UWorld Journal Flashcards
blood supply to the liver
celiac –> common hepatic
uncomplicated umbilical hernia pathophys
incomplete closure of umbilical ring (doesn’t become linea alba)
long term asthma tx
glucocorticoids (like fluticasone)
what kind of volume contraction is diabetes insipidus
hyperosmotic vol contraction (lose more water than electrolytes, up osm, down ECF and ICF)
filtration rate of substance X (equation)
filtration rate of X = inulin clearance/plasma X
excretion rate of substance X (equation)
excretion rate of X = (inulin clearance)(plasma X) - (reabsorption of X)
amanita (mushroom) pathophys
bind to RNA polymerase I –> halt mRNA synth –> apoptosis
which cells make elastase in the lungs?
alveolar macrophages and neutrophils
where is the vomiting center of the brain?
chemoreceptor trigger zone dorsal medulla (area postrema)
agent present in perforated appendicitis
bacteroides fragilis (or other normal flora like E. coli, enterococci, streptococci)
how does pCO2 affect ICP
pCO2 down –> vasoconstriction (up vasc resistance) –> down ICP
gaussian distribution: SDs and %data
w/in 1 = 68%
w/in 2 = 95
2/in 3 = 99
hyperlipid med causes flushing
enzyme responsible for green sputum
myeloperoxidase from neutrophils
drug with AE of gingival hyperplasia
tx for DM with nephropathy
glycemic control + ACE inhibitors (-prils)
what is hot tub folliculitis
pseudomonas infection of skin from pool –> puritic papulopustular rash
what does the vitaline duct connect
ileum and umbilicus
abnormalities w/ vitaline duct
persistent (meconium from umbilicus)
meckel diverticulum (MC)
when to use a chi-square test
association btwn 2 categorical variables
pathophys of trisomies
usually due to meiotic nondisjunction
what is used for MAC prophylaxis in AIDS pts?
Tx status epilepticus
IV benzos (lorazepam)
whats in MEN1
primary hyperparatyroidism
pit tumors
panc tumors
whats in MEN2A
medullary thyroid CA (calcitonin)
parathyroid hyperplasia
whats in MEN2B
medullary thyroid CA
mucosal neuromas
oral candida vs leukoplakia
candida scrapes off
e. coli pathophys –> septic shock
lipid A (of LPS) –> septic shock
septic shock sx
fever hTN diarrhea oliguria DIC
what nerve is hurt if you lose plantar flexion and foot inversion?
tibial nerve
what are the deficits a/w tibial nerve injury?
cant plantarflex or invert
sensory: sole of foot (not big toe)
GH signaling pathway
where does heme synth take place
sx of congenital hypothyroidism
floppy baby, puffy face, umbilical hernia, protruding tongue, large anterior fontanelle
whats used in making NO
arginine, NADPH, O2
when do you see overlapping fingers in a newborn
edwards (tri18)
when do you see air in the biliary tree
gallstone ileus
when do you hear high pitched bowel sounds
small bowel obstruction
how do you get vibrio parahemolyticus
contaminated shellfish
what are the crescents in RPGN made of
how to measure mitral regurge severity
time from S2 (A2) to opening snap
when do you see a liver w/ lymphocytic infiltration and destruction of small intrahepatic bile ducts?
primary biliary cholangitis
graft vs host disease
find out wtf azathioprine is
i dunno, look it up
cause of different clinical manifestations of a mitochondrial disorder
heteroplasmy (diff mitochondrial genomes in same cell)
pathophys cleft palate
maxillary prominence fails to fuse w/ intermaxillary segment (5th/6th week)
enzymes involved in regulating hypoglycemia due to fasting
glucagon (up hepatic glycogenolysis)
cortisol (increases gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, proteolysis)
vitamin changes in SI bacterial overgrowth
more vit K, folate
less B12, iron, vit ADE
anticholinergic effects on vision/eyes
limit accomodation (blur close vision)
dry eyes
big P gap btwn aortic and LV P during systole indicates
aortic stenosis
chronic renal allograft rejection path
obliterative intimal thickening
tubular atrophy
interstitial fibrosis
hyperacute rejection of renal allograft path
vascular fibrinoid necrosis
neutrophil infiltration
COPD effects on kidney
hypoxia –> increased EPO production
capsofungin mechanism
suppress fungal cell wall synthesis
what karyotype is most common in partial mole
46XX (1 sperm duplicate)
how do you know if the CI is statistically significant?
