Upper limb 3 - Wrist and Hand Flashcards
How many radioulnar joints do we have?
What movements occur at the radioulnar joints?
pronation and supination
What bones articulate at the radoiocarpal joint?
distal radius with scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum
What type of synovial joint is the radiocarpal joint?
condyloid synovial joint
what are the 2 planes of movement at the radiocarpal joint?
flexion-extension and adduction-abduction
What are the points of attachment of the medial collateral ligament of the wrist?
Ulnar styloid process - triquetrum
What are the points of attachment of the lateral collateral ligament of the wrist?
Radial styloid - scaphoid
What could result in avascular necrosis in the hand?
A FOOSH that fractures the scaphoid
Where would you feel tenderness as a result of a scaphoid fracture?
Tenderness in the anatomical snuffbox
What is Bennett’s fracture?
A fracture of the base of the first metacarpal bone which extends into the carpometacarpal joint
What is Colle’s fracture?
Dorsal displacement of distal radius
What is Smith’s fracture?
Ventral displacement of distal radius
What are the borders of the anatomical snuffbox?
Medial border - Abductor pollicis longus & Extensor pollicis brevis
Lateral border - Extensor pollicis longus
What structures are found in the anatomical snuffbox?
Radial artery
Radial nerve
Cephalic vein
What is the function of the palmar aponeurosis?
A tough fibrous layer limiting movement of the palmar skin (allows grip)
What is Dupuytren’s contracture?
Progressive condition that causes shortening and thickening of the palmar fascia. Aponeurotic thickening causes passive flexion.
What is the function of the intrinsic hand muscles?
Bring about precise control of digit movement
What do both the thenar eminence and hypothenar eminence contain?
- A flexor muscle
- An abductor muscle
- An opposer muscle
What is the golden rule of hand muscle innervation?
Everything is C8 & T1 supplied
Everything is ulnar nerve supplied except:
- Thenar muscles
- Lumbricals (1& 2) which go to digits 2 & 3
What would muscle wasting of the thenar eminence suggest?
Median nerve damage
What is the function of the lumbricals?
Flex the MCP joints and extend the PIP & DIP joints
What do the palmar interossei muscles do?
Adduct the digits
What do the dorsal interossei muscles do?
Abduct the digits
What is Froment sign?
A loss of functioning of adductor pollicis
(e.g. in Ulnar nerve lesion) leads to excess thumb flexion whilst pinching (pinching normally requires thumb adduction)