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Muller maneuver
the opposite of the valsava –> breath against close month and nose –> collapsion o fupper airway
beside external auditory foramen, XII is also pass through
Stylomastroid foramen
Rigor mortirs - mechanism
not release of actin from myosin (lack of ATP)
full anterior fontanelle in infants
in infants, cranial bone are not fully formed –> if meningitis —> increased intracranial pressure –> full anterior fontanelle
ankle - bones
Talus, tibia. fibula
calcaneus (under fibula, the heel)
Ankle ligaments - groups
- lateral ligament complex
- Medial ligament complex (deltoid ligament) (strong
- -> not commonly injured) - ligament that connect distal fibula + tibia
ankle - lateral ligament complex (by frequency of damage)
- anerior talofibular
- calcaneofibular
- posterior talofibular
ankle - medial ligament complex
- anterior tibiotalar
- posterior tibiotalar
- tibiocalcaneal
- tibionavicular
ankle - ligaments that connect distal fibula + tibia
ankle syndesomosis:
- anterior inf tibiofibular
- posterior inf tibiofibular
- Tranverse ligament
- interrossi ligament (from bone to ankle)
Achilles tendon is formed by … which …. (location)
soleus + gastrocnemius muscles combine to form to Achileles tendon which insert on the posterior calcaneus and acts on ankle flexion
ligament that connect distal fibula + tibia at the knee - causes of injury
dorsiflexion and/or eversion of the ankle –> unstable ankle with tenderness but not significant swelling)
Boxer’s fracture
metacarpal fracture
femoral nerve mononeuropathy can occur due to
- trauma (pelvic fructure)
- compression from hematoma or abscess
- stretch injury
- ischemia
femoral nerve - sensation
- anterior + medial thight
- medial leg
muscles used when sitting up from supine position
- external abdominal obliques
- rectus abdominis
- hip flexors
major muscles responsible for hip motion
- flexion: ilipsoas, rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata
- extension: gluteus maximus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, long head of biceps
- abduction medius/minimus
- adduction: adductor brevis/longus/magnus
trapezius is frequently injured by
rear-end (whiplash) motor vehicle accidents
psoas muscle - origin / action
origin: anterior surface of the transverse processes + lateranl surface of vertebral T12 + L5
action: flex the tight, also contributes to lateral rotation + abduction of the tight
platella fracture signs
- swollen knee
- focal patella tenderness
- inability to extend the knee against resistance
platella fracture - how
- direct blow to anterio aspect
2. indirect: extension force transmitted through quadicipet tendon (landing on feet after falling from height)
patellar ligaemnt attaches
patella to tibial tuberosity and is the continuation of the quadricepts femoris tendon
valsva is due to
rectus abdominis (most importatnt)
vaslava action on paroxysmal suprventricular tachycardia
dmininish (due to increased vagus action
iliac muscle - action + location
flexion of the hip in the iliac fossa
anterior dislocation of the arm is follow
a blow to an extended abducted arm
latissimus dorsi - location / innervation / function
from iliac crest + lumbar fascia to spinous processes of T7-T12 and lower ribs. It inserts at the bicipital groove of the humerus
innervates by thoracodorsal nerve
functions: extension, adduction, internal rotation of humerus
erector spinae muscle - location / action
location: large muscle group of the back (longitudinally along the spinous processes
action: bilateral contraction –> spine extension
carpal tunnel contains
- tendons of the flexor digitorum profadus, superficialis, + flexor pollicis longus (flex the thumb)
- median nerve
transverse ligament (aka?) of carpal tunnel attachments
- hamate + pisiform on the ulnar side
- trapezium + scaphoid on the radial side
aka: flexor retinaculum
Dupuytren contracture?
slow progressive fibroproliferative disease of palmar fascia (nodules form on fascia)
radial head subluxation (aka?) results from
aka: nursemaid’s elbow (MC elbow injury in children 1-4 –> by age 5 the ligament becomes stronger)
from sudden traction on the outstretched + pronated arm of a child –> torsion and displacement of annular ligament
interosseous membrane of forearm
thick connective tissue between radius + ulna –> disruption can lead to instability
common peronial nerve is divided to … /action + location of every division
- superficial (lateral) –> foot eversion, sensation of lateral shin + dorsal foot
- deep (anterior) –> foot dorsiflexion, sensation between 1st + 2nd toes
vein traum during supracondylar fructure
rare due to their superficial coruse
anatomic snufbox location
- between extensor policis longus tendon (medially)
- tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons (laterally)
ulnar collateral ligament - injuries occur MC in / treatment
throwers (eg. baseball) due to intesne valgus stress at elbow)
treatment: ligament reconstruction (Tommy John surgery)