UTI and Vesicoureteral Reflux Flashcards
How do you diagnose vesicoureteral reflux?
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the most common disease of the urinary tract in children, occurring in 1 to 2% of the pediatric population and in 30 to 40% of children presenting with a urinary tract infection (UTI).
The familial nature of VUR is well recognized.
Siblings of children with VUR are at a much higher risk for reflux than the general pediatric population with a reported prevalence between 25 and 50%.
The association of VUR, febrile UTI, and renal parenchymal damage is well recognized.
Reflux nephropathy is a cause of childhood hypertension and chronic renal failure.
The diagnosis is made by voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) which allows grading of the VUR.
The main goals of treatment of children with VUR are to prevent renal parenchymal damage and morbidity associated with recurrent febrile UTIs.
Treatment options for children with VUR include non-surgical and surgical management.
The various treatment options currently available for VUR are:
(1) long term antibody prophylaxis;
(2) minimally invasive endoscopic treatment;
(3) ureteral reimplantation by open, laparascopic or robotic-assisted procedures; and
(4) observation or intermittent therapy with management of bladder/bowel dysfunction (BBD) and treatment of UTI as they occur.
What is the pathophysiology of VUR?
Normally, urine flows down the urinary tract, from the kidneys, through the ureters, to the bladder.
In VUR, there is retrograde flow of urine up through one or both ureters and kidneys.
What is the etiology of VUR?
VUR in children can be divided into primary and secondary. In primary VUR, the valve between the ureter and the bladder does not close well, so urine flows back into the ureters; in secondary VUR, there is an anatomical or functional blockage in the posterior urethra, which stops some of the urine from leaving the bladder, so the urine flows back into the upper urinary tracts. Not infrequently the patient may have neuropathic bladder in which nerves to the bladder may not work well, preventing the bladder from relaxing and contracting normally to release urine.
What is the prevalence of VUR in normal children?
As VUR can resolve spontaneously with age it is difficult to accurately determine
the exact prevalence of VUR. The reported prevalence of VUR is 0.4–1.8%.
What is the incidence of VUR in children with urinary tract infection (UTI)?
The incidence declines with age. Among infants less than 1 year of age presenting with UTI, the incidence of reflux is as high as 70%, those less than 5 years of age have an estimated incidence of 25–40% [1].
Which individual risk factors for UTI (with or without VUR) in children do you know?
Individual risk factors include white race, age <12 months, bladder/bowel dysfunc- tion (BBD), and structural anatomical abnormality of the urinary tract [2].
What is the probability of VUR among febrile infant girls and infant boys?
Girls are more likely than boys to have VUR. However, when a UTI is diagnosed, boys are more likely than girls to have VUR (29% versus 14%). Furthermore, a child is more likely to have VUR if a brother, sister, or parent was diagnosed with VUR. Finally, in children with BBD, VUR is commonly seen.
Do children who present with their first febrile UTI have to be evaluated for VUR?
This is still an ongoing controversy. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) 2011 clinical practice guidelines, a voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is not recommended routinely after the first UTI. In contrast, the EAU (European Association of Urology) Guidelines 2012 advocate a VCUG at age 0–2 after the first proven UTI. There is a consensus that VCUG is indicated if renal and bladder ultrasonography reveals hydronephrosis, scarring, or other findings that would suggest either high-grade VUR or obstructive uropathy and in other atypical or complex clinical circumstances. VCUG should also be performed in cases of recurrent febrile UTIs [2].
Does every child with VUR have symptoms?
No, many children with VUR do not have symptoms.
If a child is symptomatic, what are the most common symptoms?
UTI is the most common symptom at presentation with or without fever, dysuria, urgency and frequency of micturition, daytime dribbling and abdominal pain.
What are the most common complications of VUR?
Reflux nephropathy which may lead to childhood hypertension and chronic renal failure.
How do you make the diagnosis of VUR?
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is the gold standard test to detect the backflow of urine from the bladder to the kidneys (Fig. 48.1).
Abdominal ultrasound is used to rule out structural abnormalities (upper urinary tract obstruction, dilated ure- ters) as well as renal scarring.
Recently a new technique called contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography (ceVUS) has been proposed as an alternative to the VCUG without radiation.
Describe the procedure of a VCUG.
The child lies down on the fluoroscopy table with the legs in butterfly position.
A transurethral catheter is then placed in the bladder.
After emptying, the bladder is filled with contrast media to evaluate for abnormalities of the bladder wall and possible VUR.
When the bladder is filled with contrast the older child may be able to tell the technologist when he/she is not able to hold it any longer.
Infants and young children will not be able to communicate this to the technologist. Then the child micturates under fluoroscopy.
The purpose is to detect a possible VUR and to assess the bladder and urethra during urination.
Finally, complete bladder emptying is confirmed. The catheter is removed as soon as the x-ray is taken.
How is VUR graded?
Reflux is graded according to the International Reflux Classification (Fig. 48.2). In grade I, the urine flows back into one or both nondilated ureters but does not reach the kidney. Grade II demonstrates a urinary flow back into the kidney, but does not cause dilation of the renal pelvis. In grade III there is mild to moderate dilation of the ureter and the renal pelvis. Finally, in grade IV, the ureter is dilated and tortu- ous, the renal pelvis and calyces are dilated with blunting of fornices. In grade V there is severe dilation of the ureters, renal pelvis and calyces with loss of papil- lary impressions.
Can VUR resolve spontaneously?
Yes. When UTIs are prevented by continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (CAP), as many as 87% of grade I, 63% of grade II, 53% of grade III, 33% of grade IV and only approximately 9% of grade V may spontaneously resolve over time [3].
How long does it take for VUR to resolve spontaneously?
The mean time for spontaneous resolution from the initial presentation is about 3 years [3].
Can sterile reflux lead to renal damage?
Sterile reflux usually does not cause kidney damage, but high-grade sterile reflux may contribute.
Which conditions are required to produce renal scarring?
VUR, bacterial infection and intrarenal reflux.
How long does the renal parenchyma take to develop renal scarring?
Scarring can take as long as 5 months to 2 years from the time of the acute urinary tract infection to evolve [4], but the proportion varies in different studies.
What is the most common method to detect renal scarring?
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy. Recently contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) has also been verified as a highly sensitive, rapid and radiation free technique to evaluate renal scars.
What are the treatment options for children with VUR?
Non-surgical and surgical management.
Which non-surgical treatments do you know?
As in some cases VUR resolves spontaneously surveillance and prophylactic antibiotics are the first line treatment.
What is the current concept of continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (CAP)?
Several well-conducted trials have been carried out with the intent to define the role of CAP in the management of VUR, but no definite conclusion could be drawn from the data. Currently CAP is recommended mainly in patients diagnosed with VUR within the first year of life as well as in girls with high-grade (III-V) VUR and recurrent febrile urinary tract infections.
Can antibiotic prophylaxis prevent renal scarring?
Antibiotic prophylaxis does not prevent renal scarring according to a recent meta-analysis.
What are the indications for surgical treatment?
Surgery is indicated in children with a low probability of spontaneous resolution, recurrent pyelonephritis, and breakthrough febrile UTI while on CAP, renal scarring, grade IV–V reflux, VUR into complete duplex systems and parental preference.
What are the surgical options to treat VUR?
Endoscopic injection of bulking agents and ureteral reimplantation by open, lapa-
roscopic or robotic–assisted procedures.
What is the incidence of ureteral obstruction (UO) after endoscopic bulking agent injection for VUR?
Less than 1% of treated cases.
Does the type of injected bulking agent influence the incidence of ureteric
obstruction (UO) after endoscopic injection?
No. The incidence of UO is independent of the injected substance, volume, and technique [5].
Which factors influence the success of the bulking agent injection?
