Chapter 15 - Taste and Sight Flashcards
What are the four special senses?
Olfaction, Taste, Sight and Balance
What is Olfaction?
Sense of smell
What kind of neurons are found in the olfactory system?
Bipolar Neurons which have 1 axon and 1 dendrite.
What are the enlarged ends of the dendrites called in the olfactory neurons?
Olfactory Vesicles.
What are the three regions of the frontal lobe that affect the perception of smell?
Lateral Olfactory Area: Concious perception of smell
Medial Olfractory Area: Visceral and emotional reactions to smell
Intermediate Olfactory Area: affect modification of incoming information.
What are taste buds?
sensory structures, detecting gustatory stimuli.
Located primarily on “papillae”
What are the 4 types of papillae?
Vallate: Largest, least numerous. In the middle area of tongue.
Fungiform: Mushroom-shaped. Scattered irregularly over the superior surface of tongue.
Foliate: Leaf-shaped. In folds on the sides of the tongue. Decrease in number with age.
Filiform: fiber shaped. Most numerous on the tongue surface.
What are the three cells that taste buds consist of?
Gustatory cells (sensory cells); actually are involved in taste and contain sensory cells
Basal cells (non-sensory cells); contain no sensory cells Supporting cells (non-sensory cells); contain no sensory cells
What are the five types of taste types?
Sour: Caused by Hydrogen ions
Salty: Caused by Sodium ions
Bitter: presence of g-protein that open gated channels
Sweet: Sugars and carbs. carbs break down into sugars.
Umami: Caused by amino acids. Found in rich aged foods.
What things affect the perception of taste?
Most sensitive to bitter
Many alkaloids (bitter) are poisonous.
What are the three neural pathways for taste?
Facial Nerve – from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
Glossopharyngeal nerve – from posterior 1/3
Vagus nerve – from the epiglottis.
Describe Chorda Tympani
Chorda tympani is a branch of the facial nerve and carries impulses from anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
If this branch is damaged may result in significant loss of taste sensation from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
How does information from taste get to brain?
Neural pathway brings information to medulla oblongata, then to the thalamus.
After that projects to taste area of cerebral cortex.
What are the 5 accessory structures of the visual system?
Eyebrows: inhibit sweat
Eyelids (palpebrae): help lubricating the eyes and protect the eyes from foreign objects.
Conjunctiva: thin transparent mucous membrane. Covers the inner eyelid and part of the eye;
Lacrimal glands: produce tears (lubrication and protection of the eye);
Extrinsic eye muscles: move the eyeball (clinical test for normal eye movement – “H” test).
What are the four areas of the lacrimal apparatus?
Lacrimal gland: produces tears to moisten, lubricate, wash. Tears pass through ducts and then over eye.
Lacrimal canaliculi: collect excess tears through openings called “puncta” in the corner of eye.
Lacrimal sac: collects excess tears to drain through nasolacrimal duct.
Nasolacrimal duct: opens into nasal cavity
What are the extrinsic muscles of the eye?
Superior rectus: top muscle of eye moving eye upward.
Inferior rectus: lowest muscle of eye moving eye downward.
Lateral Rectus: outermost muscle of eye moving eye laterally.
Medial Rectus: innermost muscle of eye moving eye medially.
Superior Oblique: Top diaginal muscle of eye moving eye in circular motion.
Inferior Oblique: Bottom diaginal muscle of eye moving eye in circular motion.
What is the epiglottis?
Cartiledge flap that covers airway as we swallow food.
Why does our nose run when we cry?
The nose runs when we cry because the excess tears are drained through the lacrimal canaliculi via the puncta. Then they collect in the lacrimal sac where they eventually drain through the nasolacrimal duct and empty into the nasal passage.
What are the three layers of the eyeball?
Fibrous Tunic (outer layer): contains sclera and cornea
Vascular tunic (middle layer): choroid, ciliary body, iris. Contains most of the blood vessels in eye.
Nervous tunic (inner layer): retina