Stat Server Intro Flashcards
Stat Server
It serves as a server application to the URS and a client of T-server where it receive events that it uses to generate action . And tracks object such as agent and place groups then coverts information into usable data. Register DN from T-server in order to get changes from the contact center. Clients is require to subscribe for what they need from the Stat Server.
Mediation DN
They are route points and virtual queues
Queue ACD
Association point where calls are place to wait for a agent
Call Model
Maintain by the T-server and Switch. Send events to the Stat Server Action and Status Model related to interactions.
Status and Action Model
Always maintain by the stat server that takes Events from T-Server as input and generates output as Stat Server Subjects(DN Status/Action and Group Status) used in the Statistical Model.
Persistent Statistics
Stat Server maintain statistics of a request even when its closed so the remain if reopened.
Sets time amount of time unused statistics are calculated until they are removed from statistic pool.
Object Hierarchy
Track relationship between object with the switch at the lowest level.
What are GroupPlaces
Group of places with unique PlaceID for each place associated with the GroupID.
What are VirtueAgentGroup
Group of Agents based on a defined set of skills configured as skill expression. Any agent satisfying the skill expression are members of the virtual agent group and can be removed if they don’t meet the criteria. Membership occurs real time.
Why is hierarchy important?
When an event occurs and the Stat Server generates action for specific device that propagate to the highest level. DN->PLace->Agent->Group of Agent
What are tserver_sdn?
Licenses that indicate the number of DN that the T-Server can register. Disconnect from the T-server will reset statistical value.
Stat Server Subjects
The Status and Action Model generate these as output after taking events as input. They are essentially DN action and status of higher level objects.
Statistical Model
The model takes the action as input but does not calculate until there is a request from the client (URS).
What Database Tables does Stat Server use?
Stat Server can be configured to write information for four table. STATUS table that contains the status information. QINFO stores the queue status information. LOGIN stores the information about the Agent login, and VOICE-REASON stores the information about the voice reason(reason codes). SQLV. Starting with 7.6 of InfoMart these are optional to track as they can be track from the ICON through T-server.
Media channel actions
Generated from events spawn from an Interaction Server
Debug level option
High logging can cause performance impact.
Group of agents identified by a group id