UWORLD - PEDIATRICS (Mixed) Flashcards
Most common predisposing factor to bacterial sinusitis?
Pt with varus of calcanus and talus and adduction of the foot - suspected diagnosis? Management?
Serial casting immediately
Pt presents with thrombocytopenia, rash, and multiple infections - suspected diagnosis?
WIPE Wiskott-Aldrich Infections Purpura (thrombocytopenia) Ezcema
Von Geirkes vs Debranching emzyme deficiency?
Normal LFTs but elevated lactate and uric acid
Elevated LFTs, but normal lactate and uric acid
Floppy baby with macroglossia and heart failure - suspected diagnosis? deficiency in?
Pompe’s disease
Acid maltase
Cause of infant respiratory distress syndrome? Risk factors?
Surfactant deficiency
#Prematurity #Maternal disbetes mellitus
Pt with light brown skin spots, and precocious puberty?
Birth defect of nail/digit hypoplasia - causal drug?
Birth defect of thin upper lip - causal drug?
Acidified glycerl lysis test used to diagnose?
CD55 and CD56 protein testing on RBCs used to diagnose?
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Only immunocompromised pts get this immunoglobulin upon exposure?
Treatment for tricyclic intoxication? (Why?)
Sodium Bicarb
Corrects acidosis and narrows QRS prolongation
Neonate presents with bilious vomiting and bloodstained stools - suspected diagnosis? best initial test? Most accurate?
midgut volvulus
Xray (to r/o pneumoperitoneum)
Upper GI series
Neonate presents with non-bilious vomiting - suspected diagnosis?
Bilious vomiting?
pyloric stenosis
volvulus (intussception not found as neonate)