95% does not include null
how to avoid acyclovir nephrotox
aggressive IV hydration
chest pain reproduced with palpation or changes in position
costosternal syndrome
bronchi vs bronchioles, cell differences
both have cilia
bronchioles lack goblet cells, glands, cartilage
pathophys of finger drop
repetitive movements –> damage to supinator canal –> radial nerve/deep branch/posterior interosseus nerve injury –> cant extend fingers/thumb
complication of reactive arthritis
feratoderma blennorrhagicum (vesicles on palms/soles) sacroiliitis
cause of caudal regression syndrome in newborns
uncontrolled DM (+other unknown)
AE levels in thiazide diuretic use
hypo: Na, K
hyper: Ca, glucose, cholesterol, urea
nerve compressed in saturday night palsy
cytokines involved in granuloma formation (TB)
macs secrete IL-12 (activate TH1)
TH1 make IFN-alpha (recruits macs)
pathophys of S3
turbulent blood flow in ventricles from increased volume
pathophys of S4
blood hits stiff ventricle
which ulcers are rarely malignant
whats the defect in Ehlers-Danlos
collagen synthesis
problem in scurvy
no vit C –> cant hydroxylate proline and lysine
where do you get the saphenous vein
inferolateral to pubic tubercke = femoral triangle: inguinal lig (sup), sartorius (lat) and adductor longus (med)
emphysema mechanism
oxidative injury –> macs/neuts make proteases –> degrade matrix + make more free radicals that mess with protease inhibitors –> proteases go wild (protease-antiprotease imbalance) –> acinar wall destruction –> irreversible airspace dilation
liquefactive necrosis pathophys
ischemia –> neurons release lysosomal enzymes which degrade tissue –> phagocytes come and remove necrosis –> cavity –> astrocytes proliferate around area to make scar (gliosis)
deltaF508 mutation –> ?
what exactly happens w/ an RPR
mix serum w/ cardiolipin, cholesterol, lecithin
if it aggregates there are Abs present from cell destruction from treponema
(note: NOT testing for Abs against treponema)
difference btwn AF conduction and purkinje conduction
AF = tachy (more common) purkinje = brady
things made from POMC
some endorphins apparently that act @ opioid receptors
pneumonia post flu (MC organisms)
strep pneumo
staph aureus
H flu
where (exactly) do beta blockers work
inhibit NT binding to receptor in adrenergic synapses
MC aortic rupture after blunt trauma
aortic isthmus
ascending is next but v rare
enzyme defect in xeroderma
defect in nucleotide excision repair
can’t take out thymine dimers
defective UV-specific ENDONUCLEASES
what does a virus need to do genetic shift?`
segmented genes
what is a/w absent CD18?
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
AEs of dopamine
anxiety agitation confusion delusions hallucinations
what is IP3
inositol triphosphate
how does silicosis make someone more susceptible to TB?
silicosis impairs macrophage fxn (phagolysosomes disrupted by internalized silica, maybe)
liver and lungs?
alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
sx of pellagra
internal hemorrhoid drainage
middle rectal vein –> internal iliac
superior rectal vein –> inferior mesenteric
external hemorrhoid drainage
inferior rectal vein –> internal pudendal vein
what is pulsus paradoxus
fall in systolic BP > 10 w/ inspiration (cardiac tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, COPD, asthma, PE)
boggy uterus
uterine atony
surgery to stop uterine bleeding: which arteries?
