Urinary System Flashcards
What four organs and vessels make up the Urinary System?
Urinary Bladder
What are the 4 functions of the blood?
Filter blood
Regulation of blood volume, ph, solutes
Synthesis of Vitamin D
Synthesis of Erythropoietin
What does it mean that the kidneys are retro-peritoneal?
They are not covered by the peritoneum.
What are the anatomical differences between the right and left kidney?
Right kidney is slightly lower because liver pushes it down.
Left kidney is slightly longer and bigger.
What is the renal capsule?
The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the entire organ of the kidney.
What is the function of the renal fascia?
It anchors the kidneys to surrounding adipose tissue and the abdominal wall.
What is the function of the hilus of the kidneys?
Where renal arteries, veins, nerves and ureters enter and exit the kidneys. The hilus causes the renal sinus in the kidneys.
What are the renal columns?
The projections of the renal cortex that extend between the pyramids of the kidney.
What are the renal pyramids?
The cone shaped area of the kidneys.
What are the calyces of the kidneys?
They are small cups that collect urine to be drained into the ureters.
What are the two calyces?
Minor calyces and Major calyces
Where to the calyces drain their urine into?
Minor calyces drains into the major calyces
major calycses drains into the renal pelvis.
Where does the renal pelvis drain its urine into?
What is the functional unit of the kidney?
What are the 4 parts of the nephron?
Bowman’s capsule – capsule that surrounds the glomerulus.
Proximal Tubule
Distal Tubule
Loop of Henle
Where is urine formed?
Where does urine go once the nephron produces it?
The nephron first empties into the collecting ducts where it then reaches the papillary ducts, minor calyses, major calyses, and then the renal pelvis.
What are the two different types of nephrons?
Juxtamedullary Nephron
Cortical Nephron