U2: Education: debates and issues Flashcards
selective schooling
pupils are chosen for entry, usually for academic reasons
conprehensive schooling
everyone enters without exams and education is free, paid dor by the government
Many people believe that private education encourages elitism.
when you favour a small, privileged group
inherent in = intrisic
Violence is inherent in our society.
existing as a basic part of sth
league tables
lists of schools or colleges, from the best down to the worst, based on exam results and, sometimes, other criteria
Comics tend to perpetuate the myth that ‘boys don’t cry’.
make sth continue
two-tier system
a system with two separate levels, one of which is better than the other
This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.
see, consider
receiving a lot of money in grants, gifts from rich people
1) It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking.
2) The recession has depressed the housing market.
1) make sb sad and without enthusiasm or hope
2) reduce
money given to pay for studies, usually provided on the basis of need
tertiary education
education for people above school age, including college, university and training courses for particular jobs
the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc.
a list of the topics, books, etc. that students should study in a particular subject at school or college
lifelong/continuing education
education for all ages
mature students
adult students older than average student
special needs education
education for children who have disability
one teacher and one pupil
come/get to grips with sth
They have so far failed to come to grips with the ecological problems.
begin to understand and deal with sth difficult