Duodenal and Intestinal Atresia and Stenosis Flashcards
The most common cause of duodenal obstruction at birth is:
A. Malrotation
B. Duodenal atresia
C. Annular pancreas
D. Choledochal cyst
E. Midgut volvulus
COMMENTS: Vomiting within the first 24 h of life in the absence of abdominal distention suggests duodenal atresia in a neonate.
Malrotation with midgut volvulus is the most common and the most devastating cause of a duodenal obstruction beyond the neonatal period.
In malrotation, the duodenal obstruction may be caused by extrinsic compression by the peritoneal Ladd’s bands that extend from the abdominal wall to the anomalously located cecum in the right upper quadrant.
Alternatively, the catastrophic complication of malrotation is midgut volvulus and intestinal infarction from the torsion of the superior mesenteric vessels about the narrow mesenteric pedicle by which the midgut is suspended.
An annular pancreas may cause duodenal obstruction as a result of duodenal stenosis. Choledochal cysts are rare and manifest as jaundice and an abdominal mass.
A newborn infant presents with a radiograph showing a dilated stomach and proximal duodenum.
What is the appropriate operative intervention?
A. Duodenojejunostomy
B. Duodenoduodenostomy
C. Gastrojejunostomy
D. Orogastric tube decompression alone
E. Ladd’s procedure
COMMENTS: The radiograph is demonstrating a classic “double bubble” sign that is seen with duodenal atresia.
This diagnosis can be made in utero with polyhydramnios as well as a double bubble seen on ultrasound.
The double bubble appearance results from air swallowing that does not progress through the duodenal atresia.
The stomach and proximal duodenum dilate, and there is no air in the bowel distal to the atresia.
There are three types of duodenal atresia.
Type 1, by far the most common, is a web or septum obstructing the duodenal lumen.
It is thought to be the result of a failure to recanalize the lumen during development. This is most commonly located in the second portion of the duodenum.
Type 2 is a solid cord between the two lumens of the affected portion of the duodenum.
Type 3 is two blind-ending duodenal loops, proximal and distal, without a connection between them.
Duodenal atresia is associated with a congenital heart disease, trisomy 21, and annular pancreas.
Prior to a surgical correction, it is important to evaluate the infant with an echocardiogram to look for cardiac abnormalities.
The child may be managed with orogastric tube decompression and intravenous fluids until optimization for surgery.
At surgery, a right upper quadrant incision is made. The entire length of the duodenum is evaluated.
Most of the time, a duodenoduodenostomy is created to join the two segments of bowel.
If an annular pancreas or preduodenal portal vein is identified, the anastomosis should be made anterior to this.
Although it is possible that a Ladd’s band and an intestinal malrotation could cause duodenal obstruction, it is a much less common reason for a double bubble sign than duodenal atresia.
Discuss intestinal atresia and stenosis.
Congenital intestinal obstruction occurs in approximately 1 in 2000 live births and is one of the most common causes for admission to a neonatal care unit.
Morphologically they are divided into either atresia and stenosis depending the continuity of the intestine.
Furthermore, they are divided by the region of the gastrointestinal tract involved: duodenal, jejunoileal and colonic.
Prenatally they present as polyhydramnios and dilation of the intestine on ultrasound.
Neonatally infants present with obstructive symptoms.
Usually a radiograph is enough to make the diagnosis of any of these conditions, depending the point of obstruction there might be a “double-bubble” sign or more diffuse intestinal dilation with or without pneumoperitoneum.
For more distal obstruction a contrast enema might be needed.
Treatment is surgical with a thorough exploration and repair through a single anastomosis or resection with or without anastomosis depending the portion of the gastrointestinal tract involved, other abnormalities and if perforation had occurred.
What is the incidence of congenital intestinal obstruction?
The incidence of congenital intestinal obstruction is about 1 in 200 live births.
The incidence of both duodenal and jejunal atresia (the most common) is 1 per 5,000 live births, and the incidence of colonic atresia is 1 in 20,000 live births.
What is the cause of congenital duodenal obstruction?
Congenital duodenal obstruction occurs secondary to intrinsic or extrinsic lesions.
The most common intrinsic lesion is duodenal atresia.
As of today, the mechanism is unclear, however some theories aim towards defects in the epithelial plugging of the duodenum in early development related with fibroblast growth receptor.
Other intrinsic causes include duodenal webs and diaphragm.
Extrinsic causes include annular pancreas, or abnormalities in the biliary tree such as biliary atresia, gall- bladder agenesis, common bile duct stenosis or choledochal cysts.
How is congenital duodenal obstruction classified?
Duodenal obstructions are classified as three types of stenosis or atresia.
Type I is either a membrane or a web leading to the obstruction. In type I the duodenum remains in continuity.
Type II duodenal atresia is characterized by complete obliteration of the duodenal lumen, replaced by a fibrous cord.
Type III is the result of compete separation of the proximal and distal duodenal segments.
How often are other abnormalities associated with duodenal atresia?
Associated abnormalities have been encountered in about 45–65% of the cases.
Trisomy 21 and cardiac defects have been encountered in up to 30% of the cases followed by other gastrointestinal abnormalities (such as malrotation) in 25% of the cases.
Other abnormalities are renal, esophageal atresia, imperforate anus or skeletal abnormalities.
Where is the obstruction most commonly located in congenital duodenal obstruction?
It is estimated that 85% of the obstructions occur distal to the ampulla.
How is duodenal obstruction diagnosed?
Polyhydramnios should raise a concern as 32–81% of congenital duodenal obstruction presents with this finding.
Sonographic evaluation can identify the two fluid filled strictures (double-bubble sign) in about 44% of the cases, this is mostly accomplished by week 28–32 due to lower gastric pressure in early development phases.
Neonatally, a plain radiograph is usually enough.
What is the double bubble sign and how can it be reproduced?
The double bubble sign is commonly related to duodenal obstruction.
The proximal bubble represents the air-fluid stomach whereas the second bubble represents the dilated distal duodenum.
In cases of duodenal atresia is often encountered with a concomitant gasless distal abdomen.
However, presence of air does not exclude the diagnosis of congenital duodenal obstruction as there might be abnormalities in the biliary tree that could let the air bypass the obstruction.
This sign can often be reproduced by instilling 40–60 ml of air into the stomach.
Is important to note that this sign is often not present in stenosis as the obstruction is not complete.
What is the treatment of duodenal atresia?
The treatment that is now preferred is an open or laparoscopic proximal transverse and distal longitudinal (diamond-shaped) duodenoduodenostomy.
If a web is the cause a vertical duodenotomy with a web excision and transverse closure is enough.
Should the duodenoduodenostomy be performed laparoscopic or open?
Since its first description by Rothenberg in 2002, multiple studies have compared laparoscopic vs open duodenal duodenoduodenostomy.
Literature shows that the laparoscopic repair is safe, allows better visibility and offers the advantage of early feeding and shorter hospitalization time.
During a duodenal atresia repair should the intestine be evaluated for malrotation or other atresia?
Abdomen should be inspected for malrotation is it has been related to up to 30% of the cases of duodenal atresia.
Historically it was recommended to evaluate the intestine for other atresia, however recent literature shows that the rate of other intestinal atresia is less than 1% for which extensive inspection does not appear necessary.
What are the issues related to long side-to-side duodenoduodenostomies and duodenojejunostomies?
The use of a long side to side duodenostomy has been related to a high incidence of anastomotic dysfunction and prolonged obstruction (12%).
Duodenojejunostomies have been related to an increased risk of blind loop syndrome.
What is the cause of jejunoileal atresia?
Several hypotheses and clinical data point towards a vascular disruption that results in mesenteric disruption and interference with the segmental blood supply of the small bowel resulting in atresia and stenosis.
It usually occurs latter in the small bowel development as an intrauterine insult.
However there has been reports of hereditary forms that occur way early in development that are related with multiple atresia and poor survival.
Is jejunoileal atresia related to other abnormalities?
As the mechanism is different from other abnormalities and is often secondary to a vascular insult, jejunoileal atresia is related to other abnormalities in less than 1% of the cases.
There have been reports relating it with patients with Hirschsprung’s Disease, cystic fibrosis (10%), malrotation, Down syndrome, congenital heart disease and other atresias (6%).
How is jejunoileal atresia classified?
The Louw’s classification system (and then modified by Grosfield) is shown below and divides them in four groups.
This classification depends on the most proximal segment and has both diagnostic and prognostic value.
Stenosis is defined as a localized narrowing of the intestinal lumen without disruption in the intestinal wall or a defect in the mesentery. At the stenotic site, a short, narrow, somewhat rigid segment of intestine with a small lumen is found. Often the muscularis is irregular and the submucosa is thickened. Stenosis may also take the form of a type I atresia with a fenestrated web. Patients with jejunoileal stenosis usually have a normal length of small intestine.
Type I Atresia
In type I jejunoileal atresia, the intestinal obstruction occurs secondary to a membrane or web formed by both mucosa and submucosa, while the muscularis and serosa remain intact. On gross inspection, the bowel and its mesentery appear to be in continuity. However, the proximal bowel is dilated while the distal bowel is collapsed. With the increased intraluminal pressure in the proximal bowel, bulging of the web into the distal intestine can create a windsock effect. As with stenosis, there is no foreshortening of the bowel in type I atresias.
Type II Atresia
The clinical findings of a type II atresia are a dilated, blindending proximal bowel loop connected by a fibrous cord to the collapsed distal bowel with an intact mesentery. Increased intraluminal pressure in the dilated and hypertrophied proximal bowel may lead to focal proximal small bowel ischemia. The distal collapsed bowel commences as a blind end, which sometimes assumes a bulbous appearance owing to the remains of an intussusception. Again, the total small bowel length is usually normal.
Type III(a) Atresia
In type III(a) atresia, the proximal bowel ends blindly, with no fibrous connecting cord to the distal intestine. A V-shaped mesenteric defect of varying size is present between the two ends of intestine. The dilated, blind-ending proximal bowel is often aperistaltic and frequently undergoes torsion or becomes overdistended, with subsequent necrosis and perforation occurring as a secondary event. In this scenario, the total length of the small bowel is variable (but usually less than normal), owing to intrauterine resorption of the affected bowel.
Type III(b) Atresia
Type III(b) atresia (apple-peel, Christmas tree, or Maypole deformity) consists of a proximal jejunal atresia, absence of the superior mesenteric artery beyond the origin of the middle colic branch, agenesis of the dorsal mesentery, a significant loss of intestinal length, and a large mesenteric defect. The decompressed distal small bowel lies free in the abdomen and assumes a helical configuration around a single perfusing vessel arising from the ileocolic or right colic arcades. Occasionally, additional type I or type II atresias are found distal to the initial atresia. It has also been shown that type III(b) atresias are significantly more likely to present with volvulus and are at risk for impaired vascularity of the distal bowel. This type of atresia has been found in families with a pattern suggestive of an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. It also has been encountered in siblings with identical lesions and in twins.
