Unit 10 Flashcards
Selective cutting
cutting intermediate-aged or mature trees singly or in small groups
Removing all the trees from an area
Strip cutting
cutting down a strip of trees along the contour of. Stand to allow natural forest regeneration in a few years.
a people-oriented rather than car-oriented city where residents use transportation alternatives to vehicles, where buildings, vehicles, and applicants are energy edificante, and where significant areas of green space exist.
Ecological restoration
research and scientific study devoted to restoring, repairing, and reconstructing damaged ecosystems.
Land-use planning
planning to determine the best present and future uses of each parcel of land
Old-growth forest
virgin and old, second-growth forests containing trees that are often hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years old
destruction of vegetation when too many grazing animals feed too long on a specific area of pasture or rangeland and exceed the carrying capacity of the rangeland.
managed grassland or enclosed meadow that is usually planted with domesticated grasses or other forage to be grazed by livestock.
land that supplies forage or vegetation for grazing and browsing animals, and is not intensively managed.
Reconciliation ecology
science of inventing, establishing, and maintaining habitats to conserve species diversity in places where people live, work, or play.
Second-growth forest
stands of trees resulting form secondary ecological succession
Smart growth
form of urban planning that recognizes that urban growth will occur but uses zoning laws and other tools to prevent sprawl, direct growth to certain areas, protect ecologically sensitive and important land and waterways, and develop urban areas that are more environmentally sustainable and more enjoyable places to live.
Tree plantation
site planted with one or only a few tree species in an even-aged stand. Rapidly cut and grow trees for wood.
Urban heat island
an urban area where the temperature is significantly warmer than surrounding areas due to human heat-generating activities such as cars, factories, and heat-absorbing asphalt.
Urban sprawl
growth of low-density development on the edges of cities and towns
areas where the earth and its ecosystems have not been seriously disturbed by humans and where humans are only temporary visitors.
designating parcels of land for particular types of use