urinary CRYSTALS Flashcards
this is formed by the precipitation of urine solutes including inorganic salts, organic solvents and medications
a. casts
b. crystals
c. artifacts
crystals are affected by changes in the following except
a. ph
b. temperature
c. solute concentration
d. aota
e. nota
ans: e
crystals are affected by changes in (PTS)
abnormal crystals are reported per?
a. lpf
b. hpf
c. oio
normal crystals: hpf
acidic urine or alkaline urine
uric acid
acidic urine
amorphous urates
calcium oxalate
uric acid
abnormal crystals
acidic urine or alkaline urine
amorphous urates
acidic urine
amorphous urates
calcium oxalate
uric acid
abnormal crystals
acidic urine or alkaline urine
amorphous phosphate
alkaline urine
amorphous phosphate amorphous biurates calcium carbonate calcium phosphate triple phosphate
what crystal to be form if you ingests food that is rich in oxalic acid or vitamin c
a, amorphous urates
b. oxalic acid
c. uric acid
d. calcium oxalate
calcium oxalate
who is APATITE
a, amorphous urates
b. oxalic acid
c. uric acid
d. calcium phosphate
calcium phosphate
this crystal has a pink sediment
a. amorphous urates
b. amorphous phosphate
c. uric acid
amorphous urates
- pink sediment (uroerythrin)
amorphous phosphate
- whiteprecipitate
it has a variety of shapes
a. amorphous urates
b. amorphous phosphate
c. uric acid
uric acid
rhombic, wedge, hexagonal, whetsone, lemon shaped, and nipple shaped
it can be seen in patients suffering from leukemia receiving chemotherapy
a. amorphous urates
b. amorphous phosphate
c. uric acid
uric acid
can be seen in patients receiving chemotherapy ( LESCH NYLAN SYNDROME) and sometimes in persons witgh gout
most common form of calcium oxalate
a. whedellite
b. whewelite
dihydrate (whedelite)
form of caox most frequently seen by children and pets
a. dihydrate
b. monohydrate
the MONOHYDRATE form is most frequently seen in children and pets because anti freeze tastes sweet and uncovered containers left in garages has a massive amounts of crystals
it porduces WHITE PPT
a. amorphous urates
b. amorphous phosphate
c. uric acid
it produces FEATHERY APPEARANCE when crystal disintegrates
a. uric acid
b . triple phosphate
c, calcium phosphate
triple phosphate
- colorless
- easily to see when it is prism shape
- frequently it is seen as coffin lid
- when it is disintegrate it produces feathery appearance
fern leaf shape
sheets or flakes
this crystal is associated with P. vulgaris
a. uric acid
b. apatite
c. struvite
triple phosphate / magnesium ammonium phosphate / struvite
this crystal can be differentiated by the formation of gas after the addition of acetic acid
a. calcium oxalate
b. calcium phosphate
c. calcium carbonate
calcium carbonate
- produce gas after the addition of acetic acid
colorless hexagonal plates
a. cysteine
b. cholesterol
c. tyrosine
it is associated with liver disease
a. bilirubin
b. leucine
c. tyrosine
associated with liver disease (BLT)
this crystal has a staircase patter
a. cysteine
b. tyrosine
c. cholesterol
- rectangular shape with notch in one or more corners (staircase pattern)
tyrosine and leucine can be seen in patients that is positive on what chemical test
a. protein
b. bilirubin
c. ascorbic acid
- indicator of liver disease
- kidney disease
clumped needles that has a bright yellow color
a. bilirubin
b. tyrosine
c. leucine
sheaves of wheat
a. bilirubin
b. sulfonamides
c. penicillin
(+) on lignin tests
a. sulfonamides
b. calcium phosphates
c. bilirubin
(+) on lignin test —-> yellow
positive in the test cyanide nitroprusside test’
a. cholesterol
b. uric acid
c. cystine
it appears as larger granules and may have spicules similar to ammonium biurate seen in alkaline urine
a, acid urates
b. sodium urates
c. triple phosphate
acid urates
this crystals are needle shaped and can be seen in synovial fluid
a, acid urates
b. sodium urates
c. triple phosphate
sodium urates
- needle shaped and can be seen in synovial fluid during episodes of gout
manner of reporting
which of the following is not reported as rfmoma per LPF
a. mucus
b. sec
c. tec
d. bacteria
ans: c and d
rfmoma per LPF
- squamous epithelial cell
- mucus
which of the following is not reported as average number per lpf
a. casts
b. abnormal crystals
c. normal crystals
d. mucus
ans: c and d
normla crystals - average number per hpf
mucus - rfmoma per lpf
average number per lpf
- casts
- abnormal crystals
spheres with dimpled center
a. starch granules
b. oil droplets
c. air bubbles
starch granaules