The occurrence of intestinal atresia in other siblings, the association of multiple atresias (15%), and the discordance in a set of apparently monozygotic twins may point to more complex genetic transmission for type III(b) atresias in around 20%. Infants with this anomaly are often premature, and up to 50% may have malrotation. Accordingly, there is increased morbidity (63%) and mortality (54%) in this population. Type III(b) atresias are most likely the result of a proximal superior mesenteric arterial occlusion with extensive infarction of the proximal segment of the midgut. Also, it can develop from a midgut volvulus. Primary failure of development of the distal superior mesenteric artery has also been suggested as an etiologic factor. However, this is unlikely because meconium is usually found in the bowel distal to the atresia. This finding indicates that the atresia develops after bile secretion begins, which occurs around week 12 of intrauterine life. The superior mesenteric artery develops much earlier than 12 weeks.
Type IV Atresia
Multiple-segment atresias or a combination of types I to III are classified as type IV. Up to one-third of infants affected with jejunoileal atresia present with multiple atresias. The majority of cases of multiple-segment atresias are sporadic with no other family history of intestinal abnormalities. They are likely a result of multiple vascular insults to the mesentery, intrauterine inflammatory processes, or a malformation of the GI tract occurring during embryonic development. Embolic material from a nonviable fetus to a living monochorionic twin through placental vascular connections could also account for single or multiple intestinal atresias. Associated defects, particularly abnormalities of the central nervous system, have been noted in approximately 25% of nonfamilial multiple intestinal atresia patients. Multiple atresias have also been seen in association with severe immunodeficiency associated with a rare mutation in the tetratricopeptide repeat domain–7A (TTC7A) gene, which aids in the development of the thymus and intestinal epithelium.
A familial form of multiple intestinal atresia (FMIA) involving the stomach, duodenum, and both the small and large bowel has been described. It is associated with prematurity and shortened bowel length. To date, it has been uniformly fatal. It is associated with type I and II atresias, with type II predominating. An autosomal recessive mode of transmission has been suggested for this familial condition because it is unlikely that an isolated prenatal vascular accident is responsible for such extensive involvement of the GI tract. In addition, infants affected with this familial form are found to have long segments of completely occluded small or large intestine without a recognizable lumen. Another pathognomonic feature seen in FMIA is the sieve-like appearance of the intestine on histologic examination where multiple lumina are surrounded by epithelial cells and muscularis mucosa.
How is the clinical presentation of jejunoileal atresia?
Prenatal ultrasound might show dilated loops of bowel and polyhydramnios, however the majority of this atresias are not diagnosed prenatally.
In the neonatal period, symptoms are of bowel obstruction (bilious emesis and abdominal distension).
Meconium can appear to be normal but often there can be gray plugs or blood (in type II(b)).
What are the radiological findings of jejunoileal atresia?
Usually a plan radiograph with swallowed air is enough to make diagnosis.
In cases of proximal atresia there are some gas-filled and fluid filled loops with the remainder of the abdomen being gasless.
Distal atresias are harder to differentiate from colonic atresias due to absence of haustral markings so contrast enema can be used to aid the diagnoses.
About 10% of the patients can present with meconium peritonitis with radiologic findings of a large pseudocyst with a large-air- fluid level.
What are some important operative considerations when performing an abdominal exploration for a neonate with suspected jejunoileal atresia?
– A usual transverse abdominal incision can be used, however a circumbilical incision has been found to be as effective with best cosmetic results. We usually perform a vertical umbilical incision due to the ease of small bowel exteriorization.
– Careful examination must be performed to avoid missing segments or other atresias. Intraoperative contrast enema or cannulation with a red rubber catheter can be used.
– Resection of the dilated and hypertrophied proximal segments with primary end-to-end anastomosis is the most common technique.
– The proximal bowel can also be tapered or imbricated to maintain mucosal surface.
– Mesenteric repair must be done carefully to avoid damage to the blood supply due to rotating or kinking movements.
– In cases of concomitant gastroschisis we recommend fascial closure, gastric decompression, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and repair of the atresia 4–6 weeks later.
– Special care has to be taken for type III(b) atresia, restricting bands should be released and mesentery should be placed in a way to prevent torsing of the single marginal artery that irrigates the segment.
– No intestinal lengthening procedures should be attempted in the first intervention.
– Remaining bowel length should be carefully measured as it is a vital prognostic factor.
What are the most important prognostic factors after management of a jejunoileal atresia?
Bowel length and presence/absence of the ileocecal valve are the most important factors.
Usually neonates with <25 cm of bowel will require long-term TPN and intestinal lengthening procedures, whereas <100 cm will require at least short- term TPN.
Other factors include the location of the atresia (ileum adapts better) and the maturity of the intestine (premature infant might have more time for growth).
What are the types of colonic atresia?
– Type I mucosal atresia with intact bowel wall and mesentery
– Type II Atretic ends are separated by a fibrous cord
– Type III atretic ends are separated by a V-shaped mesentery.
What is the cause of colonic atresia?
Studies nowadays point towards a vascular insult to the colon as in jejunoileal atresia.
What are the abnormalities related to colonic atresia?
The rate of other abnormalities is low.
Colonic atresia can be found in 2.5% of the children with gastroschisis.
There have been some reports in patients with Hirschsprung’s Disease (HD), complex urological abnormalities, multiple jejunoileal atresias and skeletal abnormalities.
How is colonic atresia diagnosed?
Initial evaluation with abdominal X-ray might show large and dilated intestinal loops difficult to differentiate from other atresias or pneumoperitoneum.
Diagnosis is made by a contrast enema showing an abrupt halt where the obstruction is.
How is colonic atresia treated?
Operative exploration is warranted as this type of atresia has higher risk of perforation.
Is important to exclude other atresias and stenoses.
Is recommended to perform a frozen biopsy for HD as it may lead to anastomotic leak or obstruction.
For right sided colonic atresia resection and primary anastomosis is possible: for left sided a staged approach with a colostomy with a mucous fistula with resection of both proximal and distal edges is recommended.
Closure is then performed months later.
One-day-old baby with bilious vomiting; examination shows Down syndrome and epigastric fullness. X-rays show double bubble sign. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Oesophageal atresia. B. Pyloric stenosis. C. Duodenal atresia. D. Jejunal atresia. E. Ileal atresia.
C. Duodenal atresia.
The conditions most likely associated with duodenal atresia are Down syndrome, malrotation, congenital heart disease, annular pancreas and oesophageal atresia.
Type II duodenal atresia is:
A. Simple intraluminal membrane.
B. Intraluminal membrane with wind-sock type.
C. Intraluminal membrane with perforation.
D. Intraluminal membrane with annular pancreas.
E. Blind ends of duodenum connected with a fibrous cord.
E. Blind ends of duodenum connected with a fibrous cord.
In duodenal atresia, which of the following is not true?
A. Diamond duodenostomy is a good option.
B. Kocher’s manoeuvre is needed during the operation.
C. Either one-layer or two-layer anastomosis technique can be used.
D. If the trans-anastomotic tube is placed, the feed is started on the fourth day.
E. The outcome depends on associated condition, anastomotic leakage, intra-abdominal sepsis and wound complication.
D. If the trans-anastomotic tube is placed, immediate enteral feed can be started.
In type I duodenal atresia, the preferred method of surgery is:
A. Complete excision of membrane.
B. Partial excision of membrane, leaving a small part at the medial side.
C. Partial excision of membrane, leaving a small part at the lateral side.
D. Duodenostomy.
E. Duodenojejunostomy.
B. Leaving a small part on medial side is intact because of chance of damage of ampulla of Vater.
D and E are preferred method for type II and type III atresia.
Regarding association of duodenal atresia, which of the following is true?
A. Down syndrome
B. Congenital heart disease
C. Malrotation 30 percent
D. Annular pancreas 30 percent
E. All of the above.
E. All of the above are true.
Regarding duodenal atresia, which of the following statements is true?
A. Type III atresia is commonest.
B. Fifty percent obstruction is below the ampulla of Vater.
C. Windsock is variant of type I atresia.
D. Survival rate is 60 percent.
E. Almost all reported deaths are from sepsis.
C. Windsock is a variant of type I atresia.
Type I atresia is the commonest. Obstruction below the ampulla is seen in 85 percent of cases. Survival rate is 90-95 percent. Most deaths are due to complex congenital heart disease.
Regarding jejunal and ileal atresia, which is false?
A. Three bubble sign is a feature of jejunal atresia.
B. In ileal atresia, there are multiple air-fluid levels.
C. Jaundice is more common in ileal atresia than jejunal atresia.
D. Abdominal distension is more significant in ileal atresia than jejunal atresia.
E. Both present with abdominal distension, bilious vomiting and failure to pass meconium.
C. Jaundice is common in jejunal atresia.
The apple-peel variety of jejunal atresia is:
A. Type I atresia.
B. Type II atresia.
C. Type III A atresia.
D. Type III B atresia.
E. Type IV atresia.
D. Type III B atresia is called apple peel variety of jejunal atresia.
In duodenal atresia, which of the following is not true?
A. Diamond duodenostomy is a good option.
B. Kocher’s maneuver is needed during the operation.
C. Either one layer or two layer anastomosis technique can be used.
D. If the transanastomotic tube is placed, the feed is started on the fourth day.
E. The outcome depends on the associated condition, anastomotic leakage, intra abdominal sepsis and wound complication.
If trans-anastomotic tube is placed, immediate enteral feed can be started.
Regarding duodenal atresia, which of the following statements is true?
A. Type III atresia is most common.
B. Fifty percent obstruction is below the ampulla of Vater.
C. Windsock is a variant of type I atresia.
D. Survival rate is 60%.
E. Almost all reported deaths are from sepsis.
C. Windsock is a variant of type I atresia.
Type I atresia is the commonest. Obstruction below the ampulla is seen in 85 per cent of cases. Survival rate is 90–95 percent. Most deaths are due to complex congenital heart disease.
Regarding jejunal and ileal atresia, which is false?
A. Three bubble sign is a feature of jejunal atresia.
B. In ileal atresia, there are multiple air fluid levels.
C. Jaundice is more common in ileal atresia than jejunal atresia.
D. Abdominal distension is more significant in ileal atresia than jejunal atresia.
E. Both present with abdominal distension, bilious vomiting and failure to pass meconium.
Jaundice is more common in jejunal atresia.
Normal small bowel length in neonates?
Term: 250cm
Preterm: 160-240cm
With the development of TPN, special enteral diets, and pharmacologic management, previous estimates that a small bowel length of 100 cm or more is necessary to sustain oral intake and survival may no longer be applicable.
Preservation of bowel length at the expense of a poorly functioning anastomosis should be avoided.
Principles for tapering enteroplasty?
If proximal resection will lead to significant, or unacceptable, bowel loss, tapering or plication of the dilated bowel is a useful technique.
Tapering enteroplasty as far proximal as the second portion of the duodenum can be accomplished by resecting an antimesenteric strip of the dilated proximal bowel.
During tapering duodenojejunoplasty, particularly with type III atresias, the duodenum is de-rotated, thus allowing a direct caudal descent from the stomach, which decreases the risk for obstruction. Additionally, the mesentery should be maximally opened, while meticulously protecting the small bowel vascular supply. During this process, the cecum can be mobilized to the left, which results in a broader mesentery and also allows the anastomosis to lie in manner that will help avoid kinking.
The tapering can be safely performed up to 35 cm.
The tapered bowel may then be anastomosed to the distal bowel or exteriorized as a stoma.
Contraindications for primary anastomosis in intestinal atresia?
