Vaccinations Flashcards
Immune develops a defense against antigens in the form of
antibodies by B lymphocytes
How are immune globulin made?
Pooling of IgG antibody fraction from thousand of adult donors
What are immune globulins used for?
Post-exposure (hepatitic, meales)
What is a specific IgG that targets one specific antigen. Used for post-exposure prophylaxis for hep B, rabies, tetanus and varicella. Specific for one disease
homologous human hyperimmune globin
What is produced in animals and contains antibodies against only one antigen. Used for botulism and diphtheria.
Heterologous hyperimmune serum (antitoxin)
What are monoclonal antibodies used for?
DIagnosis and certain types of cancer, treatment of cancer, prevention of transplant rejection
What is a monoclonal antibody available for prevention of RSV. (only monoclonal antibody available for an infective)
Palivizumab (Synagis)
What produces an immune response similar to that produced by natural infection but w/o the disease and complications?
What can the presence of maternal antibody do?
Can make it so a vaccine won’t work well int eh first year of life
What is extra material that helps stabilize the vaccine?
What is a vaccine produced by modifying a disease producing (wild type) virus of bacterium. Resulting organism retains ability to grow and produce immunity but usually don’t cause illness.
Live attenuated
What is composed of whole viruses or bacteria or fractions of either (protein based or polysaccharide based)
Inactivated virus
Inactivated vaccine that come from the toxin that bacterial produces.
Protein-based inactivated vaccine
Inactivated vaccine that comes from the portion of the polysaccharide wall of the bacteria, or link it to a protein to create vaccination.
Polysaccharide based inactivated vaccine
WHat type vaccine can be interfered with maternal antibodies?
Live attenuated
What vaccine is most sensitive to mom’s antibodies.
What 2 vaccines are least effected by mom’s antibodies?
how many doses do life attenuated doses require?
1 dose (except if administered orally)
What can life attenuated vaccines be destroyed by?
Destroyed by heat and light
What are some life attenuated vaccines (viral)?
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
Varicella zoster
Intranasal influenza
What is an example of a life attenuated (bacterial)?
Oral typhoid vaccine
How many doses do inactivated vaccines usually require?
3-5 doses (ex- Hep B)
what does the first dose of the inactivated vaccine do?
Primes the immune system so the response develops after 2nd or 3rd dose
Never give a vaccine too early!
What type immune response is there mostly with inactivated vaccines?
Mostly humoral (little cellular immunity occurs)
What are three viral whole-cell vaccines (inactivated)
Hep A
What are some subunit fraction vaccines?
hep B Influenza Acellular pertussis HPV anthrax
What are not very good at creating immunogenic resposne in children younger than 2?
Pure polysaccharides so you want
to use a conjugated polysaccharide version
What improves immunogenicity upon polysaccharides, T cell dpendent?
Conjugated polysaccharide