Pre-operative reflux grade, presence of functional or anatomic bladder abnormali- ties such as voiding dysfunction and duplicated collecting systems, surgeon expe- rience, and injection technique.
Which techniques for injecting a bulking agent are used nowadays?
The most commonly used bulking agent for endoscopic injection is Dextranomer/ Hyaluronic Acid. In STING technique, the bulking agent is injected 2 to 3 mm distal to the ureterovesical junction after advancement of the needle in the submucosal plane for 4 to 5 mm.
A correctly placed injection creates the appearance of a nipple, on the top of which is a slit-like orifice.
The Hydrodistention-implantation technique (HIT) describes a method in which the needle is inserted into the floor of the distal ureter.
“Double HIT” means proximal and distal intraluminal injection sites that coapt both the ureteral tunnel and orifice. HIT/STING are also performed in combination.
What are the most common surgical techniques to correct VUR?
The principle of surgical ureteral reimplantation is creating a ureteral tunnel between the bladder mucosa and bladder muscle, which allows ureteral compres- sion with bladder filling and contraction.
The most widely used surgical approaches include intra-vesical (Politano- Leadbetter, Cohen) and extra-vesical (Lich-Gregoir) ureteral reimplantation (Fig. 48.3).
What is the success rate of endoscopic injection of bulking agents compared to open surgery?
The estimated success rate for endoscopic therapy after a single injection is 83%, compared to the estimated success rate of open surgery of 98% [5].
How often can an endoscopic injection of a bulking agent be repeated after failure of an initial endoscopic therapy?
The most commonly used bulking agent for endoscopic injection is Dextranomer/ Hyaluronic Acid. One or two repeated injections may be needed if the initial injec- tion fails to correct reflux. A recent study reported that the overall resolution rate after the first endoscopic injection in grade IV–V reflux was 70% and after the second injection 90%.
33. What are the complications of ureteral reimplantation?
Obstruction (2%) and contralateral reflux (9%) are the most common complica-
tions of open surgery [5].
How is the success after surgical treatment evaluated?
Negative VCUG and lack of postoperative UTI are the signs of success after a follow-up of at least 3 months.
Whether it is necessary to perform a routine post- operative VCUG is controversial.
Unless indicated by high-grade, young age, clin- ical failure, or family/surgeon preference, consideration should be given to make postoperative VCUG an option rather than a recommendation in children undergoing endoscopic treatment of primary VUR [6].
How are UTIs diagnosed?
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common and significant source of morbidity in children. By age 7, approximately 8% of girls and 2% of boys will have had at least one UTI. Children who have had at least one UTI are at risk for having another one.
The long-term sequelae include renal scarring, hypertension, chronic renal insufficiency, and pregnancy-related complications.
Predisposing risk factors for UTIs include renal and bladder structural abnormalities as well as functional bladder and bowel dysfunction.
UTIs in children are a significant health burden and have been estimated to result in at least 13,000 hospital admissions, with inpatient costs exceeding $180 million per year in the United States.
Localized clinical signs and symptoms are important clues in the diagnosis of a UTI and depend on the age of the child. Constellations of findings can be more useful than individual ones in identifying affected children.
For example, neonates rarely present with symptoms specific to the urinary tract. Nonspecific symptoms of lethargy, irritability, temperature instability, anorexia, emesis, or jaundice predominate. Bacteremia is common with neonatal UTIs, and a urine culture is an important aspect in the evaluation of neonatal sepsis.
Confirmation of a UTI by microscopic examination and a quantitative culture of a properly collected specimen is important.
Older infants may present with fever, nonspecific abdominal discomfort, emesis, diarrhea, and poor weight gain including failure to thrive. Malodorous or cloudy urine may be reported by the parents, but this is not always accurate as an isolated symptom to rule in/out a diagnosis of UTI.
Older children frequently present with dysuria and urinary frequency, urgency, and enuresis. As the symptoms can sometimes be nonspecific, it is important that care providers have a high index of suspicion in ill-appearing children. An unexplained high fever in an infant or toddler should prompt the clinician to obtain a urine sample.
Analysis of a properly collected urine sample is the cornerstone in the diagnosis of UTI.
Errors in diagnosis most commonly result from failure to confirm a clinically suspected UTI by culture, or by reliance on a specimen that has been inadequately collected or mishandled. Specimens may be obtained by bag collection, clean catch, urethral catheterization, and suprapubic aspiration.
Although invasive, urethral catheterization or suprapubic aspiration offer the lowest risk of false-positive results. The results of a bag specimen or clean-catch specimen in a non-toilet-trained child are helpful to exclude a UTI if negative. Bag specimens can be useful in an infant with a history of UTIs or structural abnormalities in whom a fever is present, but the suspicion for a UTI is otherwise low.
Positive findings should be confirmed using a catheter or aspiration specimen unless the clinical presentation and laboratory findings are unequivocal. The accuracy of positive findings from a bag specimen in an infant has been estimated at 7.5%, whereas those from a midstream clean-catch specimen varies with age: 42% <18 months of age and 71% from 3–12 years of age.
Specimens should be either analyzed and plated immediately, or placed on ice to minimize bacterial multiplication prior to testing.
The accepted gold standard for diagnosis remains the quantitative urine culture. The historically accepted criterion for diagnosis is >10 5 colony-forming units per milliliter of a single bacterial species. The accuracy of such a positive finding on culture is estimated at 80% (single specimen) and 96% (confirmed by second culture).
One must avoid applying criteria for the diagnosis of urinary tract infections too strictly. The colony count varies as a function of hydration (dilution) and urinary frequency (bacterial multiplication time). One study of six untreated children with proven bacteriuria found colony counts varied from 10 3 to 10 8 over a 24-hour period.
Although it is traditionally felt to be the most accurate laboratory test, an immediate diagnosis is not possible from a urine culture. Thus, the initial treatment is generally guided by the urinalysis. Microscopic evaluation of a urine specimen should be performed immediately on collection. This practice minimizes misleading ex vivo bacterial multiplication and deterioration of cellular elements.
The identification of bacteria in an unspun urine specimen is very suggestive of significant bacteriuria. Pyuria (>10 leukocytes/mm3 ) is suggestive but can also be seen in vaginitis, dehydration, calculi, trauma, chemical irritation, gastroenteritis, and viral immunization.
Urinary Gram stain has been found to be reliable in detecting UTIs in young infants.
A popular and indirect measurement of bacteriuria employs nitrite and leukocyte esterase analysis. Nitrate, normally present in urine, is converted to nitrite in the presence of bacteria. A positive nitrite reaction is indicative of bacteria, with a specificity and positive predictive value approaching 100%.
The nitrate-to-nitrite reaction requires a relatively long incubation period. Thus, urinary frequency and hydration may produce a false-negative result.
Inadequate dietary nitrate and infection caused by nitrite-negative organisms can also cause false-negative reactions.
The combination of nitrite and leukocyte esterase is more sensitive and specific than either alone.
Overall, the combination of dipstick analysis and microscopic examination for bacteria has a sensitivity and negative predictive value approaching 100%.
How are UTIs classified?
Classification of UTIs helps to determine the need for hospital admission and parenteral antibiotic therapy as opposed to outpatient oral antibiotic therapy.
An attempt is made to distinguish between upper tract (pyelonephritis) and lower tract infections (cystitis). Fever, flank pain and/or tenderness, and leukocytosis suggest pyelonephritis and require antibiotics to minimize the risk of renal injury.
Laboratory studies designed to distinguish a lower tract from an upper tract UTI include antibody-coated bacteria assay, β2 -microglobulin excretion, antibodies to TammHorsfall protein, and urinary lactic dehydrogenase assay and procalcitonin. These tests are not sufficiently reliable for routine clinical use and may not be universally available.