bilateral internal iliacs
how do you dx parotitis
increased amylase (w/o pancreatitis) US/CT
parotitis sx
effects of prolactinoma on women
decreased bone density (less E)
prolactin inhibitory effects
suppress LH (and FSH, but less)
dx gout
synovial fluid crystal analysis (same as synovitis)
major AE w/ lamotrigine
watershed areas of gut
splenic flexure
resctosigmoid jxn
what O2 thing stays the same in methemoglobinemia
PO2 (measure of dissolved O2, not whats on Hb)
opioid mechanism
bind to mu receptors G-protein coupled activation of K channels up K efflux hyperpolarization of neurons termination of pain transmission
lack CD 55
paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria
paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria kidney things
hemoglobinuria (duh)
chronic hemolysis –> iron deposition in kidneys (hemosiderosis) –> mess with PCT fxn
Abs that react with tissue transglutaminase
celiac (tissue transglutaminase IgA)
dx for celiacs
check tissue transglutaminase IgA/antiendomysial Abs
biopsy duodenum or jejunum (flattened villi, increased intraepithelial lymphocytes)
ovary + stomach
krukenberg tumor
krukenberg tumor histo
mucin secreting signet cells
genes involved in colon adenoma to carcinoma
p53 and DCC
long QT mechanism
mutations in K channels –> prolong action potentials
hereditary pattern of NF1
AutoDom, chromosome 17
hemolysis of enterococcus
gamma…..no hemolysis
class I vs class II HLAs
class I: B class II: DP, DQ, DR
narrowing of the sacroiliac joints
ankylosing spondylitis
HLA a/w ankylosing spondylitis
drug abuse: nystagmus
what type of muscle fiber are postural muscles
type I: slow twitch: red, high myoglobin, high mitochondrial
mostly aerobic metabolism
wheres the vision loss with a right temporal lobe lesion
pie in the sky on L
meyers loop
recombination vs reassortment vs phenotypic mixing
recombination: non segmented viruses (progeny can have all new traits)
reassortment: segmented viruses (progeny can have either or both traits)
phenotypic mixing: 2 viruses in 1 host, released virions can have mix of phenotypes, next generation goes back to original
sertoli cells do what
make inhibin in response to FSH (inhibin inhibits FSH)
help with spermatogenesis
leydig cells do what
make T in response to LH (T inhibits LH and GnRH)
wtf are zinc fingers
DNA binding domain found on hormones that bind to DNA
which hormones have zinc fingers
steroids, thyroid hormone, fat soluble vitamin receptors (i know that isnt a hormone, leave me alone)
what does CO do to Hb
binds crazy strong (Hb is now carboxyhemoglobin)
CO on the O2 curve
left shift
marcus gunn pupil
lesion optic nerve
number needed to harm equation
1/attributable risk
AR = rate of tx - rate of placebo
causes of primary polydipsia
psych d/os
complication of cavernous hemangioma
intracerebral hemorrhage
tx for adrenal crisis
glucocorticoid: hydrocortisone or dexamethasone
NO mechanism
NO –> up cGMP –> decrease intracellular Ca –> decrease myosin light chain kinase activity –> myosin light chain dephosphorylation –> muscle relaxation
what converts heme into biliverdin
heme oxygenase
when do you see postherpetic neuralgia
VZV (not HSV)
when to use the two sample t-test
comparing means of 2 pops
organophosphate mechanism
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
where do you absorb fat
abnormal ristocetin test
von Willebrand disease (poor platelet agg w/ ristocetin, agg w/ normal plasma)
Bernard-Soulier/GP Ib def (poor platelet agg w/ ristocetin, doesn’t fix w/ normal plasma)
mucocutaneous bleeding
von Willebrand (vWF)
Bernard-Soulier (GP IIb)
Glanzmann (GP IIb-IIIa)
diff btwn true and pseudo diverticula
true: include mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa layers (Meckels, appendix)
pseudo: mucosa, submucosa, serosa (zenker, colon ticks)
what cells do Ab-dependent-cell-mediated-cytotox
NK cells
when to use MAO-Is
atypical depression
Tx-resistant depression
atypical depression features
mood reactivity
leaden paralysis
rejection sensitivity
increased sleep/appetite
axonal rxn
changes in neuron after its severed
swollen, rounded, nuc displaced, nissl substance is granular and dispersed (central chromatolysis)
blood Abs: types
usually IgM (O moms have IgG – can cross placenta)
pharmacodynamic potentiation
more than the sum of its parts
Ca levels in metastatic bone cancer
hypercalcemia from destruction of bone
dopaminergic pathways
mesolimbic (+ schizo sx)
mesocortical (- schizo sx)
nigrostriatal (movement)
tuberoinfundibular (inhibit prolactin)
tx for postprandial hyperglycemia
tx for TCA cardiotox
sodium bicarb (more basic serum – neutralizes TCA, increases extracellular sodium to overcome competitive inhibition)
vit def –> pancreatic gland metaplasia
vit A
vit E def –> ?
