Urinary Symptoms Flashcards
What is urinary frequency?
The need to urinate more often than usual
What is polyuria?
Abnormal production and passage of large amount of urine.
>2.5L daily
What is nocturia?
The need to wake up at night to urinate
What is hesitancy?
Difficulty starting to urinate, challenge starting a stream and keeping it flowing
What is poor flow?
Weak stream of urine when passing
What is terminal dribbling ?
Continue to leak urine after micturition has ceased
How can LUTS be divided?
Storage symptoms
Voiding symptoms
Post-micturition symptoms
What is stress incontinence?
involuntary leakage on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing
What is mixed incontinence?
both stress and urgency incontinence; involuntary leakage is associated with both urgency and physical stress
What is urgency incontinence?
involuntary leakage accompanied by, or immediately preceded by, a sudden compelling desire to pass urine
What is overflow incontinence?
detrusor underactivity or bladder outlet obstruction results in urinary retention and leakage of urine. There may be straining to urinate or the person may feel the bladder has been incompletely emptied
What can be used to monitor urinary symptoms?
Frequency volume charts
Voiding diaries
What examination should be done for someone presenting with urinary incontinence?
Perform a general examination, looking for features such as weight, abnormalities of gait, and indicators of neurological disease.
Examine the abdomen for a palpable bladder or a mass.
Perform a pelvic examination - get them to cough and assess tone
What should you ask when taking history of incontinence?
If incontinence occurs when coughing, sneezing, or on effort or exertion (likely to be stress urinary incontinence), or
If there is sudden urgency, and if they have frequency and nocturia (likely to be urgency incontinence associated with overactive bladder syndrome).
If incontinence occurs about equally with physical activity and urgency (suggests mixed incontinence).
If incontinence occurs without physical activity or a sense of urgency (suggests a cause other than stress or urgency incontinence)
If incontinence isn’t characterised by stress or urgency what else should you ask when taking about?
Voiding difficulty (for example straining to void, sensation of incomplete emptying) — may suggest chronic urinary retention (overflow incontinence).
Constant leakage of urine (may be intermittent if position dependent) — suggestive of a fistula (for example vesicovaginal).
Post-void dribbling, pain, urgency, frequency, recurrent urinary tract infection, vaginal discharge, and dyspareunia — consider a urethral diverticulum