Newer biomarkers including neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) have been found to be useful in identifying acute pyelonephritis in children with febrile UTIs.
Direct culture by ureteral catheterization or percutaneous puncture is reliable, although cumbersome, and represents an option in complicated clinical situations.
A quite useful study for localizing infection to the kidney is a radioisotope renal cortical scan (e.g., technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid [DMSA]) during the initial presentation of the patient with a documented infection. Unfortunately, there have been difficulties obtaining this agent in the United States in recent years. Technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) is an alternative radioisotope that can be used to assess renal function and drainage patterns.
Another important consideration regarding classification is the distinction between re-infection and persistent infection. Re-infection with a new organism is very common. Persistent UTI with the same organism, although less common, is important, as it implies either an ineffective antimicrobial therapy or a structural abnormality, such as a urinary tract calculus or ureteral obstruction.
What is the incidence of UTI among children?
At all ages, except for the neonatal period, the incidence of UTI is greater in females than in males.
In both males and females, the incidence increases with advanced age.
Although the male has one early peak in the newborn period, the female has two peaks, one at 3–6 years and the other at the onset of sexual activity.
The actual incidence of infection as a function of age and gender is difficult to determine from the literature.
What are host factors that contribute to the pathophysiology of UTIs?
Host Factors
The establishment of clinical infection and its consequent injury to the urinary tract results from a complex interplay between host resistance and bacterial virulence. Generally, UTI-causing organisms originate from the feces of their host.
Conceptually, four levels of defense are identifiable: periurethral, bladder, ureterovesical junction, and renal papillae. These concepts are illustrated in Figure 55.3.
Bacteria generally possess an ability to adhere to vaginal mucosal cells in order to readily establish infection. The resultant periurethral colonization then allows replication and migration, which ultimately lead to transurethral invasion to the bladder.
Healthy girls have low bacterial colonizations of the periurethral region. Girls prone to UTIs experience greater colonization, especially prior to a new episode of UTI. Moreover, the cultured organism from the introital region belongs to the same strain as that from the urine during the UTI that ensues.
Periurethral bacterial colonization is correspondingly low in UTI patients after resolution of recurrent UTIs.
A similar mechanism may apply to bacterial adherence in the prepuce of males. This may explain why 92% of male infants <6 months old with a UTI are uncircumcised.
A number of bladder defense mechanisms help maintain sterile urine. The most critical is the act of regular and complete voiding. The healthy bladder is capable of eliminating 99% of instilled bacteria, which leaves a small residual urine that minimizes the inoculum at the onset of the following cycle.
High intravesical pressure may also potentiate infection in children. In the absence of an elevated residual urine, uninhibited bladder contractions are associated with an increased risk of recurrent UTI, which may be lessened by anticholinergic therapy.
Dysfunctional elimination syndrome with abnormal voiding habits and constipation can affect the development of UTI as well.
The acidic pH of urine, as well as its osmolality, further discourages bacterial growth.
The uroepithelial cells of healthy individuals suppress bacterial growth and are capable of killing bacteria. The uroepithelial cells secrete a mucopolysaccharide substance that, on coating the surface of the uroepithelium, provides an additional barrier to uroepithelial adherence.
Glycosaminoglycans are continuously shed and thus function to entrap and eliminate bacteria.
Abnormalities at the ureterovesical junction (UVJ) and altered ureteral peristalsis may allow vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), which potentiates but is not always necessary for upper tract invasion.
Distortion of the pyramids allows renal parenchymal invasion, which results in irreversible renal injury.
The anatomy of the renal papillae helps prevent intrarenal reflux (IRR).
Structural abnormalities that potentiate infection include phimosis, obstructive uropathy at any level (e.g., ureteropelvic [UPJ] and UVJ obstructions, posterior urethral valves [PUV]), VUR, bladder diverticula, urinary calculi or foreign bodies, and the renal papillary anatomy.
What are bacterial factors potentiating UTIs?
Several bacterial factors may potentiate a UTI and are outlined in Box 55.1.
O antigens are lipopolysaccharides that are part of the cell wall. They are thought to be responsible for many of the systemic symptoms associated with infection. Of the more than 150 strains of Escherichia coli identified by O antigens, nine are responsible for the majority of UTIs.
K antigens are also polysaccharides, and their presence on Gram-negative bacterial capsules is an important virulence factor. They are thought to protect against phagocytosis, to inhibit the induction of a specific immune response, and to facilitate bacterial adhesion. Bacterial strains causing UTI exhibit considerably more K antigen than those isolated from the feces. Urease, a virulence factor especially prominent with Proteus species, allows the breakdown of urea to ammonium. This process alkalinizes the urine and facilitates stone formation. Such bacteria are generally incorporated into the stone structure, making eradication extremely difficult.
Mannose-resistant pili are important adherence factors. They promote adherence to uroepithelial cells as well as renal epithelial cells. This factor appears to counter the normal cleansing action of urine flow and allows tissue invasion and bacterial proliferation.
Increasingly invasive urinary infections are associated with bacteria with a high number of virulence factors.
Colonization of the feces with a virulent organism allows periurethral colonization and ultimately bladder entry. Uroepithelial adherence promotes bacterial proliferation and tissue invasion. This series of events is facilitated by the presence of one or more host factors.
How should urinary tract infections in children be investigated?
Rationale for Radiographic Imaging
Although many patients with UTI do not develop serious illness, the pediatric caregiver must be cognizant of several important risks. In two studies, urinary abnormalities were found in approximately 50% of children up to the age of 12 years who presented with a UTI. VUR was found in up to 35% and obstructive lesions in 8%. Nonobstructive, nonrefluxing lesions (such as ureteral duplication anomalies) were found in 7%.
While renal scars develop in about 13% of girls and 5% of boys with unspecified infection, they develop in up to 43% of kidneys involved in acute pyelonephritis. A meta-analysis assessing the prevalence of renal scarring in children after an initial episode of UTI found that 55% had acute renal cortical changes consistent with pyelonephritis in the acute phase and 15% had evidence of renal scarring on the follow-up DMSA scan.
Pyelonephritic scarring is responsible for 11% of childhood hypertension cases, and a majority of cases of severe hypertension.
Although hypertension is most common with bilateral scarring, it is also seen with unilateral scarring.
Pyelonephritic scarring is also an important cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in childhood and may require specific pretransplantation treatment, especially if associated with VUR. Additionally, approximately 50% of patients will suffer from recurrent UTI.
Current Controversies
The standard of care for many years has been to perform imaging studies in children to assess for structural abnormalities that might lead to recurrent UTIs and renal scarring. It was felt that not only infants but also older children, particularly males, should be investigated after an initial infection. Several evidence based guidelines have been published over the years. Controversy persists, however, with many researchers proposing even less aggressive approaches for the child with a UTI.
Clinical guidelines published in 2011 from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection recommends deferring a voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) until after the second documented UTI in children ages 2–24 months if the ultrasound (US) is normal, and if the child has a complete clinical response to treatment. There has been significant concern about the paradigm shift made in these guidelines and the methodology employed in the meta-analysis upon which these recommendations were based.
In 2014, results of the Randomized Intervention for Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux (RIVUR) study were published. This prospective, randomized clinical trial reported on the outcomes of 607 children with VUR randomized either to placebo or daily suppressive antimicrobials using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Subjects were followed for 2 years with renal cortical scans at the time of study entry and conclusion. The authors reported that antimicrobial prophylaxis was associated with a substantially reduced risk of recurrent UTI but not renal scarring. This proved to be the largest and most scientifically sound trial on antibiotic prophylaxis published to date. Despite these findings, the AAP reaffirmed the 2011 clinical practice guideline in 2016.
Imaging Studies
The initial radiographic evaluation ideally includes renal and bladder sonography to assess for structural anomalies and to evaluate for obstruction.