vit D def –> ?
rickets (kids)
osteomalacia (adults)
interscalene nerve block affects brachial plexus and…
ipsilateral diaphragm (avoid in pts w/ chronic lung dz or contralateral phrenic nerve dysfxn)
where does collagen production take place in the cell?
cells involved in delayed type hypersensitivity
CD4, CD8, macs
what does DNA polymerase III do
5-3 DNA synthesis
3-5 exonuclease activity (proofreading)
what does DNA polymerase I so
5-3 DNA synthesis
3-5 exonuclease activity (proofreading)
5-3 exonuclease activity (remove RNA primer)
why do preggers have increased insulin resistance
syncytiotrophoblast makes human placental lactogen (hPL)
making catecholamines
adrenal medulla
symp release Ach –> chromaffin cells –> make catecholamines (80% epi, 20% NE)
muscles worked in kegels
levator ani (iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, puborectalis)
wheres the problem: weakness in dorsiflexion and eversion, impaired dorsal foot/lateral shin sensation
common peroneal nerve
hypertrophic scarring mechanism
elevated transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) increases fibroblast proliferation/activity
likely blood problems with cirrhosis
less clotting factors (liver makes II, VII, IX, X) (DisCo was born in 1972) –> VII has shortest half life
less albumin –> edema
R vs L sided colon CA
R: more space, bigger, bulkier –> occult bleeding, anemia
L: smaller, narrow lumen –> obstruction, changes in bowel habits
drug that lengthens QT but doesnt have high risk of torsades
muscle biopsy shows ragged red fibers
mitochondrial myopathy
sx of mitochondrial myopathy
muscle weakness, myalgia, lactic acidosis, neuropathy, seizures
1st/2nd gen antihistamines (list)
1st: diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, promethazine, clorpheniramine
2nd: loratadine, cetirizine
diff btwn 1st/2nd gen antihistamines
2nd: better for old folk: less anti-Ach, anti-5HT, anti-alpha-adrenergic –> minimal side effects; less lipophilic –> dont cross BBB
deficiency common in sickle cell anemia (or other hemolytic anemias)
folic acid deficiency due to increased RBC turnover
folic acid def –> macrocytic anemia path
low folic acid –> impair DNA synth –> slows diving rate –> cytoplasmic components build up –> big cells
mediator of cachexia (wasting in systemic dz)
IL-1 beta
MCC renal infarction
thromboembolism (from atrium or ventricle)
bladder things in MS
spastic bladder from UMN lesion
bladder hypertonia –> does not relax/distend
full emptying
phenotypic mixing
2 viruses in one cell
released virions have shared features
progeny are first generation
(no genetic changes, just pheno)
cells responsible for inflammation in gout
whats damaged in the ear with prolonged exposure to loud noises
organ of corti
retinal artery occlusion mechanism
usually from bruit
internal carotid
ophthalmic artery
retinal artery
white/yellow scars on the retina
toxo in utero
uretal obstruction does what to GFR and FF?