A primary anastomosis may be contraindicated in cases of peritonitis, volvulus with vascular compromise, meconium ileus, or type III(b) atresia.
Under these circumstances, exteriorization of both ends of the atresia may be needed.
How do you manage intestinal atresia In a Gastroschisis patient?
Intestinal atresia encountered in a baby with gastroschisis may be single or multiple, and may be located in either the small or large bowel. In one report, 13% of 199 patients with gastroschisis had an associated atresia.
The most common location for the atresia was jejunoileal, and most were type III(a).
Our current management algorithm for patients with gastroschisis and atresia is to first assess the extent of reactive change (peel) on the intestine.
If there is minimal peel, primary anastomosis may be an option. This is rare and should be considered only in the most optimal situations.
In nearly all instances, the atresia should be left undisturbed at the initial operation. After fascial closure is accomplished, management should include gastric decompression and TPN support with subsequent atresia repair 4–6 weeks later.
With type III(b) atresia, restricting bands along the free edge of the distal coiled and narrow mesentery should be divided to optimize the blood supply.
The bowel should be returned to the abdomen with careful inspection of the mesentery to prevent torsing the single marginal artery and vein.
In cases of questionable intestinal viability, improved long-term results have been achieved with resection and tapering of the dilated proximal bowel with limited resection of the distal bowel.
Bowel-length conservation methods, such as multiple anastomoses for multiple atresias, may result in increased morbidity. A silicone (Silastic) catheter stent can be used with multiple primary anastomoses and serves as a conduit for radiologic evidence of anastomotic integrity, luminal patency, and enteral feeding.
If multiple atresias are grouped closely together and there is adequate bowel length, a single resection and anastomosis can be performed.
No attempt at any bowel lengthening procedure should be entertained at the initial operation. However, such procedures may ultimately obviate the need for prolonged TPN in patients with short gut syndrome.
Why is a duodenoduodenostomy preferred over a duodenojejunostomy or gastronejunostomy for duodenal atresia?
The long side-to-side duodenoduodenostomy, although effective, is associated with a high incidence of anastomotic dysfunction and prolonged obstruction.
Blind-loop syndrome appears to be more common in patients treated with duodenojejunostomy.
Gastrojejunostomy should not be performed as it is associated with a high incidence of marginal ulceration and bleeding.
Currently, the preferred technique is either laparoscopic or open duodenoduodenostomy. Originally, a sideto-side anastomosis was performed.
A proximal transverse to distal longitudinal (diamond-shaped) anastomosis is now preferred.
What is the embryology/etiology of duodenal atresia and stenosis?
Congenital duodenal atresia and stenosis is a frequent cause of intestinal obstruction and occurs in 1 per 500010,000 live births, affecting boys more commonly than girls.
Associated anomalies have been reported in 45–65% of cases.
Most commonly, trisomy 21 is found in almost half the cases, cardiac malformations in 25–65% of cases, and malrotation in 30% of cases.
Operative correction is accomplished via a duodenoduodenostomy, with or without tapering duodenoplasty, which can be performed either laparoscopically or open.
Early postoperative survival rates of >90% are expected.
Congenital duodenal obstruction can occur due to an intrinsic or extrinsic lesion.
The most common cause of duodenal obstruction is atresia.
However, the mechanism that gives rise to duodenal atresia remains unclear.
The most well-known hypothesis was proposed by the Viennese anatomist Julius Tandler in 1900. Tandler formulated his hypothesis from his analysis of duodenal development in 11 normal embryos.
He observed that as the duodenum progresses through early development, the epithelial lining undergoes a rapid proliferative phase that occludes the lumen of the intestinal tube on day 42 of development.
Over the course of the ensuing 2 days, the plug of epithelial tissue develops cracks that give way, reestablishing the continuity of the intestinal lumen.
Tandler stated at the end of his paper on the subject: “If one keeps in mind the fact that on one hand the epithelial occlusion of the duodenum represents a normal event, but on the other hand that it is exactly in this place that most pathologic occlusions of the intestine occur, the question does not appear unjustified to ask whether these processes relate to each other, that is, whether they are causally related. It would not be impossible that in rare cases the physiologic atresia remains and develops into a congenital atresia.”
Over the years, through publication and republication, Tandler’s hypothesis has come to exceed its own status and is frequently presented as fact in the absence of new supporting evidence since he first put forth his hypothesis.
Given the lack of clarity on the origins of this defect, it is worthwhile reviewing what is known about how these defects occur.
There are two reliable genetic models of duodenal atresia.
The homozygous mutation of either the fibroblast growth receptor 2IIIb or its cognate ligand Fgf10 results in duodenal atresias in mouse embryos about 40% of the time.
One hundred percent of these embryos also develop type III atresias of the distal colon.
Atresias of the duodenum are type III approximately 94% of the time in these murine models, whereas the remaining 6% are type I defects in which there is a luminal interruption in the continuity of the duodenum.
The earliest events in this mouse model appear to be an increase in the rate of epithelial apoptosis compared with controls at embryonic day (E) 10.5 that is followed by the absence or attrition of epithelial cells in the proximal loop of the duodenum a full day and a half later at E12.0.
Whether the increased apoptosis is a critical event that results in the absence of the epithelium, or whether there are other events such as cell movement, remains unclear.
By E12.5, the affected segment of duodenum has narrowed dramatically, and by E13.5, it has completely disappeared, resulting in the typical type III defect.
In contrast to the normal human developmental events in which an epithelial plug forms in the duodenal region from exuberant epithelial growth, the duodenum of the wild-type and mutant mouse embryos never form occlusive epithelial plugs in this anatomic region.
Interestingly, the pyloric channel of the wild-type embryos forms a nearly occlusive plug at a later developmental time point: E14.0, yet pyloric atresias have not been observed in these wild-type mice.
The severity of the defect in this murine model can be shifted by reducing the amount of retinoic acid via a mutation in a single copy of the Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene.
The addition of this mutation results in the majority of the duodenal atresias manifesting as type I or type II, and only rarely type III defects.
What we know from these models is that atresias are associated with the focal loss of epithelial cells as opposed to a hyperproliferative epithelial state that fails to resolve as proposed by Tandler.
Also, type I to type III defects represent a continuum of severity arising from a single genetic or molecular mechanism.
There have been isolated reports of specific mutations associated with duodenal atresia in humans. It has been reported in one patient with 17q12 microdeletion, which includes the gene for hepatic nuclear factor β-1.
In addition, mutations in transcription factors critical for foregut development have also been implicated.
Homozygous mutation of RFX6, which is critical for normal pancreatic development, has been reported to be associated with duodenal atresia.
Mutation in the FoxF1 gene, which is involved in the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway, has also been reported to be associated with duodenal atresia.
Interestingly, mouse models in which both copies of this gene are mutated do not manifest intestinal atresias.
With the decreasing cost of complete genomic sequencing, it is likely that mutations in many genes will be found to be associated with duodenal atresia.
From there, molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning this defect will be better delineated.
These discoveries may also shed light on one of the more vexing problems in children with intestinal atresias, which is poor intestinal motility.
Insights into intestinal motility in this clinical setting may be widely applicable to several unrelated and poorly understood intestinal motility disorders that plague children and adults.
Equally important, identification of associated genes will result in screening tools that can diagnose embryos at risk for these defects very early in pregnancy.
This will provide an opportunity for early intervention through gene editing.
For now, however, the focus of treating this defect will remain on the postnatal surgical interventions required and how we can improve the quality of postoperative management.
Annular pancreas as an etiology for duodenal obstruction warrants special mention, as this form of obstruction is likely due to failure of duodenal development rather than a true constricting external lesion.
Thus, the presence of an annular pancreas is simply a visible indication of an underlying atresia or stenosis.
Between the fourth and eighth week of gestation, the pancreatic buds merge.
In annular pancreas, the tip of the ventral pancreas becomes fixed to the duodenal wall, forming a nondistensible, ring-like or annular portion of pancreatic tissue surrounding the descending part of the duodenum.
In annular pancreas associated with duodenal obstruction, the distal biliary tree is often abnormal and may open proximal or distal to the atresia or stenosis.
Other reported biliary abnormalities associated with duodenal obstruction include biliary atresia, gallbladder agenesis, stenosis of the common bile duct, choledochal cyst, and immune deficiency.
How are duodenal obstructions classified?
Anatomically, duodenal obstructions are classified as either atresias or stenoses.
An incomplete obstruction, due to a fenestrated web or diaphragm, is considered a stenosis. Most stenoses involve the third and/or fourth part of the duodenum.
Atresias, or complete obstruction, are further classified into three morphologic types.
Type I
Type I atresias account for >90% of all duodenal obstructions and contain a luminal diaphragm that includes mucosal and submucosal layers.
A diaphragm that has ballooned distally (windsock) is a type I atresia.
It is important to understand that the anatomy of the windsock may lead to a portion of the dilated duodenum actually being distal to the actual obstruction.
Type II
Type II atresias are characterized by a dilated proximal and collapsed distal segment connected by a fibrous cord.
Type III
Type III atresias have an obvious gap separating the proximal and distal duodenal segments.
More than 50% of affected patients with duodenal atresia have associated congenital anomalies.
Approximately 30% are associated with trisomy 21, 30% with isolated cardiac defects, and 25% with other gastrointestinal (GI) anomalies.
Approximately 45% of babies are premature, and about one-third exhibit growth retardation.
Where are duodenal obstructions located in relation to the ampulla?
The obstruction can be classified as either preampullary or postampullary, with approximately 85% of obstructions located distal to the ampulla.
With complete or almost complete obstruction, the stomach and proximal duodenum become significantly dilated.
The pylorus is usually distended and hypertrophic.
The bowel distal to the obstruction is collapsed, except in the case of a windsock deformity in which the distal bowel is dilated to a variable length depending on the length of the windsock.
In most cases of duodenal obstruction, the GI tract can be decompressed proximally.
With complete obstruction of the duodenum, the incidence of polyhydramnios ranges from 32–81%.
Growth retardation is also common, presumably from nutritional deprivation from the swallowed amniotic fluid.
How is duodenal atresia diagnosed antenatally and postnatally?
There are multiple benefits to the antenatal diagnosis of duodenal obstruction, including parental counseling.
The diagnosis can often be suggested by prenatal ultrasound (US).
Sonographic evaluation in fetuses of mothers with a history of polyhydramnios can detect two fluid-filled structures consistent with a double bubble in up to 44% of cases.
Despite duodenal obstruction usually occurring by week 12, the reason for failure of early prenatal detection is not entirely clear.
Most cases of duodenal atresia are detected between 7 and 8 months of gestation.
It is currently believed that immature gastric emptying in utero may contribute to low gastric pressures, failing to dilate the proximal duodenum until later in gestation.
While both circular and longitudinal muscle layers are present in the stomach by week 8 of gestation, pressure amplitudes at 25 weeks are only 60% of term gastric pressures.
The presentation of the neonate with duodenal obstruction varies depending on whether the obstruction is complete or incomplete, and the location of the ampulla of Vater in relation to the obstruction.
The classic presentation is that of bilious emesis within the first hours of life in an otherwise stable neonate.
In about 15% of cases, however, the atresia is preampullary and the emesis is nonbilious.
Abdominal distention may or may not be present. In neonates with duodenal atresia, the abdomen is scaphoid.
Aspiration via a nasogastric (NG) tube of >20 mL of gastric contents in a newborn suggests intestinal obstruction as the normal aspirate is <5 mL.
For patients with stenosis, the diagnosis is often delayed until the neonate has started on enteral feeds and feeding intolerance develops with emesis and gastric distention.
In antenatally suspected cases of duodenal obstruction, as well as in neonates with a clinical presentation consistent with a proximal bowel obstruction, an upright abdominal radiograph is usually sufficient to confirm the diagnosis of duodenal atresia.
The diagnostic radiographic presentation of duodenal atresia is that of a double bubble sign with no distal bowel gas.
The proximal left-sided bubble represents the air- and fluid-filled stomach while the dilated proximal duodenum represents the second bubble to the baby’s right of midline.
In almost all cases of duodenal atresia, the distal bowel is gasless. However, the presence of distal gas does not necessarily exclude the diagnosis of atresia as there is a report of a bifed common bile duct with insertion of one of the ducts proximal and the other distal to the atretic segment, which allowed the air to bypass the atresia.
In neonates whose stomach has been decompressed by either NG aspiration or vomiting, 40–60 mL of instilled air into the stomach will reproduce the double bubble.
Rarely, the biliary tree is air filled, and a variety of pancreatic and biliary anomalies have been demonstrated.
At our institution, neonates who present with bilious emesis and a decompressed stomach on plain abdominal films receive a limited upper GI contrast study to exclude malrotation and volvulus.
With duodenal stenosis, a double bubble sign is often not present and the diagnosis is usually made with a contrast study.
How is duodenal atresia managed?
After the diagnosis is made, appropriate resuscitation is required with correction of fluid balance and electrolyte abnormalities, in addition to gastric decompression.
At our institution, all neonates diagnosed with duodenal obstruction receive a complete metabolic profile, complete blood count, coagulation studies, an abdominal and spinal US, and two-dimensional echocardiography prior to any operation.
An emergency operation is performed only in cases where malrotation with concurrent volvulus cannot be excluded.
Prior to the mid-1970s, duodenojejunostomy was the preferred technique for correcting duodenal atresia or stenosis. Since then, the various techniques utilized have included side-to-side duodenoduodenostomy, diamond-shaped duodenoduodenostomy, partial web resection with Heineke–Mikulicz-type duodenoplasty, and tapering duodenoplasty.
The long side-to-side duodenoduodenostomy, although effective, is associated with a high incidence of anastomotic dysfunction and prolonged obstruction.
Blind-loop syndrome appears to be more common in patients treated with duodenojejunostomy.
Gastrojejunostomy should not be performed as it is associated with a high incidence of marginal ulceration and bleeding.
Currently, the preferred technique is either laparoscopic or open duodenoduodenostomy.
Originally, a side-to-side anastomosis was performed.
A proximal transverse to distal longitudinal (diamond-shaped) anastomosis is now preferred.
For the open approach, either a right upper quadrant supraumbilical transverse incision or an umbilical crease incision is utilized.
After mobilizing the ascending and transverse colon to the left, the duodenal obstruction is readily exposed.
Malrotation should be evaluated at this point as it can occur in association with congenital duodenal obstruction in up to 30% of patients.
A sufficient length of duodenum distal to the atresia is mobilized to allow for a tension-free anastomosis.
A transverse duodenotomy is made in the anterior wall of the distal portion of the dilated proximal duodenum, and a similar length duodenotomy is made in a vertical orientation on the antimesenteric border of the distal duodenum.
The anastomosis is then fashioned by approximating the end of each incision to the appropriate midportion of the other incision.
Tapering duodenoplasty is generally not necessary as the proximal duodenal dilation usually resolves after relief of the obstruction.
Muscular continuity of the duodenal wall suggests a windsock deformity or diaphragm.
This finding should precipitate extra vigilance in the operative correction because the dilated and collapsed bowel are both distal to the windsock, and have been anastomosed in error.
The laparoscopic approach was first described by Rothenberg in 2002. The standard laparoscopic approach begins with the patient supine, and the abdomen is insufflated through the umbilicus.
Two other instruments are inserted, one in the baby’s right lower quadrant and one in the right mid-epigastric region, respectively.
A liver retractor can be placed in the right or left upper quadrant if necessary.
Alternatively, the liver can be elevated by placing a transabdominal wall suture around the falciform ligament and tying it outside the abdomen.
The duodenum is mobilized, and the location of obstruction is identified. Using the same principles that have been described for the open approach, a standard diamond-shaped anastomosis is created.
Several studies have compared open and laparoscopic repair of duodenal atresia and have shown that the laparoscopic repair is as safe as the open and highlighted the advantages of early feeding.
The historical approach to enteral feeding following duodenal atresia repair involved a period of waiting for the gastric output to become less bilious and the volume of gastric drainage to decrease, indicating return of intestinal function.
One study showed that the time spent waiting for the gastric output to decrease is likely not necessary as all of the patients undergoing the laparoscopic duodenoplasty had initiation of feeds without adverse events after an upper GI contrast study on day 5 revealed no leak.
When compared with infants undergoing an open operation with the historical postoperative management mentioned previously, there was a marked reduction in hospitalization for the laparoscopically corrected infants, primarily due to the early feeding.
Historically, during repair of duodenal atresia, it has been emphasized that inspecting the entire small bowel to identify a second atresia is important.
Given that duodenal atresia and jejunoileal atresia do not share common embryologic etiologies, a multi-institutional review of duodenal atresia patients was undertaken to quantify the incidence of jejunoileal atresia in this population.
In this largest series to date, the rate of concomitant jejunoileal atresia in patients with duodenal atresia was <1%.
With the low incidence of a concomitant distal atresia, extensive inspection of the entire bowel does not appear necessary.
Early postoperative mortality for duodenal atresia repair has been reported to be as low as 3–5%, with the majority of deaths occurring secondary to complications related to associated congenital abnormalities.
Long-term survival approaches 90%.
Long-term complications have been noted following repair and include delayed gastric emptying, severe gastroesophageal reflux, bleeding peptic ulcer, megaduodenum, duodenogastric reflux, gastritis, blind-loop syndrome, and intestinal obstruction related to adhesions.
What is the etiology of jejunoileal atresia and stenosis?
Jejunoileal atresia occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 live births.
It occurs equally in males and females, and about one in three infants is premature.
Although the majority of cases are thought to occur sporadically, familial cases of intestinal atresia have been described.
It is generally accepted that jejunoileal atresia occurs as a result of an intrauterine ischemic insult to the midgut, affecting single or multiple segments of the already developed intestine.
Intrauterine vascular disruption can lead to ischemic necrosis of the bowel with subsequent resorption of the affected segment or segments.
The hypothesis that most cases of jejunoileal atresia occur secondary to vascular disruption during fetal life is derived from experimental as well as clinical evidence.
Isolated mesenteric vascular insults and interference with the segmental blood supply to the small intestine were created in fetal dogs, and resulted in different degrees and patterns of intraluminal obstruction, reproducing the spectrum of stenosis and atresia found in humans.
Moreover, the presence of bile, lanugo hair, and squamous epithelial cells from swallowed amniotic fluid distal to an atresia suggests that the atresia occurs subsequent to some event, but that at some time in gestation the intestinal lumen was patent, thus allowing passage of these contents.
Additionally, atresias seen in association with other intrauterine vascular insults such as intussusception, midgut volvulus, thromboembolic occlusions, transmesenteric internal hernias, and incarceration or snaring of bowel in an omphalocele or gastroschisis have contributed to wide acceptance of this hypothesis.
The presence of associated extra-abdominal organ abnormalities in jejunoileal atresia is low (<10%) due to its occurrence later in fetal life and the localized nature of the vascular insult.
Rarely, jejunoileal atresia has been found in patients with Hirschsprung disease (HD), cystic fibrosis, malrotation, Down syndrome, anorectal and vertebral anomalies, neural tube defects, congenital heart disease, and other GI atresias.
Methylene blue, previously used for amniocentesis in twin pregnancies, has been implicated in causing small bowel atresia as well.
Although jejunoileal atresias are usually not hereditary, there is a well-documented autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance of multiple atresias.
In these cases, intestinal rotation was normal, mesenteric defects were never observed, and lanugo hairs and squamous cells were not identified distal to the most proximal atresia.
All these findings suggest an early intrauterine event.
Survival is poor in these infants, even with successful bowel resection.
No correlations have been found between jejunoileal atresia and parental or maternal disease.
However, the use of maternal vasoconstrictive medications, as well as maternal cigarette smoking in the first trimester of pregnancy, has been shown to increase the risk of small bowel atresia.
Chromosomal abnormalities are seen in fewer than 1% of the babies born with jejunoileal atresia.
How are intestinal atresias classified?
The Grosfeld classification system separates these defects into four groups, with an additional consideration for type III(b).
This classification has significant prognostic and therapeutic value, as it emphasizes the importance of associated loss of intestinal length, abnormal collateral intestinal blood supply, and concomitant atresia or stenosis.
Regarding classification, the most proximal atresia determines whether the atresia is classified as jejunal or ileal atresia.
Multiple atresias are found in up to 30% of patients.
Stenosis is defined as a localized narrowing of the intestinal lumen without disruption in the intestinal wall or a defect in the mesentery.
At the stenotic site, a short, narrow, somewhat rigid segment of intestine with a small lumen is found.
Often the muscularis is irregular and the submucosa is thickened.
Stenosis may also take the form of a type I atresia with a fenestrated web.
Patients with jejunoileal stenosis usually have a normal length of small intestine.
Type I Atresia
In type I jejunoileal atresia, the intestinal obstruction occurs secondary to a membrane or web formed by both mucosa and submucosa, while the muscularis and serosa remain intact.
On gross inspection, the bowel and its mesentery appear to be in continuity.
However, the proximal bowel is dilated while the distal bowel is collapsed.
With the increased intraluminal pressure in the proximal bowel, bulging of the web into the distal intestine can create a windsock effect.
As with stenosis, there is no foreshortening of the bowel in type I atresias.
Type II Atresia
The clinical findings of a type II atresia are a dilated, blind-ending proximal bowel loop connected by a fibrous cord to the collapsed distal bowel with an intact mesentery.
Increased intraluminal pressure in the dilated and hypertrophied proximal bowel may lead to focal proximal small bowel ischemia.
The distal collapsed bowel commences as a blind end, which sometimes assumes a bulbous appearance owing to the remains of an intussusception.
Again, the total small bowel length is usually normal.
Type III(a) Atresia
In type III(a) atresia, the proximal bowel ends blindly, with no fibrous connecting cord to the distal intestine.
A V-shaped mesenteric defect of varying size is present between the two ends of intestine.
The dilated, blind-ending proximal bowel is often aperistaltic and frequently undergoes torsion or becomes overdistended, with subsequent necrosis and perforation occurring as a secondary event.
In this scenario, the total length of the small bowel is variable (but usually less than normal), owing to intrauterine resorption of the affected bowel.
Type III(b) Atresia
Type III(b) atresia (apple-peel, Christmas tree, or Maypole deformity) consists of a proximal jejunal atresia, absence of the superior mesenteric artery beyond the origin of the middle colic branch, agenesis of the dorsal mesentery, a significant loss of intestinal length, and a large mesenteric defect.