A fluoroscopic VCUG can be helpful to precisely grade VUR and assess for bladder and urethral abnormalities, although, as previously mentioned, its usage after a first UTI is controversial.
Followup studies in females can be adequately performed with a radionuclide cystogram (RNC) that theoretically allows a somewhat lower radiation exposure, particularly to the ovaries.
The exception is the girl with a neurogenic bladder, ectopic ureter, bladder diverticulum, or ureterocele documented by US or previous cystogram.
Radionuclide scanning, if available, can be used to diagnose acute pyelonephritis, detect renal scarring, and assess differential renal function.
How should UTIs be treated?
Acute Phase
The treatment of an acute UTI is dependent on the clinical presentation. Ill-appearing children with pyelonephritis should be treated immediately and aggressively with broadspectrum antimicrobial therapy and intravenous hydration.
Initial empiric therapy should be initiated with broadspectrum parenteral antibiotics until the cultures results are available.
Prompt, effective treatment is the most important factor in preventing permanent renal injury.
Further therapy is dictated by culture and sensitivity findings. Indications for inpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy include a very young age (<3 months), unusual or multi-resistant pathogens, persistent vomiting/dehydration, concern for compliance with treatment, and/or significant obstructive urinary tract anomalies.
Once clinically stabilized and afebrile for 24–48 hours, patients with pyelonephritis and sensitive organisms may complete the course of culture-specific antibiotics on an outpatient basis, via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) and a home-based nursing service, or oral antibiotics if susceptibilities allow. Some studies have shown that initial parenteral therapy followed by oral antibiotics can be as effective as a prolonged course of intravenous therapy in preventing renal scarring.
Patients with obstruction or renal abscess who do not become afebrile or have persistent severe symptoms require repeat upper tract imaging. A renal abscess or an obstructed kidney may require percutaneous, or rarely, open drainage.
Initial empiric therapy in less toxic appearing children without vomiting can be performed with oral broadspectrum antibiotics (e.g., cephalosporins) after obtaining a reliable urine culture. Short treatment courses appear to be insufficient for treatment of childhood UTI. Therefore, a 7- to 10-day course dictated by culture and sensitivity results is appropriate.
Urinary retention by the toilet trained patient due to fear of voiding or dysuria can be managed with phenazopyridine (Pyridium) and hydration, and by allowing the child to void while sitting in a tub of warm clear bath water.
Prophylactic Antibiotics
Patients who have recurrent UTIs or those who are managed nonoperatively for VUR are often treated with longterm suppressive antibiotics. It is unclear whether the benefit outweighs the risks, particularly in low-grade VUR without nephropathy.
The urothelial injury from an infection takes several months to fully recover. Thus, irritative voiding symptoms, such as dysuria, incontinence, and frequency, may persist for several days despite the finding of sterile urine.
In addition, the fever curve with pyelonephritis may show persistent spiking temperatures (although dampening over time) even with appropriate antimicrobial therapy. A propensity for re-infection also exists.
Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction
Patients without obvious urinary tract structural abnormalities on US and VCUG should be evaluated for bowel and bladder dysfunction. Regular and complete bowel and bladder elimination is helpful to diminish the risk of UTI recurrence.
A post-void residual by US or office bladder scan can be useful for assessing bladder emptying.
A history of constipation should be sought along with a focused physical exam of the left lower quadrant to assess for palpable stool.
A lower back exam should be performed to assess for a sacral dimple, particularly if there are any concomitant neurologic symptoms to suggest a tethered cord.
Along with aggressive treatment of constipation and voiding dysfunction, 3 months of antibiotic suppression therapy may help to break the cycle of recurrent UTIs.
In complex cases associated with urinary incontinence resistant to treatment, filling cystometrography (e.g., urodynamics) and pelvic floor retraining (e.g., biofeedback) can be treatment options.
What is VUR?
VUR refers to the retrograde passage of urine from the bladder into the ureter.
Although VUR was first discovered in the late 1800s, its clinical importance has been recognized only in the last five decades.
Hutch and colleagues’ studies, reported in the 1950s, demonstrated the pathophysiologic changes from VUR in children. These reports and Hodson’s observations in 1959 regarding the association among VUR, UTI, and pyelonephritic scarring set the stage for the modern era of reflux management.
Although most commonly diagnosed during an evaluation following a UTI, VUR can also be discovered during evaluations for hypertension, proteinuria, voiding dysfunction, or chronic renal insufficiency.
In addition, VUR has been identified in asymptomatic patients with prenatally detected hydronephrosis as well as through sibling screening.
What is the pathophysiology of VUR?
Figure 55.7 depicts the various anatomic components of the competent UVJ as well as the abnormalities most often implicated in the genesis of VUR.
The normal UVJ is characterized by an oblique entry of the ureter into the bladder and a length of submucosal ureter providing a high ratio of tunnel length to ureteral diameter.
This anatomic configuration provides a predominantly passive valve mechanism.
As the bladder fills and the intravesical pressure rises, the resulting bladder wall tension is applied to the roof of the ureteral tunnel. This bladder tension results in compression of the ureter, which prevents retrograde passage of urine.
Intermittent increases in bladder pressure, such as the act of voiding, upright posture, activity, and coughing, are met with an equal and immediate increase in resistance to retrograde urine flow.
This effect is supplemented by the active effects of ureterotrigonal muscle contraction and ureteral peristalsis.
Ureters with marginal tunnels can be made to reflux during infection due to UVJ distortion, loss of compliance of the valve roof, and intravesical hypertension.
Excessively high intravesical pressure in neurovesical dysfunction (NVD) or bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) may also potentiate reflux, as can a structurally weak detrusor floor (e.g., diverticulum or ureterocele).
As the submucosal ureter tends to lengthen with age, the ratio of tunnel length to ureteral diameter increases, and the propensity for reflux may disappear.
Of critical importance is the concept of IRR (Intrarenal reflux) which has been demonstrated clinically as well as experimentally.
The usual oblique entry of the papillary ducts onto the surface of simple papillae inhibits IRR. In contrast, the papillary duct entrance onto compound papillae facilitates IRR.
The critical pressure for IRR is considered to be about 35 mmHg in compound papillae. Experimentally, this same pressure can cause scar formation in the absence of infection.
When occurring intravesically, this pressure has been associated with an increased risk of renal deterioration. Higher pressure is thought to be necessary to induce IRR in simple papillae.
The combination of infection and IRR is particularly devastating. Focal scarring appears to result from the difference in susceptibility of the renal papillae to IRR. The polar distribution of compound papillae corresponds closely to the predominant occurrence of renal scarring in the upper and lower poles of the kidney.
How is VUR classified?
Many attempts at VUR classification have been advanced.
Reflux has been described as low pressure (occurring during the filling phase of the VCUG) or high pressure (occurring only during voiding).
Reflux due to a congenitally deficient UVJ is referred to as primary reflux, whereas that due to BOO or a neurogenic bladder is referred to as secondary reflux.
Further classification includes simple reflux and complex reflux. Complex reflux includes the refluxing megaureter, the refluxing duplicated ureter, the refluxing ureter associated with a diverticulum or ureterocele, and the occasional refluxing ureter associated with ipsilateral UPJ or UVJ obstruction.
The most clinically pertinent classification systems, however, have attempted to quantitate the degree of reflux. At the present time, VUR is graded from I to V according to the International Grading System and is diagrammed in Figure 55.8.
This classification system is based not only on the proximal extent of retrograde urine flow and ureteral and pelvic dilatation, but also on the resultant anatomy of the calyceal fornices. This system is currently universally accepted and is used extensively in the literature.
Grade I VUR refers to the visualization of a nondilated ureter only, whereas grade II VUR refers to visualization of a nondilated renal pelvis and calyceal system in addition to the ureter.
