Urology Topic Titles COPY Flashcards
Embriology of the genitourinary tract
Anatomy and phisiology of the genitourinary tract
Urologic imaging examinations
Abnormal development of the kidney and ureter
Abnormal development of the bladder, male urethra, penis and testis
Pediatric urological diseases
Specific urogenital infections (tuberculosis, schistosomiasis)
Non-specific infections of the kidney
Specific infections (prostatitis, urehritis, cystitis, epididymitis, orchitis)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Neurogenic bladder disorders
Urinary incontinence (epidemiology, patophysiology, types, diagnosis)
Urinary incontinence (treatment)
Urological emergency
Injuries of the kidneys and ureter
Injuries to the bladder, urethra and male genitalia
Male infertility
Male sexual dysfunction
Urinary stones (diagnosis)
Urinary stones (treatment)
Renal tumors (renal cell carcinoma: epidemiology, pathology, symptoms)
Renal tumors (renal cell carcinoma: diagnosis and treatment)
Renal tumors (angiomyolipoma, oncocytoma, nephroblastoma)
Superficial bladder tumor
Invasive bladder tumor
Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter
Testicular tumors
Penile cancer
Tumors of the urethra and scrotum
Prostate cancer (symptoms and diagnosis)
Prostate cancer (treatment)