The decompressed distal small bowel lies free in the abdomen and assumes a helical configuration around a single perfusing vessel arising from the ileocolic or right colic arcades.
Occasionally, additional type I or type II atresias are found distal to the initial atresia.
It has also been shown that type III(b) atresias are significantly more likely to present with volvulus and are at risk for impaired vascularity of the distal bowel.
This type of atresia has been found in families with a pattern suggestive of an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.
It also has been encountered in siblings with identical lesions and in twins.
The occurrence of intestinal atresia in other siblings, the association of multiple atresias (15%), and the discordance in a set of apparently monozygotic twins may point to more complex genetic transmission for type III(b) atresias in around 20%.
Infants with this anomaly are often premature, and up to 50% may have malrotation.
Accordingly, there is increased morbidity (63%) and mortality (54%) in this population.
Type III(b) atresias are most likely the result of a proximal superior mesenteric arterial occlusion with extensive infarction of the proximal segment of the midgut.
Also, it can develop from a midgut volvulus.
Primary failure of development of the distal superior mesenteric artery has also been suggested as an etiologic factor. However, this is unlikely because meconium is usually found in the bowel distal to the atresia.
This finding indicates that the atresia develops after bile secretion begins, which occurs around week 12 of intrauterine life.
The superior mesenteric artery develops much earlier than 12 weeks.
Type IV Atresia
Multiple-segment atresias or a combination of types I to III are classified as type IV.
Up to one-third of infants affected with jejunoileal atresia present with multiple atresias.
The majority of cases of multiple-segment atresias are sporadic with no other family history of intestinal abnormalities.
They are likely a result of multiple vascular insults to the mesentery, intrauterine inflammatory processes, or a malformation of the GI tract occurring during embryonic development.
Embolic material from a nonviable fetus to a living monochorionic twin through placental vascular connections could also account for single or multiple intestinal atresias.
Associated defects, particularly abnormalities of the central nervous system, have been noted in approximately 25% of nonfamilial multiple intestinal atresia patients.
Multiple atresias have also been seen in association with severe immunodeficiency associated with a rare mutation in the tetratricopeptide repeat domain–7A (TTC7A) gene, which aids in the development of the thymus and intestinal epithelium.
A familial form of multiple intestinal atresia (FMIA) involving the stomach, duodenum, and both the small and large bowel has been described.
It is associated with prematurity and shortened bowel length. To date, it has been uniformly fatal.
It is associated with type I and II atresias, with type II predominating.
An autosomal recessive mode of transmission has been suggested for this familial condition because it is unlikely that an isolated prenatal vascular accident is responsible for such extensive involvement of the GI tract.
In addition, infants affected with this familial form are found to have long segments of completely occluded small or large intestine without a recognizable lumen.
Another pathognomonic feature seen in FMIA is the sieve-like appearance of the intestine on histologic examination where multiple lumina are surrounded by epithelial cells and muscularis mucosa.
What is the pathophysiology of intestinal atresia?
The vascular and subsequent ischemic insult not only causes morphologic abnormalities but also adversely influences the structure and subsequent function of the remaining proximal and distal bowel.
The blind-ended proximal bowel is dilated and hypertrophied with histologically normal villi, but without effective peristaltic activity.
A deficiency of mucosal enzymes and muscular adenosine triphosphatase has also been found.
At the level of the atresia, the ganglia of the enteric nervous system are atrophic with minimal acetylcholinesterase activity.
These changes are most likely secondary to local ischemia.
Obstruction alone can elicit similar, but less severe, morphologic and functional abnormalities.
Experimental studies showing that the intestinal atresia results from ischemic necrosis of the intestine also imply that there is a precarious blood supply to the proximally dilated bowel.
This has been confirmed with postmortem injection of barium sulfate into the mesenteric vessels.
However, it has also been postulated that the intestine is not ischemic at birth, but rather becomes so only with swallowing air.
Distention and increased intraluminal pressure or torsion can then occur.
The good results obtained with tapering procedures without resection of the bulbous portion would support the contention that the blood and nerve supply to the bowel adjacent to the atresia is normal.
However, this ischemic insult may interfere with mucosal and neural function.
Defective peristalsis is commonly noticed in the atretic area, thus supporting resection of the dilated bulbous proximal end for better function.
Because the proximal end of the distal atretic bowel has been subjected to a similar insult, a small portion of it should be resected at the time of operative correction as well.
What are the clinical manifestations of intestinal atresia?
Prompt recognition of intestinal obstruction in the neonate is paramount due to the possibility of midgut volvulus or an internal hernia with subsequent ischemia.
Although prenatal US is more reliable at detecting duodenal atresia, in recent years it has become useful in diagnosing jejunoileal atresia as well.
The US findings include dilated loops of bowel and polyhydramnios, which may not be present early in gestation or only with very distal obstructions.
A fetus with these abnormal findings should elicit a search for familial GI abnormalities as well as referral for prenatal evaluation.
The vast majority of patients with jejunoileal atresia will not be diagnosed prenatally.
In neonates with atresia or stenosis, the presenting symptoms are consistent with bowel obstruction, including bilious emesis and abdominal distention.
Although the meconium may appear normal, it is more common to see gray plugs of mucus passed via the rectum.
Occasionally, if the distal bowel in type III(b) atresia is ischemic, blood may be passed per rectum.
Intestinal stenosis is more likely to create diagnostic difficulty when compared with intestinal atresia.
Intermittent partial obstruction or malabsorption may improve without treatment.
Clinical investigations can initially be normal. However, these babies usually develop failure to thrive and ultimately progress to complete intestinal obstruction and require exploration.
How is jejunoileal atresia diagnosed?
The diagnosis of jejunoileal atresia can usually be made by radiographic examination of the abdomen using swallowed air as contrast.
Swallowed air reaches the proximal bowel by 1 hour and the distal small bowel by 3 hours in a normal vigorous infant in whom its passage is blocked, but this pattern may be delayed in premature or sick infants with poor sucking.
Proximal jejunal atresia patients can have a few gas-filled and fluid-filled loops of small bowel, but the remainder of the abdomen is gasless.
When the atresia is associated with cystic fibrosis, fewer air–fluid levels are evident, and the typical groundglass appearance of inspissated meconium is often seen.
A limited-contrast study may be useful if intestinal stenosis is suspected.
As haustral markings are rarely seen in neonates, distal ileal atresia may be difficult to differentiate from colonic atresia.
A contrast enema will reveal an unused appearance to the colon.
Reliance on intraoperative injection of saline into the large bowel to confirm distal bowel patency may fail to identify an associated colonic or rectal atresia.
If the small bowel atresia occurred late in gestation, the bowel distal to the atresia may have a more normal caliber.
Occasionally, air and meconium can accumulate proximal to an atresia, mimicking the radiologic appearance of meconium ileus.
In addition, total colonic aganglionosis can be difficult to differentiate from small bowel atresia.
Ten percent of babies with jejunoileal atresia present with meconium peritonitis.
The intestinal perforation usually occurs proximal to the obstruction, near the bulbous blind end.
The radiologic appearance of a meconium pseudocyst containing a large air–fluid level is related to the late intrauterine bowel perforation.
Intraluminal calcification of meconium or intramural calcification in the form of diffuse punctate or rounded aggregations have been reported with intestinal stenosis or atresia.
Meconium calcification in patients with hereditary FMIA produces a “string of pearls,” which is pathognomonic for this condition.
The clinical and radiologic picture of jejunoileal stenosis is determined by the level and degree of stenosis, and the diagnosis may be delayed for years.
Morphologic and functional changes in the proximal obstructed intestine vary depending on the degree of obstruction.
Diseases that mimic jejunoileal atresia include colonic atresia, midgut volvulus, meconium ileus, duplication cysts, internal hernias, ileus due to sepsis, birth trauma, maternal medications, prematurity, and hypothyroidism.
Special investigations including an upper GI contrast study, contrast enema, rectal biopsy, and a ΔF508 gene deletion assay or sweat test to exclude associated cystic fibrosis may be needed.
How is jejunoileal atresia managed?
Delay in diagnosis can lead to impairment of intestinal viability (50%), frank necrosis and perforation (10–20%), fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, and sepsis.
Preoperative management should include gastric decompression and fluid resuscitation to correct electrolyte abnormalities and hypovolemia.
Antibiotics should be initiated if there is suspicion for perforation or infection.
The operative management of small intestinal atresias is based on the location of the lesion, anatomic findings, associated conditions noted at operation, and the length of the remaining intestine.
Jejunoileal atresia has been estimated to account for 10% of surgical intestinal failures.
Prognosis is dependent on the length of remaining bowel and the presence/absence of the ileocecal valve.
Neonates with <25 cm of bowel will likely require parenteral nutrition and intestinal lengthening procedures.
Resection of the dilated and hypertrophied proximal bowel with primary end-to-end anastomosis with or without tapering of the proximal bowel, is the most common technique.
As recently as the 1950s, the surgical mortality for newborns with intestinal atresia was 80–90%. This high mortality rate was mostly related to late presentation and dysmotility of the proximal dilated bowel, which led to complications related to chronic obstruction and inanition.
Fortunately, the current survival rate is >90%.
The understanding that the proximal bowel is dysfunctional, along with improvements in the anastomotic technique and suture material, and the development of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) are the primary reasons for this significantly improved survival in recent years.
Currently, only infants with severe associated congenital abnormalities or short bowel syndrome should not have a good prognosis.
What are surgical approaches to jejunoileal atresia?
The repair of small intestinal atresia can be undertaken via several approaches.
One option is to evaluate using a laparoscopic approach, with subsequent resection and anastomosis performed in an extracorporeal fashion.
Although this approach seems attractive, it can be difficult to identify the atresia due to the markedly dilated small intestine and the small working space of the neonate’s abdominal cavity.
To overcome these limitations, we explore the abdomen through the umbilicus. With this technique, the umbilical skin is incised and the fascia is opened vertically in the midline to the extent allowed by the umbilical skin incision.
The small intestine can be exteriorized relatively easily through the umbilical incision.
In a retrospective report, a circumumbilical incision for neonatal surgery was found to as effective as the transverse abdominal incision with less morbidity and better cosmetic results.
The traditional transverse supra- or infraumbilical incision is also appropriate, but less cosmetically appealing with longer follow-up.
Regardless of the approach, access to the entire intestine and peritoneal cavity is necessary.
Careful inspection of the entire bowel is performed, and the site and type of obstruction should be noted as well as any other abnormalities.
In addition, the length of bowel should be assessed.
The most distal limb of the atretic bowel can then be cannulated with a red rubber catheter and irrigated with warm saline to evaluate for distal obstruction.
Continuity of the colon can be established preoperatively by a contrast enema or with a prepositioned transrectal catheter placed prior to prepping.
Failure to adequately evaluate for distal obstruction or stenosis can lead to postoperative complications, including an anastomotic leak.
If present, malrotation should be corrected with a Ladd procedure.
Because the length of functional bowel has important prognostic significance, and determines the most appropriate method of repair, the length of functional bowel should be carefully measured along the antimesenteric border and documented in the operative report.
Delayed intestinal function in the proximal atretic segment as well as functional obstruction after performance of a side-to-side anastomosis without resection of the dilated proximal atretic bowel have been described.