GFR goes down
FF goes down
consequences of treating NARDS
O2 given during treatment can –> retinal damage
retinopathy of prematurity or retrolental fibroplasia
deficiency in SCID
def adenosine deaminase –> no T or B cells
acyclovir mechanism
nucleoside analog
phosphorylated by virus
gets incorporated into viral DNA
terminates synthesis
ortner syndrome
mitral stenosis –> atrial dilation –> impinge left recurrent laryngeal nerve –> hoarseness
fibrates –> gallstones: mechanism
inhibit bile acid synth
decreased cholesterol solubility, increased microcrystal formation
–> gallstones
etanercept mechanism
TNF-alpha inhibitor
acts as decoy receptor?
vermiis lesion –>
truncal ataxia (wide, unsteady gait) maybe vertigo and nystagmus
Hep B/C vs steatosis histo
Hep B: granular, homogenous eosinophilic inclusions
hep C: lymphoid aggregates, focal areas of macro-steatosis
steatosis: large and small vesicles of fat
signet ring in stomach
gastric adenocarcinoma
gastric adenocarcinoma lesion characteristics
diffuse involvement of stomach wall (lose E-cadherin)
plaque-like appearance, ill defined
what immune cell increases with corticosteroid use
neutrophils (demargination - they fall off tissues into blood, but can’t fight stuff there –> increased risk of infection)
MC complication of bicuspid aortic arch
aortic stenosis
then endocarditis, then dissection
which joints are affected by rheumatoid arthritis
small joints: PIP, MCP, MTP (spares DIP)
cervical spine
where are very long chain fatty acids oxidized?
what nerve innervates sensation on posterior part of external auditory canal?
vagus (X)
what drugs reactivate TB
TNF-alpha inhibitors
enantercept, infliximab, adalimumab
age changes that can –> isolated systolic HTN
increased arterial stiffness (decreased elastin, increased collagen)
MC renal stones
Ca stones (oxalate, phosphate)
MC Ca levels that –> stones
hypercalciuria w/ normocalcemia (vit D and PTH regulate serum)
where in the body is the oxygenation of blood lowest?
coronary sinus (heart extracts more O2 than the tissues do)
what mediators are responsible for coronary blood flow?
adenosine and NO
deficiency in Fabry dz
alpha-galactosidase A (X-linked)
part of bacteria that allows it to go into different -tonic solns
cell wall (use of ABX against cell wall takes away this ability)
enoxaparin mech
bind ATIII, which binds to factor Xa so it cant convert prothrombin to thrombin
clavulanic acid mech
beta lactamase inhibitor (protects beta-lactamase susceptible ABX)
agents responsible for recurrent infections in pt w/ CGD
catalase positive
areas of gut involved in Hirschsprung dz
rectum and anus (always)
usually sigmoid colon too
markers for small cell lung cancer
neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM, aka CD56)
all are signs of neuroendocrine differentiation
signs of vit E def
neuron/RBCs susceptible to oxidative stress –>
ataxia (neuromusc dz), impaired prop/vibe, hemolytic anemia
causes of frothy, foamy urine
proteinuria or bile salts in urine
deficiency in Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT): purine salvage pathway
latissimus dorsi movements
internal rotation
innervation of latissimus dorsi
thoracodorsal nerve
schizophreniform time frame
> 1 month
bipolar I vs II
I: mania > 1 wk, may or may not have psychosis
II: hypomania and MDE (no psychosis)
testicular tumor that could also stimulate thyroid
non seminomatous germ cell (secrete beta-hCG)
detrusor mvmt
contraction –> urination
relaxation –> retention
lymphatic drainage of rectum
proximal to anal dentate line –> inferior mesenteric and internal iliac lymph nodes
distal to anal dentate line –> inguinal
things that increase ammonia
gut bacteria make ammonia from nitrogen degradation
GI bleed –> Hb breakdown –> up ammonia
excess dietary protein –> up ammonia
or infection, sedatives, metabolic things (hK)
tx for hepatic encephalopathy
rifaximin mechanism to treat hepatic encephalopathy
antibiotic (inhibit bact RNA synthesis by binding to DNA dependent RNA polymerase)
hurt gut flora –> they cant make ammonia from nitrogen
lactulose mechanism to treat hepatic encephalopathy
catabolized by gut flora to short chain fatty acids –> lower colonic pH –> increase conversion of ammonia to ammonium
when will you see a high QRS voltage in precordial (V) leads
ventricular hypertrophy
QRS complex in AF
irregularly irregular heart rhythm
why higher dose for oral nitrates?
