Trends related to human populations
-rate of population growth has been decreasing
-Human population growth is unevenly distributed
-Large number of people moving to urban areas
Humans have degraded about —% of the earth’s ecosystem services
How do you calculate doubling time?
70 / intrinsic growth rate
What is the intrinsic growth rate represented by?
Factors that affect birth/fertility rates
-importance of child labor
-the cost of raising children
cost of education
-availability of pension systems
-education/employment for women
-average age at marriage
-birth control/healthcare
-religion/traditions/cultural beliefs
Factors that affect death rates
-improvements in food supplies
-better sanitation
-water supplies
-medical advancements
Countries with rapidly decreasing population
-South Korea
Age structure
percentage of the population (or number of people of each sex) At each age level in a population
Crude birth rate: annual number of live births per 1,000 people in the population of a geographic area at the midpoint of a given year.
Crude death rate: annual number of deaths per 1,000 people in the population of a geographical area at the midpoint of a given year.
Cultural carrying capacity
the limit on population growth that would allow most people in an area or the world to live in reasonable comfort and freedom without impairing the ability of the planet to sustain future generations
Demographic transition
hypothesis that countries, as they become industrialized, have declines in death rates followed by declines in birth rates.
Environmental refugees
people who have to leave their homes and other countries because of water or food shortages, soil erosion, or some other form of environmental degradation.
Family planning
providing informational clinical services, and contraceptives to help people choose the number and spacing of children they want to have.
Infant mortality rate
number of babies out of every 1,000 born each year who die before their first birthday.
Life expectancy
average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live.
movement of people into or out of a specific geographic area.
Population change
increase of decrease in the size of a population
Replacement-level fertility rate
average number of children a couple must bear to replace themselves. The average is 2.1 in the US and 2.5 in some developing countries.
estimate of the average number of children who will be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she passes through all her childbearing years (14-44) conforming to age-specific fertility rates of a given year.