Grade III reflux involves mild to moderate dilatation or ureteral tortuosity with mild to moderate dilatation of the renal pelvis and calyces.
The fornices, however, remain sharp or only minimally blunted.
Once the forniceal angle is completely blunted, grade IV reflux has developed.
Papillary impressions in the majority of calyces can still be appreciated.
Loss of the papillary impressions along with increased dilatation and tortuosity is referred to as grade V reflux. Intrarenal reflux is traditionally considered to be grade V reflux.
What is the incidence of VUR among children?
The incidence of VUR in otherwise normal children is thought to be quite low. A much higher incidence of VUR, between 30% and 40%, is reported in patients undergoing evaluation following a UTI.
It is important to note that the incidence decreases as age increases. Thus, the infant who is most vulnerable to the combination of UTI and VUR is precisely the patient in whom this combination is most likely to occur.
Although females account for most reflux patients, a few characteristics of males with VUR are important. Although males account for approximately 14% of patients with VUR, an increased incidence of VUR (30%) is found in those males presenting with a UTI. Boys with VUR tend to present at a relatively young age (25% <3 months), and younger children tend to have the more severe degrees of reflux.
Multiple studies have documented a significant risk of VUR in family members of patients with reflux. The reported risk of sibling reflux ranges from 27–34%, while as many as 66% of offspring of women with reflux also have VUR. Because of these studies, it has been suggested that siblings, especially those <2 years of age, should have a screening investigation.
Another option is to perform a renal and bladder US in younger siblings and defer the VCUG if the US is normal, unless they have a documented UTI.
A particularly important subset of patients with VUR includes those who have secondary reflux. Most have a functional or anatomic bladder obstruction (e.g., spina bifida, PUV) as the primary disease.
Many patients, however, have reflux not because of increased bladder pressure alone, but rather because UVJ deficiency is associated with other congenital anomalies, such as imperforate anus, ureterocele, or bladder exstrophy.
Although many patients with PUV have reflux due to or exacerbated by high intravesical pressure, as demonstrated by VUR resolution after valve ablation or vesicostomy, the incidence of VUR in PUV patients is only approximately 50%. Many of these PUV patients have congenitally abnormal ureteral insertions.
Although a significant incidence of NVD exists in patients with imperforate anus, this is not a prerequisite for VUR. The diagnosis of VUR in imperforate anus assumes a critical importance to the pediatric surgeon. Not only may the association of NVD potentiate increased severity of reflux and the development of infection, but the presence of a rectourethral or rectovesical fistula also provides the opportunity for severe urinary contamination.
Consequently, we believe that the patient with a rectovesical or rectourethral fistula should be managed with a completely diverting colostomy rather than a loop colostomy.
In addition to these structural associations, important functional associations are found as well, including florid NVD, as seen in myelodysplasia, and a variety of more subtle voiding disturbances.
A particularly important subset of VUR patients are those who have uninhibited detrusor contractions (UDCs).
Three important components of maturation are found with successful toilet training:
(1) growth in bladder volume,
(2) development of volitional control over the striated muscle sphincter, and
(3) control over bladder smooth muscle.
Delay in this maturation leads to UDCs. Many children with VUR and recurrent UTI have UDCs.
Such involuntary or uninhibited bladder contractions are not caused by neurologic disease. Intense voluntary constriction of the striated sphincter occurs in an attempt to ensure continence and can result in excessively high intravesical pressures (i.e., detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia [DSD]).
Pressures often exceeding 150 cmH2O have been observed resulting in intravesical distortions such as diverticula, saccules, trabeculations, and abnormal ureteral orifices.
Reflux occurred in almost half of the children studied with UDC and UTI.
An end-stage bladder from nonneurologic and nonobstructive voiding dysfunction is termed a Hinman bladder.
All patients with VUR and symptoms of UDCs and voiding dysfunction should be asked about frequency, urgency, and incontinence.
Vincent curtsy, a squatting maneuver spontaneously employed to prevent incontinence, is particularly suggestive.
That these UDCs may cause VUR is suggested by resolution of the reflux with anticholinergic drug therapy.
Equally important is the potential for UDCs to cause a false-negative cystogram.
How is VUR diagnosed?
VUR is diagnosed with a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), with either radiopaque contrast medium or a nuclear radioisotope.
Preferably, multiple cycles are employed with voiding images to assess for reflux that only occurs at the end of filling and/or with voiding.
Body temperature contrast material, which is not excessively concentrated, is instilled into the bladder through a small catheter by gravity with modest pressure in a non-anesthetized child.
Recently, investigators have advocated standardizing a protocol for the procedure to improve patient safety and to better compare clinical outcomes after treatment.
Imaging of the upper urinary tract is extremely important and can be accomplished by US and/or isotope renography. Both may detect scarring, but isotope renography is particularly sensitive and defines the split differential function in the case of a small or dysplastic appearing kidney.
Serial US imaging is helpful in quantitating renal growth and following dilatation of the renal pelvis and/or ureters.
Bladder views are important to check for bladder wall thickening, diverticula, distal ureteral dilatation, ureteroceles, and bladder emptying.
Patients with frequency, urgency, incontinence, and Vincent curtsy should also be considered for noninvasive urodynamic studies including a uroflow and perineal electromyogram with a postvoid residual.
A filling cystometrogram (formal urodynamics) is indicated to evaluate for NVD or in those who have failed standard initial urotherapy.
The presence of UDCs or DSD should be evaluated before consideration is given to an antireflux operation. Although not formally described in the literature, our impression is that operative intervention in a patient with an unstable bladder is likely to result in a failed repair.
What is the natural history of VUR?
The natural history of VUR is extremely variable and ranges from spontaneous resolution without nephropathy, to clinically silent scar formation, to recurrent pyelonephritis with hypertension and ESRD.
Numerous factors may contribute to the potential for resolution, including the patient’s age, the grade of reflux, the appearance of the ureteral orifice, the length of the ureteral submucosal tunnel, and the intravesical detrusor filling pressures.
The American Urological Association Pediatric Vesicoureteral Reflux Guidelines Panel in 1997 analyzed 26 reports comprising 1987 patients with conservative follow-up to estimate the probability of reflux resolution. In general, a lower reflux grade correlated with a better chance of spontaneous resolution.
Younger children are thought to have a better prognosis for resolution of VUR, particularly infant males in the first year of life. This may be due to a heightened degree of trigonal growth, but the diminishing prominence of UDCs with age is also a possible explanation.
Spontaneous resolution is relatively independent of grade in secondary reflux, implicating management of primary bladder dysfunction as the primary prognostic variable.
Renal injury due to VUR may take the form of focal scarring, generalized scarring with atrophy, and failure of renal growth. As a result, kidneys in patients with VUR should be observed not only for scarring but also for renal growth, typically with serial upper tract US.
Reflux-induced renal injury is usually a result of the association of VUR with UTI. It has been generally considered that such injury is most likely in children under the age of 2 years. It is now clear, however, that the risk of renal injury from VUR extends well beyond this young age.
Secondary reflux can also cause renal injury in the absence of UTI due to the pressure effects from NVD and BOO. The ability of high intravesical pressure, when associated with VUR, as a cause for renal injury has been confirmed experimentally.
Significant renal injury in the absence of BOO, NVD, and UTI can occur in infants.
The ureteral bud theory postulates that VUR associated with displacement of the ureteral orifice is associated with anomalies of renal differentiation. Such ureters probably do not arise from the appropriate segment of the Wolffian duct and consequently make ectopic contact with the nephrogenic cord, resulting in abnormal renal development.
Although this mechanism may be present in some patients, it is now clear that congenital VUR-associated renal injury in the absence of BOO, NVD, and UTI can occur in the presence of a normally positioned ureteral orifice. This finding implies that pressure from in utero VUR may injure the developing kidney and result in maldevelopment.