Therefore, if the length of functional bowel is adequate, the bulbous hypertrophied proximal bowel should be resected to approximately normal caliber bowel.
Ultimately, the goal is to restore bowel continuity while maintaining both intestinal function and length.
Intestinal imbrication has also been shown to be an effective method to reduce the caliber of the dilated bowel while maintaining mucosal absorptive surface.
Regarding the distal segment, a short length (4–5 cm) of bowel is obliquely resected, leaving the mesenteric side longer than the antimesenteric aspect.
An incision along the antimesenteric border to create a “fish mouth” may be needed to create an adequate distal enterotomy for the anastomosis.
Although there are multiple techniques for the anastomosis, we generally perform a one-layer modification of the end-to-back technique using 5-0 or 6-0 sutures.
Once the anastomosis is completed, the suture line is tested for leaks, and reinforcing sutures are placed as needed.
The mesenteric defect is repaired with careful attention to avoid rotation or kinking of the anastomosis, or injury to the blood supply.
A temporary enterostomy should be performed if there is a question of bowel viability.
However, neither decompressive gastrostomy nor transanastomotic stents are usually needed.
Similar techniques are used for stenosis and jejunoileal membranes.
Procedures such as transverse enteroplasty, excision of the membrane, and bypassing techniques are not recommended primarily because they fail to remove the abnormal segments of bowel, and may produce blind-loop syndromes.
What factors influence the prognosis of jejunoileal atresia patients?
The normal small bowel length in term neonates is approximately 250 cm. In preterm infants, it ranges from 160–240 cm.
With the development of TPN, special enteral diets, and pharmacologic management, previous estimates that a small bowel length of 100 cm or more is necessary to sustain oral intake and survival may no longer be applicable.
Preservation of bowel length at the expense of a poorly functioning anastomosis should be avoided.
If proximal resection will lead to significant, or unacceptable, bowel loss, tapering or plication of the dilated bowel is a useful technique.
Tapering enteroplasty as far proximal as the second portion of the duodenum can be accomplished by resecting an antimesenteric strip of the dilated proximal bowel.
During tapering duodenojejunoplasty, particularly with type III atresias, the duodenum is de-rotated, thus allowing a direct caudal descent from the stomach, which decreases the risk for obstruction.
Additionally, the mesentery should be maximally opened, while meticulously protecting the small bowel vascular supply.
During this process, the cecum can be mobilized to the left, which results in a broader mesentery and also allows the anastomosis to lie in manner that will help avoid kinking.
The tapering can be safely performed up to 35 cm.
The tapered bowel may then be anastomosed to the distal bowel or exteriorized as a stoma.
A primary anastomosis may be contraindicated in cases of peritonitis, volvulus with vascular compromise, meconium ileus, or type III(b) atresia.
Under these circumstances, exteriorization of both ends of the atresia may be needed.
Intestinal atresia encountered in a baby with gastroschisis may be single or multiple, and may be located in either the small or large bowel.
In one report, 13% of 199 patients with gastroschisis had an associated atresia.
The most common location for the atresia was jejunoileal, and most were type III(a).
Our current management algorithm for patients with gastroschisis and atresia is to first assess the extent of reactive change (peel) on the intestine.
If there is minimal peel, primary anastomosis may be an option.
This is rare and should be considered only in the most optimal situations.
In nearly all instances, the atresia should be left undisturbed at the initial operation.
After fascial closure is accomplished, management should include gastric decompression and TPN support with subsequent atresia repair 4–6 weeks later.
With type III(b) atresia, restricting bands along the free edge of the distal coiled and narrow mesentery should be divided to optimize the blood supply.
The bowel should be returned to the abdomen with careful inspection of the mesentery to prevent torsing the single marginal artery and vein.
In cases of questionable intestinal viability, improved long-term results have been achieved with resection and tapering of the dilated proximal bowel with limited resection of the distal bowel.
Bowel-length conservation methods, such as multiple anastomoses for multiple atresias, may result in increased morbidity.
A silicone (Silastic) catheter stent can be used with multiple primary anastomoses and serves as a conduit for radiologic evidence of anastomotic integrity, luminal patency, and enteral feeding.
If multiple atresias are grouped closely together and there is adequate bowel length, a single resection and anastomosis can be performed.
No attempt at any bowel lengthening procedure should be entertained at the initial operation.
However, such procedures may ultimately obviate the need for prolonged TPN in patients with short gut syndrome.
What are measures for postoperative care in jejunoileal atresia patients?
Parenteral nutrition can be useful in select patients.
A recent retrospective review evaluated 73 patients over a 7-year period. Nineteen required parenteral nutrition immediately in the postoperative period, Thirteen patients eventually needed paternal nutrition due to ileus, and the remaining did not require parenteral nutrition.
Parental nutrition, if utilized, should begin as soon as possible and should continue until the infant is tolerating full enteral feeds.
Enteral feedings can be initiated when the gastric aspirate is clear, output is minimal, and the infant is stooling. We prefer to start the enteral feeding through a feeding tube at a rate of 20 mL/kg/day of breast milk or formula in a continuous fashion. The feeds are increased by 20–30 mL/kg/day.
Oral intake is initiated when the baby is alert, able to suck, and tolerating at least 8 mL of tube feeds per hour.
Transient GI dysfunction is frequently observed in infants with jejunal and ileal atresia, and its etiology is multifactorial.
Lactose intolerance, malabsorption (owing to stasis with bacterial overgrowth), and diarrhea may be significant in infants who have undergone repair of type III(b) atresia, or in those with short bowel syndrome after surgery for multiple atresias.
Regular monitoring for clinical signs of intestinal overload or intolerance is required.
Waterloss stools, increasing frequency of stooling, hematochezia, fecal-reducing substances, or a decreased stool pH warrant biochemical evaluation of the stool for disaccharide or monosaccharide intolerance.
Unintentional injury to the mucosa can be caused by sugars, high-osmolarity feeds, oral medications, and bacterial or viral infections.
Pharmacologic control of altered GI function may hasten adaptation.
Loperamide hydrochloride decreases intestinal peristaltic activity, and cholestyramine is effective in binding bile salts.
Cholestyramine should not be given unless water-loss stools are evident. Vitamin B12 and folic acid should be given regularly to the patient without a terminal ileum to prevent megaloblastic anemia.
A functional outcome ultimately depends on the following factors:
(1) the location of the atresia (the ileum adapts to a greater degree than the jejunum);
(2) the maturity of the intestine (the small intestine in a premature infant still has time for maturation and growth); and
(3) the length of the small intestine, which can be difficult to determine accurately after birth.
The ileocecal valve is critically important, as it allows for more rapid intestinal adaptation when the residual small bowel length is short.
How is colonic atresia diagnosed and managed?
Colonic atresia is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction and comprises 2–15% of all GI atresias.
The reported incidence of colonic atresia varies greatly, from 1 in 5000 to 1 in 60,000 live births.
The accepted incidence is approximately 1 in 20,000 live births.
Although it is most commonly reported as an isolated anomaly, approximately one-third of babies have associated congenital lesions.
There are various classifications for colonic atresia, but the one most commonly used divides colonic atresia into three types.
Type I consists of mucosal atresia with an intact bowel wall and mesentery.
In type II, the atretic ends are separated by a fibrous cord.
In type III, the atretic ends are separated by a V-shaped mesenteric gap.
Type III lesions are the most commonly occurring lesions overall, while types I and II are seen more commonly distal to the splenic flexure.
The rate of associated anomalies with colonic atresia is much smaller when compared with other atresias.
Colonic atresias have been found in approximately 2.5% of neonates with gastroschisis.
There are fewer than 25 published cases of colonic atresia and HD.
Complex urologic abnormalities, multiple small intestinal atresias, an unfixed mesentery, and skeletal anomalies have also been reported with colonic atresia.
Similar to small bowel atresias, a vascular insult to the colon continues to be the accepted etiology for all types of colonic atresia.
The characteristic clinical features of colonic atresia are abdominal distention, bilious emesis, and failure to pass meconium.
On plain radiographs, air–fluid levels are usually appreciated as well as dilated intestinal loops of large bowel often associated with a “ground-glass” appearance of meconium mixed with air.
Occasionally, the dilation can be so massive that it mimics pneumoperitoneum.
The diagnosis is made with a contrast enema showing a small diameter distal colon that comes to an abrupt halt at the level of the obstruction.
The diagnosis of colonic atresia is an indication for urgent operative management, as the risk for perforation is higher than is seen in jejunoileal atresias.
The operative approach depends on the clinical status of the patient, the level of the atresia, any associated small intestinal atresias, and the patency of the bowel distal to the atresia.
It is important to exclude other intestinal atresias and stenoses at the time of operation, as they occur with some frequency.
A diagnosis of associated HD, although rare, must be made by frozen section analysis of rectal biopsies during the initial surgery as unrecognized HD can lead to an anastomotic leak or functional obstruction.
A staged approach consisting of colostomy with mucous fistula is generally preferred for colonic atresia. Because the proximal and distal ends adjacent to the atresia are abnormal in both innervation and vascularity, resection of the bulbous proximal colon as well as a portion of the distal microcolon is suggested.
Primary resection with anastomosis has a higher incidence of complications, usually due to undiagnosed distal pathology.
A recent report of a small case series of rectal and sigmoid atresias described a transanal approach for the repair of the atresias.
An initial colostomy at birth was performed followed by a transanal approach 3–6 months later.
Closure of the colostomy was then carried out 1–2 months later.
In the absence of other serious comorbidities, the prognosis in colonic atresia is excellent.
If diagnosed early, the overall mortality is <10%.
A delay in diagnosis beyond 72 hours, however, may result in a mortality of >60%. This high mortality is due, in part, to the formation of a closed loop obstruction between an intact ileocecal valve and the atresia, leading to massive colonic distention and perforation.
Which of the following is true regarding the prevalence of jejunoileal atresia?
A The worldwide prevalence is approximately one case per 1000 live births.
B The prevalence is greatest in Spain.
C A higher prevalence is noted in twins, regardless of race.
D The prevalence is higher in Caucasians than East Asians.
E Male infants are more commonly affected than female infants.
The prevalence of jejunoileal atresia varies widely across the globe, ranging from 1.3 cases per 10 000 live births in Spain to as high as 2.9 cases per 10 000 live births in the united States.
A higher prevalence is noted in twins, regardless of race, and consistent with this finding, a population-based study conducted in the Netherlands found a higher incidence of small-bowel atresia in fraternal twins.
Population-based studies from Hawaii demonstrated a higher incidence of jejunoileal atresia in East Asians than white people.
multiple studies have noted that boys and girls are equally affected by intestinal atresia.
Jejunoileal atresia has been associated with maternal use of all of the following except:
A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
B pseudoephedrine
C pseudoephedrine in combination with acetaminophen
D caffeine
E ergotamine tartrate.
Studies have demonstrated that the use of pseudoephedrine, either alone or in combination, increases the risk of developing small intestinal atresia.
The mechanism is likely due to an interruption of blood supply to that segment of bowel.
The treatment of migraine headaches during pregnancy with ergotamine tartrate and caffeine has also been implicated in the development of intestinal atresia.
No studies to date have linked the use of NSAIDs to jejunoileal atresia.
