Unit 65: All the colours of the rainbow Flashcards
pitch black
intensely black (darkness, night, etc.)
jet black
intensesly black (hair, eyes, etc.)
shocking pink
an extremely bright pink
a light creamy brown
a light, not very interesting brown, used only about hair
a deep reddish brown, used about hair and horses
a red-brown colour, usually about hair
bright green
yellowy orange
deep blue
dark green
pale purple
appearing very bright when light shines on it; that can be seen in the dark
monochrome (adj)
monochromatic adjective: containing or using only one colour
(of photographs, etc.) using only black, white and shades of grey
(n), (v)
The sky was tinged with crimson.
a look of surprise tinged with disapproval
1) add a small amount of colour to something
2) to add a small amount of a particular emotion or quality to something
connected with people who do physical work in industry
connected with low-paid jobs traditionally done mainly by women, for example in offices and restaurants
working in an office, rather than in a factory, etc.; connected with work in offices
see red
become very angry
a red-letter day
an important day, or a day that you will remember, because of something good that happened then
red-carpet treatment
special treatment for people like celebrity
turn/go green
likely to vomit
green with envy
very jealous
a black future
a depressing or hopeless future
as black as thunder
full of rage or hostility
black mark
a note, either in writing on an official record, or in somebody’s mind, of something you have done or said that makes people think badly of you
grey area
Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area.
an area of a subject or situation that is not clear or does not fit into a particular group and is therefore difficult to define or deal with
grey matter/cells
a person’s intelligence
try to hide unpleasant facts about somebody/something; to try to make something seem better than it is
white as snow|whiter than white
so pure
white as a sheet
their face is very pale, usually because of illness, shock, or fear.
terrifying; makes you feel very excited and frightened at the same time