Unit 9: Part 3 Flashcards
The transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence
The period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing
Lawrence Kohlberg
Posed moral dilemma, three basic levels to moral thinking - preconventional, conventional, postconventional
Preconvental morality
Before 9, children show morality to avoid punishment or gain reward
Conventional morality
By early adolescence, social rules and laws are upheld for their own sake
Postconventional morality
Affirms people’s agreed upon rights of following personally perceived ethical principles
Our sense of self; according to Erickson, the adolescents task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various roles
Social identity
The “we” aspects of our self concept; the part of our answer to “who am I?” That comes from our groups memberships
Erik Erickson
Famous developmental psychologist who created an 8 stage theory of psychosocial development
In Erickson’s theory, the ability to form close, loving relationships: a primary developmental task in young adulthood
Emerging adulthood
A period from about 18 to mid 20’s, when many western cultures are no long adolescents but have not yet achieved full independence as adults
X chromosome
The sex chromosome found in both males and females. Females have two
Y chromosome
The sex chromosome found only in males
The most important male sex hormone
Primary sex characteristics
The body structures (ovaries, testes, external genitalia) that make sexual reproduction possible
Secondary sex characteristics
Non-reproductive sexual traits, such as female breasts and hips, and male voice quality and body hair
First ejaculation
First menstrual period
A condition present at birth due to unusual combinations to male and female chromosomes, hormones, and anatomy (sex characteristics of both sexes)
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
A life-threatening sexually transmitted infection caused by HIV. Depletes immune system, leaving more vulnerable to infections
Sexual orientation
Our enduring sexual attraction usually (bi, homo, heterosexual)
The time of natural cessation of mensuration; also refers to biological changes a women experiences as her ability to reproduce declines
Cross-sectional study
Research that studies people of different ages at the same point in time
Longitudinal study
Research that follows and retests the same people over time
Neurocognitve disorders (NCOs)
Acquired (not lifeline) disorders marked by cognitive deficiencies related to Alzheimer’s, brain disease or injury, formally called dementia
Alzheimer’s disease
A neurocognitive disorder marked by neural plaques, often with onset after age of 80 and entailing a progressive decline in memory and other cognitive abilities
Social clock
The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement