UW + mehl. trisomy tests (quads) 02-14 (1) Flashcards
M.trisomy 13, name?
Patau. rare as fuck
M. 13 trisomy. CP? neuro + msk
Holoprosencephaly (cylopia) / failure of halves of brain to separate; polysyndactyly.
M. 13 (patau). Quad screen? inhibin?
all arrows down. inhibin normal.
M. patau (13) outcome?
Usually fatal in utero or shortly after birth.
M. trisomy 18, name?
Edward syndrome
M. trisomy 18 (edward). CP?
Low-set ears; prominent occiput; rocker-bottom feet; clenched hands / overlapping fingers; omphalocele or gastroschisis.
M. trisomy 18 (edward). Quad?
all arrows down
M. trisomy 18 (edward). outcome?
Usually fatal in utero or shortly after birth.
M. trisomy 21, name?
Down syndrome
M. Down syndrome
- 95% due to extra chromosome 21 as a result of meiotic nondisjunction in advanced maternal age
- 4% due to Robertsonian translocation
- 1% is mosaic Down, which is due to post-fertilization mitotic (not meiotic) error. In this case, not all cells of the conceptus contain the trisomy.
M. Most common GENETIC cause of mental retardation? what is second?
first - down
second - Fragile x
M. Most common cause of mental retardation overall?
fetal alcohol syndrome.
M. Down CP? dahuja cia
- Associated with flattened facies; slanted palpebral fissures; epicanthal folds; single palmar crease (this finding non-specific but still often mentioned in Down); large gap
between the first and second toes; Hirschsprung disease; duodenal atresia (double bubble sign on AXR); endocardial cushion defects (AVSD, VSD, or ASD); pulmonary artery
malformations; acute lymphoblastic leukemia; congenital hypothyroidism; Eustachian tube atresia; Brushfield spots (iris lesions).
M. Down. What 3 findings in first trimester (8-10 w).?
incr. nuhal translucency, incr. hCG
M. Down. what about nose?
a hypoplastic nasal bone is also an
important finding in Downs (reflects flattened facies).
M. Down. 2nd trimested quad screen arrows?
Decr. AFP, decr. estriol, incr. hCG, incr. inhibin
the ones that have “Hs” are (i.e., hCG and inhibin A both have Hs, so those are the ones that are )
UW. When are performed quad tests?
second trimester
UW. 21. AFP?
UW. 21. beta-hCG
UW. 21. estriol?
UW. 21. inhibin a?
UW. 18. AFP?
UW. 18. beta-hCG?
UW. 18. estriol?
UW. 18. inhibin?
UW. neural tube or abdominal wall defect. AFP?
increased (the only one)
UW. neural tube or abdominal wall defect. beta-HCG?
UW. neural tube or abdominal wall defect. estriol?
UW. neural tube or abdominal wall defect. inhibin?
UW. 21.
MSAFP and unconjugated estriol, which are fetal tissue products, are decreased (possibly due to suboptimal fetal tissue function).
UW. 21.
β-hCG and inhibin A, which are placental secretory products, are increased (possibly due to compensatory placental hyperfunction).
UW. abominal wall defects leads to incr. AFP. whats about cardiac defects?
fetal cardiac anomalies do not increase AFP levels because AFP is not produced in fetal cardiac tissue.
UW case. 29y/o, 18 weeks gestation. all normal. took AFP - significantly increased. Cause?