high first pass metabolism
ADE of thionamides
presentation of pt w/ thionamide induced agranulocytosis
sore throat
oral ulcerations
uniformly enlarged uterus
adenomyosis (endometrial glandular tissue in myometrium)
white reflex in kids
tumors a/w retinoblastoma
osteosarcomas (mutation in each of the two Rb genes)
MC congenital adrenal hyperplasia deficiency
21-hydroxylase deficiency
HIV structural genes and proteins
gag –> p24, p7 –> core proteins
pol –> proteases, reverse transcriptase, integrase
env –> glycosylated –> gp160 –> cleaved in ER –> gp120, gp41 –> attachment
what drains into the superficial inguinal lymph nodes?
all skin below umbilicus + anus below dentate line, including scrotum
EXCEPT testes, glans penis, posterior calf
pancreatic pseudocyst formation mechanism
acute pancreatitis –> enzymes disrupt walls of ducts –> panc enzymes leak into peripancreatic space –> inflammatory rxn –> granulation tissue encapsulates the fluid –> pseudocyst (fibrose w/ time)
MC pseudocyst location
lesser peritoneal sac (btwn stomach, duo and transverse)
pathogenesis of acute calculous cholecystitis
persistent obstruction (stone) –> hydrolysis of luminal lecithins to lysolecithins –> disrupts protective mucus membrane –> bile salts irritate –> PG release –> inflammation –> hypomotility –> up P/distension –> ischemia –> bacteria invade (usually E.coli, enterococcus, kleb or enterobacter)
actions of BNP
dilate arterioles and veins
promote diuresis/natriuresis
(lower BP)
what is kinesin
motor protein a/w microtubles
in neurons: bring vesicles to nerve terminal
what cells do fetal corticosteroids affect
type II pneumocytes (accelerate maturity –> increased surfactant)
genes a/w APML
t(15; 17)
PML gene on 15
RARA (retinoic acid receptor alpha) on 17
cancers w/ epidermal GF receptors (ERBB1/2)
ERBB1 = certain lung
ERB2 (aka HER2/neu) = ovarian, gastric tumors
order of heavy Ig chains (letters)
M, D, G, E, A
immune defense against candida
superficial candida: T cells
disseminated: neutrophils
CNs for tongue
motor: XII, X (palatoglossus only)
sensory: V3 (ant 2/3) IX (post 1/3), X (tongue root)
taste: VII (ant 2/3), IX (post 1/3), X (throat)
what can you give infants with MSUD to improve (besides diet)
high dose Thiamine
where does renal clear cell carcinoma originate?
proximal renal tubules (epithelial cells)
what to think when there’s candida in sputum sample
its just from the oral cavity
condition of fetus –> maternal virilization during pregnancy
aromatase deficiency
what does secretin do?
get panc to secrete bicarb
hormone levels in klinefelters
LH and FSH up
inhibin, T down
sperm count none
sildenafil mechanism
phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor (up cGMP –> vasodilation)
defect in Marfan synd
defect in fibrillin-1 gene (microfibril that forms sheth around elastin fibers)
eggshell calcification on cysts
echinococcus granulosus (or multicularis w/ multiple) hydatid cysts
complication of surgery on echinococcus cysts
graves dz sx that arise as a result of increased expression of beta adrenergic receptors
HTN tachycardia sweating heat intolerance weight loss hyperreflexia (NOT exopthalmos which is from like a 1000 other things)
why do you get exopthalmos in Graves dz
lymphocytic infiltration, enlargement of extraocular muscles (myositis), fibroblast proliferation, and overproduction of mucopolysaccharides in response to anti-thyroid Abs
where is a saddle emboli
pulmonary artery bifurcation
fungus: spherules packed with endospores
coccidiodes immitis (spherules bigger than RBCs)
colon adenomas most likely to undergo malignancy
villous (vs tubular or tubulovillous)
UV damage to DNA
covalent bond formation btwn adjacent pyrimidines
blood gases @ high altitude (2 days)
low PaO2
low CO2 (hypervent)
low bicarb
high altitude changes (short)
lower partial pressure of O2 in air –> hypoxemia –> trigger hyperventilation –> CO2 drops –> resp alkalosis (acute) –> renal excretion of bicarb (24-48 hrs later)
long term altitude changes
increased 2,3-DPG increased EPO/Hb production increased pulm diffusing capacity up angiogenesis (VEGF) up mitochondria hemoconcentration (HCO3 diuresis)
Tc-perechnetate scan is for….