In a longitudinal study of 923 children, high-pressure bladder dynamics, severity of reflux, and frequency of UTIs were the chief contributing factors in the development of new scars or the worsening of old scars. Children with low-grade VUR were relatively unlikely to develop progressive renal injury when compared with those children with grades IV and V reflux. A similar relationship is seen in infants and children with secondary reflux. When monitoring these patients for progression of renal injury as an indicator for success of a therapeutic regimen, one must be cognizant of the fact that sonographic evidence of new renal injury may take several months to become apparent.
There is little consensus regarding the long-term sequelae of minor renal scars detected by high-resolution renal cortical scans. However, in a small number of patients, a spectrum of symptomatic nephropathy exists, most notably renal parenchymal hypertension and ESRD. The significance and predominance of reflux nephropathy (RN) as a cause of renal parenchymal hypertension is well established.
Approximately 30–65% of childhood hypertension is associated with RN. RN is an important cause of ESRD in children and adults.
The 2008 report of the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) lists RN as being the primary diagnosis in 5% of 9854 children who received transplants over the previous 20 years.
Some patients so affected may not have had an evident prior infection or will have the first recognized infection at or near the time of diagnosis of ESRD.
When histologic evidence of chronic pyelonephritis is found, preceding infection is likely, underscoring the silent progressive nature of RN and the need for meticulous long-term follow-up of children with VUR.
Glomerular lesions play an important role in the progression of RN. There is a clear association between RN, “heavy” proteinuria, and glomerular lesions that resemble focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Although the mechanisms of this disease remain uncertain, immunologic injury, macromolecular trapping with mesangial injury, vascular alterations with hypertension, and glomerular hyperfiltration have been implicated. The latter theory of glomerular hyperfiltration is presently favored.
What are the general guidelines for nonoperative management of VUR?
Medical Management
Nonoperative management of VUR (Box 55.2) is successful in most patients and can be categorized into four stages:
(1) diagnostic evaluation,
(2) avoidance of infection,
(3) voiding dysfunction treatment, and
(4) active surveillance.
Diagnostic evaluation has been previously reviewed. However, it is important to stress that the evaluation and treatment of voiding dysfunction and BOO is imperative.
Patients with problematic UDC can be managed with low-dose anticholinergic medication, such as oxybutynin hydrochloride.
Side effects include constipation and facial flushing/dry mouth and are generally manageable.
Voiding dysfunction with retentive characteristics may require timed/double voiding; alpha blockers; biofeedback; and in severe cases, intermittent catheterization (IC).
Secondary reflux from NVD often requires aggressive bladder management with clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) and higher doses of anticholinergic medication.
Good hydration, perineal hygiene, and bowel management are crucial and apply to all patients.
The traditional view is that children will benefit from low-dose continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (CAP). It is important to remember that the prophylactic dose is approximately one-quarter the dose used to treat an acute UTI. However, the use of CAP is currently controversial and concern over adherence and antimicrobial resistance is commonly expressed. Although generally well tolerated and a commonly used practice for decades, the long-term implications of chronic antimicrobial suppression remain incompletely investigated and actively debated.
The previously mentioned RIVUR study has shown the clinical utility of CAP in patients with VUR, but an important outcome of renal scarring was similar between groups.
It is reasonable to observe an asymptomatic toilet-trained child with low-grade reflux and normal kidneys without antibiotic prophylaxis. However, the clinician must use caution in not using antimicrobial suppression in children with risk factors for recurrent UTI and renal scarring, including high-grade VUR with bowel and bladder dysfunction.
Once a nonoperative regimen is selected, the patient is committed to long-term, strict surveillance. Renal imaging is performed every 6–12 months, depending on the age at diagnosis and the stability of the disease. Attention is directed at both renal growth as well as the detection of focal scarring. VCUG or radionuclide cystography is generally performed no more often than once a year. The child’s growth, renal function, and blood pressure are monitored.
The role of urodynamics has been previously outlined.
Cystoscopy is rarely necessary except at the time of antireflux surgery when it is performed to exclude urothelial inflammation and to confirm the position and number of ureteral orifices.
The American Urological Association (AUA) Pediatric Vesicoureteral Reflux Guidelines Panel initially published their recommendations for management of VUR in children in 1997 and updated their guidelines in 2010. For VUR in an infant diagnosed after a febrile UTI or found to be high grade (III–V), CAP is still recommended.
It is also recommended for an older child (>1 year of age) with recurrent febrile UTI; bowel/bladder dysfunction; and/or renal cortical anomalies.
For asymptomatic older children with normal kidneys, suppression is also an option.
There is little solid evidence or consensus about the management of VUR in older school-age patients or the length of time that the clinician should observe a child nonoperatively before recommending operative correction.
Treatment decisions must be carefully individualized after a thorough discussion of all the treatment options with the parents.
What are indications for the surgical management of VUR?
Surgical Management
While the decision to perform antireflux surgery must be carefully individualized, absolute indications for operative correction of VUR include
(1) progressive renal injury,
(2) documented failure of renal growth,
(3) breakthrough pyelonephritis, and
(4) intolerance or noncompliance with antibiotic suppression.
Other relative indications for correction of VUR are high grade (IV–V) reflux in young children after a year of conservative follow-up, pubertal age with nephropathy at diagnosis, parental preference, and failure to spontaneously resolve with watchful waiting.
The established principles of successful ureteral reimplantation include
(1) adequate ureteral exposure and mobilization,
(2) meticulous preservation of the blood supply, and
(3) creation of a valvular mechanism whose submucosal tunnel length to ureteral diameter ratio ideally exceeds 5:1.
These goals can be attained by a variety of procedures, most commonly via an open Pfannenstiel approach but also laparoscopically and robotically assisted (Fig. 55.11).
There are important differences between these operative procedures. Variables include
(1) presence or absence of a ureteral anastomosis,
(2) need for detrusor closure,
(3) transgression of the urothelium, and
(4) whether the neohiatus is fashioned by an appropriately sized detrusor incision or by the closure of the detrusor around the ureter.
Performance of a ureteral anastomosis increases the risk of postoperative obstruction, whereas the need for detrusor closure increases the risk of diverticula.
In general, excellent results are nearly uniformly attainable with an open approach. A meta-analysis in 1997 of 86 reports, including 6472 patients (8563 ureters), found overall success for an open ureteral reimplantation to be 96%. 95 Success was achieved in 99% with grade I, 99.1% with grade II, 98.3% with grade III, 98.5% with grade IV, and 80.7% in grade V. The robotic-assisted laparoscopic technique for extravesical ureteral reimplantation has become more widespread, and early outcomes have been published. However, there has been concern over the costs and complication rates of the robotic-assisted approach.
At our institution, we prefer the open extravesical detrusorrhaphy approach. Because the lumen of the bladder is not entered, there is no postoperative hematuria, with minimal bladder spasms and typically a short hospitalization of 1–2 days.
The absence of a ureterovesical anastomosis decreases the risk of postoperative obstruction. No ureteral stents, suprapubic catheters, or perivesical drains are utilized.
The urethral catheter can be removed on the first day after unilateral surgery and the second day following bilateral reimplantation. Once the patient voids, he or she is discharged on oral antibiotics for 1 week, and then is placed back on suppression for 3 months.
Postoperative analgesia can be maintained with either an indwelling or single-shot epidural placed at the time of operation, or infiltration of local anesthesia into the incision supplemented by intravenous narcotics as needed. Most children are discharged home on oral acetaminophen alone.
Postoperative imaging includes a renal and bladder US at 2 weeks, 3 months, 12 months, and 24 months after the procedure.
A VCUG is not typically obtained in an asymptomatic patient due to the high success rate of the procedure.