Which of the following is true of clinical presentation of jejunoileal atresia?
A Duodenal atresia occurs more frequently than jejunoileal atresia.
B Girls develop small-bowel atresia twice as frequently as boys.
C Trisomy 21 is often associated with jejunoileal atresia.
D Extraintestinal anomalies occur in 25%–35% of patients with jejunoileal atresia.
E Extraintestinal anomalies are more often associated with ileal atresia than jejunal atresia.
Studies indicate that jejunoileal atresia occurs in 50%–66% of cases of bowel atresia, while duodenal atresia occurs in 33%–44% of cases, and colonic atresia (6%) is uncommon.
Boys and girls are equally affected by intestinal atresia.
Trisomy 21, although frequently associated with duodenal atresia, is rarely seen in patients with jejunoileal atresia.
The incidence of extraintestinal anomalies in patients with intestinal atresia ranges from 25% to 35%, with a higher incidence of anomalies associated with jejunal atresia than with ileal atresia.
There is an increased incidence of the following associations with jejunoileal atresia except:
A biliary atresia
B duodenal atresia
C imperforate anus
D Hirschsprung’s disease
E colonic atresia.
most cases of jejunoileal atresia are sporadic, but there is an association with other conditions such as:
● biliary atresia – 14 reported cases in the last 20 years
● duodenal atresia – fewer than five reported cases. Always test patency downstream after repair of duodenal atresia
● colonic atresia – test colonic patency either with a preoperative contrast enema or intraoperative confirmation
● gastric atresia
● Hirschsprung’s disease – 19 reported cases
● arthrogryposis
● identical twins – seven pairs of twins have been reported.
Gastrointestinal anomalies in association with jejunoileal atresia are extremely rare.
Which of the following is not true regarding the mechanism of intestinal atresia?
A Epithelial plugging and failure of recanalisation is the likely aetiology of duodenal atresia.
B Bile pigments, squames and lanugo hairs are often found distal to atretic jejunoileal segments.
C Ligation of fetal dog mesenteric vessels produced a pattern of intestinal atresia similar to that seen in human neonates.
D Intrauterine midgut volvulus can be the cause of jejunoileal atresia
E A rat model using tetracycline is associated with multiple intestinal atresias.
Epithelial plugging and failure of recanalisation is the aetiology likely to apply to duodenal atresia, but not jejunoileal atresia.
A common observation in jejunoileal atresia is that the proximal and distal bowel segments are often separated by either a cordlike structure or a gap between the segments of bowel with an obvious mesenteric defect.
It has been documented by a number of authors that bile pigments, squames and lanugo hairs are often found distal to atretic segments. This implicates that events other than epithelial plugging may cause intestinal atresia and that these events occur later in utero.
moreover, fetal bile secretion and the swallowing of amniotic fluid begin in weeks 11 and 12 of intrauterine life, well after the luminal revacuolisation process.
In 1955, louw and Barnard subjected dog fetuses to ligation of mesenteric vessels and strangulation obstruction late in the course of gestation. Examination of affected fetal intestine 10–14 days later showed a variety of atretic conditions similar to those seen in human neonates. These findings strongly suggest that most jejunoileal atresias are the result of late intrauterine mesenteric vascular occlusions.
Intrauterine midgut volvulus can cause an interruption of the mesenteric blood supply thereby leading to intestinal atresia.
A rat model using doxorubicin reported a teratogenic mechanism of the developing midgut leading to multiple intestinal atresias.
Intestinal atresias secondary to late intrauterine insults are often seen in all of the following clinical scenarios except:
A appendicitis
B midgut volvulus
C intussusception
D internal hernia
E gastroschisis
Intrauterine appendicitis has not been implicated in the cause of jejunoileal atresia.
Intestinal atresias secondary to late intrauterine mesenteric vascular insults are often seen in patients with volvulus, intussusception, internal hernia, and tight anterior abdominal wall defects.
Studies have found that volvulus was detected in 33%–35% of patients, malrotation in 16%, intussusception in 3%, internal hernia in 1%–5% and gastroschisis in 2%–14%.
Which of the following has been associated with a postnatal cause for small-bowel atresia?
A umbilical arterial catheter placement
B umbilical venous catheter placement
C internal hernia
D iatrogenic umbilical clamping of an occult omphalocele
E umbilical hernia
The placement of umbilical artery or venous catheters has not been associated with the postnatal development of jejunoileal atresia.
These lines are linked to high rates of thrombosis, and umbilical venous catheters can lead to portal vein thrombosis and therefore threatening injury to the intestine.
Internal hernias have been linked to intrauterine intestinal atresia in 1%–5% of cases. In the rare instance of an internal hernia occurring during the neonatal period, bowel ischaemia would be the clinical presentation not atresia.
unfortunately, iatrogenic postpartum ileal atresia as a result of umbilical clamping of an occult omphalocele has been reported.
many neonates are born with an umbilical hernia but this has not been connected to intestinal atresia.
Complex jejunoileal atresia (multiple atresias, apple-peel deformity) has been linked to all of the following except:
A placental vascular anomalies
B intrauterine intussusception
C congenital immunodeficiency
D acquired immunodeficiency
E genetic contribution.
The association of placental vascular anomalies and complex jejunoileal atresia (multiple atresias, apple-peel deformity) has been demonstrated.
All of these patients had low birthweight, consistent with the impact of placental vascular compromise on fetal growth.
multiple atresias have also been noted in patients with congenital and acquired immunodeficiency.
It has been noted that patients with a genetic link to jejunoileal atresia can present with multiple atresias or an apple-peel deformity and that these patients are often immunocompromised.
All of the following are true regarding the genetic aspects of intestinal atresia except:
A autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant transmission
B combined duodenal and jejunal atresia have a familial link
C multiple atresias or the apple-peel deformity are the most common variants of genetically associated jejunoileal atresia
D a familial pattern of multiple atresias has been reported in French Canadians near the St John River in Quebec
E a distinct gene has been linked to intestinal atresia
A number of studies have focused on the genetic aspects of multiple atresias.
In 1973, Guttman and colleagues reported a familial pattern of multiple atresias affecting the stomach, duodenum, small intestine and colon occurring in French Canadians near the St John River in Quebec. Because of the high degree of consanguinity observed in this group, a number of authors proposed that extensive multiple atresias is most likely an expression of a rare autosomal recessive gene. A report describing the natural history of these patients found that all had an Immunoglobulin m deficiency and had died, but the aetiology remains unclear; a specific gene mutation has not yet been elucidated.
The genetic contribution to jejunoileal atresia is unclear. Reports have been published regarding the familial instances of combined duodenal and jejunal atresia. Numerous authors have also reported hereditary multiple intestinal atresias and both autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant transmission has been documented.
Five distinct types of familial atresia have been documented to date (i.e. pyloric atresia, duodenal atresia, hereditary multiple atresia syndrome, apple-peel atresia and colonic atresia).
Prenatal and postnatal clinical signs of jejunoileal atresia include all of the following except:
A passage of meconium on the first day of life
B maternal polyhydramnios
C bilious emesis
D abdominal distension
E jaundice.
Polyhydramnios is observed in 24% of intestinal atresia cases and is more common in patients with proximal jejunal atresia (38%).
Bilious emesis is slightly more common in patients with jejunal atresia (84%), whereas abdominal distension is more common in patients with ileal atresia (98%).
Jaundice, which is characteristically associated with elevated indirect bilirubin, occurs in 32% of infants with jejunal atresia and 20% of those with ileal atresia.
Although most infants with jejunoileal atresia fail to pass meconium in the first 24 hours of life, either meconium or necrotic tissue is occasionally passed.
upper abdominal distension is often associated with more-proximal atresia; more-generalised distension usually indicates a more-distal obstruction (e.g. distal small bowel or colon) in which many loops of bowel are filled with air proximal to the level of obstruction.
Which of the following is true regarding the prenatal imaging of jejunoileal atresia?
A MRI should be the initial imaging modality in suspected cases of bowel obstruction.
B Ultrasound is more reliable in detecting distal vs. proximal smallbowel atresia.
C Over 75% of patients with jejunoileal atresia are diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound.
D Ultrasound findings do not affect neonatal outcomes in patients with intestinal atresia.
E Mothers with oligohydramnios should be suspected of having a small bowel obstruction, possibly due to intestinal atresia.
Prenatal ultrasonography (US) in mothers with polyhydramnios has identified small-bowel obstruction associated with atresia, volvulus, and meconium peritonitis.
The presence of small-bowel atresia is suspected when US reveals multiple distended loops of proximal bowel with vigorous peristalsis. In these patients, the distal bowel is decompressed.
ultrasound is more reliable in detecting proximal vs. distal intestinal atresia.
overall, only 31% of patients with small-bowel atresia were diagnosed during antenatal US and it has been noted that the later in gestation the US is performed, the more likely it is to detect the malformation.
When recognised, the atresia was more often in a proximal location and the infants required prolonged postnatal treatment.
Studies suggest that antenatal US findings have a relatively poor predictive value for bowel abnormalities and are unreliable in detecting or excluding fetal gastrointestinal malformations.
moreover, these findings do not affect neonatal outcomes in patients with intestinal atresia.
The utility of fetal MRI indicates that this modality can identify gastrointestinal abnormalities and suggest that it may be more accurate than US in the prenatal diagnosis of bowel atresia.
The pathological findings associated with jejunoileal atresia include all of the following except:
A the distribution between the jejunum and ileum is similar
B most atresias occur in the proximal ileum
C approximately 90% of intestinal atresias are a single event
D multiple atresias most often involve the proximal jejunum
E malrotation is observed in 10%–18% of patients.
malrotation has been observed in approximately 10%–17% of patients with jejunoileal atresia.
Jejunoileal atresias are nearly equally distributed between the jejunum (51%) and the ileum (49%).
most atresias (36%) occur in the distal ileum; 13% occur in the proximal ileum; 31% occur in the proximal jejunum, and 20% occur in the distal jejunum.
Intestinal atresias are generally a single event (>90%); however, multiple atresias can occur (6% to 20%) and most often involve the proximal jejunum.
In jejunoileal atresia the apple-peel deformity is associated with all of the following except:
A it is also known as the Christmas tree deformity or classified as a type IIIb atresia
B it presents with a proximal atresia near the ligament of Treitz
C the blood supply is provided in antegrade fashion
D it has been associated with a familial pattern of inheritance
E it is often associated with prematurity.
The apple-peel or Christmas tree deformity occurs in 11%–32% of all jejunoileal atresia cases.
These patients present with a very proximal atresia near the ligament of Treitz, a large mesenteric defect, and foreshortened bowel.
The blood supply that contributes to the distal bowel is quite precarious as it is supplied in a retrograde fashion by arcades from the ileocolic, right colic or inferior mesenteric arteries.
This variant of atresia is associated with a familial pattern of inheritance. Patients with this form of atresia typically are premature (70%), of low birthweight (70%), have a high rate of malrotation (54%) and an increased number of congenital anomalies.
All of the following are true regarding the classification system for jejunoileal atresia except:
A type I and II atresias have a V-shaped gap within the mesentery
B type II has two atretic blind ends connected by a fibrous cord
C type III occurs most commonly
D type III atresias have a shortened bowel length
E type IV lesions occur in 6%–20% of all atresia cases.
