Facial Flashcards
Name four cranial nuclei and their modality related with the facial nerve.
Nucleus of Facial Nerve (BE), Superior Salivatory (VE), Tractus Solitarius (SVA), and Spinal Nucleus of Trigeminal (SA).
The apparent origin of the facial nerve lies at the inferior pontine sulcus, just lateral to the recess between ___ and ___.
Olive and inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Name the nucleus, which sends visceral motor fibers to the submandibular, sublingual and lacrimal glands.
Superior Salivatory.
Name the visceral efferent cranial nucleus and their peripheral ganglion.
Superior Salivatory -> Submandibular Ganglion.
At the lateral end of the acoustic meatus, the facial nerve enters the ___ to reach the ___.
Facial canal, stylomastoid foramen.
Name four nerves, which communicate with the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen.
Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Great Auricular and Auriculotemporal.
Name two ganglia, which communicate with the genicular ganglion.
Otic and pterygopalatine ganglia.
Name the modalities of the greater petrosal nerve.
Visceral efferent and special visceral afferent.
The greater petrosal nerve conveys between ___ and ___.
Geniculate ganglion, nerve of the pterygoid canal.
The deep petrosal nerve conveys between ___ and ___.
Internal carotid plexus, nerve of the pterygoid canal.
The external petrosal nerve conveys between ___ and ___.
Middle meningeal sympathetic plexus, Geniculate ganglion.
The lesser petrosal nerve conveys between ___ and ___.
Otic ganglion, geniculate gangion.
In the foramen lacerum, the greater petrosal nerve joined with the ___ from ___ and it becomes the nerve of the pterygoid canal.
Deep petrosal nerve, internal carotid plexus.
Before the facial nerve emerges from the stylomastoid foramen, it receives the auricular nerve from the ___.
Vagus nerve.
Name the nervous communications in sequence from the genicular ganglion to the pterygopalatine ganglion for the visceral efferent fibers.
Great petrosal nerve -> nerve of the pterygoid canal.
Name nerves of sequential pathway of the visceral efferent nerves from the superior salivatory nucleus to the sublingual gland.
Nervus intermedius -> Facial nerve -> Chorda tympani nerve -> Lingual nerve -> Submandibular ganglion.
Name the two nerves, which join and become the nerve to the pterygoid canal.
Greater and deep petrosal.
Name the nerve, which conveys the middle meningeal sympathetic plexus to the genicular ganglion.
External petrosal nerve.
Name the nerve, which communicates with the posterior branch of the great auricular nerve.
Posterior auricular nerve.
The cervical branch of the facial nerve communicates with ___ of ___.
Transverse cutaneous cervical nerve of C2 and C3.
Name two branches of the facial nerve in the facial canal.
Nerve to the Stapedius and Chorda tympani.
Name three branches of the facial nerve at the exit of the stylomastoid foramen.
Stylohyoid nerve, Digastric nerve and Posterior auricular.
Name fiber branches of the facial nerve on the face.
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Marginal Mandibular and Cervical.
Name the nerve, which arises from the facial nerve opposite the pyramidal eminence on the posterior tympanic cavity wall.
Nerve to the Stapedius.
Name the nerve which passes the middle tympanic cavity thru the anterior and the posterior canaliculi.
Chorda tympani of facial nerve.
Name the modalities of the chorda tympani.
Visceral efferent and special visceral afferent.
The chorda tympani join the ___ of___.
Lingual nerve of mandibular nerve.
Name the nerve which supplies the occipital belly of the epicranium.
Occipital nerve of posterior auricular.
Name the nerve, which supplies the intrinsic muscles of the lateral surface of the auricle.
Temporal nerve of facial nerve.
Name the six intrinsic muscles of the auricle.
Helicis minor and major, tragus, antitragicus, transversus auriculae and oblique auriculae.
Name nerve, which supplies the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis.
Temporal nerve.
The superficial branches of the buccal nerve join with the ___ of ___ and ____ of ___.
Infratrochlear of the nasociliary and external nasal of the anterior ethmoidal branch.
The levator anguli oris and the zygomaticus minor are innervated by the ___ of ___.
Infraorbital plexus of the upper deep branch of the buccal nerve.
Name the nerve which innervates the risorius.
Marginal mandibular of the facial nerve.
Name two nerves, which communicate with the posterior auricular nerve of the facial nerve.
Lesser occipital and posterior part of great auricular.
Name the nerve which innervates the corrugator supercilii.
Temporal nerve of facial nerve.
The procerus is innervated by the ___ of ___.
Superficial branch of buccal nerve.
Name the nerve which innervates the zygomaticus major.
Upper deep branch of buccal nerve.
The transverse cutaneous cervical nerve communicates with ___ of the facial nerve.
Cervical nerve.
Name the sequential nerves from the superior salivatory nucleus to the submandibular ganglion. Superior salivatory nucleus -> ___, Genicular ganglion -> ___ -> ___ -> Submandibular ganglion.
Nervus intermedius, chorda tympani, and lingual.
Facial paralysis is known as ___.
Bell’s palsy.