The four major principles of a successful extravesical detrusorrhaphy are
(1) complete mobilization of the ureter from the peritoneal reflection to the UVJ, leaving a wide sheath of its peri-adventitial blood supply;
(2) distal fixation of the ureter with long-acting absorbable sutures;
(3) wide mobilization of the detrusor muscle flaps to enable firm approximation of the detrusor over the ureter; and
(4) development of a sufficient tunnel length.
The use of the extravesical detrusorrhaphy has been successfully expanded to include a tapered excisional megaureter repair, reimplantation of the ureters associated with paraureteral Hutch diverticula, as well as correction of VUR associated with duplicated collecting systems.
Complications of ureteral reimplantation are rare.
The most common complication is de novo contralateral reflux, while the most common technical complications are ureteral obstruction, persistent reflux, and diverticula formation.
Persistent reflux can be caused by an insufficient tunnel length to ureteral diameter ratio. However, the greatest risk for postoperative reflux is related to the high-pressure voiding dynamics due to uninhibited bladder contraction, DSD, and/or urinary retention.
Ureteral obstruction may be due to ureteral kinking (at the neohiatus or obliterated umbilical artery), an excessively high positioned neohiatus, construction of a tight neohiatus, anastomotic stricture, devascularization, and a tight tunnel.
With attention directed toward the avoidance of technical complications and the selection of a procedure associated with the lowest complication rate, ureteral reimplantation remains a safe and highly successful operation.
The extravesical approach for bilateral ureteral reimplantation has been questioned because of a reportedly high incidence of postoperative urinary retention. In our experience with a large group of patients, we have found acceptable rates of temporary incomplete bladder emptying (4%), which is transient and has minimal morbidity. Risk factors appear to be infants under age 1 and girls with large, thin-walled bladders and preexisting retentive voiding dysfunction.
Complications following open antireflux surgery are quite low but include ureterovesical obstruction and persistent VUR.
Acute management of an obstructed ureter in an ill-appearing child involves urgent drainage of the hydronephrotic kidney.
A percutaneous nephrostomy tube can be placed without concern for finding a ureteral orifice within an edematous bladder to place a ureteral stent and/ or potentially disrupting a fresh ureterovesical anastomosis.
Once the patient has stabilized, the nephrostomy can be used to check the patency of the UVJ with an antegrade contrast study. The nephrostomy can be subsequently exchanged for an internalized ureteral stent.
In 1984, a cystoscopic procedure for the correction of VUR was reported. This subureteral transurethral injection (STING) utilized polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon™ ) and has been used successfully outside the United States for many years. Many different injectable materials have subsequently been used and reported. This ambulatory procedure performed under a brief general anesthetic has low morbidity, and children often return to full activity as soon as the next day. The initial success rates were promising, but they have not quite matched those of ureteral reimplantation.m
In 2001, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer (Deflux® ) as the first injectable substance for grades I–IV VUR. This substance is biodegradable, has no immunogenic properties, and does not seem to have potential for malignant transformation. The injection is typically performed via cystoscopy under a brief general anesthetic. It is typically scheduled as an outpatient procedure. Surgical outcomes vary, but most studies show success rates of around 70–80% for abolishing reflux. Higher success rates with larger injected volumes and multiple injection sites have been reported at some high volume centers. However, in one study, a 54% failure rate was seen on VCUG 1 year after the procedure.
Complications of injection therapy such as ureteral obstruction appear to be very low. The postoperative course is generally well tolerated, and the patients return to normal activities almost immediately. Dysuria, gross hematuria, and urinary frequency occasionally occur, but are selflimiting. Flank pain and fever are rare.
In our institution, a VCUG and renal US are obtained 3 months after the procedure while still under cover of antibiotic prophylaxis. The VCUG is not subsequently repeated if the patient remains asymptomatic off antibiotic prophylaxis.
Patients who develop a febrile UTI after an apparently successful procedure should be re-investigated with a VCUG to assess for recurrent reflux.
Persistent reflux after a dextranomerhyaluronic acid injection can be managed quite nicely with an open extravesical ureteral reimplantation with sharp excision of the often migrated bleb of the implanted material.
It is important to note that the dextranomer implant may become more dense over time and become more apparent on imaging. This appearance on US and computed tomography may be misinterpreted as urolithiasis. The absence of symptoms such as renal colic, hematuria, and hydronephrosis differentiates this benign entity from a ureteral stone.
The following are anatomical causes of urinary incontinence, except:
A. Ectopic ureter.
B. Posterior urethral valve.
C. Exstrophy bladder.
D. Epispadias.
E. Spinal dysraphism.
Spinal dysraphism appears in neurogenic causes of urinary incontinence.
The following are functional causes of urinary incontinence except:
A. Urge syndrome.
B. Dysfunctional voiding
C. Hinman syndrome.
D. Spinal cord trauma.
E. Giggle incontinence.
Spinal cord trauma comes in category of neurogenic incontinence of urine.
Other causes of neurogenic incontinence include spinal cord tumour, spinal tuberculosis, acute myelitis, cerebral palsy, sacral agenesis and spinal dysraphism.
Enuresis in children is characterised by all except:
A. It is normal voiding at inappropriate time.
B. When urinary control is expected at 4–6 years of age.
C. It is constant or frequent involuntary passage of urine.
D. It is called primary when the child never been dry.
E. It is called secondary when at least 6 months passed without wetting.
Enuresis is normal voiding at an inappropriate time, when control is expected at 4–6 years of age.
Bladder completely evacuated during voiding.
Incontinence of urine is different from enuresis. Incontinence of urine is a failure of voluntary control of bladder and urethral muscle activity and constant of frequent involuntary passage of urine.
Of the factors involved in urinary stone formation, which of the following is false?
A. Supersaturation of urinary solutes.
B. Decreases inhibitors of crystallization.
C. Dilution of urinary solutes.
D. Urinary PH.
E. Urinary tract infection
Urinary dilution prevents stone formation.
The following factors predispose urinary stone formation except:
A. Development anomalies of urinary system.
B. Urinary tract infection.
C. Decreased fluid intake.
D. Increased carbohydrate intake.
E. Increased protein intake.
Increased carbohydrate intake is not known to be associated with urinary stone formation.
About radio-opaque stones, which entry below is perfect?
A. Calcium oxalate.
B. Calcium phosphate.
C. Cysteine.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
A, B, and C are radiopaque stones. Radiolucent stones are uric acid and xanthine.
Which of the following metabolic conditions is not associated with urolithiasis?
A. Hyperoxalurea.
B. Hypecalciurea.
C. Hypercitrateurea.
D. Cysteineurea.
E. Xanthineurea
Hypercitrateurea is not associated with urolithiasis.
About detection of radiolucent stones, which of the following entries below is perfect?
A. By intravenous urography.
B. By ultrasound.
C. By CT scan.
D. By all of the above.
E. By none of the above.
All of the above A, B and C.
In urolithiasis management, which of the following is not true?
A. ESWL (Extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy) large/staghorn stones.
B. ESWL is suitable for stones in lower ureter in females.
C. Open surgery is suitable when there are big stones and distal obstruction.
D. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedure can be combined with ESWL.
E. Electrohydraulic methods can be used in cystolithopaxy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
ESWL is used for small-sized pelvic and calyceal stone.
Which stone is formed when urease-producing organisms alkalinise the urine?
A. Xanthine.
B. Struvite.
C. Uric acid.
D. Cysteine.
E. Calcium oxalate.
Prominent features of metabolic stones are all of the following except:
A. Age less than 3 years.
B. Stone in lower urinary tract.
C. Multiple stones.
D. Nephrocalcinosis.
E. Positive family history.
Almost all metabolic stones are in the upper tract.
For extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), all of the following statements are true except:
A. Plenty of oral liquid is advised after ESWL.
B. Antibiotics and analgesics may be required.
C. X-rays are advised after 7–10 days.
D. Repeat sessions of ESWL may be required not earlier than 7–10 days.
E. ESWL is suitable for stones larger than 2.5 cm.
ESWL is preferred mode of treatment for stones up to 1.5 cm.
Colour of cysteine stones is:
A. Black.
B. White.
C. Green.
D. Pink.
E. Brown.
The cysteine stones are usually pink or yellow upon removal, but later they turn to greenish due to exposure to air.
Which of the following is not a cause of vesicoureteric reflux?
A. Long intravesical submucosal tunnel.
B. Per ureteric diverticulum.
C. Prune belly syndrome.
D. Ureterocele.
E. Posterior urethral valve.
Short intravesical tunnel is the cause of vesicoureteric reflux.
Other causes includes neurogenic bladder, ureteral ectopia, ureteral duplication and functional voiding disorder.
The international classification of vesicoureteric reflux for patients with dilated calyces but fornics are sharp, stands for which grade of reflux.
A. Grade I.
B. Grade II.
C. Grade III.
D. Grade IV.
E. Grade V.
Grade III Grade I is partial filling of undilated ureter. Grade II is total filling of undilated upper tract. Grade III is dilated calyx but fornix sharp.
Grade IV is blunt fornix, but the degree of dilatation but the degree of dilatation is greater than in lower stage.
Grade V is massive hydro-nephrosis and tortuosity of ureter.
The indications for surgical ureteric re-implantation include all of the below except:
A. Repeated breakthrough urinary tract infection (UTI) during antibiotic prophylactic.
B. Anatomical abnormality of vesicoureteric junction.
C. Persistent reflux in an adolescence that has not resolved.
D. Vesicoureteric reflux in an association with ureteric obstruction.
E. Grade II reflux.
Grade V reflux is an indication. Other indication includes noncompliance with medical management.
For surgical procedure of vesicoureteric reimplantation, which of the following is false?
A. New hiatus is created in extravesical approach.
B. New hiatus is created through intravesical approach.
C. Detrusor is approximated in extravesical approach.
D. Ureter is passed through tunnel in intravesical approach.
E. All of the above are false.
New hiatus is not created in extravesical approach.
In extravesical approach, ureter is mobilised, detrusor is opened, ureter is left attached to only underlying bladder mucosa and the detrusor is approximated over the ureter.
In ureteric reimplantation, the ratio between tunnel length and ureteric diameter should be:
A. 2:1
B. 2:2
C. 5:3
D. 5:1
E. 6:3
Other principles of ureteric reimplantation include good ureteric blood supply and tension-free anastomosis.
In STING (sub-ureteric transurethral injection), which of the following is not true?
A. DEFLU is the material used for injection.
B. PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) can also be used.
C. Injection is given at the 12 o’clock position at the affected ureteric orifice.
D. The needle is advanced in 4–5 mm in lamina propria.
E. Most refluxing ureter requires less than 0.3 ml of biologically inert material.
The injection should be given at 6 o’clock position to ureteric orifice.
Regarding vesicoureteric reflux, which of the following statements is not false?
A. Incidence in normal population is about 5 perent.
B. Proteus is the most common organism seen in urine culture.
C. Renal scarring is noted in fewer than 10 per cent of cases.
D. Cessation of vesicoureteric reflux after one STING is about 50 percent.
E. There is no difficulty if secondary surgery is needed after STING procedure.
No difficulty has been seen if secondary surgery is required after STING procedure.
Incidence in normal population of vesicoureteric reflux is 1–2 percent. E. coli is the commonest organism seen in urine culture; renal scarring is noted in 30–35 percent of cases. Cessation of vesicoureteric reflux after one injection is 76.8 percent.
In international classification of vesicoureteral reflux, which grade you will label if partial filling with undilated ureter ?
A. Grade I.
B. Grade II.
C. Grade III.
D. Grade IV.
E. Grade IV.
Grade I is partial filling of undilated ureter.
Grade II is total filling of undilated upper tract.
Grade III is dilated calyces but fornix is sharp.
Grade IV is blunt fornix, but the degree of dilatation is greater than in lower stages.
Grade V is massive hydro-nephrosis and tortuosity of the ureter.
Which of the following is not true about open partial nephrectomy?
A. Ureteric duplication with non-functioning upper pole is a common indication.
B. Renal segment to be removed is difficult to identify.
C. Mattress sutures can be placed to approximate the ages of renal parenchyma.
D. The ureter is removed as low as possible.
E. Ischaemia to remnant kidney is due to traction spasm or traction injury to renal vessels.
The renal segment to be removed is readily identified.
Regarding the ectopic ureter, which of the following is not true?
A. If a second ureteric bud arises in more caudal than normal location, the ureter is incorporated into the developing ureter in a more proximal location.
B. In males, the ectopic ureter enters the genitoureteric tract above the external urethral sphincter.
C. Urinary incontinence is less often seen in females with ectopic ureter than in males.
D. Ectopic ureter is more common in female.
E. About 20 percent are bilateral.
Urinary incontinence is more often seen in female because ectopic ureter often lies beneath external urethral sphincter.
Which is true in relation to ectopic ureter?
A. Dilated upper moiety is difficult to identify by ultrasound.
B. Methylene blue test should not be used to see leakage.
C. Epididymitis and prostatitis is not the way of presentation.
D. If kidney function is good, ureteric reimplantation in single system or ureteropyloplasty or double-barrel reimplantation for duplex system is justified.
E. Continent diversion is needed in most cases.
If kidney function is good, ureteric reimplantation in single system or ureteropyloplasty or double-barrel reimplantation for duplex system is justified.
Patient may present with epididymitis, prostatitis.
By ultrasound dilated upper moiety is easy to visualise. Methylene blue test can be used to see leakage.
Bladder is filled with methylene blue, and perineum should be inspected regularly to see if there is any colourless moisture in the diaper.
Upper pole heminephrectomy for duplex or nephroureterectomy for single system associated with poor function is justified.
Continent urinary diversion that uses Mitrofenoff’s principle is used in very rare situation, like bilateral single ectopic ureter, when all measures fail.
Regarding ureterocele, which of the following is not true?
A. It is associated with single or double ureter.
B. In duplex kidney, it occurs generally as dilatation of terminal part of upper pole of ureter.
C. When it is intravesical, it is called orthotopic.
D. Sphinteric is a type of ectopic ureterocele.
E. All of the above are false.
Statement A, B, C and D are true.
Which of the following statements is true in ureterocele?
A. Stenotic variety is entirely contained within the bladder.
B. Most ureterocele with single ureter are ectopic.
C. Most ureterocele with duplex system are orthotopic.
D. Ultrasound shows “cobra-head” appearance.
E. Ureterocele with reimplantation is the first choice of procedure.
Stenotic variety is entirely contained within the bladder.
In sphinteric variety, orifice is located within the internal sphincter.
Most ureterocele with a single system are orthotopic, while most ureterocele with duplex system are ectopic.
Cobra-head appearance is found in the intravenous urogram (IVU).
Endoscopic deflation with puncture is the first choice.
If vesicoureteric reflux occurs, then ureterocelectomy with reimplantation of ureter is considered.
Regarding ureteric duplication, which one is false?
A. Two ureteric buds arising from mesonephric duct usually lead to complete duplication with no abnormality.
B. Single ureteric bud arising but bifurcating shortly leads to duplication with duplex kidney and ectopic ureter. C. In duplex system, upper pole ureter is anterior to lower pole ureter in intravesical course.
D. In duplex system, upper pole ureter is posterior to lower pole ureter in intramural tunnel.
E. All of the above are false.
E All A, B, C and D are true.