Unit 15: Birth and death: from cradle to grave Flashcards
A child is born about 40 weeks after conception takes place.
(n): contraception
time when sperm and egg meet and a baby starts to form
made to start developing into new life
fertility drugs
drugs that help a woman to become pregnant
process that fertilises a woman’s egg in a laboratory; babies born this way are sometimes referred to as test tube babies
in vitro fertilisation
be induced
I was admitted and the baby was induced at 35 weeks.
(n): induction
be helped medically to start the process of labour
(n): midwifery
person medically trained to help women when they are giving birth.
caesarean section
operation in which the mother’s abdomen and womb are cut open to allow the baby to be removed
ripe old age
living well into old age
elderly person, receiving an old age pension from the state
sheltered accomodation
special housing where care staff also live
weak and unable to walk well, usually because of old age
unable to think clearly because of old age
an illness that causes problems with memory loss
gathering of family and friends after a funeral
service at a place called crematorium, where a dead body is burnt