USA - Washington State Flashcards
When was Columbia Valley made an AVA?
How large is Columbia Valley AVA (1984)?
Over 4.5 million ha
(11,308,636 acres)
One quarter of Washington’s landmass
Describe the climate of Columbia Valley AVA (1984)
Dry and continental
In the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountains
Describe the soil of Columbia Valley AVA (1984)
Varied - as it is a very large appellation
Generally basalt bedrock
Sandy or silty loam top soil deposited by the Missoula Floods
What was Washington’s first AVA?
Yakima Valley - 1983
Which Washington regions are not nested within Columbia Valley AVA (1984)?
Puget Sound AVA
Columbia Gorge AVA
Which Washington regions are nested within Columbia Valley AVA? (Hint - there are 10)
Yakima Valley AVA Rattlesnake Hills AVA Snipes Mountain AVA Red Mountain AVA Naches Heights AVA
Horse Heaven Hills AVA
Walla Walla AVA
Wahluke Slope AVA
Ancient Lakes AVA
Lake Chelan AVA
What are the nested AVAs of Yakima Valley (1983)?
Rattlesnake Hills AVA
Snipes Mountain AVA
Red Mountain AVA (smallest appellation in Washington)
What style of wine is Red Mountain AVA (2001) known for?
Full bodied red wines with marked tannin
Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, some Syrah
Little white wine due to heat
Name a producer from Red Mountain AVA (2001)
Col Solare (collaboration between Ch. Ste Michelle and Antinori)
What is the climate like in Red Mountain AVA (2001)?
Arid desert climate - irrigation is required
Hot - exceptionally high heat accumulation during the ripening season
Drier than other areas
South west facing slope
Moderated by Yakima River, also provides breezes
What is the soil like in Red Mountain AVA (2001)?
High pH
High in calcium carbonate
Low fertility soil (small berries = higher tannin)
What is the soil and climate like in Snipes Mountain AVA (2009)?
Arid desert climate - irrigation
Loess and fist/melon sized gravel
Missoula flood sediment
What makes Rattlesnake Hills AVA (2006) different to the rest of Yakima Valley AVA?
Higher elevation for viticultural area assists in avoiding frost
What makes Naches Heights AVA (2011) different to nearby AVAs?
A small plateau that sits above the height of the Missoula Floods
Loess soil
When did Walla Walla Valley become an AVA?
Which AVA in Washington has the highest concentration of wineries?
Walla Walla Valley AVA (1984)
Describe the climate of Walla Walla Valley AVA (1984)
Highly continental
More rainfall than surrounding areas due to the proximity of the Blue Mountains to the east but still requires irrigation
Cooler than many other Washington AVAs
What is the most planted grape variety in Walla Walla AVA (1984)
Cabernet Sauvignon
Which Washington AVA continues over the border into Idaho?
Lewis-Clark Valley (2016)
When was Puget Sound AVA established?
Describe the climate of Puget Sound AVA
Maritime, temperate climate
Summers are warm and dry, but this is Washington’s coolest and wettest region - does not require irrigation
What is the only Washington state AVA west of the Cascades?
Puget Sound AVA (1995)
What are some varieties commonly grown in Puget Sound AVA?
Pinot Noir and Riesling. Also: Müller-Thurgau Siegerrebe Madeleine-Angevine
Where is Horse Heaven Hills AVA?
Bounded by the Columbia River to the south and Yakima Valley AVA to the north
What varieties are planted in Horse Heaven Hills AVA?
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Riesling
What are some of the common viticultural hazards in Washington state?
- Lack of rainfall - need to irrigate (usually drip irrigation)
- Spring and autumn frost
- Winter freeze
What are some of the common viticultural advantages in Washington state?
- Winter freeze means low pressure for pests such as phylloxera, nematodes, mites etc
- Low rainfall and low humidity means low disease pressure - easier to avoid use of fungicides/chemicals
Which wine styles are associated with Wahluke Slope AVA (2006)?
Full bodied red wines due to hot, dry climate
Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot
What is the soil type and aspect of Wahluke Slope AVA (2006)?
Alluvial and loess
Uniform, broad southfacing slope with 8% incline
Which wine styles are associated with Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley AVA (2012)?
Aromatic white wines. Northerly position means heat accumulation starts later, poor soils
Riesling, Chardonnay
Describe the soil and climate of Lake Chelan AVA
‘Lake effect’ mitigates frost and provides milder growing conditions and less diurnal range
Area not affected by Missoula Floods
Volcanic pumice and glacial sediments (quartz, mica)
Describe the soil and climate of Lake Chelan AVA
‘Lake effect’ mitigates frost and provides milder growing conditions and less diurnal range
Area not affected by Missoula Floods
Volcanic pumice and glacial sediments (quartz, mica)
When was Columbia Gorge AVA established?