NBME 10. 97Q. pregnancies (blighted ovum) 02-19 (2) Flashcards
anembryonic pregnancy in which a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, but the embryo fails to develop or is resorbed by the uterus, leaving an empty gestational sac?
blighted ovum
blighted ovum - commonly occurs early in pregnancy. what are symptoms seen?
This commonly occurs early in pregnancy, so symptoms are often those seen in early pregnancy: a missed menstrual period, nausea, breast tenderness, and vaginal spotting
blighted ovum. what is seen on UG?
gestational sac without cardiac activity
usual cause of blighted ovum?
significant fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
blighted ovum, Mx?
supportive, since the mother will often pass the remaining gestational tissue without intervention.
However, some women will elect to have dilation and curettage which may permit genetic analysis of the remaining tissue.
Ectopic pregnancy. Cp?
vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain as a result of the abnormal implantation of an embryo outside of the uterine cavity
Ectopic pregnancy. HD?
can also present with hemodynamic instability and hemoperitoneum in the setting of rupture.
Ectopic pregnancy. UG?
would not disclose a pregnancy within the uterus but may show a pseudogestational sac during an ectopic pregnancy.
Septic abortions. infection of what?
severe infections of the placenta, uterus, or products of conception before or after an abortion.
Septic abortions. infection ways?
ascending infection
also be caused by the surgical removal of products of conception in the setting of contaminated instruments.
Septic abortions. CP?
fever, tachycardia, and leukocytosis but can progress to cause septic shock if not treated.
Gestational trophoblastic disease. examples?
hydatidiform moles, invasive moles, and choriocarcinoma
Gestational trophoblastic disease. CP?
uterine size and concentrations of hCG out of proportion to dates, in addition to bilateral ovarian theca lutein cysts and abnormal echogenicity in the uterus on ultrasonography.
pituitary adenoma would not cause a miscarriage with an empty gestational sac in an otherwise healthy patient.
Uterine didelphys. mechanism that cause it?
anatomic abnormality caused by failure of the Müllerian ducts to fuse, leading to a double uterus, each with one fallopian tube and one cervical opening. may be also be double vagina.
Uterine didelphys. UG?
While this can cause recurrent miscarriages, it would be evident on ultrasonography.