Specialist species
organisms with a really narrow chihe, or a narrow set of food or habitat requirements
- Panda
- Advantaged in stable ecosystems
Generalist species
have a really broad ecological niche or range of food and habitat tolerance
- Can easily adapt
- Raccoons
- Advantages in changing environments
capable of a really high population growth rate
- reach sexual maturity quickly
- Little to no parental care
- Produce large numbers of offspring
- High population growth rate
typically live in populations that are at or near carrying capacity
- usually mammals
- Slow to reach sexual maturity
- Few offspring at a time
- Longer life spans
- High levels of parental care
Biotic potential
maximum number of offspring a species can produce in favorable condition
percentage of individuals of a given species that are still surviving at any point in the typical lifespan of that species
an increase above the carrying capacity
Die off
a decrease in a population when an overshoot happens
How do you find percent growth rate?
(CBR - CDR) / 10
How do you find the doubling time?
70 / r growth rate %
Rapid Growth on population pyramid
- Always will be seen as wide at the bottom to very narrow at the top.
- Shows a high birth rate and a shorter lifespan.
- This is usually seen in developing nations.
Slow growth in population pyramids
- The birth rate is still slightly higher than the death rate.
- It shows that the country is still growing, just not at a rapid rate.
Stable growth in population pyramids
- The birth and death rates are similar.
- It can be seen as a straight line.
- The growth rate is close to zero.
Declining in population pyramid
- The base is narrower than the top.
- The birth rate is declining while the average lifespan is increasing in a country.
Stage 1 of DTM
High Stationary Stage:
- Pre-Industrial life and mainly relies on farming
- The birth rate and death rate is high
- The natural rate of increase is close to zero
- No country is in this state
- Example: Indigenous groups in the Amazon