Ureter and kidney anatoy Flashcards
Where are the superior poles of the kidneys?
L is T11
R is T12
What is L1?
The transpyloric plane
Where is the hilum?
Where are the inferior poles of the kidneys?
Where is the iliac crest?
Where does urine travel in the kidneys?
- Filtered along course of nephron until excreted in urine
- Nephron in collecting ducts channels to pyramids
- Urine released and taken to ureter - ends in renal pelvis (sits in renal hilum)
- Renal pelvis branches into major calcyce which branches into 3 or 4 minor calcyce (bottom of renal pyramids)
Function of perirenal fat
Function of renal fascia
Main support, wraps around both kidneys
Function of paralegal fat
Thick, fatty layer for shock absorption and protection
What is a retroperitoneal organ?
Always behind peritoneum
What is below L1?
What are the three muscles protecting the kidney? Medial to lateral
Psoas major
Quadratus lumborum
Transversus abdominis
Innervation of kidney s
Intercostal nerve of 12th rib
Positioning of IVC and aorta
IVC on RHS, aorta on LHS
Renal artery, ureter and renal vein anterior to posterior
renal vein
renal artery
Why is the left renal vein longer?
It is most anterior
Where does the SMA emerge?
What is renal entrapment syndrome?
SMA constricts left renal vein between itself and aorta
Where does left gonadal vein drain?
L renal vein
Where does right gonadal vein drain?
Branches of renal arteries
Renal - segmental - interlobular - cortical
Lymph drainage of kidneys
Lateral aortic lymph nodes
What is found in the transpyloric plane?
9th costal cartilage Cauda Equina Duodenum Pancreas Gallbladder Hilum
Course of ureter
Starts at hilum Ureter-pelvic junction Along lumbar vertebrae Greater pelvis lesser pelvis Crosses at top of iliac artery Ischial spine Bladder
Where does the ureter narrow?
Ureter-pelvic junction
Sacra-iliac joint
ureter enters bladder in oblique fashion
How do male and female ureters differ?
- In females, uterus supplies by uterine artery. Uterine artery in broad ligament which supports uterus. Uterine artery above ureter
- In M, ureter runs under ductus deferens (down posterior bladder)
Nerve supply of kidney
- Ureter has somatic nerve supply - pain from ureter to spinal cord
- Pain signal interpreted from T12/L1 - travels from flank to groin
Lymph drainage of ureter
Proximal is lateral aortic lumbar nodes
Iliac arteries is middle and distal
Kidneys - clinical
- Kidneys move with respiration but spleen moves more
- Kidneys aren’t dull to percussion because of overlying colon
- Kidneys are felt bimanually
- Abdominal bruits cause noise as blood flows through - clogged renal arteries
Blood supply of ureter
vesical arteries
Uterine artery in females
Venous drainage of ureter
renal and gonadal vein