has an affinity for parietal cells
if its taken up in the RLQ suspect Meckel diverticulum
cells in Meckel diverticula
it has ectopic gastric mucosa that secretes acid –> ulceration/bleeding
red blood cells without central pallor
increased mean corpuscular Hb concentration
polymyalgia rheumatica
neck, torso, shoulder and pelvic girdle pain
morning stiffness
see in giant cell vasculitis
cholesterol gallstones description
pigment stones description
made of calcium salts (from unconjugated bilirubin)
stop codons
what happens at a stop codon
releasing factor proteins bind to ribosomes, release polypeptide and ribosome
cardiac tissue conduction velocity
fastest to slowest purkinje atrial ventricular AV
prolactin –> osteoporosis mechanism
high prolactin –> suppress GnRH from hypothalamus –> hypogonadism –> low E –> low bone density
causes of accelerated bone loss
hi prolactin low E hi PTH hi thyroid low vit D chronic glucocorticoids
what is celecoxib
selective COX-2 inhibitor
anti-inflammatory effects w/ less risk of GI bleeds/ulcers
ornithine is a/w what
urea cycle
vertebral subluxation
usually AA joint
malalignment –> cord compression (posterior odontoid)
–> neck pain, stiffness or neuro findings, hTN (loss of symp)
extension from intubation can exacerbate
where are the serotonergic neurons in the CNS
raphe nuclei in brainstem
cardiac ischemia and contractility by time
complete ischemia stops contractility w/in 60 s
how do you know if a carcinoid tumor has metastasized?
while in intestines they dont make syndrome (liver metabolizes stuff)
if they make mets outside –> syndrome
apoptosis inhibitor
a/w folliciuilar cell lymphoma
protein phosphatase in T cells
dephosphorylates nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT)
part of T cell immune response
retinoblastoma protein (Rb)
regulator of G1–>S
active when hypophosphorylated –> binds to E2F transcription factor –> STOPS transition
inactive when phosphorylated –> cycle goes on
where do testes drain to?
para-aortic nodes
Guillain Barre light microscopy description
segmental demyelination of peripheral nerves
endoneural inflammatory infiltrate
lung rejection: acute
1-2 wks post transplant rxn to HLA - cell mediated (CD8s) --> vascular damage sx: dyspnea, dry cough, low fever CXR: perihilar and lower lobe opacities path: perivasc/peribronch lymphocytic infiltrates prevent w/ immunosuppression
lung rejection: chronic
- -> inflammation of small bronchioles (bronchiolitis obliterans)
path: inflammation and fibrosis of bronchial wall –> narrow/obstruct
sx: dyspnea, non-productive cough and wheezing
broad chest with wide spaced nipples/inverted nipples
where do you find peptostreptococcus
normal mouth flora (anaerobic)
where do you find fusobacterium
normal mouth flora (anaerobic)
causes of lung abscesses
aspiration (think normal flora or nosocomial)
complication of pneumonia, endocarditis, septicemia
necrotizing pneumonia agents
staph aureus
e coli
speed of Hb mvmt during gell electrophoresis
fast (far) to slow (close)
HbA > HbS > HbC
component of skeletal muscle
links cytoskeleton to transmembrane proteins