Urinary System Flashcards
What are the functions of the urinary system?
- Eliminates fluid
- Regulates blood pressure and volume
- Regulates electrolytes in blood
- Eliminates metabolic waste from blood
- Helps stabilize blood pH
Where do the kidneys sit in reference to the digestive tract?
The kidneys sit in the retroperitoneal space (behind the digestive tract).
What is the direction of urine flow from the kidney to the urethra?
Kidney –> Ureter -> Urinary Bladder -> Urethra
Functions of the
- Kidney
- Ureter
- Urinary Bladder
- Urethra
Kidney: Produces urine
Ureter: Transports urine toward the urinary bladder
Urinary Bladder: Temporarily stores urine prior to elimination
Urethra: Conducts urine to exterior; in males also transports semen
Are the kidneys covered by the ribs?
The kidneys are partially covered by the lowest ribs.
What are the connective tissue layers protecting the kidneys?
- Fibrous capsule
- Perinephric fat
- Renal fascia
What is the area where the kidneys join with the ureters, renal arteries and renal veins?
The hilum
Describe the arrangement of the calyces and renal pelvis within the kidney.
Minor calyx-> Major calyx-> Renal pelvis-> Ureter
Describe the process of renal circulation.
Renal artery
Segmental arteries
Interlobar arteries
Arcuate arteries
Cortical radiate arteries
Afferent arterioles
Efferent arterioles
Peritubular capillaries
Cortical radiate veins
Arcuate veins
Interlobar veins
Renal vein
What are the components of the nephron and collecting system in order?
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
Nephron Loop
Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
Connecting Tubules and Collecting Duct
Papillary Duct
What is the purpose of the nephron?
Fundamental unit of filtration.
Contains the renal corpuscle with glomerular capillaries and glomerular capsule; renal tubule
What are the main parts of the nephron?
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
Nephron Loop
Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
What is the smooth muscle in the bladder wall?
What is the internal urethral sphincter?
Smooth muscle, involuntary contraction.
What is the external urethral sphincter?
Skeletal muscle, voluntary contraction.