UW 1 Flashcards
osteoarthritis - RF
- older than 50
- obesity
- prior joint injury
suspected 2ry Raynaud syndrome - next step
Autoantibodies + infl markers
Raynaud - treatment
1ry –> avoid aggravating factos, CCB if persistent
2ry: evaluate and treat underlying, CCB if persistent, aspirin if risk for ulceration
hemochromatosis - infections?
Listeria, Vibrio vulnificus, yersinia enterocolitica
hemochromatosis - musculosckeletal
arthralgia, arthropathym chondrocalcinosis
pseudogout - treatment
- intra-articular glucocorticoids
- cochicine
pseudogout - diagnosis
- inflammatory effusion; 15-30 wbc
- CPPD crystals (Rhomboid shape, (+) birefringence
- chondrocalcinosis on imaging
attacks of pseudogout often occurs in the setting of
- overuse
- trauma
- surgery
- medical illness
Ankylosing spondilitis - inflammatory back pain (characteristics)
insdious onset atyounger than 40
- symptoms for more than 3 months
- releved with exercise but not rest
- nocturnal pain
Ankylosing spondilitis - complications
- osteoporosis / vert fractures
- cauda equine
- hyperkyphosis
scleroderma - treatment if renal involvement
low back pain - physical therapy?
if 6-12 wks pain or longer
low back pain - treatment
acute (less than 6 wks): moderate activity. NSAID or acetaminophen
chronic: consider TCA, duloxetine
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome - labs
Lupus anticoagulant effect: prolonation of aPTT not reversed on plasma mixing studies
- anticardiolipin antibody
- antibeta2-gp1 antbody
Whipple disease?
infection with gram (+) Trophyrema whippelii)
chronic malabsortive diarrhea, weight loss, migratory, non deforming arthritis, lymphadenopathy ad a low grade fever
PAS (+) Macrophage on small bowel biopsy
smoking - gout
slightly decreases risk
extra symptom of fibromyalgia
muscle tenderness in areas such as the mid trapezius, lateral epincondyle, costochondral junction in the chest etc
a very well known complication of giant cell angitiits
aortic aneurysms –> due to involvement of the branches of the aorta –> serial chest x-rays
cervical spondylolsis
10 % of people older than 50
- history of chronic neck pain
- limited neck rotation lateral bending due to osteoarthritis and 2ry muscle spasm
- sensory deficit due to osteophyte induced radiculopathy
- bony spurs + sclerotic facet joint
Schirmer test
sterile strip of filter paper is placed under lower eyelid –> evidence of dry eyes
2ry amyloidosis (amyloid A) can be 2ry to
- inflammatory arthritis (RA)
- chronic infections
- Malignancy
- Vascultisis
2ry amyloidosis - diagnosis
abdominal fat pad aspiration biopsy
2ry amyloidosis - treatment
treat underlying
colchicine for prevention + treatment
gout - xray
punch out erosios with a rim of cortical bone
joint fluid characteristics - normal
clear, less than 200 wbc, less than 25% PMNs
joint fluid characteristics - noninflammatory (eg. Osteoarthtitis)
clear, 200-2000 WBCs, 25% PMNs
joint fluid characteristics - inflammatory (eg. crystals, RA)
translucent or opaque
2000-100.00 WBCs
often more than 50% PMNs
joint fluid characteristics - septic joint
more than 80% PMNs
Parvovirus B19 infection - signs and symptoms
- most asymptomatic or flulike
- morbiliform rash in adults
- erythema infectiosume: fever, nauseas + slapped cheek rash
- acute symmetric artrhalgias/arthritis: resembles RA)
transient pure red aplasia
(risis if underlying)
parvo B19 - diagnosis
acute: IgM or NAAT for B19
- previous: IgG
- Reactivation: NAAT
possible septic arthrirtis –> … (next step)
obtain synovial fluid
a preexisting factor that increase the risk for 2ry infection of the joint
preexisting joint disorder
septic arthritis vs gout flare (which also can have fever
septic arthritis –> in 3 days
gout –> 12-24 h
lateral epicondylitis - diagnosis
- tederness at epicondyle + proximal extensor muscle
- pain with resisted wrist extension
- pain with passive wrist flexion
rheumatoid nodules
firm, flesh colored and nontender –> typically occur over pressure points (elvbow and extensor surface of the proximal ulna
erythema nodosum in the absence of resp symptoms - next step
chest - x-ray
heel pain - what to think