Genetic Disorders/Inborn Errors Of Metabolism Flashcards
Causes of elevated AFP?
- Neural tube defects
- multiple gestation pregnancies
- underestimated gestational age,
- Ventral abdominal wall defects
- Fetal demise
Malformation versus deformation versus disruption
Abnormal process forms abnormal tissue (bladder extrophy from failure of infraumbilical mesenchyme to migrate)
Mechanical forces under normal tissue resulting in abnormal tissue
Normal tissue becomes abnormal after being subjected to destructive forces
Low AFP levels associated with?
- Overestimated gestational age
- Trisomies 21 and 18
- intrauterine growth retardation
Triple markers for down syndrome? Trisomy 18?
Low AFP, low unconjugated estriol, high beta-hCG
Low AFP, low unconjugated estriol, low beta-hCG
Ways to genetically evaluate fetus? (And best time to do so)?
- Chorionic villus sampling (10 to 13 weeks)
- Amniocentesis (16 to 18 weeks)
- Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
Marfan syndrome – chromosome? Gene? Clinical features? Rule out? Complications?
15; fibrillin
- Skeletal findings (tall stature, long fingers, pectus excavator, scoliosis)
- Ocular findings (upward lens subluxation, Retinal detachment)
- Cardiovascular (aortic root dilatation, mitral valve prolapse, aortic regurgitation)
Rule out homocystinuria
Endocarditis, retinal detachment, aortic dissection
Prader-Willi syndrome – chromosome? Clinical features? Diagnosis? Complications?
Absence of parental chromosome 15
- Almond shaped eyes, fishlike mouth
- Failure to thrive followed by obesity
- Short stature with small hands/feet
- Neuro - Hypotonia, mental retardation, learning disabilities, behavioral problems
- Hypogonadism (small penis/testes or cryptorchidism)
FISH probes
- Infancy – poor sucking, feeding problems, developmental delay
- In childhood – obesity and OSA
- In adulthood – cardiac disease, type two diabetes
Angelman syndrome – chromosome? Clinical features? Diagnosis?
Deletion of maternal chromosome 15 segment
- Neurologic – ataxia, jerking arm movements, inappropriate laughter, mental retardation (“happy puppet”)
- Craniofacial – small head, large mouth, tongue protrusion, blonde hair, blue eyes
FISH probe
Noonan syndrome – chromosome? Clinical features? Diagnosis?
Chromosome 12
- Skeletal – short and shield chest
- Craniofacial – Web neck, low hairline, widely spaced eyes, low-set ears, epicanthal skin folds
- Cardiac – right sided heart lesions (pulmonary valve stenosis)
- Mental retardation
Diagnosis based on clinical features
DiGeorge syndrome – defect? Clinical features? Diagnosis? Complications?
Structures from third and fourth pharyngeal pouch
- Craniofacial – small chin, ear anomalies
- Cardiac – aortic arch anomalies, VSDs, tetralogy of Fallot
- Thymus/parathyroid hyperplasia – cell-mediated immunodeficiency, severe hypocalcemia
FISH probes on chromosome 22
Infections and seizures
Velocardiofacial syndrome - Clinical features? Diagnosis?
- Craniofacial – cleft palate, wide nose, short chin, fish-shaped mouth
- Cardiac – VSDs, right-sided aortic arch
- Neurologic – hypotonia, learning disabilities
FISH probes for chromosome 22
New proposed name for DiGeorge syndrome and velocardiofacial syndrome?
Cardiac anomaly Abnormal feces Thymic hypoplasia Cleft palate Hypocalcemia Chromosome 22 defect
Elhers-Danlos syndrome – defect? Clinical features? Diagnosis? Complications?
Defective type IV collagen
- Musculoskeletal – hyper extensible joints
- Derm – velvety, loose, fragile skin. Poor wound healing and tissue paper scars
- Cardio – MVP, aortic root dilatation easy bruising
- G.I. – rectal prolapse, hernias
Diagnosis based on clinical findings
Complications – aortic dissection, G.I. bleeding
Osteogenesis imperfecta – defect? Clinical features? Diagnosis? Complications?
Abnormal type one collagen
- Blue sclera
- Frequent fractures, scoliosis, osteoporosis/osteopenia
- Yellow or gray-blue teeth
- Easy bruisability
Diagnosis based on decreased type I collagen synthesis in fibroblasts
Complications: early conductive hearing loss and skeletal deformities
Vertebral defects Anal atresia Cardiac (VSD's) Tracheoesophageal fistula Renal defects Limb defects (radial hypoplasia, polydactyly)