Unit 8: Cardiovascular, Blood, & Lymphatic System-Pathology Flashcards
a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body’s cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy
life threatening immune response to foreign substance that causes rapid inflammation, vasodilation and bronchospasms
widening and ballooning of the blood vessel, weakening of the blood vessel wall
angina pectoris
chest pain (heart attack)
- aplastic
- hemolytic
- iron deficiency
- pernicious
- sickle cell
pathological reduction of red blood cells characterized by patient weakness and fatigue
- red blood cells not being formed in sufficient quantities
- destruction of red blood cells
- inadequate iron intake
- vitamin B deficiency affecting red blood cell production
- misshaped red blood cells causing obstructions
substance produced by body due to presence of an antigen
substance that causes the body to produce antibodies
aortic regurgitation
backflow of blood from the aorta into the heart; cause by weak heart valve
atrial fibrillation
quivering or spontaneous contraction of the atrium.
atrial septal defect
flaw in the atrial septum
autoimmune disease
disease caused by the immune system attacking health body tissue.
cardiac arrest
cessation of circulation
congestive cardiomyopathy
heart cavity unable to pump all blood out of it, heart wall becomes stretched causing weak/slow pumping of blood.
congestive heart failure
inability of heart chambers to pump and fill adequately resulting in a build up of fluid in the lungs and surround body tissues.
coronary artery bypass graft
borrowed piece of blood vessel to bypass narrowed or blocked coronary artery and improve blood supply to the heart
coronary artery disease
an abnormal condition that may affect the heart’s coronary arteries and circulation which can cause damage to the heart tissue
deep vein thrombosis
formation of blood clot located in the deeper veins of the body usually the lower extremity
discoloration of the skin caused by bruising
virus that causes mononucleosis
inability for the blood to clot due to a hereditary lack of blood clotting factors
blood loss from a ruptured blood vessel
Hodgkin lymphoma
a type of cancer affecting the lymphatic system involving uncontrolled growth of lymphocytes
abnormally high blood pressure
Holter monitor
a small portable device worn by a patient during normal activity to obtain a record of cardiac arrhythmia
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
a virus that attacks the immune system and suppresses the immune response which them progresses to AIDS
having an impaired immune system that does not respond normally or completely to a pathogen or disease
reduced blood flow
cancer of the blood or bone marrow, characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells
swelling caused by accumulation of lymph, usually inn the extremities
vague feeling of bodily discomfort which may be first indication of infection or disease.
a viral infection causing a red, blotchy rash; can be fatal in small children.
a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, transmitted through saliva and characterized by fatigue, rash, and swollen glands
a viral infection that affects salivary glands
abnormal heart sound due to inability of heart valves to close completely during contractions
myocardial infarction
death of heart muscle tissue also know as a heart attack.
closing or blockage of a package
an abnormal rapid or irregular beating of the heart
deficiency of all cellular components of the blood
pericardial effusion
extra fluid collecting between the heart and pericardium, causing pressure on the heart.
small bruising of the skin
abnormal increase of red blood cells which risk of clots
pulmonary circulation
circulation of blood from heart to lungs
a viral infection causing a distinctive red rash and fever
rheumatic heart disease
a streptococcal infection that causes damage to the heart valves and heart muscles.
systemic circulation
circulation of blood from heart to entire body
ventricular septal defect
flaw in the septum between the ventricles