UW posterior valves, potter sequence 02-17 (1) Flashcards
UW. valves. definition?
Posterior urethral valves (PUV), a congenital disorder commonly diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound. PUV is the result of abnormal, persistent urethral folds that cause bladder outlet obstruction in males.
PUV = tissue blocking urethra.
UW. valves. results in what in renal system?
Urinary obstruction, leading to a dilated posterior urethra and bladder distension (eg, fluid-filled abdominal mass). With increasing backup of urine, hydronephrosis may develop (eg, enlarged kidneys with thin renal cortices)
UW. valves. how changes amniotic fluid volume?
decreased fetal urine output and subsequent noligohydramnios, as amniotic fluid is primarily composed of fetal urine.
Therefore, conditions that decrease urine production or output (ie, obstruction) result in low amniotic fluid.
UW. valves. what sign on UG?
Keyhole sign
UW. valves. The most significant sequela?
pulmonary hypoplasia (ie, neonatal respiratory syndrome) because amniotic fluid is required for fetal lung development.
UW. valves. other common sequela apart pulmonary?
Additional complications include flat facies and limb deformities (ie, Potter sequence).
UW. valves. Tx?
Treatment of PUV may include fetal surgery; however, prognosis is typically poor.
UW. Duodenal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. results in what amnio?
fetuses with these anomalies cannot completely ingest, and thereby remove, amniotic fluid via the gastrointestinal tract. This fetus has oligohydramnios.
UW. What amnio in Nonimmune fetal hydrops?
Affected fetuses typically present with polyhydramnios and effusions (eg, pericardial, pleural), rather than oligohydramnios and hypoplastic lungs with no surrounding pleural fluid.
UW. Bilateral renal agenesis, amnio?
associated with oligohydramnios and hypoplastic lungs;
UW. Bilateral renal agenesis. what would show UG?
however, ultrasound would reveal absent (rather than enlarged) kidneys and a small (rather than distended) bladder.
UW. Polycystic kidney disease, amnio?
may result in enlarged kidneys and oligohydramnios due to abnormally functioning fetal kidneys.
UW. Polycystic kidney disease. size of bladder, urine?
However, affected fetuses would have a small-to-normal-sized bladder due to decreased urine production (rather than obstruction).
UW. EDUCATIONAL. Posterior urethral valves is a congenital disorder resulting from persistent urethral folds that cause bladder outlet obstruction. Most cases are diagnosed via prenatal ultrasound by signs of urinary obstruction, including bladder distension and hydronephrosis.
Significant obstruction can result in an increased risk of fetal morbidity and mortality because oligohydramnios (from decreased urine output) can cause pulmonary hypoplasia.
UW case. 29yo + 21 weeks comes for UG –>oligohydr + hypoplastic lungs + fluid-filled mass consistend with distented bladder + bilateral enlarged kidneys. Cause?
Posterior urethral valves