Classic Presentations Flashcards
abd pain, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly
Budd-chiari synd
abd pain, diarrhea, leukocytosis, recent ABx use
C diff infection
achilles tendon xanthoma
familial hypercholestolerolemia
adrenal hemorrhage, hTN,DIC
Waterhous-Friderichsen synd (meningococcemia)
anaphylaxis after blood transfusion
IgA deficiency
+ anterior drawer sign
ACL injury
archnodactyly, lens dislocation (up), aortic dissection, hyperflexible jnts
Marfan synd (fibrillin defect)
athlete w/ polycythemia
2o to EPO injection
back pain, fever, night sweats
Pott dz (vertebral TB)
bilat acoustic schwannomas
neurofibromatosis type 2
bilat hilar adenopathy, uveitis
sarcoidosis (non-caseating granulomas)
black eschar on face of person with DKA
mucor or rhizopus fungal infection
blue sclera
osteogenesis imperfecta (type I collagen defect)
bluish line on gingiva
burton line (lead poisoning)
bone pain, bone enlargement, arthritis
paget disease
bounding pulses, wide pulse P, diastolic heart murmur, head bobbing
arotic regurge
butterfly facial rash and raynauds
cafe-au-lait spots, lisch nodules (iris hamartoma), pheochromocytomas, optic gliomas
neurofibromatosis type 1
calf pseudohypertrophy
muscular dystrophy (usually duchenne - X-linked mutation of dystrophin gene)
cervical lymphadenopathy, desquamating rash, coronary aneurysms, red conjunctivae and tongue, hand foot changes
Kawasaki dz
cherry-red spots on macula
Tay-sachs (ganglioside accumulation) or Niemann Pick (sphingomyelin accumulation
chest pain on exertion
angina (stable if w/ moderate exertion, unstable if @ minimal or rest)
chest pain, pericardial effusion, persistent fever post MI
Dressler syndrome (autoimmune mediated)
chest pain w/ ST depression on EKG
unstable angina (-troponins) or NSTEMI (+troponins)
child uses arms to stand from squat
duchenne muscular dystrophy (Gower’s sign)
child w/ fever later develops red rash on face that spreads to body
fifth dz (slapped cheeks, parvovirus B19)
chorea, dementia, caudate degeneration
HUntington dz (AutoDom CAG repeat)
chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
congenital toxoplasmosis
chronic exercise intolerance w/ myalgia, fatigue, painful cramps, myoglobinuria
McArdle dz (skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase def)
cold intolerance
conjugate horizontal gaze palsy, horizontal diploplia
internuclear opthalmoplegia (damage to MLF, uni or bilat)
continuous, machine like murmur
cutaneous/dermal edema due to CT deposition
myxedema (hypothyroidism)
cutaneous flushing, diarrhea, bronchospasm
carcinoid syndrome
dark purple skin/mouth nodules in AIDS pt
Kaposi sarcoma, a/w HHV-8
deep labored breathing, hyperventilation
DKA (kussmaul respirations)
dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea
pellagra (niacin (B3) def)
dilated cardiomyopathy, edema, alcoholism or malnutrition
wet beri beri (thiamine (B1) def)
dog/cat bite resulting in infection
pasturella multicida
dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
Sjogrens (autoimmune)
dysphagia, glossitis, iron def anemia
Plummer-Vinson synd (may progress to squamous cell carcinoma)
elastic skin, hypermobility of joints, increased bleeding
Ehlers Danlos synd (type V collagen defect)
enlarged, hard left supraclavicular node
Virchow node (abdominal met)
episodic vertigo, tinnitus, hearing oss
Meniere dz
erythroderma, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical T cells
mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cel lymphoma) ir Sezary synd (mycosis fungoides + malig T cells in blood)
facial muscle spasm when tapping the cheek
Chvostek sign (hypocalcemia)
fat, female, forty, fertile
cholelithiasis (gallstones)
fever, chills, HA, myalgia, after Tx for syphilis
Jarisch-Herxheimer rxn (rapid lysis of spirochetes releases endotoxin)
fever, cough, conjunctivitis, coryza, diffuse rash
fever, night sweats, weight loss
B symptoms of lmphoma