URS Strategy Execution Flashcards
What is SData
Functions that URS uses to wait for from Stat Server response or DBServer. request_timeout allows the maximum wait time.
What are Big VQ
A queue created by the URS where calls to be evaluated until a available agent can take the call. Each queue has a system generated GUID and based on the target selection object.
What are connectors
They are small vq connected to the Big VQ with their own properties regarding the calls associated with them. The calls wait for a target that is a member of the Big VQ. When target is available the Big VQ will pick the one with the highest priority and earlier timestamp(millisecond). The higher the id means the later the small vq was connected. If two small vq have the same priority and time then the one created first will be picked.
What is a statobject
Represent the agent or agent group
Low level format(DN)
Indicated the target DN and the switch it belongs to. Format: DN@Switch. URS does not normally use this format in the strategy with exception such as being used on Force or TRoute functions to force the call to a DN regardless of state.
High Level Formatting
Specified in the target selection option, TargetName@StatServerName.ObjectType. URS and Stat Server communicate about status of object through this format.
URS-> StatServer
What is StatAgentLoading in general
There is no statistic with this name so URS calculates it itself and use to target an agent within the Agent Group by. It is hard-coded() and value is from the CurrentState statistics that the URS calculates which isn’t updated often so there is performance benefits. Normally URS object statistics such as ‘StatTimeInReadyState’ for example applies directly to the meta-object(Groups) and not their underlying level and will use StatAgentLoading to target individual agents after select criteria selects the group.
State Value
When SS receives the value from State Server then the URS display in the log will end with a (S) for the agent current state with the cost(First) and busy DN(Second). Third number is the time that the agent has been in its current state. Fourth number is a random one assigned by the URS that allows it to choose from multiple targets with the same statistical value. URS picks the the agent with the least busy dn (StateAgentLoading) as it is hard coded.
Option in URS that assign a random value as default.
what does URS do when selection criteria is empty?
If statistic is empty then the URS can either pick the target with the lowest or highest randomly generated number.
What does the Pulse message mean?
URS Message shows a periodic check for target availability when waiting for targe. HERE IS WAIT will be indicated in the logs for the target that the URS will attempt to route to. URS check the list of calls waiting for the target after updates from the Stat Server is received. Each PULSE message has a timestamp of 2 second more than the last and can determine if any delays.
3 means target call previously handle, +0 said 0 calls have been added to handle and -1 indicates that one calls has finished being handled.
Treatment types while waiting for target
Mandatory(applied unconditionally) and Busy(waiting for ready target). Applied to call waiting on a route point or being moved to a treatment device.
What are Non Routeable Calls
Calls waiting on a target may not always be available for routing.
state=0 delivery=0 treatment=0 reserving=0 ivr=0
delivery 0 means the call can be routed while any other value indicates it cannot
held(if 1) means call cannot be moved because of EventHeld
reserving(if 1) no answered agent reservation request ob behfl of a call
ivr(if 1) means the current target is IVR
What is Agent Reservation?
Required when multiple URS working with the same target. URS option to control it is agent_reservation.
What is the Location Attribute?
emoteIf Destination DN is at another site then the attribute provides the switch name of the r site
What is the Extension Attribute?
Provides information about the switch in key pairs.
What is a meta-object
Group of agent and place with that the URS routing object normally looks at instead of expanding to the underlying level