Pediatric Health Supervision Flashcards
Failure to thrive? Most common cause?
Less than expected growth rate (usually weight) which crosses 2 percentile isobars
Reduced calorie intake
Purpose of routine well child visit?
- Anticipatory guidance
- Prevention (immunizations)
- Screening (vision, hearing, metabolic screening, TB)
- Growth and development assessment
- Prevention of disability (in chronic disease)
Expected weight, height and head circumference increases?
Double birthweight by 5 months
Triple birthweight by 12 months
Double length by 4 years
Triple length by 13 years
25% of normal adult had size at birth
75% of normal adult size by one year (12 cm increase since birth )
Subperiosteal hemorrhage of newborn cranium after traumatic delivery
Microcephaly? Types? Clinical features?
Head circumference 2 to 3 standard deviations below mean
CONGENITAL (abnormal migration of brain tissue) versus ACQUIRED (cerebral insult)
- Small brain
- Developmental delay/intellectual impairment
- Cerebral palsy/seizures
Craniosynostosis? Causes?
Premature closure of cranial sutures
GENETIC (Alpert/Crouzon syndromes)
METABOLIC (hyperthyroid, hypercalcemia)
Craniosynostosis Clinical features?
Sagittal suture – Dolichocephaly (elongated skull)
Coronal suture – Brachycephaly (shortened skull) and Optic nerve atrophy
Metopic suture - trigonocephaly (triangle head)
Causes of congenital versus acquired microcephaly?
- Early prenatal infection (HIV/TORCH)
- Toxins (fetal alcohol)
- Chromosomal (Trison the 13, 18, 21)
- Familial
- Maternal phenoketouria
- Played third trimester/perineal infections
- Meningitis/meningoencephalitis during first year
- Ischemic cerebral insult
- Metabolic (hypothyroidism, inborn errors of metabolism)
Toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis), rubella, CMV, HSV
Plagiocephaly? Main cause? Associated with? Management?
Asymmetry of head not associated with premature suture closure
Positional – associated with Congenital muscular torticollis
Motion stretching exercises, repositioning the head during sleep, increased time in prone position
Macrocephaly? Does not reflect? Management?
Head circumference >95% for age
Does not reflect brain size
Look for signs of high ICP
CT scan to rule out hydrocephalus
Genetic evaluation if suspectedp
Causes of macrocephaly?
- Familial
- Overgrowth (Sotos syndrome)
- Metabolic storage disorders (gangliosidosis, Canavan)
- Neurofibromatosis
- Achrondroplasia
- Hydrocephalus
- Space occupying lesions (cysts/tumors
Live vaccines?
Dead vaccines?
Polio, Varcella, MMR
DTaP, hepatitis A/B, polio, H. influenzae, influenza, pneumococcal/meningococcal
Give passive immunization for these diseases?
- Varicella (if immunocompromised or at higher risk)
- Hepatitis B (if mother is positive)
- Hepatitis A (before travel)
Types of hearing tests?
- Brainstem auditory evoked response – EEG waves generated in response to clicks
- Evoked otoacoustic emission – measures sounds generated by cochlear hair cells