgeminal Nerve Flashcards
Name two deglutinating muscles which are innervated by the trigeminal nerve.
Anterior belly of the diagastric and mylohyoid.
Name four primary mastication muscles which are innervated by the somatic (branchial) motor nerve of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.
Temporalis, masseter, medial and lateral pteygoid.
The sensory root of the trigeminal nerve is smaller than the motor root. True/False.
The trigeminal ganglion is located in the dura mater fold on the __ of the petrosal portion of the ___ bone.
Trigeminal impression, temporal.
The cell bodies of primary sensory neurons of the trigeminal nerve lie in the ___ ganglion.
Name the nerve lying in the vomer groove of the nasal septum?
Nasopalatine nerve.
Name the nerve that innervates the mucous membrane on the torus tubaris.
Pharyngeal nerve of the nasal nerve.
Name the nerve which innervates the palatine tonsil.
palatine nerve of the pterygopalatine ganglion
Name the pathway of the taste impulse from the palate to the tractus solitarius in sequence.
Palatine N, Pterygopalatine ganglion, Nerve of the pterygoid canal, greater petrossal of the genicular ganglion, Nervus intermedius, tractus solitarius
The sensory root of the mandibular nerve emerges from the cranial cavity through the?
Foramen ovale.
Name the nerve which locates between the tensor veli palatini medially and the lateral pterygoid laterally just outsidde the foramen ovale in the infratemporal region.
Mandibular nerve
Name the branch of the posterior trunk of the madibular nerve.
auriculotemporal and lingual nerves
The meningial nerve of the mandibular nerve enters the skull through the?
Foramen spinosum of the shenoid.
The tensor veli palatini is innervated by the
Nerve to the medial pterygoid
Name the nerve which encircles the middle meningial artery?
Auriculotemporal nerve
Name the nerve which passes between the sphenomandibular ligament and the ramus of the mandible.
auriculotemporal nerve
Name the nerve that innervate the temporomandibular joint.
masseteric nerve
The secretomotor fibers to the parotid gland are carried by the parotid branches of the?
Auriculotemporal nerve
Name the nerve that is closely related to the submandibular ganglion.
Lingual nerve.
The mylohyoid nerve passes above the mylohyoid muscle. T/F?
Pain from an ulcer on the tongue can radiate to the ear and temporal fossa over the distribution of?
Auriculotemporal nerve
Name the artery which accompaniesthe inferior alveolar in the mandibular canal.
Inferior alveolar artery of the maxillary artery
The mylohyoid nerve is located in the ___________sulcus that is under the mylohyoid line of the mandible.
Mylohyoid groove
Trigeminal neuralgia is also known as?
Tic dolereux
Three nuclei of termination of the trigeminal nerve are ___, ___ and ___.
Mesencephalic, pontine, and spinal nuclei.
The spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve in the medulla oblongata is continuous in the spinal cord as ___.
Substantia gelatinosa of Roland.
The oopthalmic nerve communicates with the ___, ___ and ___ nerves for the proprioceptive sensory nerves.
Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens.
Name the nerve which carries the recurrent meningeal nerve of the opthalamic nerve to the tentorium cerebelli.
The opthalmic nerve exits the cranial cavity thru the superior orbital fissure. True/False.
At the superior orbital fissure, the opthalmic nerve divides into the ___, ___ and ___ nerves.
Lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary.
Name the nerve which enters the orbit thru the lateral part of the superior orbital fissure and receives a branch from the zygomaticotemporal nerve of the maxillary nerve.
Name the nerve which lies above the levator palpebra superioris.
Which nerve receives fibers from the zygomatictemporal nerve of the zygomatic nerve?
Name the nerve which innervates the skin of the forehead, the scalp and frontal sinus mucosa.
Name all the sensory nerves which involve transmitting the itching sense from the apex of the nose to the trigeminal ganglion in sequence.
External nasal -> Anterior ethmoidal -> Nasociliary -> Opthalmic -> Trigeminal ganglion.
Name the nerve which enters the nasal cavity thru a slit in the lateral side of the crista galli.
Anterior ethmoidal.
The nasociliary nerve communicates with the ciliary ganglion mainly for the fibers of…
Somatic sensory nerve.
The ciliary ganglion gives off the ___ nerves to the ciliary body, iris and cornea.
Long ciliary.
Name the nerve which runs anteriorly in the eyeball between the sclera and the choroid to the ciliary body, iris and cornea.
Long ciliary nerve.
The sphenoid sinuses are innervated by…
Posterior ethmoidal nerve.
Name the nerve which passes horizontally forward along the lower part of the lateral wall of the cavernous dura venous sinus.
Name the nerve which accompanies the frontal branch of the middle meningeal artery.
Middle meningeal.
The ganglionic nerves of the maxillary nerve connect to…
Pterygopalatine ganglion.
Name the nerve which innervates the skin on the prominence of the cheek.
The middle superior alveolar nerve arises from the…
Infraorbital nerve.
Name the largest peripheral ganglion of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Pterygopalatine ganglion.