Uworld – Heme/onc Flashcards
Agammaglobulinemia versus common variable deficiency?
Both have recurrent infections and decreased immunoglobulins
6 months old at presentation versus 15 to 35 years
Posterior vermis syndrome – associated with? Symptoms?
Medulloblastoma; truncal dystaxia
Proposed mechanism for hemophilic arthropathy?
Iron deposition, synovial thickening with fibrosis
Sx of polycythemia in newborns?
- Respiratory distress, tachypnea, cyanosis (decreased pulmonary blood flow due to hyperviscosity)
- Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia
Howell-Jolly bodies – stain? Remnants of?
Wright stain. Nucleated remnants within red blood cells
Juvenile angiofibroma - Sx?
Epistaxis, localized mass, bone erosion on the back of nose
Craniopharyngioma versus pituitary adenoma
Calcified lesion above the sella, diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism, growth hormone deficiency versus prolactinoma and no calcification