The contemporary classification of jejunoileal atresia has been modified to include four different types.
Type I refers to a mucosal (septal) atresia with an intact bowel wall and its mesentery.
Type II refers to two atretic blind ends connected by a fibrous cord with an intact mesentery, and
type III comprises two separated segments of bowel with a V-shaped gap within the mesentery.
Type III atresias have been subdivided into type IIIa, which describes the previously designated type III lesion, and type IIIb, which refers to the apple-peel or Christmas tree anomaly.
multiple atresias are referred to as type IV lesions.
In a study evaluating 559 cases of jejunoileal atresia, de lorimier and colleagues reported that 19% were type I, 31% were type II, and 46% were type III.
The authors noted that type I and type II atresia typically have a normal length of intestine as compared with the type III lesions, which are associated with a shorter bowel length caused by resorption of the fetal gut after a vascular accident.
The proximal segment of atretic bowel is known to have ineffective peristalsis due to all of the following except:
A increased bacterial colonisation of the dilated segment
B significant smooth muscle hypertrophy
C hyperplasia of the intestinal smooth muscle
D hypoplasia of the enteric intramural nerves
E decreased number of interstitial cells of Cajal.
Studying the pathophysiology of the proximal segment of atretic bowel has provided convincing evidence that this segment has ineffective peristalsis and fails to function properly.
At the microscopic level, it has been noted that the proximal atretic segment of bowel demonstrated significant smooth muscle hypertrophy and enlargement of the bowel diameter.
other authors have suggested that hyperplasia was the primary change occurring to the intestinal smooth muscle proximal to an obstruction. This hyperplasia may become so extreme proximal to a complete obstruction (as seen in an atresia) that the bowel may decompensate to the point that even a very strong contraction cannot approximate the intestinal walls sufficiently to generate a luminal pressure that permits efficient propulsion.
Several studies have also demonstrated an effect on the enteric nervous system in association with jejunoileal atresia. In neonatal human specimens of the excised proximal atretic bowel, the presence of hypoplasia of the enteric intramural nerves has been demonstrated.
Also, a remarkable decrease of interstitial cells of Cajal (pacemaker cells of the gastrointestinal tract) was noted in the wall of the small bowel of patients with intestinal atresia.
Which of the following is true regarding the treatment of jejunoileal atresia?
A It is not necessary to test for distal atresias once the dilated proximal segment is identified.
B Resection of the proximal dilated segment in ileal atresia is contraindicated.
C In the case of a proximal jejunal atresia, the dilated segment should be resected back to the ligament of Treitz.
D Preservation of bowel in type IV atresia is not necessary.
E If bowel preservation is required, tapering of the dilated proximal segment should be performed on the mesenteric side of the bowel.
When dealing with a jejunoileal atresia, resection of the proximal dilated atretic segment of bowel up to the ligament of Treitz is necessary, but only far enough to allow an anastomosis to be fashioned without difficulty. This is typically followed by an end-to-oblique anastomosis.
This scenario is typically successful and often avoids the complications of functional anastomotic obstruction.
If inadequate bowel length is noted that could potentially lead to dependence on parenteral nutrition (short bowel syndrome), tapering of the dilated bowel on the antimesenteric border should be performed.
This is accomplished by using either a hand-sewn or stapling enteroplasty.
The most bulbous portion of the proximal atretic segment is resected and the remaining bowel is tapered over a 24–26 French catheter guide, which is placed within the lumen on the mesenteric side of the intestine.
Assessment of the distal segment of bowel is essential to rule out distal atresias and this is performed by placing a purse-string suture in the distal atretic segment of bowel; this segment is opened to allow for the placement of an 8 French red rubber catheter within the lumen of the distal bowel. The bowel is then injected with saline to rule out another atretic segment or distal mucosal membrane or web.
In the case of multiple atresias (type IV) especially when intestinal length is in question, a concerted effort is made to preserve as much bowel as possible.
To accomplish this goal, multiple anastomoses may be necessary.
Typically, the distal atretic segments are decompressed, and if the lumina are patent, end-to-end anastomoses can be fashioned.
Which of the following is false with regard to the morbidity and mortality of jejunoileal atresia after repair?
A Anastomotic leak and functional intestinal obstruction are the two most significant postoperative complications.
B Overall survival rates are greater than 80%.
C Over the past 3 decades, morbidity is increasing and mortality is decreasing.
D A recent study noted that 25% of patients required a second operation.
E Malabsorption of fat, bile salts, vitamin B 12 and calcium are associated with proximal jejunal atresia.
Functional intestinal obstruction at the site of the anastomosis and anastomotic leak are the two most significant postoperative complications and are associated with a reported mortality rate of 15%.
A number of reports published from 1985 to 2001 describe overall survival rates in patients with jejunoileal atresia that range from 80% to 90% or greater.
A recent study found that infants with intestinal atresia, a birthweight less than 2 kg, and associated anomalies are at an increased risk for prolonged hospital stay and mortality.
The same study commented that 25% required a second operation, including lysis of adhesions (33%), a tapering enteroplasty (33%), and resection of a stenotic segment of bowel with tapering (33%).
Despite these complications, overall mortality was only 3.3%.
Infants with more-distal ileal resections are more prone to malabsorption (fat, bile salts, vitamin B12 , calcium and magnesium), diarrhoea (steatorrhoea), and increased bacterial proliferation and overgrowth.
Although many infants with short bowel syndrome survive, they require ongoing monitoring for renal stones, gallstones, and malabsorption.
late anastomotic ulcers presenting as either melaena or iron-deficiency anaemia have also been reported.
What is the pathogenesis of duodenal atresia?
The majority of pediatric duodenal obstructions are congenital due to one of four etiologies: duodenal atresia, duodenal stenosis (also referred to as web, diaphragm, or windsock anomaly), annular pancreas, and rotational abnormalities resulting in midgut volvulus or Ladd’s bands.
Duodenal atresia and stenosis are best explained by the theory of defective duodenal recanalization.
The duodenal lumen is obliterated at 7–8 weeks of gestation by hyperproliferation of the epithelium, which later sheds to recanalize the lumen at approximately 11 weeks of gestation.
Complete recanalization produces a normal duodenum, partial recanalization produces duodenal stenosis, and non-recanalization produces duodenal atresia.
Other very rare congenital anomalies, such as duplication cysts, gastric heterotopic mucosa, vascular malformations, and preduodenal portal vein, can also result in obstruction.
Non-congenital obstructions are also rare and are typically found in older children.
Etiologies include superior mesenteric artery syndrome, traumatic duodenal hematomas, and Crohn’s disease of the foregut.
What type of duodenal obstruction may result in non-bilious emesis?
Annular pancreas cannot be differentiated from duodenal atresia or stenosis on plain films or contrast studies.
However, some case series have shown that annular pancreas is more likely to result in a preampullary obstruction presenting with non-bilious emesis, as well as in a partial versus total obstruction.
Annular pancreas may therefore account for a large portion of the 10%–15% of patients who present with a preampullary congenital duodenal obstruction.
For most of the first half of the twentieth century, annular pancreas was considered an extrinsic compression of the duodenum to be relieved by removing the annulus. Outcomes were uniformly poor.
It is now understood that annular pancreas does not produce duodenal obstruction by simple extrinsic compression, but rather due to a duodenal atresia or stenosis associated with the annular pancreas.
Therefore, a duodenoduodenostomy is also used to bypass this anomaly.
When performing the anastomosis, the surgeon should position the incisions on the duodenum approximately 1 cm away from the annulus on each side to avoid future compression of the anastomosis.
A classic example of an annular pancreas resulting in duodenal obstruction is shown in Figure 27.6.
What is gastroduodenal emphysema?
A very rare, but extremely alarming, presentation of duodenal stenosis is gastroduodenal emphysema.
This is hypothesized to be caused by an increase in intragastric pressure, resulting in a breach of the gastroduodenal mucosa.
The breach allows air to enter the bowel wall. When seen in the setting of a partial duodenal obstruction, the condition is benign and should be differentiated from emphysematous gastritis, which may be seen due to ischemia or infection.
Decompressing the foregut with a nasogastric tube and repairing the underlying obstruction is adequate treatment for this condition.
Figure 27.8 demonstrates this presentation in a 9-month-old girl with Down syndrome.
When should tapering be considered intraoperatively?
Tapering should be strongly considered if the proximal duodenum is severely dilated, redundant, and floppy.
This may both hasten postoperative recovery and prevent the risk of delayed dysfunction.
Figure 27.10 shows a tapering duodenoplasty performed at the time of duodenoduodenostomy for type I duodenal atresia.
Using an Endo GIA, the duodenum is tapered over an 18-mm Hegar dilator placed through the proximal duodenotomy.
How should a concomitant rotational abnormality be managed in duodenal stenosis/atresia patients?
The concept of potential midgut volvulus resulting in a partial duodenal obstruction cannot be emphasized enough.
Most bowel obstructions are considered more serious and require intervention sooner if they are complete.
The exception is duodenal obstruction. The differential diagnoses of a partial duodenal obstruction are duodenal stenosis, annular pancreas (which can be partial or complete), and midgut volvulus.
Duodenal obstruction is actually a very common presentation of midgut volvulus in neonates and infants.
The differential diagnoses cannot be elucidated on plain films. Therefore, a baby presenting with bilious emesis and a partial duodenal obstruction on abdominal films should undergo either immediate exploration or an immediate UGI study.
Figure 27.11 demonstrates a midgut volvulus resulting in a partial duodenal obstruction in a 3-monthold girl. The plain films only showed the partial duodenal obstruction.
UGI clearly confirmed a volvulus and immediate exploration was undertaken.
Some type of rotational abnormality is found during operation in approximately 30% of patients with intrinsic congenital duodenal obstruction.
In these cases, the mesentery should be carefully examined and a Ladd’s procedure performed if required, concomitant with the repair of the duodenal obstruction.
When should feeding be started post operatively for duodenal atresia?
Recovery from congenital duodenal obstruction surgery was typically delayed by waiting for the nasogastric aspirate to turn non-bilious before initiating feeds.
Recent evidence shows that this is not necessary, since many patients will continue to have bilious gastric contents for some time.
Feeding can therefore be attempted as early as 5–7 days postrepair if the patient is otherwise well.
While some perform routine contrast studies prior to feeding, there is no evidence to support this practice.
Anastomotic strictures are in fact extremely uncommon.
How is duodenal obstruction secondary to a hematoma or SMA syndrome managed?
Older patients who present with duodenal obstruction due to a duodenal hematoma or superior mesenteric artery syndrome are typically treated with nutritional support until the underlying process resolves.
This support is preferably given through a nasojejunal feeding tube placed under fluoroscopic guidance, but total parenteral nutrition is used if a tube cannot be passed.
Figure 27.12 shows a classic superior mesenteric artery syndrome. This occurred in a 13-year-old female oncology patient who developed bilious emesis and intolerance to oral feeding after losing almost 20 kg of weight following commencement of chemotherapy.
A sharp duodenal cutoff is seen at the third portion, just at the margin of the vertebral column.
A nasojejunal tube was advanced distal to the obstruction, to provide enteral feeding.
The patient’s bilious emesis resolved following a 3-kg weight gain, and she went on to tolerate a regular diet.