5.3 - What Likits The Growth Of Population? Flashcards
What is population dynamics?
The study of how characteristics of populations change in response to changes in environmental conditions.
How is population change calculated?
(Births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)
What is age structure?
The proportions of individuals at various ages.
What is biotic potential?
The capacity for population growth under ideal conditions.
What is the intrinsic rate of increase (r)?
The rate at which the population of a species would grow if it had unlimited resources.
What is environmental resistance?
The combination of all factors that act to limit the growth of a population.
What is carrying capacity (k)?
The maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain indefinitely without being degraded.
What is logistic growth?
Rapid exponential population growth followed by a steady decrease in population growth until the population size levels off.
What is overshoot?
Exceeding the carrying capacity of an environment.
What is reproductive time lag?
The period needed for the birth rate to fall and the death rate to rise in response to resource overconsumption.
What are r-related species?
Species that have many, usually small, offspring and give them little or no parental care or protection.
What are opportunists in population dynamics?
Species that reproduce and disperse rapidly when conditions are favorable or when a disturbance opens up a new habitat or niche for invasion.
What are K-selected species?
Species that tend to reproduce later in life and have a small number of offspring with fairly long life spans.
What does irruptive mean in population dynamics?
Population growth may occasionally explode to a high peak and then crash to a more stable lower level or in some cases to a very low level.
What is cyclic/boom-and-bust population growth?
A population size that goes through a cycle where the population generally rises and falls.
What are the general patterns of population distortion/dispersion?
What is clumping and its advantages?
-species cluster where resources are available
-Better chance of surviving an attack
-Hunting in packs is better
-Form (temporary) groups of mating and caring for young
What are the different patterns of variation in population size?